Tarihi şehir merkezlerinde koruma ulaşım etkileşimi sorunlar çözümler ve Beyoğlu örneği

Tezer, Azime
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
II. Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra kentsel tarihi mirasın korunmasına yönelik çalışmaların önem kazanması ile kültürel mira sın devamlılığının sağlanmasına yönelik çalışmalar özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinde önem kazanmıştır. 1960 'lı yıllarda birçok Avrupa ülkesinde motorlaşma endeksinin giderek yükselmesi ve kentlere göç akımının olması ile özellikle tarihi kent merkezlerinde ulaşıma yönelik sorunlar ortaya çıkmıştır, özel araç sahipliliğin giderek artması ve bu araçların zaten kısıtlı dokuya sahip olan tarihi merkezlerdeki ulaşım ağını tamamen kaplamaları ile doku ulaşım talebine cevap veremez duruma gelmiştir, önceleri araçların hareketliliğini arttırmaya yönelik çalışmalar olan, yol genişletme ve yeni yollar açma şeklindeki düzenlemeler, daha fazla ulaşım talebini yaratmaktan öte ye gidememiş ve bu uygulamalar ile tarihi merkezlere daha çok araç girişi teşvik edilmiştir. "Trafikçi yaklaşım" olarak nitelendirilen bu tür uygulamaların soruna çözüm olmadığının anlaşılması ile Batı Avrupa şehirlerinde 1960'lı yıllardan sonra ulaşım sorunlarını çözmeye yönelik uygulamalar yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Uygulamalarda öncelikle tarihi dokuya en az zarar veren düzenlemeler tercih edilmiştir. Tarihi merkezlerde yaşanmış ve yaşanmakta olan ulaşım sorunlarına çözüm yollarının araştırılmasında, uygulanmış örnekler göz önüne alınarak alternatif yaklaşımlar sıralanmıştır. Yapılan uygulamalar ve ulaşım sorunları ile tarihi merkezlerdeki ulaşım sorunlarına çözüm getirmede örnek alan olarak Beyoğlu bölgesi seçilmiştir. Alanda yapılan anket çalışması ile farklı fonksiyonların ulaşım ve tarihi doku üzerindeki eğilimleri ve beklentileri ortaya çıkarılarak sonuç bölümünde öneriler getirmede kaynak oluşturulmuştur.
The continous increase of the traffic problem in historical city centres, the threats against the possibility to conserve the historical environment have influenced the choise of subject. The aim of the study is to list the problems of the historical city centres, to propose possible solutions and develop an alternative approach. Shoving Beyoğlu as an example for the problems that traffic causes in historical centres the general planning approach in this field is included in this study. This thesis is to investigate the traffic problems in historical centers, the core of the problems and their solutions and examples of methods used. Following the introductory chapter, the second chapter deals with the development in time of historical centers, the start of population and the first settlements, the influence of industrialisation, and the influence of the infrastructural systems between cities. In this chapter the influence of the historical development and the infrastructure on the vehicles used in traffic is studied. At the end of this chapter an explanation is an gives about the different forms of traffic in existent setlements. XI In the third chapter the traffic problems encountered in historical city centers and their possible solutions are studied. The problems in historical centers have been divided into three groups: o Problems deriving from the physical characteristics of the infrastructure. o Problems deriving from methods used to solve the traffic problems. o Problems deriving from the change in functions. In the study of the problems mentioned special attention has been paid to the problems created by private vehicles in historical centers and possible solutions are given. Secondly giving increasing importance to the role of public transportation in changing the traffic system and the results of that has been studied. Especially the role of buses in public transportation, the most used form of transportation in developing countries and the possibilities to make use of the railway system, the form of transportation with the highest capacity and the positive results of those have been investigated. At last while mentioning possible solutions the positive and negative effects of restricting the use of historical centers to pedestrians has been studied. In the fourth chapter examples are given of traffic systems used in historical centers. First several examples used in certain European cities are given and after that examples of systems used in Turkey are shown. The approach to solving the traffic problems in historical centers and alternatives are dealt with in the fifth chapter. Withing the scope of the studies done, the investigation of the Beyoğlu area is dealt with in the sixth chapter. The development of Beyoğlu in conjuction with the traffic Xll has -been investigated and the traffic problems are dealt with. Especially the problem of the widening of Tarlabaşı Caddesi and its effects have been studied and an explanation is given about the negative effects it had on the area and the influence of historical developments a research was done among shops, factories, houses (owners and renters ), pedestrians and drivers. The ideas of different groups making use of the area in different ways and the ideas of specialists taking into consideration the subjects of protection and traffic have been compared and their expectations have been reviewed. The results and proposals for a possible traffic system in Beyoğlu and the criteria to be taken into consideration have been listed at the end. After 1950*s city centers that used to be designed for pedestrian activity became used more and more for motorised traffic and so the traffic problem of historical centers started. With the development of motorised vehicles occupying the already insufficient infrastructure the use of roads by pedes terians changed and their activities were restricted to the pavements. Seperating pedestrians and vehicles was not sufficient to solve the increasing need for transportation in the historical centers and transportation continued to be a problem. In the beginning efforts were made to solve the problem by improving the flow of vehicles and small roads were made wider and new roads created. The result of this was nothing else but increasing the flow of vehicals into the historical centers and the same problems occured again and severe damage was caused to the historical environment. When in the I960' s the same problem occured in a number of European countries different solutions were found emphasizing the protection of the historical centers. xixi During the 19 60* s and early 19 70' s pedes trianisation started to be vised in large-scale. During the 1970's and early 1980' s comprehens ive urban rapid system, many of them based on converting their existing tram rail routes to light rail networks started to be preferred. The aims to slow down the speed of motorised traffic and reduce traffic flow either in the form of prohibiting through traffic or even better, by encouraging the popula tion to change to other transport systems. For example in "Dutch Woonerven" the street surface was totally rebuilt and the devision between carriageway and pavements disappeared. A traffic management scheme with different zones of penetration is generally an essensial feature of the conservation of the historical city centres. Changes in traffic habits can be encouraged by the improvement of public transport and multistorey garages are some of the ways in which the life forces of the city can be directed into channels favourable to conservation. The following solutions to the traffic problem in historical centers were found: o trough passing traffic was kept out of the historical centers o the role of public transportation in the inf rast rue tural system was emphasized o restrictions on the use of private vehicles in the centers (commercial car parks, fines) o easying the undestanding and pronouncing the character of historical centers by getting vehicle traffic out of the centers o avoiding activities and developments of the infrastructure that might increase the traffic demand o avoding the traffic problem in historical centers by creating tunnels and fly overs and give the top part of the system to the pedestrians. xiv As a. result, a town is a living organism, continually changing. Its buildings, the cells of its structure, need constant repair and replacement. Today's historical city centres must represent their day and they should be conserved the architecture and civic design of times past. The past can survive only as a contribution to the present, the present is but a stepping stone to the future and its is in the future that we will live.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990
Anahtar kelimeler
tarihi kent merkezi, ulaşım, historical city centre, transportation