Yüklenici inşaat işletmelerinin uluslararası pazarlara açılma kararını etkileyen faktörler
Yüklenici inşaat işletmelerinin uluslararası pazarlara açılma kararını etkileyen faktörler
Arslan, Murat Alp
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalısmada, Türk insaat sektörünün uluslararası insaat pazarlarına açılma kararını etkileyen faktörler detaylı bir sekilde akademik alanda incelenmistir. Uluslararası pazarların kapsamlı ve detaylı arastırması yapıldıktan sonra, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dıs Ticaret Müstesarlıgı’nın belirledigi bölgelere göre, her bölgenin “politik”, “ekonomik” ve “sosyal-kültürel” özellikleri incelenmistir. Türk insaat sektörünün dünya pazarlarındaki etkinligi rakamlarla açıklanarak, son yıllardaki basarısının arkasındaki gerçeklere dikkat çekilmistir. Akademik makalelerden faydalanılarak, 4 baslık altında toplam 57 faktör belirtilmistir. Bu baslıklar “yüklenici faktörleri”, “ülke faktörleri”,“proje faktörleri” ve “ isveren faktörleri” olarak sıralanmıstır. Türk insaat firmalarının yurtdısı pazarlarına açılma kararını alırkenki davranısını incelemek amacıyla 71 Türk insaat firmasına anket çalısması yaptırılmıstır. Bu anket çalısması 3 bölümden olusmaktadır.lk bölümde firmaların özellikleri sorulurken, ikinci kısımda 57 faktör firmaların kendi stratejileri dogrultusunda 0-10 ölçeginde puanlandırmaları istenmistir.Son kısımda ise 11 adet performans sorusu ile Türk insaat firmalarının basarı oranı sorgulanmıstır, katılımcılar kendi firmalarının son yıllardaki basarısına göre 0-4 ölçeginde puanlandırmıstır. Anket verileri, SPSS 16.0 bilgisayar programı vasıtasıyla temel bilesenler analizi, güvenirlik analizi, faktör analizi ve çoklu regresyon analizi metotları kullanılmıstır, böylece faktörler Türk yüklenicilerin bakıs açısına göre gruplandırılmıstır ve performans kriterleri ile faktörler arasında iliski sorgulanmıstır.
In this study, the factors that affect the international expansion decision of Turkish construction companies are analyzed extensively. After comprehensive literature review of international construction markets, each region which is defined by undersecretariat of the prime ministry for foreign trade of Turkey, is examined according to 3 main titles: “political”, “economical”, and “social & cultural”. The proactive behavior of Turkish construction companies is proved with official records and the real issues which influence the performance of Turkish contractors. 57 factors which are previously researched in academic papers, are gathered under 4 main title. The titles are “contractor’s factors”, “country’s factors”, “project’s factors”, and “owner’s factors”.In order to emphasize the behavior of Turkish contractors which aim to expand internationally, a questionnaire is conducted to 71 Turkish contractors. The questionnaire is composed of 3 divisions. In the first division respondents are required to inform about the features of the company. In the second division participants scored the factors within 0-10 scale according to their strategy of the company. In the last division,11 performance criteria are scored by the construction companies and respondent evaluated the criteria within 0-4 scale according to their performance in international arena. Questionnaire measurements are entered into computer software SPSS 16.0 and via this software principal component analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis are performed, thus the factors are grouped according to the view of Turkish contractors and the relation between factors and the performance are analyzed.
In this study, the factors that affect the international expansion decision of Turkish construction companies are analyzed extensively. After comprehensive literature review of international construction markets, each region which is defined by undersecretariat of the prime ministry for foreign trade of Turkey, is examined according to 3 main titles: “political”, “economical”, and “social & cultural”. The proactive behavior of Turkish construction companies is proved with official records and the real issues which influence the performance of Turkish contractors. 57 factors which are previously researched in academic papers, are gathered under 4 main title. The titles are “contractor’s factors”, “country’s factors”, “project’s factors”, and “owner’s factors”.In order to emphasize the behavior of Turkish contractors which aim to expand internationally, a questionnaire is conducted to 71 Turkish contractors. The questionnaire is composed of 3 divisions. In the first division respondents are required to inform about the features of the company. In the second division participants scored the factors within 0-10 scale according to their strategy of the company. In the last division,11 performance criteria are scored by the construction companies and respondent evaluated the criteria within 0-4 scale according to their performance in international arena. Questionnaire measurements are entered into computer software SPSS 16.0 and via this software principal component analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis are performed, thus the factors are grouped according to the view of Turkish contractors and the relation between factors and the performance are analyzed.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Uluslararası insaat pazarı,
Türk insaat sektörü,
İnternational construction market,
Turkish construction industry,