Yakın Resim Fotogrametrisinde Uzman Sistem Tasarımı, Tesisi Ve Kalibrasyonu
Yakın Resim Fotogrametrisinde Uzman Sistem Tasarımı, Tesisi Ve Kalibrasyonu
Ergün, Bahadır
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Günümüzde, mikrofotogrametri elektronik sanayiinden sağlik hizmetlerine ve özellikle uzay endüstrisine kadar pek çok bilimle ortak olarak calışmaktadir. Bu çalışmalara destek sağlayan ve çalışmalarda kullanılan uzman sistemler laboratuvar çalışmalarında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bütün bunların ışığında ve üniversitemizin teknolojik olarak diğer dünya üniversiteleri ile aynı çağdaş ve bilimsel düzeye cıkması için bir uzman sistemin tasarımı ve kurulumunun Fotogrametri Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarına kurulması çalışması ve sistemin kalibre edilmesi aynı zamanda tek başına bir doktora çalışmasını içermektedir. Dijital olarak 0.5 cm ve daha küçük objelerin modelenmesi, ölçülmesi ve kalite kontrolünün sağlanması amacına yönelik olan bu sistem aynı zamanda uydu ve uzay çalışmalarında kullanılan dijital sensörlerin testi, kalibrasyonu ve modern görüntüleme ve ölçme çalışmalarında da kullanılabilmekte ve bu sayede üniversitemizde yapılacak birçok lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmasında temel sistem olacaktır. Ayrıca ekonomik yönden, yüksek hassasiyette yapılması gereken çalışmalar için üniversitemize destek sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca yapılacak yeni yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmaları içinde kaynak sağlayan bir konudur. Dijital fotogrametrik uzman sistemler günümüzde endüstride pek çok çeşit ölçme problemlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Yüksek çözünürlüğe sahip CCD (Charge Couple Device) kameraların geliştirilmesi ile endüstriyel çizgisel alan tarama yönrtemi ile çalışan kameralar yakın resim fotogrametrisinde önemli oranda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu sistemler için elektronik endüstrisi desteğinde tasarlanan veri toplama kartları teknoloji ile birlikte gelişerek yeterli kapasiteye ulaşmıştır. Burada en önemli konu, bu çeşit digital kameraların ölçme amaçları ile kullanılabilmesi için kalibre edilerek iç yöneltme parametrelerinin ve lensin distorsiyon değerlerinin belirlenebilmesidir. Kalibrasyon çalışması laboratuvar ortamında bir test alanı kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Uzman sistemlerde donanım ve yazılım birlikte çalışır. Digital Endüstriyel sistemler gerçekten maliyet açısından çok pahalı olmalarına karşın uzun süre kullanılabilmeleri ve üretimin kontrol ve hızını artırmaları açısından özellikle yüksek maliyet gerektiren sanayilerde (uçak motoru ve otomotiv sanayii gibi) en çok tercih edilen sistemlerdir. Endüstriyel fotogrametrinin üretim sektöründe kullanılan engeniş uygulama alanı içerisinde en önemli özellik gerçek zaman ve ya gerçek zamana yakınlık denilen üç boyutlu konum belirlemedeki kesinliktir. Üç boyutlu hassas konum belirleme Mikro-Fotogrametrinin bir amacıdır. Deneysel çalışma olarak, sistemde kullanılan kameralar ile yapılan diğer bir yakın resim fotogrametrisi uygulaması ise İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İnşaat Fakültesinin Yapı Deprem Laboratuvarında yapılmakta olan zemin deneylerinden iki adet zemin numunesi üzerinde yapılan yüke bağlı deformasyon analizinin fotogrametrik olarak yapılması çalışmasıdır. Sonuçta Fotogrametrik olarak elde edilen deformasyonlar klasik yöntem olarak kullanılan CDP 50 (Linear Variable Differential Transducer) ile elde edilen deformasyonlar ile karşılaştırıldı.
Nowadays, microphotogrammetric works have been deal with the other science like electronic, medicine espeacially space researchers. Expert Systems which have been used for this works have been improved and become improtant day by day. Therefore an expert system would have been built and used for researching the new tecnologies and measuring the very small objects for quality control and 3D modeling with aided computer vision technologies also using new calibration researching for the sensor technologies, etc. Firstly, built an expert system and calibrate this system is the aim of this Ph.D. Thesis. After that this expert system will have been used for diploma thesis, Master Degree Thesis and also Ph.D. Thesis in the future. The modern universities which deal with this tecnologies of speace reasearching have an expert system like this for imaging, 0.5 mm high precise measuring and researching the sensor tecnologies. Multisensory remote sensing requires the simultaneous registration and real-time processing of the time-varying multi-sensor image data. The frame-based programming technique was developed to provide the appropriate multi-sensor data management Any frame-based processing system supports the automatic data updating since the output of any sensor has been changed. The visual programming of data flows is naturally available through the usage of this approach. The appropriate set of the frame types is formed to design the most generic multisensory framework. Finally, the problem of real-time, multi-processor implementation of the frame-based software architecture is used. This expert system works with digital video cameras which included digital sensors and also PC. Digital photogrammetric systems have been used to solve various measurement problems in industrial applications for many years, ever since high-resolution CCD cameras and powerful computer technologies have been available. In close range photogrammetric applications, working conditions of the industrial platforms are usually difficult. In these conditions, a surveying engineer has to find the best solution for the problem especially in the experimental area. Industrial line-scan video cameras have been widely adapted for close range photogrammetry and machine vision applications. Although the advantages of onboard storage of digital images, such as quick data storage and portability, industrial cameras are replacing small format sensor on cameras with possibility of the huge image scales and PCI cards requirements. An important task in 3D computer vision is camera calibration, especially when metric information is required for applications involving accurate dimensional measurements. The proposed technique only requires that the camera observes a pattern shown at different orientations. The motion of the pattern need not be known and the pattern itself can be imprecise. This technique has been recently extended to the calibration of a stereovision sensor. Using a photogrammetry approach, the intrinsic parameters of each camera, the 3D points of the pattern and the relative position and orientation of the two cameras are computed all together using bundle adjustment. For the expert systems, hardware and the software have been worked together. This is the fundamental algorithm of the expert systems. In this study, the equipments of expert system have been tested with CDP 50 (Linear Variable Differential Transducer) in an experiment of reinforced concrete slab deformation. Experimental process in deformation analysis has been designed for civil engineering close range applications in this study. For an application in industrial photogrammetry, twin industrial cameras with IEEE 1394 standard, which are the essential part of an expert system has been calibrated with 16 mm fix focused lenses from Pentax on a test field. In order to determine the deformations of a reinforced concrete slab loaded stepwise by an actuator in the Earthquake Laboratory, these cameras are located in the object diagonal with stereoscopic view of the slab surface. The main orientation of the photogrammetric extraction has been obtained from the first image set of the experiment steps. The configuration of the signal points have been designed which coordinate differences give us the deformation directly. Afterwards for orientation process, coordinate differences between suitable signal points, which is decided during the test, have been measured with a compass. These differences have been used for condition equations in the Bundle Block Adjustment. At the end of the bundle block adjustment, the derived exterior orientation parameters have been obtained with enough accuracy. Afterwards the system has been used for determining geometric properties of the slab. The 3D surface model of the slab has been obtained precisely and the deformations of the slab have been documented. The deformations on the slab have been obtained in the photogrammetric restitution for signal points in image scale. At last these test shows that industrial expert systems can be used in such industrial applications with success. At the end, the results of photogrammetric and TML CDP 50 have been compared.
Nowadays, microphotogrammetric works have been deal with the other science like electronic, medicine espeacially space researchers. Expert Systems which have been used for this works have been improved and become improtant day by day. Therefore an expert system would have been built and used for researching the new tecnologies and measuring the very small objects for quality control and 3D modeling with aided computer vision technologies also using new calibration researching for the sensor technologies, etc. Firstly, built an expert system and calibrate this system is the aim of this Ph.D. Thesis. After that this expert system will have been used for diploma thesis, Master Degree Thesis and also Ph.D. Thesis in the future. The modern universities which deal with this tecnologies of speace reasearching have an expert system like this for imaging, 0.5 mm high precise measuring and researching the sensor tecnologies. Multisensory remote sensing requires the simultaneous registration and real-time processing of the time-varying multi-sensor image data. The frame-based programming technique was developed to provide the appropriate multi-sensor data management Any frame-based processing system supports the automatic data updating since the output of any sensor has been changed. The visual programming of data flows is naturally available through the usage of this approach. The appropriate set of the frame types is formed to design the most generic multisensory framework. Finally, the problem of real-time, multi-processor implementation of the frame-based software architecture is used. This expert system works with digital video cameras which included digital sensors and also PC. Digital photogrammetric systems have been used to solve various measurement problems in industrial applications for many years, ever since high-resolution CCD cameras and powerful computer technologies have been available. In close range photogrammetric applications, working conditions of the industrial platforms are usually difficult. In these conditions, a surveying engineer has to find the best solution for the problem especially in the experimental area. Industrial line-scan video cameras have been widely adapted for close range photogrammetry and machine vision applications. Although the advantages of onboard storage of digital images, such as quick data storage and portability, industrial cameras are replacing small format sensor on cameras with possibility of the huge image scales and PCI cards requirements. An important task in 3D computer vision is camera calibration, especially when metric information is required for applications involving accurate dimensional measurements. The proposed technique only requires that the camera observes a pattern shown at different orientations. The motion of the pattern need not be known and the pattern itself can be imprecise. This technique has been recently extended to the calibration of a stereovision sensor. Using a photogrammetry approach, the intrinsic parameters of each camera, the 3D points of the pattern and the relative position and orientation of the two cameras are computed all together using bundle adjustment. For the expert systems, hardware and the software have been worked together. This is the fundamental algorithm of the expert systems. In this study, the equipments of expert system have been tested with CDP 50 (Linear Variable Differential Transducer) in an experiment of reinforced concrete slab deformation. Experimental process in deformation analysis has been designed for civil engineering close range applications in this study. For an application in industrial photogrammetry, twin industrial cameras with IEEE 1394 standard, which are the essential part of an expert system has been calibrated with 16 mm fix focused lenses from Pentax on a test field. In order to determine the deformations of a reinforced concrete slab loaded stepwise by an actuator in the Earthquake Laboratory, these cameras are located in the object diagonal with stereoscopic view of the slab surface. The main orientation of the photogrammetric extraction has been obtained from the first image set of the experiment steps. The configuration of the signal points have been designed which coordinate differences give us the deformation directly. Afterwards for orientation process, coordinate differences between suitable signal points, which is decided during the test, have been measured with a compass. These differences have been used for condition equations in the Bundle Block Adjustment. At the end of the bundle block adjustment, the derived exterior orientation parameters have been obtained with enough accuracy. Afterwards the system has been used for determining geometric properties of the slab. The 3D surface model of the slab has been obtained precisely and the deformations of the slab have been documented. The deformations on the slab have been obtained in the photogrammetric restitution for signal points in image scale. At last these test shows that industrial expert systems can be used in such industrial applications with success. At the end, the results of photogrammetric and TML CDP 50 have been compared.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002
Anahtar kelimeler
Yakın resim fotogrametrisi,
uzman sistem,
endüstriyel ölçme,
Close range photogrammetry,
expert systems,
industrial measurements