Bankalarda inşaat firmalarının kredi tahsis süreci inşaat sektöründe finansal analiz oranları
Bankalarda inşaat firmalarının kredi tahsis süreci inşaat sektöründe finansal analiz oranları
Aytış, Taner
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada bankalar ve finans kurumlarınca inşaat firmalarına yapılan kredi tahsisi sırasında karşılaşılan sorunlar ve bu sorunların çözüm yoları ortaya konmuş, bu sorunlara rağmen sağlıklı bir analizin nasıl yapılması gerektiği üzerinde durulmuştur. İnşaat firmalarının en temel karakteristik özelliklerinden biri olan işlerin yıllara yaygın olması ve gelir gider hesaplarının ancak işin geçici kabulünün yapılmasından sonra gelir tablosuna yansıtılması nedeniyle finansal analizin en temel unsuru olan oran analizi inşaat firmaları için yetersiz kalmakta ve yanıltıcı sonuçlar verebilmektedir. Bu tabloyu rakamlarla ortaya koymak amacıyla 1997,1998 ve 1999 yıllarına ait 15 farklı sektörün 19 adet finansal analiz oranı incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla önce her sektör için belirli sayıda firmanın hem aritmetik ortalama hem de medyana göre hesaplanan ortalama oranları, oran bazında listelenerek karşılaştırılabilecek hale getirilmiştir. Ardından oluşturulan veri tabloları oran ve sektör bazında analiz edilerek inşaat sektörü oranlarının mevcut durumu ile bu oranların diğer sektör oranlarından saptığı noktalar tespit edilmiştir. Oran analizinin neden çok sağlıklı sonuçlar vermediği rakamlarla ortaya konduktan sonra bir bankada bir inşaat firmasının kredi tahsis süreci adım adım incelenerek oran analizinin eksikliğinin hangi tür inceleme ve analizlerle giderilebileceği açıklanmış, rakamlardan çıkarılamayacak erken uyarı sinyallerinin ve risk faktörlerinin neler olduğu belirtilerek gerek bankalarda gerekse de inşaat firmalarında bu konuda çalışan ilgililere ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır.
In this study, the problems in corporate banks and financial institutions met by the financial analysts during the credit evaluation period of the construction companies have been fixed, then the alternative solutions to these problems have been searched and finally it has been explained how to make a rational and successful financial analysis for that construction companies. One of the main characteristic features of construction firms is that the construction work last for a long time and exceeds the balance-sheet period and therefore cost and revenue accounts of balance sheet are carried to profit and lost tables after issuance of the preliminary acceptance certificate. This special case of the construction work needs some different accounting applications and as the result of this difference the ratio analysis of the balance-sheet, which is one of the main and important steps of credit evaluation period, cannot be applied properly and may cause some unreal conclusions. In order to show how the ratio analysis may result in wrong clues about the financial situation of construction companies, first 19 basic ratios of 15 different sectors for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999 have been modified to be able to compare the ratios in construction sector to the ratios of other sectors and then analyzing these data tables the real situation of the ratios in construction sector has been shown and the ratios deflected from the other sector ratios have been pointed out and their reasons have been explained. After showing the weakness of ratio analysis, it has been tried to design an effective credit evaluation period for a construction firm and to find solution to the question of what kind of alternative analysis can compensate the lack of ratio analysis while explaining this period step by step.
In this study, the problems in corporate banks and financial institutions met by the financial analysts during the credit evaluation period of the construction companies have been fixed, then the alternative solutions to these problems have been searched and finally it has been explained how to make a rational and successful financial analysis for that construction companies. One of the main characteristic features of construction firms is that the construction work last for a long time and exceeds the balance-sheet period and therefore cost and revenue accounts of balance sheet are carried to profit and lost tables after issuance of the preliminary acceptance certificate. This special case of the construction work needs some different accounting applications and as the result of this difference the ratio analysis of the balance-sheet, which is one of the main and important steps of credit evaluation period, cannot be applied properly and may cause some unreal conclusions. In order to show how the ratio analysis may result in wrong clues about the financial situation of construction companies, first 19 basic ratios of 15 different sectors for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999 have been modified to be able to compare the ratios in construction sector to the ratios of other sectors and then analyzing these data tables the real situation of the ratios in construction sector has been shown and the ratios deflected from the other sector ratios have been pointed out and their reasons have been explained. After showing the weakness of ratio analysis, it has been tried to design an effective credit evaluation period for a construction firm and to find solution to the question of what kind of alternative analysis can compensate the lack of ratio analysis while explaining this period step by step.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001
Anahtar kelimeler
Finansal analiz,
İnşaat sektörü,
Financial analysis,
Construction sector