Fordizm'den esnek uzmanlığa geçiş
Fordizm'den esnek uzmanlığa geçiş
Tamakan, Belkıs
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Fordist sistem "Taylorist bilimsel yönetim" olarak adlandırılan ayrınlıtı iş bölümü esasına göre örgütlenmiş, her işçinin dar anlamda tanımlanmış, rutin bir işi sürekli olarak yaptığı bir işleyiş ile verimlilik artışı sağlamaya yönelen bir sistemdir. Bu sistemin verimli işlemesini sağlayan fiziksel ve teknolojik özellikler hem standart tüketim kalıplarının hem de geniş ve istikrarlı pazarların varlığına bağlıdır. 1970'lerde bu verimli sistemin işlerliğini yitirmesinde ve krizin ortaya çık masında birçok faktörün içice geçmiş etkisi söz konusu olmaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde Kapitalizmin yapısındaki değişiklikler incelenerek, Fordist sistemin özellikleri ve bu sistemde yaşanan problemler irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca büyük ölçekli fabrikalar sistemi olan Fordist sistemdeki küçük firmaların konumuna da değinilmiştir. İkinci bölüm olan Fordizim ve Kriz başlığı altında 1970'li yıllarda dünya ekonomisini buhrana sürekleyen faktörler incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise, esneklik kavramı açıklanarak yeni sistemlerde bu kavrama neden ihtiyaç duyulduğuna değinilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, yeni teknik ve organizasyonel buluşlara kısaca değinilmiş ve işleyişleri değerlendirilmiştir. Son bölüm olan beşinci bölümde, Türkiye'nin saniyeleşme sürecindeki yeri incelenerek, esnek uzmanlık ve Fordist yapının uygulanma alanlarına değinilmiştir.
20 years ago everything seemed so clear at even if not every judge handed down the same verdict. The Industrialized countries exported manufactured goods and the developing countries exported agricultural raw materials or migrant labour. However now we are face to face with a wide range of political, economic and social changes and these changes appear so rapidly while the political and religious map of the world is changing the geography of industrial activity starts to change as well. In the first chapter of this study, Fordist system's characteristics and its problems are examined. Fordism is generally seen as having been characterised by mass production based on the assembly-line principle adopted by Henry Ford, by rising wages which provided the basis for a new articulation between mass consumption and mass production. Production was made in the large scale factories, so small firms and factories role were at the back stage in this system. High degree of state intervention based on Keynesian principles, the development of the welfare state and a central role for trade unions were the significant characteristics of the system. Fordist model of accumulation made possible a comprehensive increase and this created the basis for a long period of prosperity. Its basis was the creation of new fields of investment for capital and a decisive raising of relative surplus value. In addition there were a series of technological developments which counteracted a rapid rise in the organic composition of capital: The use of new, cheaper raw materials and source of energy, the development of new techonologies of organization, communication and transport.
20 years ago everything seemed so clear at even if not every judge handed down the same verdict. The Industrialized countries exported manufactured goods and the developing countries exported agricultural raw materials or migrant labour. However now we are face to face with a wide range of political, economic and social changes and these changes appear so rapidly while the political and religious map of the world is changing the geography of industrial activity starts to change as well. In the first chapter of this study, Fordist system's characteristics and its problems are examined. Fordism is generally seen as having been characterised by mass production based on the assembly-line principle adopted by Henry Ford, by rising wages which provided the basis for a new articulation between mass consumption and mass production. Production was made in the large scale factories, so small firms and factories role were at the back stage in this system. High degree of state intervention based on Keynesian principles, the development of the welfare state and a central role for trade unions were the significant characteristics of the system. Fordist model of accumulation made possible a comprehensive increase and this created the basis for a long period of prosperity. Its basis was the creation of new fields of investment for capital and a decisive raising of relative surplus value. In addition there were a series of technological developments which counteracted a rapid rise in the organic composition of capital: The use of new, cheaper raw materials and source of energy, the development of new techonologies of organization, communication and transport.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
Ekonomik kriz,
Esnek üretim sistemleri,
Economic crisis,
Flexible manufacturing systems,