Dinar'ın zemin büyütmelerine göre coğrafik bilgi sistemleri ile mikrobölgelemesi
Dinar'ın zemin büyütmelerine göre coğrafik bilgi sistemleri ile mikrobölgelemesi
Güllü, Hamza
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmanın amacı, arazi deneyleri ve dinamik davranış analizi yöntemleri ile hesaplanan zemin büyütmelerine göre coğrafik bilgi sisteminde yapılan mikrobölgeleme modellerini, coğrafik bilgi sistemi metodunu kullanarak detaylı hasar dağılımları ile karşılaştırıp, kullanılan mikrobölgeleme yöntemlerinin güvenilirliklerini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca, coğrafik bilgi sisteminde, bina türü ve bina kat sayısına göre sorgulanarak oldukça detaylı bir şekilde hesaplanan hasar oranları ile zemin büyütmeleri arasındaki korelasyon ilişkilerini araştırarak, meydana gelen hasardaki etkin olan faktörleri irdelemektir. Bu kapsamda yakın zamanda bir depreme maruz kalan Dinar bölgesi üzerinde çalışılmış ve Dinar'ın zemin büyütmelerine göre mikrobölgelemesi yapılarak, konu mikrobölgeleme kavramı çerçevesinde incelenip değerlendirilmiştir. Bilindiği gibi deprem hareketi altında yapı hasarına sebep olan en önemli faktörlerden birisi de yerel zemin koşullarıdır. Zeminlerin dinamik özellikleri deprem hareketi altındaki zemin davranışını belirleyerek hasarda önemli rol oynamakta olup, dinamik özelliklerin bölgedeki değişimi de yapılarda farklı hasar seviyelerinde kendini göstererek önem kazanmaktadır. Bu yüzden özellikle sismik açıdan tehlikeli bölgelerde zeminlerin dinamik özelliklerindeki değişimin belirlenmesi, bir depremde oluşabilecek hasarın en aza indirgenmesi açısından önem arzetmektedir. Bu değişimin ortaya konulması için yapılan çalışmalar sismik bölgeleme çalışmaları olarak isimlendirilip, bunlar mikrobölgeleme çalışması ve prensipleri kapsamında yürütülür. Mikrobölgeleme, özellikle sismik açıdan tehlikeli bölgelerde, yapı hasarının en aza indirgenmesi amacı ile yerel zeminlerin dinamik özelliklerinin bölgedeki değişiminin araştırılarak, yapılar için deprem tasarım parametrelerinin belirlenmesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Zemin dinamiğinde zemin büyütmesi, şev stabilitesi ve sıvılaşma olmak üzere üç tip geoteknik olay için mikrobölgeleme çalışması yapılmakta olup, genelden detaya giden üç dereceli yöntem izlenir. Zemin büyütmelerine göre yapılan bir mikrobölgelemede birinci aşama yöntemlerde bölgenin mevcut jeolojik, sismolojik, tektonik ve geoteknik verileri toplanarak büyütmelerdeki değişimler tahmin edilir. İkinci aşama yöntemlerde ise bölgede kapsamlı arazi deneyleri ve mikrotremor ölçümleri yapılarak zeminlerin büyütme özellikleri belirlenir. Üçüncü aşama yöntemlerde ise önceki yöntemlerle elde edilen detaylı geoteknik veriler kullanılarak sayısal metodlar ile zeminlerin dinamik davranış analizleri yapılır ve büyütme özellikleri belirlenir. Yerel zeminlerin dinamik özelliklerindeki değişimin bu üç aşamalı yöntemler ile belirlenip mikrobölgeleme yapılmasından sonra, yapılan mikrobölgelemelerin hasar ile karşılaştırılarak kullanılan yöntemlerin güvenirliklerinin de ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu yüzden bir mikrobölgeleme çalışmasında, eğer ilgili bölgede deprem olmuşsa hasar gözlemlerinin yapılarak detaylı hasar verilerinin de toplanması, eğer deprem olmamışsa bir hasar senaryosunun çıkarılması ayrı bir önem arzetmektedir. Zeminlerin büyütme parametrelerinin mikrobölgeleme amaçları için modellenerek bölgedeki değişiminin gösterilmesinde veya detaylı hasar analizlerinin yapılarak hasar dağılımlarının elde edilmesinde değişik metod ve teknikler kullanılmakta olup, bunlar içerisinde Coğrafık Bilgi Sistemleri (GIS) içerdiği sayısal, istatistiksel ve coğrafık araçlar sebebiyle coğrafık tabanlı verinin analizinde ve modellenmesinde diğerlerine göre oldukça üstün yeteneklere sahip bir teknik olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Dinar bölgesinde coğrafik bilgi sistemi kullanılarak arazi deneyleri ve dinamik davranış analizi yöntemleri ile hesaplanan zemin büyütmelerine göre yapılan mikrobölgelemeler, coğrafik bilgi sistemi metodunu kullanarak detaylı hasar dağılımları ile karşılaştırılmış, oluşturulan mikrobölgeleme modellerinin hasarı modelleyip modellemediği araştırılmış ve mikrobölgeleme yöntemlerinin güvenilirlikleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca coğrafik bilgi sisteminde, bina türü ve bina kat sayısına göre sorgulanarak oldukça detaylı bir şekilde hesaplanan hasar oranlan ile zemin büyütmeleri arasındaki korelasyon ilişkileri incelenerek, 1 Ekim 1995 Dinar depreminin sebep olduğu hasara etkiyen temel faktörler irdelenmiştir. Mikrobölgeleme yöntemlerinin güvenilirliğinin ortaya konulmasında kullanılan metodoloji coğrafık bilgi sistemi tekniğidir. Bu amaçla, zeminlerin büyütme özellikleri, deneysel ve analitik çalışmaları içeren aşağıdaki yöntemler ile belirlenmiştir: 1. Arazi deneyleri kapsamında SPT ve CPT deneylerinden literatürdeki uygun bir bağıntı (VS=5\.5N0M6 & Vs=553q°c311) (İyisan, 1996) kullanılarak derinlik boyunca kayma dalgası hızlan hesaplanmış ve tabaka kalınlıklarına göre ağırlıklı ortalamaları alınarak eşdeğer kayma dalgası hızlan belirlenmiştir. Eşdeğer kayma dalgası hızlarından da yine literatürdeki uygun bir bağıntı (A = 68PÇ06) (Midorikawa, 1987) yardımı ile zemin büyütmeleri hesaplanmıştır. 2 sondaj kuyusunda da kuyu içi sismik dalga hıza ölçümleri (PS Logging deneyi) yapılarak kayma dalgası hızları yerinde ölçülmüş, yerinde ölçülen bu kayma dalgası hızlan zeminlerin dinamik davranış analizinde bizzat ana şok deprem kaydı ile değerlendirilerek kullanılmıştır. 2. Bölgeyi detaylı olarak tarayacak şekilde 95 noktada mikrotremor ölçümleri yapılmış ve kayıtlar Nakamura (1989) Metodu'na göre değerlendirilerek zeminlerin spektral büyütme ve hakim peryotları belirlenmiştir. 3. İkinci aşama yöntemler kapsamındaki bu deneysel çalışmalardan elde edilen geoteknik veriler ile oluşturulan idealize zemin profilleri kullanılarak, SHAKE programı ile zeminlerin dinamik davranış analizleri yapılmış ve deprem hareketi altındaki davranışları sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. Dinamik analizlerde, deprem kaydı olarak 1 Ekim 1 995 Dinar depremi ana şok kaydı kullanılmıştır. Dinar şehir merkezinde Meteoroloji ölçüm istasyonunda alınan bu kayıt, istasyon yanındaki sondaj kuyusuna ait (PS Logging deneyi yapılan kuyu) idealleştirilmiş zemin profili ile 40 metreye, kayma dalgası hızının yaklaşık 700 m/s olduğu tabakaya taşınmış ve bu tabakada hipotetik mühendislik anakaya kaydı elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra bu hipotetik mühendislik anakaya kaydı diğer idealleştirilmiş zemin profilleri ile yüzeye taşınarak, yüzeyde 20 noktada yüzey ivme kayıtları elde edilmiş ve en büyük yüzey ivmeleri belirlenmiştir. Bu yüzey ivme kayıtlan ile elde edilen ivme spektrumları en büyük yüzey ivmelerine göre normalize edilerek büyütme spektrumları çizilmiş, büyütme spektrumlarından da spektral büyütmeler ve zemin hakim peryotları hesaplanmıştır. Böylece, yapılan ikinci ve üçüncü aşama çalışmalarla Dinar'daki zeminlerin büyütme özellikleri deneysel ve analitik olarak belirlenmiştir. Yapılan bu deneysel ve analitik yöntemler ile belirlenen zemin büyütmeleri arasındaki korelasyon ilişkileri de araştırılmış, korelasyon katsayılarına göre zemin özelliklerinin değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. ikinci ve üçüncü aşama yöntemler kapsamında yapılan deneysel ve analitik çalışmalardan sonra, Nakamura metodu, Shake dinamik analizi ve eşdeğer kayma dalgası hızı ile hesaplanan spektral zemin büyütmeleri, coğrafık bilgi sistemine yüklenerek uygun bir sayısal teknik ile Dinar' m zemin büyütmelerine göre mikrobölgelemesi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca mikrotremorlardan elde edilen spektral büyütmeler ve Shake dinamik analizi ile belirlenen en büyük yüzey ivmeleri kullanılarak hesaplanan spektral ivmelere göre de mikrobölgeleme yapılmıştır. Belirtilen yöntemler ile yapılan mikrobölgelemeler yine coğrafık bilgi sisteminde karşılaştırılarak aralarındaki ilişkiler de araştırılmıştır. Dinar'ın coğrafık bilgi sistemi ile mikrobölgelemesinin yapılmasından sonra, 1 Ekim 1995 Dinar depremininin sebep olduğu ve Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından tesbit edilen Dinar'ın 23 mahallesindeki 4588 adet binanın hasar verisi derlenmiş ve coğrafık bilgi sistemleri kullanılarak detaylı bir hasar çalışması yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu hasar çalışması hasarsız binaların da değerlendirmeye katılması ile yerel zemin koşullarının etkisinin araştırılması açısından ayrıca bir önem kazanmıştır. Derlenen hasar verileri bina türü ve bina kat sayılarının etkileri gözönünde bulundurularak mahalle bazında değerlendirildikten sonra coğrafık bilgi sistemine yüklenmiş ve yine bina türü ve kat sayılarına göre sorgulanarak, detaylı hasar dağılımları elde edilmiştir. Yapı ve zemin özelliklerinin bu hasar dağılımlarına olan etkisi değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan mikrobölgeleme ve hasar çalışmalarından sonra çalışmanın amacına yönelik olarak, zemin büyütmelerine göre oluşturulan mikrobölgeleme modelleri coğrafık bilgi sistemi metodunu kullanarak bina türü ve bina kat sayısına göre detaylı hasar dağılımları ile karşılaştırılmış ve kullanılan mikrobölgeleme yöntemlerinin geçerlilikleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca deney noktalan merkez olmak üzere 25m, 50m ve 100m çaplarındaki daireler içerisinde coğrafık bilgi sisteminde yapılan buffer analizi ile, hasar verileri bina türü ve bina kat sayısına göre sorgulanarak ortalama hasar oranları hesaplanmış ve zemin büyütmeleri ile hasar arasındaki korelasyon ilişkileri gözönünde bulundurularak, Dinar'da meydana gelen hasara sebep olan temel faktörler irdelenmiştir. Coğrafık bilgi sistemi metodu kullanılarak yapılan analiz ve değerlendirmelere göre aşağıdaki sonuçlar elde edilmiştir: 1. Mikrotremorlardan Nakamura metodu ile hesaplanan spektral zemin büyütmelerine göre oluşturulan mikrobölgeleme modeli hem tüm binalar için hem de her bir yapı türü için genel hasar dağılımını modellediği halde, yapı türleri ile beraber kat sayıları gözönünde bulundurularak yapılan incelemede sadece ağır hasarlı ve yıkık binaları modellemiştir. 2. Shake dinamik analizi ile hesaplanarak mikrobölgelemede kullanılan en büyük yüzey ivmeleri hem tüm binalar için hem de her bir yapı türü için hasarı bazı seviyelerde kısmen modelliyebilmiş, hiç bir seviyede bütün olarak modelliyememiştir. Shake'den hesaplanan spektral büyütmeler ise her bir yapı türü için coğrafık bilgi sistemi metodu ile değerlendirildiğinde genel hasar dağılımlarım modellemiştir. xix TX" WK0MAKTASYON MEMESİ 3. Eşdeğer kayma dalgası hızından hesaplanarak mikrobölgelemede kullanılan spektral büyütmeler her bir yapı türü için genel hasar dağılımım kısmen modellemiş, ancak bütün olarak modelliyememiştir. 4. Mikrotremorlardan elde edilen spektral büyütmeler ve Shake dinamik analizi ile belirlenen en büyük yüzey ivmeleri kullanılarak hesaplanan spektral ivmelere göre yapılan mikrobölgeleme modeli ise tüm binaların genel hasar dağılımını büyük ölçüde modellemiştir. 5. Hasar oranları ile zemin büyütmeleri arasındaki korelasyon ilişkilerinde, korelasyonların %54'ünde zemin büyütmeleri hasan modellemiş, %46'sında ise modelliyememiştir. Hasarın modellendiği korelasyonların %72' sinin korelasyon katsayısı %60'dan, küçük çıkmış olup, ilişkilerin büyük bir kısmında düşük korelasyon katsayıları elde edilmiştir. Hasar ile zemin büyütmeleri arasındaki ilişkilerin korelasyon katsayıları, ortalama hasarın hesaplandığı çap, yapı türü ve bina kat sayısına göre rastgele bir değişim göstermiştir. Ayrıca, yöntemlere göre değerlendirildiğinde ise aynı hasar analiz çapı, yapı türü ve kat sayısı dikkate alındığında, zemin büyütmeleri ile hasar arasındaki korelasyon katsayıları farklılıklar göstermiştir. GIS metodolojisi ile elde edilen bu sonuçlar, bina özelliklerinin yapılan mikrobölgelemenin doğruluğunu etkilediğini ve tek basma zemin büyütmelerine göre yapılan mikrobölgelemelerin gerçeği tam olarak yansıtamadığını ortaya koymuştur. Bu yüzden, deprem tasarım parametrelerinin daha gerçekçi olarak tahmin edilebileceği mikrobölgeleme modellerinin ortaya konulması için, bina özellilerinin de parametrik olarak modelde yer alması gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır. Özellikle yalan odaklı depremlere maruz bölgeler için yapılacak modellerde, deprem mekanizmasının ve deprem kaynak özelliklerinin de hasarda etkili olduğu görülmüş ve değerlendirmeye katılması gerektiği anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, zemin büyütmeleri ile hasar arasındaki korelasyon ilişkileri, 1 Ekim 1995 Dinar depreminin sebep olduğu hasarın, tek başına yerel zemin koşullarının bir etkisi olarak değerlendirilemiyeceğini, yerel zemin koşulları ile beraber binanın mühendislik özellikleri kapsamında kendini gösteren yapı kalitesi faktörünün de hasarda etkin olarak rol aldığını ortaya koymuştur.
The purpose of this study is to perform the reliability of microzonation methods with respect to soil amplification which is evaluated by field tests and site response analysis, in the frame of microzonation concept, and to investigate the major effects causing the structural damage due to the October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake. In this respect, a case study was conducted in the Dinar town which is recently exposed to a small size earthquake. The major factors affecting the vulnerability of engineering structures during earthquakes are structural properties, earthquake characteristics and local site conditions. Dynamic properties of local geotechnical site conditions inside the three have a significant role on structural damage under earthquake excitation. The Dinar Earthquake with magnitude Ms=6.1 that took place on October 1, 1995 has demonstrated a clear evidence of this fact, at first sight. Although it was a small size earthquake, approximately 36% of all buildings have collapsed or were heavily damaged. Since Dinar is located partly on the hills and partly on the valley, there was a clear distinction in the damage distribution indicating the difference in soil amplification between the districts located on the hills and in the valley. In addition, the significant variations in amplifications in the flat valley zone causing different degrees of damage were observed most likely due to the local geotechnical site conditions. Since, the earthquake source characteristics are on macro level; they are not sufficient to explain the variations in structural damage observed within short distances. On the contrary, the dynamic properties of geotechnical site conditions that can be very different due to changes in thickness and properties of soil layers, depth of bedrock and water table, can have more dominant influence on damage distributions. So, the investigation of the variation of dynamic properties of the local site conditions within a region has an important influence in order to mitigate an earthquake hazard. The best way to evaluate the variation of local site conditions within a region is to conduct a microzonation study. One of the best tools, which provides data evaluation and modelling abilities in microzonation, is Geographical Information Systems (GIS). GIS briefly is a powerful tool for analyzing and visualization of geographically referenced data. It integrates spatial and other kinds of information within a single system and offers a consistent framework for analyzing geographical data. It provides to manipulating and displaying geographical knowledge in new and exciting ways by putting maps and other kinds of spatial information into digital form. It makes connections between activities based on geographic proximity. Looking at data geographically, it suggests new insights and explanations for planning and design purposes. Its excellent facilities mentioned on database management and mapping operations allows us to appropriately use for microzonation study. In this study, GIS based microzonation models with respect to soil amplifications in Dinar town were compared with the detailed damage distributions concerning building type and number of storey by using GIS metodology in order to perform the reliability of microzonation methods. In addition, a number of correlations in different combinations also concerning building type and number of storey, between the damage ratio and the soil amplification were evaluated in order to strictly realize the effect of main factors on structural damage due to the October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake. The reliability of microzonation methods were revealed by using GIS metodology. This is a case study in the town of Dinar that is recently imposed a small size earthquake. The variation of soil amplifications for microzonation within the region was investigated by the following experimental and analytical studies containing microzonation methods: 1. Borings, in-situ penetration tests (SPT-CPT) and in hole sismic shear wave velocity measurements (PS Logging Test) were conducted. Then, shear wave velocity along the depth of borings down to 30m were calculated by using the correlations, VS=5\.5N°-"6 and Vs=553q°f\ suggested for all soils by Iyisan (1996 ). Then the equivalent shear wave velocities were calculated by weighted averages of shear wave velocities with respect to soil thickness. After that the equivalent shear wave velocities were used for evaluating the soil amplifications by the correlation, A = 68FS ° 6, proposed for shear wave velocities smaller than 1100 m/s by Midorikawa (1987). So that, soil amplifications within the region were determined by in-situ penetration tests. In-situ measurements of shear wave velocity were tested in the borehole near the strong motion record station and they were directly used in site response analyses to transfer the main shock record. 2. Microtremor measurements were taken at 95 points within the region. Nakamura (1989) Method was used in order to calculate the soil amplifications and predominant soil periods. 3. One dimensional site response analyses was conducted to present the dynamics behaviour of soils under earthquake motion within the town of Dinar. SHAKE, one dimensional site response analysis method was used for analysing the geotechnically prepared idealized subsurface soil profiles obtained from borings and in-situ tests. October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake main shock record was used to evaluate the acceleration records at soil surfaces. First, a hypothetically engineering bedrock record in 40 m depth where shear wave velocity was greater than 700 m/s, was obtained by using the idealized soil profile of the borehole near the strong motion record station. Then, surface acceleration records at 20 points within the region was computed by analysing the number of 20 idealized soil profiles with the hypothetically engineering bedrock record. After that accelaration spectrums was drawn from that acceleration records. Finally, soil amplification spectrums were evaluated by normalising the accelaration spectrums with peak accelarations, and spectral amplifications and predominant soil periods were calculated from those amplification spectrums. So that, soil amplification properties within the town of Dinar were analytically obtained by the site response analysis method. By the determination of soil amplifications using the procedures mentioned above, the correlations between the experimental and analytical methods were also investigated in order to clarify the engineering properties of soil. After the determination of soil amplifications by the field tests and the site response analysis, a GIS microzonation study with respect to soil amplification was conducted for the town of Dinar. The microzonation models and studies with respect to soil amplification evaluated by Nakamura method, SHAKE site response analysis and equivalent shear wave velocity were created and performed by using GIS technique. In addition, soil amplification microzonation methods were overlaid in GIS in order to investigate the reliability and applicability of methods with each other. Afterwards, the most detailed damage analysis in GIS was conducted by considering the structural type and the number of storey. In this respect, damage data belonging to 4588 buildings in the town of Dinar induced by the October 1, 1995 Earthquake were compiled from The Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, General Directory of Disaster Works. Then, all the supplied damage data were integrated in geographical information system. By using GIS technique, the damage ratios were querried and the detailed damage ditributions were obtained with respect to the structural type and the number of storey. After the studies of microzonation and damage analysis, the soil amplification microzonation models were compared with the detailed damage distributions concerning the structural type and the number of storeys by using GIS metodology in order to reveal whether the microzonation models simulate the damage distributions, and in order to perform the reliability of microzonation methods. In addition, GIS buffer analysis for the damage distributions also concerning the structural type and the number of storey was taken for evaluating average damage ratios within 25m, 50m and 100m diameters around the field test points. Then the correlations between the damage ratios and the soil amplifications were investigated in order to consider the major factors causing the structural damage due to the October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake. Based on these GIS metodology evaluations, the following conclusions were mainly drawn: 1. The spectral soil amplification microzonation model evaluated by Nakamura method from microtremor measurements modelled the general damage distributions for all structural types. As concerning the number of storeys with the structural type, heavy damaged or collapsed buildings were only modelled, however, buildings with no-damage, low damage and medium damage were not modelled by this method. 2. The spectral soil amplifications evaluated by SHAKE site response analysis generally modelled the general damage distributions for all structural types. However, peak accelarations evaluated by SHAKE could not model the general damage distributions for all structural types. 3. The spectral soil amplifications evaluated by equivalent shear wave velocity could not completely model the general damage distributions for all structural types. 4. Spectral accelerations which are evaluated by spectral amplifications from microtremors and peak accelarations from SHAKE, mostly modelled the general damage distribution for all buildings 5. As considered the correlations between damage ratios and soil amplifications, the damage ratios were modelled by the soil amplifications in the 54% of correlations, however, not modelled in the 46% of them. The correlation coefficient between damage ratio and soil amplification was smaller than 60% in the 72% of the modelled correlations. The GIS metodology results showed that the reliability of microzonation models with respect to soil amplification was adversly affected by the building factors such as building type and number of storey. This revals that microzonations only containing the local site effects can not mostly offer the true and reliable models in order to predict the earthquake resistance forces for buildings. So, structural factors should be represented in microzonation models with together soil conditions in order to get more actual solutions. In this respect, the modification of microzonation concept should be taken into consideration. Correlations between soil amplification and damage ratio show that structural factors has significantly played a part in structural damage as much as local soil conditions. That result points out the importance of structural quality in civil engineering constructions justified with technical specifications and regulations against earthquake motion.
The purpose of this study is to perform the reliability of microzonation methods with respect to soil amplification which is evaluated by field tests and site response analysis, in the frame of microzonation concept, and to investigate the major effects causing the structural damage due to the October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake. In this respect, a case study was conducted in the Dinar town which is recently exposed to a small size earthquake. The major factors affecting the vulnerability of engineering structures during earthquakes are structural properties, earthquake characteristics and local site conditions. Dynamic properties of local geotechnical site conditions inside the three have a significant role on structural damage under earthquake excitation. The Dinar Earthquake with magnitude Ms=6.1 that took place on October 1, 1995 has demonstrated a clear evidence of this fact, at first sight. Although it was a small size earthquake, approximately 36% of all buildings have collapsed or were heavily damaged. Since Dinar is located partly on the hills and partly on the valley, there was a clear distinction in the damage distribution indicating the difference in soil amplification between the districts located on the hills and in the valley. In addition, the significant variations in amplifications in the flat valley zone causing different degrees of damage were observed most likely due to the local geotechnical site conditions. Since, the earthquake source characteristics are on macro level; they are not sufficient to explain the variations in structural damage observed within short distances. On the contrary, the dynamic properties of geotechnical site conditions that can be very different due to changes in thickness and properties of soil layers, depth of bedrock and water table, can have more dominant influence on damage distributions. So, the investigation of the variation of dynamic properties of the local site conditions within a region has an important influence in order to mitigate an earthquake hazard. The best way to evaluate the variation of local site conditions within a region is to conduct a microzonation study. One of the best tools, which provides data evaluation and modelling abilities in microzonation, is Geographical Information Systems (GIS). GIS briefly is a powerful tool for analyzing and visualization of geographically referenced data. It integrates spatial and other kinds of information within a single system and offers a consistent framework for analyzing geographical data. It provides to manipulating and displaying geographical knowledge in new and exciting ways by putting maps and other kinds of spatial information into digital form. It makes connections between activities based on geographic proximity. Looking at data geographically, it suggests new insights and explanations for planning and design purposes. Its excellent facilities mentioned on database management and mapping operations allows us to appropriately use for microzonation study. In this study, GIS based microzonation models with respect to soil amplifications in Dinar town were compared with the detailed damage distributions concerning building type and number of storey by using GIS metodology in order to perform the reliability of microzonation methods. In addition, a number of correlations in different combinations also concerning building type and number of storey, between the damage ratio and the soil amplification were evaluated in order to strictly realize the effect of main factors on structural damage due to the October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake. The reliability of microzonation methods were revealed by using GIS metodology. This is a case study in the town of Dinar that is recently imposed a small size earthquake. The variation of soil amplifications for microzonation within the region was investigated by the following experimental and analytical studies containing microzonation methods: 1. Borings, in-situ penetration tests (SPT-CPT) and in hole sismic shear wave velocity measurements (PS Logging Test) were conducted. Then, shear wave velocity along the depth of borings down to 30m were calculated by using the correlations, VS=5\.5N°-"6 and Vs=553q°f\ suggested for all soils by Iyisan (1996 ). Then the equivalent shear wave velocities were calculated by weighted averages of shear wave velocities with respect to soil thickness. After that the equivalent shear wave velocities were used for evaluating the soil amplifications by the correlation, A = 68FS ° 6, proposed for shear wave velocities smaller than 1100 m/s by Midorikawa (1987). So that, soil amplifications within the region were determined by in-situ penetration tests. In-situ measurements of shear wave velocity were tested in the borehole near the strong motion record station and they were directly used in site response analyses to transfer the main shock record. 2. Microtremor measurements were taken at 95 points within the region. Nakamura (1989) Method was used in order to calculate the soil amplifications and predominant soil periods. 3. One dimensional site response analyses was conducted to present the dynamics behaviour of soils under earthquake motion within the town of Dinar. SHAKE, one dimensional site response analysis method was used for analysing the geotechnically prepared idealized subsurface soil profiles obtained from borings and in-situ tests. October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake main shock record was used to evaluate the acceleration records at soil surfaces. First, a hypothetically engineering bedrock record in 40 m depth where shear wave velocity was greater than 700 m/s, was obtained by using the idealized soil profile of the borehole near the strong motion record station. Then, surface acceleration records at 20 points within the region was computed by analysing the number of 20 idealized soil profiles with the hypothetically engineering bedrock record. After that accelaration spectrums was drawn from that acceleration records. Finally, soil amplification spectrums were evaluated by normalising the accelaration spectrums with peak accelarations, and spectral amplifications and predominant soil periods were calculated from those amplification spectrums. So that, soil amplification properties within the town of Dinar were analytically obtained by the site response analysis method. By the determination of soil amplifications using the procedures mentioned above, the correlations between the experimental and analytical methods were also investigated in order to clarify the engineering properties of soil. After the determination of soil amplifications by the field tests and the site response analysis, a GIS microzonation study with respect to soil amplification was conducted for the town of Dinar. The microzonation models and studies with respect to soil amplification evaluated by Nakamura method, SHAKE site response analysis and equivalent shear wave velocity were created and performed by using GIS technique. In addition, soil amplification microzonation methods were overlaid in GIS in order to investigate the reliability and applicability of methods with each other. Afterwards, the most detailed damage analysis in GIS was conducted by considering the structural type and the number of storey. In this respect, damage data belonging to 4588 buildings in the town of Dinar induced by the October 1, 1995 Earthquake were compiled from The Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, General Directory of Disaster Works. Then, all the supplied damage data were integrated in geographical information system. By using GIS technique, the damage ratios were querried and the detailed damage ditributions were obtained with respect to the structural type and the number of storey. After the studies of microzonation and damage analysis, the soil amplification microzonation models were compared with the detailed damage distributions concerning the structural type and the number of storeys by using GIS metodology in order to reveal whether the microzonation models simulate the damage distributions, and in order to perform the reliability of microzonation methods. In addition, GIS buffer analysis for the damage distributions also concerning the structural type and the number of storey was taken for evaluating average damage ratios within 25m, 50m and 100m diameters around the field test points. Then the correlations between the damage ratios and the soil amplifications were investigated in order to consider the major factors causing the structural damage due to the October 1, 1995 Dinar Earthquake. Based on these GIS metodology evaluations, the following conclusions were mainly drawn: 1. The spectral soil amplification microzonation model evaluated by Nakamura method from microtremor measurements modelled the general damage distributions for all structural types. As concerning the number of storeys with the structural type, heavy damaged or collapsed buildings were only modelled, however, buildings with no-damage, low damage and medium damage were not modelled by this method. 2. The spectral soil amplifications evaluated by SHAKE site response analysis generally modelled the general damage distributions for all structural types. However, peak accelarations evaluated by SHAKE could not model the general damage distributions for all structural types. 3. The spectral soil amplifications evaluated by equivalent shear wave velocity could not completely model the general damage distributions for all structural types. 4. Spectral accelerations which are evaluated by spectral amplifications from microtremors and peak accelarations from SHAKE, mostly modelled the general damage distribution for all buildings 5. As considered the correlations between damage ratios and soil amplifications, the damage ratios were modelled by the soil amplifications in the 54% of correlations, however, not modelled in the 46% of them. The correlation coefficient between damage ratio and soil amplification was smaller than 60% in the 72% of the modelled correlations. The GIS metodology results showed that the reliability of microzonation models with respect to soil amplification was adversly affected by the building factors such as building type and number of storey. This revals that microzonations only containing the local site effects can not mostly offer the true and reliable models in order to predict the earthquake resistance forces for buildings. So, structural factors should be represented in microzonation models with together soil conditions in order to get more actual solutions. In this respect, the modification of microzonation concept should be taken into consideration. Correlations between soil amplification and damage ratio show that structural factors has significantly played a part in structural damage as much as local soil conditions. That result points out the importance of structural quality in civil engineering constructions justified with technical specifications and regulations against earthquake motion.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Anahtar kelimeler
Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri,
Zemin büyütme,
Geographical information systems,
Soil amplification