Ortaöğretimde Öğrenim Gören Öğrencilerin Türk Sanat Müziğine Yaklaşımı
Ortaöğretimde Öğrenim Gören Öğrencilerin Türk Sanat Müziğine Yaklaşımı
Kuyucu, Mehtap Melda
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Türk Sanat Müziği günümüz itibarı ile, besteci, ses sanatçısı, saz sanatçısı gibi insan kaynakları konularında giderek yaygınlaşan sayısal nicelik sıkıntıları, T.R.T. dışındaki görsel ve sesli medya tarafından halka yeteri kadar ulaştırılmaması, giderek yaygınlaşan internet ortamında, indirme terimi ile adlandırılan yöntemler ve de son olarak da telif haklarını ve müzisyen emeklerini hiçe sayan korsan müzik endüstrisi engelleri nedeni ile son yıllarda gözle görülür türde problemler yaşamaya başlamıştır. Türk Sanat Müziği'nin sağlıklı geleceği adına ?Ortaöğretimde Öğrenim Gören Öğrencilerin Türk Sanat Müziği'ne Yaklaşımı? adı altındaki hazırlanan bu tez Türk ortaöğrenim öğrenci kitlesi üzerine odaklanmış olup, bu yaş ve öğrenci grubunun Türk Sanat Müziği'ne bakış açıları araştırılarak önemli veriler elde edilmiştir. Anket aşamaları İstanbul'daki 18 orta eğitim okulunda gerçekleştirilen tez her bir okul için ortalama 400 öğrenciyi kapsamış olup anket ile ulaşılan toplam öğrenci sayısı İstanbul'un çeşitli bölgelerinde toplam 7200 öğrenciyi kapsamıştır. Tamamlanan ve değerlendirilen anket cevaplarının sonuçları yüzde oranları ve görsel grafik ve şemalar eşliğinde yorumlanmıştır. Anket sonuçları itibarı ile, öğrencilerin Türk pop, yabancı pop ve hatta Arabesk müziğine ilgilerinin daha çok olduğu ve genel anlamda Türk Sanat Müziği ve Türk Halk Müziği'ne karşı bir bilgi ve sempati eksikliği değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Türk Sanat Müziği ve Türk Halk Müziği'nin daha yakından anlaşılması ve tanınması konusunda öğrencilerin farkındalıkları ve bundan duydukları sorumluluk duyguları tespit edilmiştir. Bir başka deyişle, öğrenciler genelde, ?bilmiyorum, sevmiyorum? yaklaşımı yerine, bir farkındalık olgunluğu sergileyerek değişik şartlar altında Türk Sanat Müziğine daha çok ilgi duyabileceklerini belirtmişler ve hatta bu müziğin hem kendileri hem de başka toplum gurupları tarafından nasıl daha beğenilir ve popüler bir müzik olabileceği konusunda orijinal ve reformist denilebilecek fikirler de sunmuşlardır.
Turkish Classical Music, as of today, is experiencing noticeable problems due to increasingly common difficulties in terms of human resources with regard to the number of new vocalists and intrument players, other than TRT the lack of broadcasting by the general sound and visual media, due to a progressively common internet environment condusive to methods which are known as downloading, and finally due to the undeground pirate music industry who has a total disregard for the musicians? rights and the copyright laws. This thesis prepared under te name of ? The Approaches of the Middle School Students Towards Turkish Classical Music? intended for the use of a healthy future of the Turkish Classical Music, has chosen the students in the Middle School level as a focus group, and after examining their inputs, has obtained some invaluable data. The polling stages conducted in 18 Middle schools, involved an avarage of 400 students per school, and the total number of students reached in various townships around Istanbul has been 7200. The results of the polling completed, the data interpreted and the students answers have been supported by commentary along with charts and diagrams. With regard to the findings of the polling, it has been established that the students are more interested in Turkish pop, Western pop and the even the Arabesk music, and in general terms it has been the finding here that they experience a general lack of knowledge and interest towards Turkish Classical Music. However despite all of this, there has been a conclusion also reached that the students display a very noticeable sign of responsibity and awareness for the necessity of understanding the Turkish Classical Music In other words, the students in general, rather than having an ?I don?t know, I don?t care for it? attitute, have displayed a level of maturity and awareness, and expressed that, they might, under different circumstances, care for the Turkish Classical Music more so, and even have gone far enough to propose suggestions reformist in magnitute, as to how this type of music can be made more likeable to both themselves and also other groups of people and how it can be more popular.
Turkish Classical Music, as of today, is experiencing noticeable problems due to increasingly common difficulties in terms of human resources with regard to the number of new vocalists and intrument players, other than TRT the lack of broadcasting by the general sound and visual media, due to a progressively common internet environment condusive to methods which are known as downloading, and finally due to the undeground pirate music industry who has a total disregard for the musicians? rights and the copyright laws. This thesis prepared under te name of ? The Approaches of the Middle School Students Towards Turkish Classical Music? intended for the use of a healthy future of the Turkish Classical Music, has chosen the students in the Middle School level as a focus group, and after examining their inputs, has obtained some invaluable data. The polling stages conducted in 18 Middle schools, involved an avarage of 400 students per school, and the total number of students reached in various townships around Istanbul has been 7200. The results of the polling completed, the data interpreted and the students answers have been supported by commentary along with charts and diagrams. With regard to the findings of the polling, it has been established that the students are more interested in Turkish pop, Western pop and the even the Arabesk music, and in general terms it has been the finding here that they experience a general lack of knowledge and interest towards Turkish Classical Music. However despite all of this, there has been a conclusion also reached that the students display a very noticeable sign of responsibity and awareness for the necessity of understanding the Turkish Classical Music In other words, the students in general, rather than having an ?I don?t know, I don?t care for it? attitute, have displayed a level of maturity and awareness, and expressed that, they might, under different circumstances, care for the Turkish Classical Music more so, and even have gone far enough to propose suggestions reformist in magnitute, as to how this type of music can be made more likeable to both themselves and also other groups of people and how it can be more popular.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
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Türk sanat müziğ,
Highschools students,
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Music education,
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