Tünel kalıp sistemiyle çok katlı toplu konut üretiminde tasarım kısıtlamaları üzerine bir araştırma
Tünel kalıp sistemiyle çok katlı toplu konut üretiminde tasarım kısıtlamaları üzerine bir araştırma
Boyacı, Aydın
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Tezde, endüstrileşmiş bir yapım yöntemi olan tünel kalıp yönteminin, çok katlı toplu konutların tasarımına ne gibi kısıtlamalar getirdiği saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca tasarımın bu kısıtlamalardan nasıl etkilendikleri gösterilmiştir. Çalışma 6 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, konu tanıtılıp amacı anlatılmıştır. îkinci bölümde, endüstrileşmenin tanımı, endüstrileş miş üretim teknolojilerinin evrimi, yapı endüstrisi-tünel kalıp ikilisine değinilmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca endüstriyel üretimde zorunluluğu tartışılmaz olan boyutsal ve modüler koordinasyon üzerinde durulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde, tünel kalıp yapım yöntemi geniş olarak ele alınarak tanıtılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde ise tünel kalıp yapım yönteminde planlamayı etkileyen tasarım kısıtlamaları saptanmaya ça lışılmıştır. Ayrıca tünel kalıplarla tasarlama ilkeleri anlatılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde tünel kalıp yapım yöntemiyle ugulan mış ve uygulanmakta olan örnekler üzerinde incelemeler yapılarak, "Tasarım Eğilimleri", "Düşey Sirkülasyon Düze ni", "Mutfak-Banyo-WC" kombinezonları ve plan tiplerinde- ki farklı duvar aralığı sayısı arasındaki ilişkiler orta ya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Altıncı ve son bölümde ise tasarım kısıtlamaları ile örnekler üzerinde yapılan incelemelerin sonuçları karşı laştırılarak sonuca varılmıştır.
The study consist of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the topic and the aim of the thesis will be introduced. Architecture design is an at the same time analysis- sentesis action all the problems are mentioned and they are solved. throuqht these problems. In the thesis I tried to tell Tunnel shuttering is an endustrialized construction method and what kind of limitation does it brings influence to the multy story houses and I tried to show the influence of the limitations to this project. Chapter 2 DESCRIPTION OF INDUSTRIALIZATION REVALUATION OP INDUSTRILASIED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES, BUILDING INDUSTRY - TUNNEL SHURTERING SYSTEMS RELATIONS In the second chapter, it had been mentioned about industrialization and industrial production. The dictionary meaning of the industrialization is "mechanization" and " rationalization".The aim of the industrialization is increasing the. activity of the production system. In the industrial production the using of machine is a necessary condition. According to Diepeveen the firs step of industrial evaluation is mechanization (18 th century in Great Britain). The main interaction in the construction appeared in 19th century. The population explosion coused the need of construction. At the begining of 2 0th century the concept of time and number had become very important. In the industrial construction, the modüler and diamensional coardination is a very important element. The diamensional coardination in general is a method that organizes the diamensions. There is a dimension standardization with the Tunnel shuttering. In the parellel of standart measures, it has been appeared a plan module. This module is 30 and its boyond This module supplies easiness for the plan and also it is a datum for dimensioning. Chapter 3 TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM In this chapter, it had been mentioned about tunnel shultering system. What is Tunnel Shuttering System? This system suplies the casting both the carrier walls and the floors in a single aperation in its place. Tunnel shuttering system provides speed in construction as comparad to the traditional monolithic concrete system. While the erection time on site is shorter for construction using prefabricated building elements, a more advanced industrialization and a high initial investment is required for their production. When the demand is inconsistent and production capacity in low. Tunnel shuttering in preferred over the use of prefabricated building elements. There are various tunnel shuttering systems. This essay aims at pointing out the characterislica of the tunnel shuttering system in general. The basics of tunnel shuttering systems are: o Tunnel shuttering system are four-sides closed, compact units. o The interior and exterior surfaces are smooth and require no plastering. o The tunnel shuttering system uses 3-4 mm thick seel sheets which enables multiple use and heat is easily applied. Only weight is a disaduantage. xi o The Problems arising from joining and mounting of the elements of the tunnel shuttering system have been solved differently by different companies. The dismantling and transportation of the systems also vary for each use. o A steel frame encloses the tunnel shuttering system wich consists of steel sheets and wood. The joining elements are mounted on this frame. o It can be obtained a lat of residence dimensions by using different joint parts with tunnel shutterings. The construction production process by tunnel shuttering system: o The preperation of foundation, o The procedures about tunnel shuttering, o The fitting of prefabric parts, o The running of the installation, o The making of thin construction workmanship o The making of the roof, Tunnel shuttering tecnology supplies these benefits; o Production speed, o Security, o Easiness for application, o Economy, o Quality. In this chapter it has been mentioned about the dimensional possibilities for tunnel shutterings. CHAPTER 4 DETERMINATION OF THE LIMITATIONS WHICH EFFECTS PLANNING IN THE TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM, IN THE TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM PRINCEPAL 0^ DESIGN. On the forth chapter it had been mentioned about the limitations that effects planning in the system of tunnel shuttering. The limitations that effect the plan in tunnel shuttering construction system: xii 1- The Limitation that depends on tunnel shuttering. 2- The limitation production equipments. The limitation that depends on tunnel shuttering are; o The borders of tunnel shuttering and alternative possibilities for walls and furniture, o The limitation of constratry in the bassements flors, o The limitation for level circulation system, o The limitation for filling the cavities that were left infront of the building. o The limitations about flat heigh and alternative possibilities, o The limitations about the bigness of outies shape and numbers, o The limitations about insolation, o There isn't any limitation about the floor number. The limitations depend on production equipments are; In the practising of tunnel shuttering system the vinches are impressive tools but the setling plan and building site is important while we were making plan with vinch we must pay attention to. o The capacity of vinch, o The position of the vinch. The capacity of the vinches are very important for general settlement plan. The capacity of the vinch effects the dimension of the tunnel shuttering, the height of the building and the project of the building. The location of the vinch analyses the project for the building. In the tunnel shutterings system princepal of design are. o It must be thought suitable to the place organization and block dimensions. o It is necessary to think the space between the walls at least one side. o ît is prefered right angle walls. o The residence elevation must be stationary. xiii o tf there are recess and bulges it will not economic At the result it must be thought the characteristics of the tunnel shuttering for getting the best result. It is necessary to make a right planning because the shape of shuttering effects the shape of the building. CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTS WHICH IS DESIGNED BY TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM, THE MENTIONNING OF INTER-PRIMER SYSTEMS I this chapter there have been a resorch about tunnel shuttering system and plan type wnich was formed or will be formed. o The tendoncy of design o The most common wc, bathroom and kitchen system. o The most common circulation system o Different wall space numbers or the relation between them, had been investigated. Between the examples most common valume relation diagram likes. ACY] Between the examples the most common sirculation system is the stairs has to be in the middle of the building. The most common kitchen, wc and bathroom system has to be in the different place than the kitchen. M : Kitchen r- WC : W^ter Closed M., l_-.. B : Bathroom [wc=rB The result of an investigation an planning types, it has been seen that % 77 of the wall holes are existed 3 and less numbers. xiv At the and of this chapter it had been obtained a triangle matrix. ' CHAPTER 6 THE RESULT OF THE THESIS At the 6th and the last chapter the design limita tions and the results of the researches are compared and the thesis had been brought to an end. The results of the thesis. o The influence of tunnel shuttering system on the desing had been seen. o A project limitations must be analysed very good to optain a right product with tunnel shuttering system. o Very variety type of tunnel shutter will cause non economic results. o The quantity of production must be a lot. This is the industrial production principle.
The study consist of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the topic and the aim of the thesis will be introduced. Architecture design is an at the same time analysis- sentesis action all the problems are mentioned and they are solved. throuqht these problems. In the thesis I tried to tell Tunnel shuttering is an endustrialized construction method and what kind of limitation does it brings influence to the multy story houses and I tried to show the influence of the limitations to this project. Chapter 2 DESCRIPTION OF INDUSTRIALIZATION REVALUATION OP INDUSTRILASIED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES, BUILDING INDUSTRY - TUNNEL SHURTERING SYSTEMS RELATIONS In the second chapter, it had been mentioned about industrialization and industrial production. The dictionary meaning of the industrialization is "mechanization" and " rationalization".The aim of the industrialization is increasing the. activity of the production system. In the industrial production the using of machine is a necessary condition. According to Diepeveen the firs step of industrial evaluation is mechanization (18 th century in Great Britain). The main interaction in the construction appeared in 19th century. The population explosion coused the need of construction. At the begining of 2 0th century the concept of time and number had become very important. In the industrial construction, the modüler and diamensional coardination is a very important element. The diamensional coardination in general is a method that organizes the diamensions. There is a dimension standardization with the Tunnel shuttering. In the parellel of standart measures, it has been appeared a plan module. This module is 30 and its boyond This module supplies easiness for the plan and also it is a datum for dimensioning. Chapter 3 TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM In this chapter, it had been mentioned about tunnel shultering system. What is Tunnel Shuttering System? This system suplies the casting both the carrier walls and the floors in a single aperation in its place. Tunnel shuttering system provides speed in construction as comparad to the traditional monolithic concrete system. While the erection time on site is shorter for construction using prefabricated building elements, a more advanced industrialization and a high initial investment is required for their production. When the demand is inconsistent and production capacity in low. Tunnel shuttering in preferred over the use of prefabricated building elements. There are various tunnel shuttering systems. This essay aims at pointing out the characterislica of the tunnel shuttering system in general. The basics of tunnel shuttering systems are: o Tunnel shuttering system are four-sides closed, compact units. o The interior and exterior surfaces are smooth and require no plastering. o The tunnel shuttering system uses 3-4 mm thick seel sheets which enables multiple use and heat is easily applied. Only weight is a disaduantage. xi o The Problems arising from joining and mounting of the elements of the tunnel shuttering system have been solved differently by different companies. The dismantling and transportation of the systems also vary for each use. o A steel frame encloses the tunnel shuttering system wich consists of steel sheets and wood. The joining elements are mounted on this frame. o It can be obtained a lat of residence dimensions by using different joint parts with tunnel shutterings. The construction production process by tunnel shuttering system: o The preperation of foundation, o The procedures about tunnel shuttering, o The fitting of prefabric parts, o The running of the installation, o The making of thin construction workmanship o The making of the roof, Tunnel shuttering tecnology supplies these benefits; o Production speed, o Security, o Easiness for application, o Economy, o Quality. In this chapter it has been mentioned about the dimensional possibilities for tunnel shutterings. CHAPTER 4 DETERMINATION OF THE LIMITATIONS WHICH EFFECTS PLANNING IN THE TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM, IN THE TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM PRINCEPAL 0^ DESIGN. On the forth chapter it had been mentioned about the limitations that effects planning in the system of tunnel shuttering. The limitations that effect the plan in tunnel shuttering construction system: xii 1- The Limitation that depends on tunnel shuttering. 2- The limitation production equipments. The limitation that depends on tunnel shuttering are; o The borders of tunnel shuttering and alternative possibilities for walls and furniture, o The limitation of constratry in the bassements flors, o The limitation for level circulation system, o The limitation for filling the cavities that were left infront of the building. o The limitations about flat heigh and alternative possibilities, o The limitations about the bigness of outies shape and numbers, o The limitations about insolation, o There isn't any limitation about the floor number. The limitations depend on production equipments are; In the practising of tunnel shuttering system the vinches are impressive tools but the setling plan and building site is important while we were making plan with vinch we must pay attention to. o The capacity of vinch, o The position of the vinch. The capacity of the vinches are very important for general settlement plan. The capacity of the vinch effects the dimension of the tunnel shuttering, the height of the building and the project of the building. The location of the vinch analyses the project for the building. In the tunnel shutterings system princepal of design are. o It must be thought suitable to the place organization and block dimensions. o It is necessary to think the space between the walls at least one side. o ît is prefered right angle walls. o The residence elevation must be stationary. xiii o tf there are recess and bulges it will not economic At the result it must be thought the characteristics of the tunnel shuttering for getting the best result. It is necessary to make a right planning because the shape of shuttering effects the shape of the building. CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTS WHICH IS DESIGNED BY TUNNEL SHUTTERING SYSTEM, THE MENTIONNING OF INTER-PRIMER SYSTEMS I this chapter there have been a resorch about tunnel shuttering system and plan type wnich was formed or will be formed. o The tendoncy of design o The most common wc, bathroom and kitchen system. o The most common circulation system o Different wall space numbers or the relation between them, had been investigated. Between the examples most common valume relation diagram likes. ACY] Between the examples the most common sirculation system is the stairs has to be in the middle of the building. The most common kitchen, wc and bathroom system has to be in the different place than the kitchen. M : Kitchen r- WC : W^ter Closed M., l_-.. B : Bathroom [wc=rB The result of an investigation an planning types, it has been seen that % 77 of the wall holes are existed 3 and less numbers. xiv At the and of this chapter it had been obtained a triangle matrix. ' CHAPTER 6 THE RESULT OF THE THESIS At the 6th and the last chapter the design limita tions and the results of the researches are compared and the thesis had been brought to an end. The results of the thesis. o The influence of tunnel shuttering system on the desing had been seen. o A project limitations must be analysed very good to optain a right product with tunnel shuttering system. o Very variety type of tunnel shutter will cause non economic results. o The quantity of production must be a lot. This is the industrial production principle.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990
Anahtar kelimeler
Toplu konutlar,
Tünel kalıp sistemi,
Mass houses,
Tunnel form system