Civa İyonlarının Sulu Çözeltilerden Uzaklaştırılması Amacıyla Etilen Glikol Ve Glisidil Metakrilat Kopolimerin Hazırlanışı
Civa İyonlarının Sulu Çözeltilerden Uzaklaştırılması Amacıyla Etilen Glikol Ve Glisidil Metakrilat Kopolimerin Hazırlanışı
Gökay, Gülşah
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Civa, klor-alkali endüstrisinden, fungisidlere, kağıt sanayisinden ilaç sanayisine çok geniş alanlarda kullanılmaktadır. Civalı tüm bileşiklerin yüksek oranda toksik olmasından ötürü bu bileşiklerin endüstriyel atık sulardan ve içme sularından uzaklaştırılması çevresel etkilerinden ötürü büyük önem arz eder. Uzaklaştırma işlemlerinde polimer bağlı ligandların kullanımı birçok araştırma ve makalenin konusu olmuştur. Bu tezde makro başlatıcının elde edilmei için ticari PEG-400 kullanılmıştır. PEG makrobaşlatıcısı ile Glisidil metakrilatın (PEG) kopolimerizasyonu atom transfer radikal polimerizasyonu (ATRP) yöntemine başvurularak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aşırı amonyak ile reaksiyonu sonucunda 3,33 mmol g-1 kapasitesinde primer amin fonksiyonu polimer elde edilir. Sülfamidasyon basamağı, benzensülfonilklorürün fazlasıyla muamele edilmesiyle gerçekleştirilirken, sülfonamid kontenti yaklaşık olarak 2,8 mmol g –1 civarındadır. Sülfonamid içeren polimerik sorbent civanın uzaklaştırılmasında etkili bir sorbenttir. Polimerik sorbentin civa tutma kapasietsi 3.12 mmol g –1olarak bulunmuştur.
Mercury is used in a wide variety of industries such as fungicides, chlor-alkali, paper and pulp, pharmaceutical, etc. Because of the high toxicity of all mercury compounds, the extraction of mercuric ions from aqueous wastes and drinking water are special environmental importance. The use of polymer-bonded ligands in selective mercury removal has been the subject of many research articles and reviews. In this thesis, commercial PEG-400 was modified with chloroacetyl chloride to obtain macroinitiator. Block copolymerization reaction of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was carried out by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) method using PEG macroinitiator. Reaction with excess of ammonia was given a primary amine containing polymer with 3,33 mmol g-1 amine functions. The sulfamidation step was achieved by treating with excess of benzenesulfonyl chloride and the sulfonamide content was found to be about 2,8 mmol g –1. The sulfonamide containing polymeric sorbent was an efficient sorbent to remove mercury. The sorption capacity of the polymeric sorbent was analyzed by the determination of the excess mercury ions in the supernatant solutions. The mercury sorption capacity was found as 3.12 mmol g –1.
Mercury is used in a wide variety of industries such as fungicides, chlor-alkali, paper and pulp, pharmaceutical, etc. Because of the high toxicity of all mercury compounds, the extraction of mercuric ions from aqueous wastes and drinking water are special environmental importance. The use of polymer-bonded ligands in selective mercury removal has been the subject of many research articles and reviews. In this thesis, commercial PEG-400 was modified with chloroacetyl chloride to obtain macroinitiator. Block copolymerization reaction of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was carried out by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) method using PEG macroinitiator. Reaction with excess of ammonia was given a primary amine containing polymer with 3,33 mmol g-1 amine functions. The sulfamidation step was achieved by treating with excess of benzenesulfonyl chloride and the sulfonamide content was found to be about 2,8 mmol g –1. The sulfonamide containing polymeric sorbent was an efficient sorbent to remove mercury. The sorption capacity of the polymeric sorbent was analyzed by the determination of the excess mercury ions in the supernatant solutions. The mercury sorption capacity was found as 3.12 mmol g –1.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009
Anahtar kelimeler
Polimerik Sorbent,
Ağır Metal İyonlarının Geri Kazanımı,
Civa Spesifik Sorbent,
Polymeric sorbent,
Removal of Heavy Metal Ions,
Mercury Specific Sorbent