Planlamaya katılım sürecinde tarihsel ve modern çevre bilincinin değerlendirilmesi

Papila, Berrin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmanın amacı, tarihsel çevrenin korunması ve değerlendirilmesi konusunda, gençlerin bilinç ve eği tim düzeylerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir çalışmanın yapılmasıdır. Bu çalışma 6 bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde, bu konunun seçilme nedeni, amaç, kapsam ve çalışmada, izlenen yal açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde, koruma ile ilgili sorular ortaya konmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde., planlamanın tanımı yapılarak, plan lama süreci ve koruma amaçlı plan yapım sürecinden söz edilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, katılım kavramı, planlama ve korumaya halkın katılımnının gerekliliği ortaya konmuş ve planlama ve korumaya katılım türleri anlatılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde, çevre imajı, çevre gürsel değerlendirilmesi ve buna bağlı imaj teknikleri yardımı ile çevre bilincinin ölçülmesinden bahsedilmiştir. Altıncı ve son bölümde, tarihsel çevre görsel değerlendirilmesine dayalı bir anket çalışması ile, gençlerin tarihsel ve modern çevre hakkındaki eğitim ve bilinç düzyleri ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır.
The aim of this study is to carry a research to evaluate the degree af consciousness of young people about valuating and conserving the historical environment. The reason for choosing this subject is the fact that people does not believe to the importance and necessity of conserving the historical environment and the fact that they do not have the consciousness of conserving historical environment. This study consists of six chapters. In the first five chapters, aim, extend and procedures of the study are determined, the problems related with conservation are examined, general planning process and conservation aimed planning process, are evaluated and by mentioning the contribution of people to conservation and plans the image of environment and environment visual valuations are told. In the sixth chapter, a research is carried based on evaluation of historical environment. In this study, Istanbul is chosen as the working site. Istanbul is the city of our country in which the most rapid industrialization is lived and in which the historical environment is changing and being destroyed fastly. A research is undertaken in this city where the questions are directed to two groups: IX - The young people living in historical environments and people living in modern environments In the first chapter, the reason for choosing this subject, aim, extend and procedures of the study are explained. In the second chapter, the problems related with conservation of historical environments are examined. Conservation of historical environments possesses quite complex problems. These problems can be grouped as, cultural, physical, socio-economical, functional and legal and administrative problems. As the inhabitants of historical environments are from louj-level income group and as these people do not have the effort necessary far conserving these, places, socio-economical problems arise. The physical and functional depreciations cause functional problems while the deficiencies in the cultural policies of the govern ments ant in the related laws form the legal and adminis trative problems. As a result of all these problems, the problems related with applications come out Since, in our country we don't have an effective conservation policy, the solutions of these problems seem harder. In the third chapter, general planning process and conservation aimed planning process are examined. In the process of conservation plans the following steps are realized: - Giving the decision of conservation plans. - Determining the goal of planning and determining the target. - Making the systematical analysis of planning dataa and making forecast for far the future. - Evaluating the planning datas. - Giving the conservation and development decisions for the areas planned. - Drawing plans (making the projects) - Realizing the application. In the fourth chapter, contribution to conservation of historical places and planning stages are mentioned. Contribution is the most important aspect in order to prevent historical environment being ruined and to gain consciousness of conservation as well as to raise willingness of people in this circumstance in addition to progressive stages of projects and applications. In the fifth chapter, image of environment and technical analysis of environmental concepts are mentioned Image of environment happens while people are gaining informations from environment and it differs from person to person. Environmental techniques of images are used to enable people to recognise their environment. These techniques are spatial form, temporal form, sequences, visibility, ambient qualities, details and surfaces, information, natural features, visible activity, spatial behaviour and images. In the sixth and last chapter, an inquiry is carried based on the evaluation of young people their environment, Research is carried with seven steps: 1- Analysis of the environment lived. 2- Current changes in the environment. 3- Forecasted changes for the future. k- Future conflicts about the environment. 5- The effects of the dominant environment image. S- Defining the environment of future regarding the evaluation of the lived environment. 7- Researching the necessity for participation. XI As a result of the research, the consciousness of young people about the environment comes out to be a function of their social status and income level. The young people are aware that the historical environments are being destroyed and the huge buildings become wide spread. They like the wide spreading of huge buildings and they accept this as the result of modernization. The environment that they wish tD live in future, is a clean, green and guite environment. The young people have environmentel conscious. They are hopeless about historical environment, future of the historical environment, because of it's problems, For conservation and improvement of the historical environment and to solve the problems of this environment, the values of historical environment had to be teached. It's passible not only with young people, but every part of the society has to be informend. This is only with education passible. In every step of the education, everybody has to know the aspects of the historical environment, to be informend about the changes of its environment and to be given by the cultural conciousness. The contents of the education far conservation of the historical environment are to accelerate the consciousness, process to inform the individual. That begins to know the components of the historical environment. Is one of the aims of this education. Its neceesary to improve, the imaje of the historical environment with public organisations and ta recognise the political, technical, social and cultural formations of the people. Educationary study of the environment maken the people sensitive ta maintain ta the social actions. The cultural consciousness should. be given at the all stages of the education. At the primary school, students has to recognise the environment. At the hign school they should think about the environmental problems and in higher education at the universties that have the departments like architecture city planing, history of ast, they have to realise research studies about the maintenance and to publish the results of this studies. Using different communication ways like face ta face communication as conferances and mass media XII mays like television and radio all the parts of society should be informated about the necessity of the conservation additionally, using press and printed materials like posters, bulletins and translations of foreign researchs should also be used. kJith the maintanence and education we should create people that are sensitive for the conservation of the environment and to prevent the destruction of this environment. Intellectuals, institutions, architectsand city planners, politicians and the public has to believe to the importance and the necessity of the conservation. For this, the economic and the social structure,has to improve to the statuts, that enables these improvements. Only in that way our cultural and architectural heritage can remain to the coming generations.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
planlama, tarihi çevre, çevre bilinci, çevre koruma, planning, historical environment, environmental consciousness, environmental protection