Tabakalı Ortotropik Silindirik Bir Kabuk İle Dikdörtgen Bir Plakanın Birlikte Titreşim Analizi
Tabakalı Ortotropik Silindirik Bir Kabuk İle Dikdörtgen Bir Plakanın Birlikte Titreşim Analizi
Tatar, Aslı
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tez çalışmasının konusu katmanlı ortotropik dikdörtgen bir plaka ile dairesel silindirik bir kabuğun birlikte serbest titreşim analizinin çözümlenmesidir. Öncelikle genel olarak kompozit yapılardan ve kompozit mekaniğinden bahsedilmiştir. Kompozit malzeme çeşitleri, kompozit malzemenin avantaj ve dezavantajları ilk olarak ele alınmıştır. Kompozit malzeme özelliğinin hem dikdörtgen plaka hem dairesel silindirik kabuk için aynı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu özellikler kullanılarak dört kenarından basit mesnetli dikdörtgen bir plakanın serbest titreşim analizi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca iki uçtan basit mesnetli dairesel silindirik kabuğun serbest titreşim analizi incelenmiştir. Elde edilen doğal frekanslar iki yapının birlikte serbest titreşim analizinde kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar hem analitik olarak hem de paket programla çözülmüştür ve paket program olarak Patran ve Nastran yazılımları kullanılmıştır. Analitik sonuçlarla paket programla elde edilen sonuçlar arasındaki farkın çok fazla olmadığı görülmüştür. Analitik sonuçlar denklemler çözümlenirken matris yapının büyüklüğünden dolayı çözümde zorlanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak elde edilen doğal frekans değerleri karşılaştırılıp hangi durumlarda arttığı veya azaldığı yorumlanmıştır.
The subject of this study is to investigate the free vibration analysis of jointed orthotropic layered rectangular plate and circular cylindrical shell. First of all, the general about composite structures is discussed, and then mechanical properties are demonstrated. Different composite material types, and their advantages, disadvantages are mentioned. It is figured out that the characteristics of composite materials are same for different geometries, such as orthotropic layered rectangular plate and circular cylindrical shell. By the means of this specialty, free vibration analysis of a rectangular plate which has been simply supported by its four boundaries is successfully examined. Moreover, a circular cylindrical shell with two simply supported edges is investigated for free vibration analysis. The natural frequencies which have been obtained from all above, have been used for free vibration of jointed structures. The results are interrogated for both analytic method and package programming method which is named Patran and Nastran. All obtained results from analytical studies have been compared with package programme and it is figured out that the distinction is very small. While analytical results are solved, it is seen that matrix equations are hard to solve enough. As a consequence, obtained results are compared to understand the reason of increase and decrease of natural frequency at different conditions.
The subject of this study is to investigate the free vibration analysis of jointed orthotropic layered rectangular plate and circular cylindrical shell. First of all, the general about composite structures is discussed, and then mechanical properties are demonstrated. Different composite material types, and their advantages, disadvantages are mentioned. It is figured out that the characteristics of composite materials are same for different geometries, such as orthotropic layered rectangular plate and circular cylindrical shell. By the means of this specialty, free vibration analysis of a rectangular plate which has been simply supported by its four boundaries is successfully examined. Moreover, a circular cylindrical shell with two simply supported edges is investigated for free vibration analysis. The natural frequencies which have been obtained from all above, have been used for free vibration of jointed structures. The results are interrogated for both analytic method and package programming method which is named Patran and Nastran. All obtained results from analytical studies have been compared with package programme and it is figured out that the distinction is very small. While analytical results are solved, it is seen that matrix equations are hard to solve enough. As a consequence, obtained results are compared to understand the reason of increase and decrease of natural frequency at different conditions.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
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