Bilyeli Rulman Hasarlarının Titreşim Analizi İle Tespiti Ve Gemi Makinelerinde Kestirimci Bakım Uygulaması
Bilyeli Rulman Hasarlarının Titreşim Analizi İle Tespiti Ve Gemi Makinelerinde Kestirimci Bakım Uygulaması
Çimen, Murat
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Titreşimi, basit ve en genel haliyle, bir sistemin denge konumu civarında yaptığı salınım hareketi olarak tarif etmek mümkündür. Titreşim mekanik sistemlerde genellikle istenmeyen bir durum olarak karşımıza çıkmakta olup, makineler için boşa harcanan enerji, istenmeyen ses ve gürültü, yüksek gerilmeler, malzeme yorulması ile aşınması ve hatta rezonans durumunda tüm sistemin tahribatına kadar ulaşabilecek olumsuz durumlara sebebiyet verebilmektedir. Döner makineler için vazgeçilmez bir eleman niteliğinde olan rulmanlarda yetersiz ve yanlış yağlama, üretim hataları, aşındırıcı partikül varlığı, nemli çalışma ortamı, aşırı yükleme, hatalı montaj ve işletmeleri sırasındaki çeşitli sebeplerden kaynaklanan bir takım hatalar oluşabilmektedir. Rulmanların, bilezik bilye yuvarlanma yolları üzerinde veya bilyelerinde meydana gelen hatalar, rulmanın çalışması esnasında bilye ile bilezikler arasındaki temas deformasyonlarında darbe şeklinde ani değişikliklere sebebiyet vermektedir. Bu deformasyonlar hatanın bulunduğu rulman elemanı ve hatanın temas ettiği dış yükleme durumuna bağlı olarak rulmanın ürettiği bileşke kuvvette değişikliklere neden olmaktadır. Bu değişiklikler ile rulmanın doğrusal olmayan dinamik cevabı oluşmakta ve rulmanlarla yataklanmış şaftta karakteristik titreşimler meydana gelmektedir. Rulmanlar gemilerde döner makinelerde önemli bir makine elemanı olarak kullanılmaktadırlar. Rulmanda meydana gelen bir arıza dolayısıyla bağlı olduğu makinenin çalışması etkilenecek, gerek liman gerekse de seyir periyotlarında işleyişin aksamasına hatta durmasına kadar uzanan problemlere neden olacaktır. Örneğin seyir esnasında kritik bir makinenin beklenmedik, ani duruşu; yüksek bakım onarım masraflarına, gereksiz parça değişimlerine, yedek parça teminin zorluklarına, zaman kaybına, personel üzerinde baskı ile strese ve buna bağlı iş kazalarına, hatta seyrin iptaline kadar gidecek önemli kayıplara yol açacaktır. Gemilerde makine ve teçhizatı ile ilgili olumsuz bir durumla karşılaşmamak için çeşitli bakım metotları denenmekte, periyodik olarak yapılan yağ ve parça benzeri değişimler ile belirli seviyelerde başarı elde edilse de beklenmedik arızaların önüne etkin olarak geçilememektedir. Kestirimci bakım ile titreşim gözlemleme metodu makinelerde arıza meydana gelmeden müdahale edilmesi anlayışını benimseyen ve böylece plansız ve ani duruşların önüne geçilebilmesi imkanını sunan bir bakım yöntemi olup, teknolojik yeniliklerin ışığında gemilerde uygulanmasının çok faydalı olacağı değerlendirilmektedir. Kestirimci bakım kapsamında titreşim gözlemleme metoduyla döner makinelerde rulman hataları, makinelerin çalışması esnasında tespit edilecek, bu hatalar ilerleme kaydedip tehlikeleri boyutlara ulaşmadan önce, hatalı rulmanın değiştirilmesi ile birlikte makinelerin beklenmedik ani duruşlarının önüne geçilebilecektir. Bu tezde ilk olarak; mekanik titreşimler ve bazı temel kavramlar üzerinde durularak titreşim teorisine kısa bir giriş yapılmış, titreşim analizi ve veri toplama ile ilgili hususlar tanıtılmış ve gemilerde titreşim standartları hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Sonrasında; bakım ve gemilerde uygulanması konusunda bilgiler verilerek, koruyucu bakım, arıza çıktıkça bakım ve proaktif bakım tanıtılmış ve kestirimci bakım detaylandırılmıştır. Son olarak; rulmanlar, rulman elemanları, hasarları ve hasar frekansları ile ilgili bilgiler verilerek deney aşamasına geçilmiştir. Rulman arızalarından %34'lük oranı ile en yüksek arıza yüzdesine sahip olan yorulmaya bağlı kusurların, rulman iç ve dış bileziği üzerindeki etkisinin titreşim analizi ile araştırılması amacıyla bir deney düzeneği tasarlanmıştır. Yapılan deneysel çalışma kapsamında önce sağlam rulman 1750 RPM ve 2250 RPM hızlarında döndürülerek titreşim verileri kaydedilmiş, sonra da rulmanların yumuşak karnı olan iç bilezik ve dış bilezik bilye yuvarlanma yolu yüzeyleri hatalı rulmanlar (her bir rulmanda ve her bir yuvarlanma yolu yüzeyinde bir hata olmak üzere; 0.15 mm., 0.45 mm. ve 0.90 mm. hatalı rulmanlar) yine 1750 RPM ve 2250 RPM hızlarında döndürülerek titreşim kayıtları alınmıştır. Bu kayıtlar grafikler ve çizelgeler ile de detaylı bir şekilde sunulmuştur. Sağlam ve hatalı rulmanlara ait frekans spektrumlarının detaylı analizleri neticesinde, deney düzeneğinde kullanılmak üzere imal edilen milin dengesiz olduğu ve rulman yatağının ölçüm yapılan rulmanları tam kavrayamaması sebebiyle mekanik gevşekliğe neden olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. İç bilezik ve dış bilezik bilye yuvarlanma yolu yüzeylerinde oluşan yorulmaya bağlı hatalara (çatlak, çukur vb.) ait frekans spektrumlarındaki hasar frekansları ile nümerik yollarla bulunan hasar frekanslarının uyumlu olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu hataların büyüklükleri arttıkça hasar frekanslarına ait genlik değerlerinin de arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca döner makinelerde dengesizlik, mekanik gevşeklik gibi arızaların da titreşim analizi yöntemiyle tespit edilebileceği doğrulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma ile, rulman hatalarının ve hata büyüklüklerinin, ayrıca dengesizlik ve mekanik gevşeklik gibi mekaniksel arızaların da titreşim analizine dayalı kestirimci bakım kapsamında tespit edilebildiği doğrulanmıştır. Rulmanların gemilerde kullanılmakta olan döner makineler için çok önemli bir makine elemanı konumunda oldukları dikkate alındığında, titreşim analizine dayalı kestirimci bakım sisteminin gemilerde uygulanmasının döner makine arızalarının erken tespit ve teşhisi açısından önemi açığa çıkmıştır.
Vibration, very simply put, is the motion of an object forth and back from its beginning position. Vibration is generally undesirable in machinery or its parts. It causes wasted energy in the machine, unwanted sound and noise, high tension, equipment wear and fatigue, and even can be very destructive and can lead catastrophic failure within the entire system. Bearings are vital and widely-used components of the rotating machinery. They are preferred in almost every type of machinery. Inadequate and improper lubrication, temperature extremes, manufacturing defects, the presence of corrosive particles, contamination, humid working environment, overloading, improper mounting and operating errors may occur in bearings. Defects on inner race, outer race or rolling elements cause the sudden changes of deformation contact between the bearing rings and the balls, during the running period. These deformations depending on the external load and the element of the bearing where the defect found cause changes in the resultant force produced by the bearing. With these changes, specific vibrations occur on the shaft supported by bearings. Rotating machines produce vibrations that are function of machine dynamics, such as the mechanical looseness, misalignment and unbalance of the rotating machinery. Measuring the amplitude of vibrations at certain frequencies can provide important information about the accuracy of shaft unbalance, looseness or misalignment. The bearings used in machinery should be taken into consideration the minimum load specified by the manufacturer, and must be done in the adequate and proper lubrication. It is possible with the proper running conditions to achieve the expected life time of bearing. However, only the %10-20 of the bearings can achieve the planned service life. So, it is important to develop proper methods for predicting failure of bearing early enough to allow preventive maintenance. The failure of bearings is one of the foremost causes of break down in rotating machinery. Bearings are an important element and bearing failure is one of the primary causes in rotating machinery on ships. Because of a defect on a bearing, the machine which the bearing running on will be affected and serious problems will arise on the ship's operation. For example, during the sail, an unexpected and sudden downtime of a critical machine will cause high maintenance costs, unnecessary element replacement, difficulty of supplying spare parts, loss of time, stress and pressure on staff and work accidents and, even cancellation of the sail at advance stage. Various maintenance methods are implemented in ship's machinery and equipment to encounter problems. With the periodic change of oil and equipment, some faults can be prevented, but the emergence of unexpected failures cannot be prevented fully. Bearings failures can be detected by predictive maintenance using vibration measurements method while the machine's operating period. With the change of defective bearing and doing planned maintenance in early failure phase, the unexpected downtime can be prevented. The aim of predictive maintenance is firstly to predict when a machine failure might occur, and secondly, to prevent occurrence of the failure by performing any required maintenance procedure. The task of monitoring for future failure allows maintenance to be planned before the failure occurs. Several predictive maintenance techniques are used but the dominant technique is vibration analysis. When predictive maintenance include vibration analysis is implementing effectively as a maintenance method, maintenance is only performed on machines when it is required. That is, just before failure is likely to occur. This brings several advantages such as, increasing equipment lifetime, optimizing spare parts handling, fewer accidents with negative impact on environment, minimizing cost of spare parts and supplies, minimizing the production hours lost to maintenance, reduction the total time spent maintaining equipment. So implementation of predictive maintenance include vibration analysis on ships is an important subject for ships' machine health. With the usage of predictive maintenance include vibration analysis on rotating machinery; bearing failures will be detected during the operation period, before reaching these errors to the dangerous phase. By knowing which bearing needs maintenance, maintenance work can be better planned and what would have been "unplanned stops" are transformed to shorter and fewer "planned stops". In this thesis, firstly; mechanical vibrations and some basis subjects were introduced to provide theory to allow the concepts of vibration and its analysis to be understood. Issues related to vibration analysis and data collection and vibration standards for ships mentioned. Then, information on maintenance and its implementation in ships were given. Preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance and proactive maintenance were introduced and preventive maintenance was detailed. And finally; after bearings and bearings components, defects and characteristic defects frequencies were mentioned, and passed the experiment phase. To investigate the effects of a bearing failure of the fatigue induced defects, which has the highest percentage of failure with the rate of 34%, via vibration analysis, an experimental setup designed. Firstly; faultless bearing was operated at 1750 RPM and 2250 RPM, and vibration data were recorded. Then inner and outer race running surface defective bearings (the defect sizes are 0.15 mm, 0.45 mm and 0.90 mm) were operated at the same velocity, and data were recorded. These records are presented in a detailed manner with graphs and tables. As a result of detailed analysis of the frequency spectrum of defected and faultless bearings, it is revealed that manufactured shaft for use in experimental setup is unbalanced and the experimental setup has a mechanical looseness because the bearing support is not fully grasp the bearings. The read frequencies from spectrum which belongs to inner and outer race running surface defective bearing, and the frequencies calculated from numerical equations were observed to be in good agreement. The size of defects increases the amplitude of characteristic defect frequencies. In addition, mechanical unbalance and looseness can be detected via vibration analysis. As a result, bearings defects and defect sizes, unbalance and mechanical looseness can be detected by predictive maintenance include vibration analysis. Because bearings are important elements on rotating machinery on ships, implementation of predictive maintenance using vibration measurements method in ships for early failure detection becomes more important.
Vibration, very simply put, is the motion of an object forth and back from its beginning position. Vibration is generally undesirable in machinery or its parts. It causes wasted energy in the machine, unwanted sound and noise, high tension, equipment wear and fatigue, and even can be very destructive and can lead catastrophic failure within the entire system. Bearings are vital and widely-used components of the rotating machinery. They are preferred in almost every type of machinery. Inadequate and improper lubrication, temperature extremes, manufacturing defects, the presence of corrosive particles, contamination, humid working environment, overloading, improper mounting and operating errors may occur in bearings. Defects on inner race, outer race or rolling elements cause the sudden changes of deformation contact between the bearing rings and the balls, during the running period. These deformations depending on the external load and the element of the bearing where the defect found cause changes in the resultant force produced by the bearing. With these changes, specific vibrations occur on the shaft supported by bearings. Rotating machines produce vibrations that are function of machine dynamics, such as the mechanical looseness, misalignment and unbalance of the rotating machinery. Measuring the amplitude of vibrations at certain frequencies can provide important information about the accuracy of shaft unbalance, looseness or misalignment. The bearings used in machinery should be taken into consideration the minimum load specified by the manufacturer, and must be done in the adequate and proper lubrication. It is possible with the proper running conditions to achieve the expected life time of bearing. However, only the %10-20 of the bearings can achieve the planned service life. So, it is important to develop proper methods for predicting failure of bearing early enough to allow preventive maintenance. The failure of bearings is one of the foremost causes of break down in rotating machinery. Bearings are an important element and bearing failure is one of the primary causes in rotating machinery on ships. Because of a defect on a bearing, the machine which the bearing running on will be affected and serious problems will arise on the ship's operation. For example, during the sail, an unexpected and sudden downtime of a critical machine will cause high maintenance costs, unnecessary element replacement, difficulty of supplying spare parts, loss of time, stress and pressure on staff and work accidents and, even cancellation of the sail at advance stage. Various maintenance methods are implemented in ship's machinery and equipment to encounter problems. With the periodic change of oil and equipment, some faults can be prevented, but the emergence of unexpected failures cannot be prevented fully. Bearings failures can be detected by predictive maintenance using vibration measurements method while the machine's operating period. With the change of defective bearing and doing planned maintenance in early failure phase, the unexpected downtime can be prevented. The aim of predictive maintenance is firstly to predict when a machine failure might occur, and secondly, to prevent occurrence of the failure by performing any required maintenance procedure. The task of monitoring for future failure allows maintenance to be planned before the failure occurs. Several predictive maintenance techniques are used but the dominant technique is vibration analysis. When predictive maintenance include vibration analysis is implementing effectively as a maintenance method, maintenance is only performed on machines when it is required. That is, just before failure is likely to occur. This brings several advantages such as, increasing equipment lifetime, optimizing spare parts handling, fewer accidents with negative impact on environment, minimizing cost of spare parts and supplies, minimizing the production hours lost to maintenance, reduction the total time spent maintaining equipment. So implementation of predictive maintenance include vibration analysis on ships is an important subject for ships' machine health. With the usage of predictive maintenance include vibration analysis on rotating machinery; bearing failures will be detected during the operation period, before reaching these errors to the dangerous phase. By knowing which bearing needs maintenance, maintenance work can be better planned and what would have been "unplanned stops" are transformed to shorter and fewer "planned stops". In this thesis, firstly; mechanical vibrations and some basis subjects were introduced to provide theory to allow the concepts of vibration and its analysis to be understood. Issues related to vibration analysis and data collection and vibration standards for ships mentioned. Then, information on maintenance and its implementation in ships were given. Preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance and proactive maintenance were introduced and preventive maintenance was detailed. And finally; after bearings and bearings components, defects and characteristic defects frequencies were mentioned, and passed the experiment phase. To investigate the effects of a bearing failure of the fatigue induced defects, which has the highest percentage of failure with the rate of 34%, via vibration analysis, an experimental setup designed. Firstly; faultless bearing was operated at 1750 RPM and 2250 RPM, and vibration data were recorded. Then inner and outer race running surface defective bearings (the defect sizes are 0.15 mm, 0.45 mm and 0.90 mm) were operated at the same velocity, and data were recorded. These records are presented in a detailed manner with graphs and tables. As a result of detailed analysis of the frequency spectrum of defected and faultless bearings, it is revealed that manufactured shaft for use in experimental setup is unbalanced and the experimental setup has a mechanical looseness because the bearing support is not fully grasp the bearings. The read frequencies from spectrum which belongs to inner and outer race running surface defective bearing, and the frequencies calculated from numerical equations were observed to be in good agreement. The size of defects increases the amplitude of characteristic defect frequencies. In addition, mechanical unbalance and looseness can be detected via vibration analysis. As a result, bearings defects and defect sizes, unbalance and mechanical looseness can be detected by predictive maintenance include vibration analysis. Because bearings are important elements on rotating machinery on ships, implementation of predictive maintenance using vibration measurements method in ships for early failure detection becomes more important.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Instıtute of Science and Technology, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Instıtute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
Bilyeli Rulman,
Kestirimci Bakım,
Gemi Makineleri,
Ball Bearing,
Predictive Maintenance,
Ship's Machinery