Soya Yağından Konjuge Linoleik Asit Konsantresinin Eldesi : Tepki Yüzey Metodolojisi İle Optimizasyonu
Soya Yağından Konjuge Linoleik Asit Konsantresinin Eldesi : Tepki Yüzey Metodolojisi İle Optimizasyonu
Kavuncu, Nevin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Konjuge linoleik asit (KLA), bir omega-6 esansiyel yağ asidi olan linoleik asidin pozisyonel ve geometrik izomerlerini kapsar. KLA izomerleri, çoğunlukla ruminantlardan elde edi¬len et, süt ve bunların ürünlerinde bulunur. KLA izomerle¬ri sağlık üzerine antikarsinojenik, antiaterojenik, antiobezitik ve antidiyabetik gibi etkilere sahiptir. Bu bi¬yolojik etkilerinden dolayı, son günlerde gıdaların KLA izomerlerince zenginleştirilme çalışmaları artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yüksek linoleik asit içeriğine sahip soya yağından alkali izomerizasyon reaksiyonu ile KLA eldesi ve optimum reaksiyon koşullarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Alkali izomerizasyon reaksiyonu üzerindeki sıcaklık, katalizör miktarı ve zamanın etkisi incelenmiş ve “Tepki Yüzey Metodolojisi” yöntemi kullanılarak reaksiyon koşulları optimize edilmiştir. Son olarak KLA izomerlerinin üre fraksiyonlama yöntemine göre zenginleştirilmesi üzerine çalışılmış ve optimum yağ asidi/üre/etanol (ağ/ağ/hac) oranı belirlenmiştir. Üç değiskenli ve üç seviyeli Yüzey Merkezli Küp Deney Tasarımı kullanılarak yürütülmüş deneyler sonucunda, optimum reaksiyon koşulları 140 °C sıcaklık, 4,7 M katalizör konsantrasyonu ve 2,4 saat reaksiyon süresi olarak saptanmıştır ve bu koşullara karşılık gelen kritik tepki değeri %40,5 olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışmalar alkali izomerizasyon reaksiyonu üzerinde sıcaklık ve katalizör konsantrasyonunun süreden daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Üre fraksiyonlama yönteminde en fazla zenginleşmenin gerçekleştiği yağ asidi/üre/etanol oranı, 1:2,25:7 (ağ/ağ/hac) olarak belirlenmiş ve bu koşullarda içeriğinde %62,6 KLA bulunan bir ürün elde edilmiştir.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) refers a class of positional and geometric conjugated isomers of the omega-6 essential fatty acid, linoleic acid. CLA iso¬mers are predominantly present in meat and milk of rumi¬nants and their products. Different CLA isomers have different health effects such as anticarcinogenic, antiatherogenic, antiobesity and antidiabetic. Because of these biological effects of CLAs, researches on enrichment of foods with CLAs have increased recently. In this study, production of CLA from alcali isomerization reaction of soybean oil has high linoleic acid and to determine the optimum reaction conditions is aimed. Effects of temperature, amount of catalyst and reaction time on the alcali isomerization reaction were examined and reaction conditions were optimized by Response Surface Methodology. Lastly studied on enrichment of CLA isomers with urea fractionation method and the optimum conditions that ratio of oil sample/urea/ethanol (w/w/v) is determined. Among all the experimental results which are occured by Face Centered Cube Experimental Design (3 parameters and 3 levels) for optimization, the optimum reaction conditions are found as 140 °C reaction temperature, amount of catalys of 4,7 M and reaction time of 2,4 hour and critical value is found as %40,5. Experimantal studies have shown that temperature and amount of catalyst is more effective than reaction time on the alcali isomerization reaction. For enrichment of CLA content with urea fractionation method, the ratio of oil sample/urea/ethanol suggested 1:2,25:7 (w/w/v) for optimal conditions and in these conditions a product with %62,6 CLA content have been obtained.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) refers a class of positional and geometric conjugated isomers of the omega-6 essential fatty acid, linoleic acid. CLA iso¬mers are predominantly present in meat and milk of rumi¬nants and their products. Different CLA isomers have different health effects such as anticarcinogenic, antiatherogenic, antiobesity and antidiabetic. Because of these biological effects of CLAs, researches on enrichment of foods with CLAs have increased recently. In this study, production of CLA from alcali isomerization reaction of soybean oil has high linoleic acid and to determine the optimum reaction conditions is aimed. Effects of temperature, amount of catalyst and reaction time on the alcali isomerization reaction were examined and reaction conditions were optimized by Response Surface Methodology. Lastly studied on enrichment of CLA isomers with urea fractionation method and the optimum conditions that ratio of oil sample/urea/ethanol (w/w/v) is determined. Among all the experimental results which are occured by Face Centered Cube Experimental Design (3 parameters and 3 levels) for optimization, the optimum reaction conditions are found as 140 °C reaction temperature, amount of catalys of 4,7 M and reaction time of 2,4 hour and critical value is found as %40,5. Experimantal studies have shown that temperature and amount of catalyst is more effective than reaction time on the alcali isomerization reaction. For enrichment of CLA content with urea fractionation method, the ratio of oil sample/urea/ethanol suggested 1:2,25:7 (w/w/v) for optimal conditions and in these conditions a product with %62,6 CLA content have been obtained.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Soya Yağı,
Konjuge Linoleik Asit,
Alkali İzomerizasyon Reaksiyonu,
Üre Fraksiyonlama Yöntemi,
Tepki Yüzey Metodolojisi,
Soybean oil,
Conjugated linoleic acid,
Alcali isomerization reaction,
Urea fractionation method,
Response Surface Methodology