Popülerleşme Sürecinde Türk Müziği Ve Bu Süreçte Bir Bestekâr: Sadettin Kaynak
Popülerleşme Sürecinde Türk Müziği Ve Bu Süreçte Bir Bestekâr: Sadettin Kaynak
Özdemir, Sinem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun yıkılışından sonra kurulan ve bir modernleşme / batılılaşma projesi olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'nin siyasal, toplumsal, kültürel ve ekonomik değişiminin geçirdiği evreler süreci; bir Türk müziği bestecisi olan Sadettin Kaynak'ın gerek kişisel gerekse müzikal ve sosyal kimliklerinin popülerleşme süreci ile birebir örtüşür izdüşümlerinin olması sebebiyle, onunla ilişkilendirilerek ele alınmıştır. Sadettin Kaynak, Türk müziğinin en sancılı dönemi olan, Osmanlı'nın son ve Cumhuriyetin ilk çeyreğinde müzik eğitimi, müzik bilgisi, icrası ve bestelerinde karşımıza çıkan müzik anlayışı, makamları ve usulleri kullanışı, gerek melodik yapıya ve forma gerekse söz yapısına ve ritmik yapıya getirdiği serbestlik, melodik yapısında halk müziğinin sonsuz malzemesinden faydalanması, söz unsuru ile yarışan bir saz (aranağme-arasaz) anlayışı, fantezi olarak isimlendirilen yeni formu ve icra tarzı ile geleneğin popüler tarza dönüşmesinde Türk müziğinin en önemli bestekârlarındandır. Çalışmada tümdengelimle dönemden Kaynak'a, tümevarımla da Kaynak'tan döneme, geniş bir bakışla, bünyesindeki farklı kimlikleri ile Sadettin Kaynak analiz edilerek Türk müziğinin popülerleşme süreci incelenmiştir.
In this study, Sadettin Kaynak, a composer of Turkish music, is analyzed with respect to the phases during which social, cultural and economic changes occurred in the Republic of Turkey, which was founded after the fall of Ottoman Empire as a project of modernization/westernization. Both musical and social identities of Kaynak had direct projections on the course of popularization, and this has been the main reason to affiliate this process of popularization with him. Sadettin Kaynak, during the last quarter of the Ottoman Empire and the first quarter of the Republic of Turkey, which were the most difficult times of Turkish music, was one of the most important composers of Turkish music. He was prominent during the transformation from tradition to popular style, with his music education, music knowledge, his taste of music which is apparent in his performances and compositions, his use of maqams and usuls, the freedom he brought to melodic structure, form, lyrics and rhythmic structure, his employment of folk music material in his melodic structure, his notion of instruments competing with the vocal element (aranağme-arasaz), his new form called fantasy and his style of performance. In this study, Sadettin Kaynak will be analyzed with his different identities and popularization of Turkish music by inductive and deductive reasoning, that is from the period to Kaynak and from Kaynak to the period.
In this study, Sadettin Kaynak, a composer of Turkish music, is analyzed with respect to the phases during which social, cultural and economic changes occurred in the Republic of Turkey, which was founded after the fall of Ottoman Empire as a project of modernization/westernization. Both musical and social identities of Kaynak had direct projections on the course of popularization, and this has been the main reason to affiliate this process of popularization with him. Sadettin Kaynak, during the last quarter of the Ottoman Empire and the first quarter of the Republic of Turkey, which were the most difficult times of Turkish music, was one of the most important composers of Turkish music. He was prominent during the transformation from tradition to popular style, with his music education, music knowledge, his taste of music which is apparent in his performances and compositions, his use of maqams and usuls, the freedom he brought to melodic structure, form, lyrics and rhythmic structure, his employment of folk music material in his melodic structure, his notion of instruments competing with the vocal element (aranağme-arasaz), his new form called fantasy and his style of performance. In this study, Sadettin Kaynak will be analyzed with his different identities and popularization of Turkish music by inductive and deductive reasoning, that is from the period to Kaynak and from Kaynak to the period.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2009
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2009
Anahtar kelimeler
Sadeddin Kaynak,
Müzik kültürü,
Müzik tarihi,
Popüler kültür,
Popüler müzik,
Türk müziği,
Türk sanat müziği,
Sadeddin Kaynak,
Music culture,
Music history,
Popular culture,
Populer music,
Turkish music,
Turkish art music