Türkiye’de Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgelerinin Yönetişim Ve Örgütlenme Yapılarının Değerlendirilmesi: Ytü Tgb Örneği
Türkiye’de Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgelerinin Yönetişim Ve Örgütlenme Yapılarının Değerlendirilmesi: Ytü Tgb Örneği
İbişoğlu, Çiğdem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
Küreselleşme hareketlerinin etkisiyle 20.yüzyılın modern ulus devleti günümüzde yerini yerel ve uluslararası vizyonları da içeren kapsamlı, esnek, disiplinler arası ve ötesi ilişkilere dayalı yeni yönetim sistemlerine bırakmıştır. Gelişen ve değişen dünya koşulları içerisinde ülkelerin yönetim yapılarında görülen bu değişimler, farklı biçimlerde kamu-özel ortaklıkları ile yarı özel nitelikteki kuruluşların yönetim ve organizasyon yapılarında da bazı değişimlerin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Yerelleşmeyi ve küreselleşmeyi bir arada tutan ve aslında bunun bir sonucu olarak karşımıza çıkan yönetişim ve örgütlenme kavramları bu noktada önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Küresel ve yerel ilişkilerin yansıması olarak bölgesel ve yerel gelişmenin ön plana çıktığı bu dönemde sorunların tabanda çözülmesi, üretimin veya hizmetlerin daha kolay denetimi için yönetim ve planlamada yeni eğilimler ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu gelişmeler dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de yeni oluşumları beraberinde getirmiştir. Kendine ait tüzel kişiliği, yasası ve yönetmeliği bulunan birtakım bölgesel yapılanmaların oluşumu hız kazanmıştır. Organize sanayi bölgeleri, teknoloji geliştirme bölgeleri gibi özel tanımlı bölgeler bu oluşumların en belirgin örneklerinden olup bölgesel gelişmenin önemli bir aracı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kamu ve özel sektör işbirliğine, teşviklere ve yeni düzenlemelere zemin hazırlayan bu oluşumlara devletin gösterdiği ilgi ve destek oldukça açıktır. Türkiye’de teknoloji geliştirme bölgelerinin tanımı, amaç ve hedefleri, kuruluş esasları 26.01.2001 tarihli 4691 no’lu kanunla belirlenmiştir. Teknoloji geliştirme bölgeleri en genel şekilde bir üniversite, bir yükseköğrenim kurumu ya da bir araştırma merkezi ile resmi ilişkiler kurmuş; içinde teknoloji kökenli firma ve işletmelerin oluşmasını özendirecek ve büyüyüp gelişmelerine destek verecek biçimde tasarlanmış ve yönetiminin, ilgili firmalara teknoloji ve işletmecilik becerilerinin transferi konusunda etkin uğraş verdiği bir girişim olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Teknoloji geliştirme bölgesi bünyesinde bulunan firmaların 4691 sayılı yasa ile belirlenmiş şekilde kendilerine sağlanan imtiyaz ve kolaylıklardan ne derece faydalandığı ve hedeflenen etkinliğe ne ölçüde ulaşıldığı ise güncel bir tartışma konusudur. Bu yapılanmaların gerçekten yasa ve yönetmeliklerde yer alan amaç ve hedeflere mi hizmet ettiği yoksa içi doldurulamayan, etkin olmayan ve sağlıksız oluşumlara mı yol açtığı konusu belirsizliğini sürdürmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmada Türkiye’de teknoloji geliştirme bölgeleri, yönetişim ve örgütleme kavramları bağlamında incelenerek işlerlik ve etkinlik düzeyleri incelenmiştir. Yöntem olarak, çalışmanın örneklemini oluşturan Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi bünyesinde yer alan firmalara uygulanan anket sonuçları, teknoloji geliştirme bölge yönetimi ile yapılan derinlemesine görüşme bulguları ile karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Türkiye’de teknoloji geliştirme bölgelerinin devlet politikası olarak benimsenmesine ve desteklenmesine rağmen yönetişim ve örgütlenme anlamında hedeflenen düzeyde olmadığı görülmüştür. Bölge içerisinde yer alan firmaların kendi içinde yönetişim ve örgütlenme modelinin gereklerinin kısmen gerçekleştirildiği, ancak üniversite, TGB yönetimi ve diğer kurumlarla olan ilişkilerde yönetişim modelinin öngördüğü ölçüde işbirliği ve iletişimin beklenen düzeyde sağlanamadığı görülmüştür.
Nowadays with the effects of globalization, modern nation state of 20th century has given way to new administration systems. These new systems have both local and international visions depending on being comprehensive, being flexible and having interdiciplinary and transdiciplinary relations. Developing and changing conditions of the world lead to change not only government’s administration systems but also public, special and semi-special institutions’ administration and organization structures in different ways. At this point, governance and organization concepts which are emerged as a result of localization and globalization approaches get more important. In this period, as a reflection of the global and local relationships, regional and local development become prominent. For solution of the problems at the bottom and supervision of production or services more easily, new tendencies have emerged in administration and planning. These developments in Turkey as well as in the world has brought about new formations. Formation of some regional institutions which have own legal entities, laws and regulations gained momentum. Some custom-defined regions such as organized industrial zones and industrial development districts are the most spesific examples of these institutions and they are accepted as an important implement for regional development. It is obvious that state takes on interest and support to being talk about institutions which provide a basis to public and private cooperations, tax incentives and other encouragements with new regulations. In Turkey, definition, goals and objectives, foundation principles of industrial development districts are determined with law no.4691 of 26.01.2001 dated. According to this law, industrial development districts are speacial described regions which have official relationships with a university, an higher education institution or a research center and designed to support or encourage to creation and growth of new technology based firms. In this region, the administration of industrial development district make a bid to transfer of technology and managership for the firms. Therefore, these special described regions are very important as an enterpreneurism, innovation and regional development. However, there is a problematic issue that how firms are located in industrial development districts benefit from the concession or convenience and what extend they reach to targeted efficiency as determined with law no.4691. These regions are also discussed in the aspect of convenience of goals and objectives in applicable law. They are considered to be unhealthy and ineffective institutions by many researchers. This thesis aims to determine level of operability and effectiveness in industrial development districts in Turkey in the aspect of governance and organization concepts. According to appicable law firms those participate in industrial development districts have significant advantages and privileges. In this study, we will argue and question that how firms take these advantages and how do they position themselves. As a method in this study, questionnaire with various firms and deep interview to administration office in Yıldız Technical University Industrial Development District. Survey findings were evaluated comparatively and two-way analysis was conducted. In conclusion, foundation and growth of industial development districts are adopted and supported as a government policy explicitly. There are qualifications and important potentials for governance and organization aspects in these districts. However, governance and organization concepts are not expected level and not fully settled depending on some deficiencies and problems. Firms are located in the examined region can bring about the necessity of governance and organization models in itself partially. On the other hand, there is not sufficient cooperation and communication with the other actors such as university or higher education institutions, academicians, administration of region and other related institutions whereas the most important features of governance and organization models are communication association and cooperation.
Nowadays with the effects of globalization, modern nation state of 20th century has given way to new administration systems. These new systems have both local and international visions depending on being comprehensive, being flexible and having interdiciplinary and transdiciplinary relations. Developing and changing conditions of the world lead to change not only government’s administration systems but also public, special and semi-special institutions’ administration and organization structures in different ways. At this point, governance and organization concepts which are emerged as a result of localization and globalization approaches get more important. In this period, as a reflection of the global and local relationships, regional and local development become prominent. For solution of the problems at the bottom and supervision of production or services more easily, new tendencies have emerged in administration and planning. These developments in Turkey as well as in the world has brought about new formations. Formation of some regional institutions which have own legal entities, laws and regulations gained momentum. Some custom-defined regions such as organized industrial zones and industrial development districts are the most spesific examples of these institutions and they are accepted as an important implement for regional development. It is obvious that state takes on interest and support to being talk about institutions which provide a basis to public and private cooperations, tax incentives and other encouragements with new regulations. In Turkey, definition, goals and objectives, foundation principles of industrial development districts are determined with law no.4691 of 26.01.2001 dated. According to this law, industrial development districts are speacial described regions which have official relationships with a university, an higher education institution or a research center and designed to support or encourage to creation and growth of new technology based firms. In this region, the administration of industrial development district make a bid to transfer of technology and managership for the firms. Therefore, these special described regions are very important as an enterpreneurism, innovation and regional development. However, there is a problematic issue that how firms are located in industrial development districts benefit from the concession or convenience and what extend they reach to targeted efficiency as determined with law no.4691. These regions are also discussed in the aspect of convenience of goals and objectives in applicable law. They are considered to be unhealthy and ineffective institutions by many researchers. This thesis aims to determine level of operability and effectiveness in industrial development districts in Turkey in the aspect of governance and organization concepts. According to appicable law firms those participate in industrial development districts have significant advantages and privileges. In this study, we will argue and question that how firms take these advantages and how do they position themselves. As a method in this study, questionnaire with various firms and deep interview to administration office in Yıldız Technical University Industrial Development District. Survey findings were evaluated comparatively and two-way analysis was conducted. In conclusion, foundation and growth of industial development districts are adopted and supported as a government policy explicitly. There are qualifications and important potentials for governance and organization aspects in these districts. However, governance and organization concepts are not expected level and not fully settled depending on some deficiencies and problems. Firms are located in the examined region can bring about the necessity of governance and organization models in itself partially. On the other hand, there is not sufficient cooperation and communication with the other actors such as university or higher education institutions, academicians, administration of region and other related institutions whereas the most important features of governance and organization models are communication association and cooperation.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Anahtar kelimeler
Teknoloji geliştirme bölgesi,
kendiliğinden örgütlenme,
Industrial development district,