Geçici elektromanyetik ve doğru akım elektrik özdirenç verilerinin ortak ters çözümü: Avcılar örneği
Geçici elektromanyetik ve doğru akım elektrik özdirenç verilerinin ortak ters çözümü: Avcılar örneği
Türkoğlu, Erşan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
17 Agustos 1999 Kocaeli depreminde meydana gelen agir hasar nedeniyle yerbilimcilerin gündemine gelen Avcilar bölgesinin yerelektrik yapisinin arastirilmasi amaciyla Eylül- Ekim 2002 tarihlerinde bölgede 16 farkli noktada Geçici Elektromanyetik Yöntem ile ölçümler yapilmistir. Ölçülen veriler daha önce bölgede baska amaçla ölçülen Düsey Elektrik Sondaj verileri ile ortak ters çözümleri yapilarak degerlendirilmis ve elde edilen bulgularin bölgenin jeolojisi ve sondaj verileriyle entegrasyonu saglanmistir. Geçici Elektromanyetik Yöntem ve Dogru Akim Özdirenç Yöntemi farkli fizik esaslara sahip olmasina ve pratikte farkli büyüklüklerin ölçülmesine ragmen sonuç olarak elde edilen yerelektrik bilgiler dogrudan yer katmanlarinin iletkenligi ile iliskilidir. Bu çalisma kapsaminda, sönümlü en küçük kareler yöntemi kullanilarak gelistirilen ortak ters çözüm algoritmasinin yapay ve ölçülen verilere uygulanmasinda yöntemlerin karsilikli üstünlük ve zayifliklarinin kullanilmasi sonucu birbirlerinin eksikliklerini gidermesi nedeniyle jeofizik yöntemlerde sorun olarak karsilasilan esdegerlik problemini en aza indirdigi ve uygulama bölgesi olarak seçilen Avcilar’in yerelektrik yapisi hakkinda ek bilgiler sagladigi belirlenmistir.
To obtain the resistivity structure of the Avcılar region, which came on the agenda by its subsurface structure after the 17 August 1999 earthquake, transient electromagnetic (TEM) measurements have been made at 16 locations between September and October 2002. TEM data and the previously measured Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) data have been jointly inverted and the results have been integrated with regional geology and well log data. TEM method and direct curent resistivity method differ from each other in terms of physical basis of the measurements and measured quantities but geoelectrical information obtained is directly related to conductivity of the layers The joint inversion algorithm used in this study is based on damped least squares inversion scheme. The analysis with synthetic data showed that joint inversion improves the solutions. Application of the method to the field data demonstrated that the joint inversion of the electrical and electromagnetic data reduced the nonuniqueness problem and provided additional information about subsurface geoelectrical structure of Avcılar.
To obtain the resistivity structure of the Avcılar region, which came on the agenda by its subsurface structure after the 17 August 1999 earthquake, transient electromagnetic (TEM) measurements have been made at 16 locations between September and October 2002. TEM data and the previously measured Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) data have been jointly inverted and the results have been integrated with regional geology and well log data. TEM method and direct curent resistivity method differ from each other in terms of physical basis of the measurements and measured quantities but geoelectrical information obtained is directly related to conductivity of the layers The joint inversion algorithm used in this study is based on damped least squares inversion scheme. The analysis with synthetic data showed that joint inversion improves the solutions. Application of the method to the field data demonstrated that the joint inversion of the electrical and electromagnetic data reduced the nonuniqueness problem and provided additional information about subsurface geoelectrical structure of Avcılar.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Anahtar kelimeler
ortak ters çözüm,
joint inversion,