Solüsyon Yöntemiyle Czts Sentezi Ve Fotovoltaik Devreler İçin Czts İnce Film Oluşturma Ve Film Özelliklerini İnceleme
Solüsyon Yöntemiyle Czts Sentezi Ve Fotovoltaik Devreler İçin Czts İnce Film Oluşturma Ve Film Özelliklerini İnceleme
Erğun, Rıdvan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
İnce film güneş pilleri ikinci nesil güneş hücre modülüdür. Günümüzde kullanılabile ince film güneş pilleri amorf silikon güneş hücrelerinin verimsizliği, CdTe fotovoltaik teknolojinde kullanılan telyum (Te) ve CIS fotovoltaik güneş pillerinde kullanılan indiyum (I) elementlerinin kıtlığı ve CdTe fotovoltaik teknolojisinde kullanılan cadmiyumun (Cd) zehirli etkisi ile mücadele etmektedir. Bu sebeplerden ötürü CZTSSe büyük ilgi görmekte ve yakın gelecekte ince film güneş pillerinde soğurucu tabaka olarak kullanılmak üzere CIGS ve CdTe soğurucu tabakasına alternatif olarak büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir. İnce film güneş pillerinde kullanılan diğer soğurucu tabakalar ile karşılaştırıldığında bakır (Cu), çinko (Zn), kalay (Sn), sülfür (S) ve/veya selen (Se) içeren dörtlü bileşik olan CZT(S,Se) zehirli olmayan, yerkabuğunda bolca bulunan ve düşük maliyetli elementler içermesinden ötürü güneş pillerinin maliyetinin düşürülmesi için oldukça önemlidir. İnce film güneş pillerinde soğurucu tabaka olarak kullanılan dörtlü bileşik Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 (CZTSSe) yüksek verim potansiyeli ve üretiminin ucuz olması sebebiyle yakın geleceğin alternatif soğurucu tabakası olarak yüksek ilgi görmektedir. En yüksek verim ile çalışan güneş pillerinde kullanılan CIS ve CIGS soğurucu tabakası vakum yöntemleriyle üretilirken, şu ana kadarki üretilen en yüksek verimlilikle çalışan CZT(S,Se) soğurucu tabakası solüsyon yöntemiyle üretilmiştir. Bu durum CZTS soğurucu tabakasının üretim maliyetini düşürmesinden dolayı bu dörtlü bileşik ince filmlerde kullanılabilmesi açısından önemli yere sahiptir. CZTSSe dörtlü bileşiğinin yapısını açıklamak için ikili CdTe zincblende kristal yapısına adapte olmuştur. CIS gibi üçlü sistemler CdTe yapısının iki grup II atomunun grup I ve grup III atomuyla yerdeğiştirmesi ile mümkündür. CZTS gibi dörtlü bileşikler, üçlü bileşiklerdeki grup III’teki iki atomun grup II ve Grup IV ile yer değiştirmesi sonucu eldeedilebilir. Bu dörtlüfazlar bir çok kristal yapıda bulunabilmesine karşın güneş pilleri için uygun olan kesterit yapısı termodinamik olarak en kararlısıdır. Solüsyon yöntemiyle sentezlediğimiz CZT(S,Se) soğurucu tabakası için Cu, Zn, Sn ve S başlangıç malzemeleri kullanıldı. Oleylamine sadece çözücü olarak değil ayrıca reaksyonun gerçekleşebilmesi için yüzey aktif madde olarak da kullanıldı. Bu çalışma sırasında, CZT(S,Se) soğurucu tapakası hibrit güneş pilleri yapısında başarılı şekilde kullanıldı. Sırasıyla Cu, Zn, Sn ve se S kaynağı olarak kullanılan Copper(II) asetilasetonat, zinc asetilasetonat hidrat and tin(IV) bis(asetilasetonat) dibromide ve elementel sülfürün karışımıyla sentezlendi. Bu bileşenler farklı mollerde karıştırılarak çeşitli sentezler yapıldı. OLA çözücü ve yüzey aktif malzeme olarak kullanıldı. OLA çeşitli organiklerin uzaklaştırılması için 130 oC 30 dakika bekletildikten sonra belli oranlarda karıştırılan başlangıç malzemeleri 230 oC dereceye azot atmosferinde karıştırılan OLA çözeltisine ani olarak eklendi. 230 oC derecede bir saat karıştırıldıktan sonra toluen ve izopropanol eklenerek yıkama aşamasına geçildi. Tolüen ve IPA eklenmis son reaksyon tamamen karışana kadar karıştırıldıktan sonra 14000 rpm hızında 10 dakika süre ile santrifüj edilmek üzeere 2 mililitrelik santrifüj kaplarına dolduruldu. Merkezkaç kuvvetinin etkisiyle çöken CZTS tozlarından arda kalan atık sıvı boşaltıldıktan sonra çöken tozlara eşit miktarda tolüen ve IPA eklenerek tekrar 8000 rpm hızında 20 dakika süreliğine santrifüjişlemine maruz bırakıldı.çökeltinin üstünde yüzen solvet çok miktarda nano boyutlu CZTS molekülleri içerdiği için santrifüj yapılamk üzere bir kapta saklandı. Son çökeltiye tolüen eklenip sesötesi banyo uygulanarak çökeltinin tolüen içinde iyice dağılması sağlandıktan sonra kararlı çözelti haline getirildi. Böylece CZTS molekülleri tolüen içinde dağılarak spin kaplama yöntemiyle kaplanması için hazır hale getirildi. Toluene içinde dağılmış durumda bulunan CZTS molekülleri bekleme sonucu çökme ihtimaline karşın spin kaplama yöntemi ile altlık malzemesine kaplamak için hazır hale getirmek amacıyla manyetik balık ile CZTS molekülleri iyice dağılana kadar karıştırıldı. Mikro pipet ile manyetik karıştırıcı ile karıştırılan CZTS solüsyonu altlık malzemeye damlatılıp iyice yüzeyde dağılması beklendikten sonra döndürme yöntemiyle 3000 rpm hızla bir dakika süre ile döndürüldü. Çeşitli organik bileşenlerin uzaklaştırılması için 175 oC derecede bir süreliğine kurutma işlemi yapıldı. Arzu edilen kalınlığa ulaşılana kadar döndürerek kaplama yöntemi tekrarlandı. Çalışmaların sonucunda arzu edilen kompozisyon ve kristal yapıya ulaşıp ulaşılamadığını tespit edebilmek amacıyla X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), raman spektroskopisi ve energy dispersion X-Ray spectroskopisi kullanıldı. XRD ve raman spektroskopisi kristal yapının tespit edilebilmesi için kullanıldı. Dörtlü bileşiklerin reaksyonu sırasında oluşabilecek ikili ve üçlü bileşiklerin tespiti XRD yöntemi ile kesin olarak belirlemek çok zordur çünkü bu bileşiklerin XRD pikleri birbirine çok yakın olup ayırt edilebilmesi çok zordur. Bu sebeple raman spektroskopisi XRD sonuçlarını doğrulayabilmek için beraberce kullanılır. Bakırca yoksun ve çinko zengin bir kristal yapı oluşturulup oluşturulamadığı ise EDX sonuçları ile tespit edildi. Oluşturulan ince filmler reaksyon sonucu CZTS oluşturmak için kullanılan organik aktif yüzeyi uzaklaştırmak ve krsital yapıyı geliştirmek için ısıl işlem uygulandı. İdeal ısıl işlem bulunabilmesi amacıyla ince filmler 350 oC ile 425 oC arasında bir saat süre ile oksitlenmeyi önlemek için nitrojen atmosferinde tavlama işlemi yapıldı. Tavlama işlemi ısıtma ocağı üzerinde yapıldı. 375 oC sıcaklığın üzerinde sıcaklık uygulanmaya başlandığında ikincil fazların oluşmaya başladığı gözlendi. Ayrıca bu sıcaklıkta Cu az ve Zn zenginfazının yapısı bozulmaya başladı. Bu sebeplerden ötürü 350 oC ideal tavlama koşulu olarak belirlendi. Raman sonuçlarına göre, 425 oC tavlama sıcaklığına çıkıldığında ise CZTS yapısı tamamen bozulmaya başladı. Film yapısını iyileştirmek ve kristal yapıyı ideal hale getirmek için selenizasyon işlemi uygulandı.selenizasyon işlemi tüp fırın içerisinde oksitlenmeyi önlemekiçin nitrojen atmosferinde uygulandı. Selenizasyon işlemi 500 oC sıcaklığında 20dk ve 40 dk.. süre ile uygulandı. Selenyum kaynağı olarak Selenium black 99+ tozu kullanıldı. Selen kaynağı tüp fırının 500 oC ısı alanında tutulurken kaplanıcak olan CZTS filmler 350 oC derecelik daha soğuk bölgede tutuldu. Böylece daha sıcak olan selenyum buharının daha soğuk olan yüzetde birikmesinin artırılması hedeflendi. Selenizasyon deneyi ayrıca 550 oC sıcaklıkta 40 dakika süreyle yapıldı. Aşırıverilen sıcaklık Cu2Se fazının oluşmasına sebep oldu. Bu durumgösteriyorki selenizasyon prosesi ikincil fazların oluşmasına sebep olabilir ve dolayısıyla işlem dikkatli bir şekilde yapılması gerekiyor. Oluşturulan yapıların güneş pili devresi haline getirmek için molibden (Mo) kaplı cam üzerine sentezlediğimiz CZTS ile kaplandıktan sonra gerekli ise selenizayon işlemi uygulandı. [6,6]-Phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), CZTS kaplı molibdenyum altlık üzerine döndürme yöntemiyle kaplandı. Böylece hibrit güneş pili için p-n ekleme yapısı oluşturulmuş oldu. Gümüş (Ag) ise elektrot olarak PCBM özerine ısıl buharlaştırma yöntemiyle kaplanarak Mo/CZTS,CZT(SSe)/PCBM/Ag hibrit fotovoltaik yapısı oluşturuldu. Oluşturulan hibrit güneş pili yapısının verimliliğinin ölçülebilmesi için Incident photon to current (IPCE) ve güneş simülatörü kullanıldı. IPCE belirlene dalgaboyu aralığında tek dalgaboyu ışık göndererek gelen tek dalga boyu ışıgın ne kadar fotonu etkileyerek elektrık akımına çevirdiği hesaplanır. Bu işlem günlük ışıktan arındırılmış özel bir ortamda yapılır. Güneş simülatörü ise tek bir dalgaboyu yerine görünebilir dalgaboyu aralığında güneş ışığını canlandırmak için örnek belli bir standart ile belirlenmiş ışığa maruz bırakılır. Güneş ışığına maruz bırakılmış haldeyken verilen voltaja karşılık gelen ölçülen akım okunur ve akım voltaj grafiği oluşturulur. Bu grafik üzerinden verimlilik ile ilgili değerler tespit edilir.
Thin film solar cells are second generation solar cell module. Today’s avaliable thin film solar cells suffer from low efficiency of a-Si, shortage of tellerium in structure of CdTe and indium in structure of CIS and toxicity of cadmium in structure of CdTe. Quaternary Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 (CZTSSe) compound using an absorber layer in structure of thin film solar cell is considered as a promising candidate for low-cost and high efficiency solar cells because of non-toxic, earth abundant and low cost materials. It can be also synthesized low cost solution based method while other quaternary Cu2InGaS4 (CIGS) and ternary CuInS2 (CIS) structure used in thin film solar cell compounds are synthesized expensive vacuum-based technique. This situation make CZT(SSe) more favorable to be used in thin film solar cells as an absorber layer. CZTS was synthesized with solution-based technique by using precursors which are copper, zinc, tin and sulfur were used for synthesize. Oleylamine (OLA) was used as surfactant and solvent during solution based synthesis. In this study, CZT(SSe) hybrid solar cell structure was occurred. First step, CZTS was synthesized by using precursors of copper zinc, tin and sulfur precursors which are copper (II) acetylacetonate, zinc acetylacetonate hydrate tin (IV) bis(acetylacetonate) dibromide and elemental sulfur, respectively. These precursors were added at different amount for each synthesis experiment. OLA was used as both solvent and surfactant during synthesis. These precursors were mixed in a flask at determined temperature around 230 oC for an hour. After reaction of precursors in OLA, toluene and 2-proponol were added to obtained reaction for washing. Copper poor and zinc rich composition was achieved after several reaction experiments. Centrifuge process was applied to final supernatant of solution reaction in tubes of 2 ml. It was centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant that was wasted from centrifuge was poured with adding toluene and IPA at equal value for next centrifuge step. After solution was completely mixed with ultrasonic bath, it was centrifuged again at 8000 rpm for 20 minutes. After supernatant was completely poured, tubes fill with toluene to be stable ink. After washing process, final solvent was mixed toluene to make stable CZTS ink. In the second step, CZTS ink in toluene solution was deposited by spin coating method at around 3000 rpm for 1 minute. Quality of films, which were coated at 3000 rpm, was not ideal to be used in absorber layer in thin film solar cell because of non- continuous film formation. Film uniformity was enhanced by keeping dropped CZTS ink on substrate for few minutes before spinning was started. Heat treatment was applied to coated samples at 175 °C to remove solvent like toluene and 2-propanol (IPA) that added in centrifuge step for each coating step. Deposited CZTS and CZTSSe layers were characterized with X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy to determine structure of compounds. Not only crystal structure but also composition of CZTS and CZTSSe is important for copper (Cu) poor and zinc (Zn) rich composition, which mostly employed in literature. Therefore, Energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX) was used to determine composition of annealed samples. Cu/Zn+Sn and Zn/Sn ratio was estimated by EDX characterization. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate film formation. Two annealing steps were applied to CZTS coated molybdenum substrate at determined temperature. First annealing process was applied in inert atmosphere on hot plate between 350 °C and 425 °C to define ideal annealing condition. Final compositions of samples that annealed between 350 °C and 425 °C were determined by EDX. They were also characterized by XRD and Raman spectroscopy to determine structure of compounds. UV spectroscopy was used to estimate absorption and transmittance. The UV-vis-NIR absorption spectrum was recorded. Recorded spectrum took the wavelength when the absorption intensity start to take off. Then we can derive the optical band gap using equation: Eg (eV) = 1240/(wavelength in nm). Annealing processes were applied either to remove surfactant or to enhance crystallization of CZTS grains as a third stage. Even without heat treatment, as-synthesized CZTS film shows that kesterite structure was achieved. Temperature range between 350 oC and 425 oC was used to determine ideal heat treatment in nitrogen atmosphere for pure compounds without secondary phases. There was no secondary phases up to 400 oC. XRD result of sample annealed at 400 oC showed secondary phases related oxide compound of cations. Annealed sample at 350 oC and 375 oC showed the best result in terms of Cu poor and Zn rich compound. Increasing annealing temperature caused to increase composition of Cu compound while composition of Zn compound decrease. Amount of sulfur (S) in CZTS structure decrease during heat treatment at any temperature. Composition studies show that increasing annealing temperature increase consantration of Cu while decrease consantration of Zn. More annealing temperature means the more loss of S and Zn during annealing process. Post annealing step was applied to create CZTSSe at determined temperature under selenium (Se) vapor. Selenization was applied to increase formation and crystallization of film. Selenium black 99+ powder was used as selenium source during selenization. Tube furnace was used for selenization. Heat zone of the furnace was determined to locate both selenium powder and samples. Se source was located in tube where temperature was 500 oC while samples were kept around 350 oC because evaporated Se vapor can deposit cooler surfaces. Therefore, deposition rate can be increased by this method. Deposited selenium diffused throughout film and replaced sulfur in CZTS. Therefore, composition of CZTSSe compound was achieved at 500 oC for 40 minutes. Hybrid solar cell structure was fabricated as a structure with [6,6]-Phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) used n type organic semiconductor. Device structure was constituted of Mo/CZTS-CZT(SSe)/PCBM/Ag. PCBM was coated on CZTS or CZT(SSe) coated molybdenum to create p-n junction. Silver, which is used forward electrode in solar cell structure, was deposited on PCBM via thermal evaporation method. Incident photon to converted electron (IPCE) and solar simulator were used to examine solar cell performance. IPCE applies monochromatic light to cell to establish amount of current converted incident photon at determined wavelength. This article deals with the term as a measurement of a device's electrical sensitivity to light. Solar simulator apply light at determined standard to simulate sunlight to detect conventional performance of solar cell. Current (I) versus voltage (V) behavior of a solar cell under simulated sunlight. To sum up, quaternary CZT(S,Se) compound was achieved successfully with composition of Cu poor and Zn rich. Reaction condition was adjusted 230 oC for an hour in nitrogen atmosphere. We standardized heat treatment at 350 oC for an hour in nitrogen atmosphere.
Thin film solar cells are second generation solar cell module. Today’s avaliable thin film solar cells suffer from low efficiency of a-Si, shortage of tellerium in structure of CdTe and indium in structure of CIS and toxicity of cadmium in structure of CdTe. Quaternary Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 (CZTSSe) compound using an absorber layer in structure of thin film solar cell is considered as a promising candidate for low-cost and high efficiency solar cells because of non-toxic, earth abundant and low cost materials. It can be also synthesized low cost solution based method while other quaternary Cu2InGaS4 (CIGS) and ternary CuInS2 (CIS) structure used in thin film solar cell compounds are synthesized expensive vacuum-based technique. This situation make CZT(SSe) more favorable to be used in thin film solar cells as an absorber layer. CZTS was synthesized with solution-based technique by using precursors which are copper, zinc, tin and sulfur were used for synthesize. Oleylamine (OLA) was used as surfactant and solvent during solution based synthesis. In this study, CZT(SSe) hybrid solar cell structure was occurred. First step, CZTS was synthesized by using precursors of copper zinc, tin and sulfur precursors which are copper (II) acetylacetonate, zinc acetylacetonate hydrate tin (IV) bis(acetylacetonate) dibromide and elemental sulfur, respectively. These precursors were added at different amount for each synthesis experiment. OLA was used as both solvent and surfactant during synthesis. These precursors were mixed in a flask at determined temperature around 230 oC for an hour. After reaction of precursors in OLA, toluene and 2-proponol were added to obtained reaction for washing. Copper poor and zinc rich composition was achieved after several reaction experiments. Centrifuge process was applied to final supernatant of solution reaction in tubes of 2 ml. It was centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant that was wasted from centrifuge was poured with adding toluene and IPA at equal value for next centrifuge step. After solution was completely mixed with ultrasonic bath, it was centrifuged again at 8000 rpm for 20 minutes. After supernatant was completely poured, tubes fill with toluene to be stable ink. After washing process, final solvent was mixed toluene to make stable CZTS ink. In the second step, CZTS ink in toluene solution was deposited by spin coating method at around 3000 rpm for 1 minute. Quality of films, which were coated at 3000 rpm, was not ideal to be used in absorber layer in thin film solar cell because of non- continuous film formation. Film uniformity was enhanced by keeping dropped CZTS ink on substrate for few minutes before spinning was started. Heat treatment was applied to coated samples at 175 °C to remove solvent like toluene and 2-propanol (IPA) that added in centrifuge step for each coating step. Deposited CZTS and CZTSSe layers were characterized with X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy to determine structure of compounds. Not only crystal structure but also composition of CZTS and CZTSSe is important for copper (Cu) poor and zinc (Zn) rich composition, which mostly employed in literature. Therefore, Energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX) was used to determine composition of annealed samples. Cu/Zn+Sn and Zn/Sn ratio was estimated by EDX characterization. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate film formation. Two annealing steps were applied to CZTS coated molybdenum substrate at determined temperature. First annealing process was applied in inert atmosphere on hot plate between 350 °C and 425 °C to define ideal annealing condition. Final compositions of samples that annealed between 350 °C and 425 °C were determined by EDX. They were also characterized by XRD and Raman spectroscopy to determine structure of compounds. UV spectroscopy was used to estimate absorption and transmittance. The UV-vis-NIR absorption spectrum was recorded. Recorded spectrum took the wavelength when the absorption intensity start to take off. Then we can derive the optical band gap using equation: Eg (eV) = 1240/(wavelength in nm). Annealing processes were applied either to remove surfactant or to enhance crystallization of CZTS grains as a third stage. Even without heat treatment, as-synthesized CZTS film shows that kesterite structure was achieved. Temperature range between 350 oC and 425 oC was used to determine ideal heat treatment in nitrogen atmosphere for pure compounds without secondary phases. There was no secondary phases up to 400 oC. XRD result of sample annealed at 400 oC showed secondary phases related oxide compound of cations. Annealed sample at 350 oC and 375 oC showed the best result in terms of Cu poor and Zn rich compound. Increasing annealing temperature caused to increase composition of Cu compound while composition of Zn compound decrease. Amount of sulfur (S) in CZTS structure decrease during heat treatment at any temperature. Composition studies show that increasing annealing temperature increase consantration of Cu while decrease consantration of Zn. More annealing temperature means the more loss of S and Zn during annealing process. Post annealing step was applied to create CZTSSe at determined temperature under selenium (Se) vapor. Selenization was applied to increase formation and crystallization of film. Selenium black 99+ powder was used as selenium source during selenization. Tube furnace was used for selenization. Heat zone of the furnace was determined to locate both selenium powder and samples. Se source was located in tube where temperature was 500 oC while samples were kept around 350 oC because evaporated Se vapor can deposit cooler surfaces. Therefore, deposition rate can be increased by this method. Deposited selenium diffused throughout film and replaced sulfur in CZTS. Therefore, composition of CZTSSe compound was achieved at 500 oC for 40 minutes. Hybrid solar cell structure was fabricated as a structure with [6,6]-Phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) used n type organic semiconductor. Device structure was constituted of Mo/CZTS-CZT(SSe)/PCBM/Ag. PCBM was coated on CZTS or CZT(SSe) coated molybdenum to create p-n junction. Silver, which is used forward electrode in solar cell structure, was deposited on PCBM via thermal evaporation method. Incident photon to converted electron (IPCE) and solar simulator were used to examine solar cell performance. IPCE applies monochromatic light to cell to establish amount of current converted incident photon at determined wavelength. This article deals with the term as a measurement of a device's electrical sensitivity to light. Solar simulator apply light at determined standard to simulate sunlight to detect conventional performance of solar cell. Current (I) versus voltage (V) behavior of a solar cell under simulated sunlight. To sum up, quaternary CZT(S,Se) compound was achieved successfully with composition of Cu poor and Zn rich. Reaction condition was adjusted 230 oC for an hour in nitrogen atmosphere. We standardized heat treatment at 350 oC for an hour in nitrogen atmosphere.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis () -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Thesis () -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
Yenilenebilir Enerji,
Güneş pilleri,
İnce film güneş pilleri,
Renewable Energy,
Solar Cells,
Thin Film Solar Cells,