Büyükdere Vapur İskelesi Restorasyon Projesi
Büyükdere Vapur İskelesi Restorasyon Projesi
Başar, Neslihan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tez kapsamında, 1913’te Büyükdere’de inşa edilen vapur iskelesinin mevcut durumu 99 adet çizimle belgelenmiş,tarihsel araştırmalarla yapının geçmişi aydınlatılarak restitüsyon projesi hazırlanmış ve yapı için öngörülen müdahaleleri ve yeni kullanım önerisini ortaya koyan bir restorasyon projesi geliştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, Boğaz’ da deniz taşımacılığının ve iskele yapılarının tarihsel gelişimleri incelenmiştir. Birinci Ulusal Mimarlık Dönemi iskele yapılarının yapım sistemleri ve yerleşim düzenleri, aynı dönemde inşa edilmiş olan ve bu dönemin üslup özelliklerini gösteren Büyükdere Vapur İskelesi ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. 1972’ de II. dereceden korunması gerekli taşınmaz kültür varlığı olarak tescil edilen Büyükdere Vapur İskelesi, Şirket-i Hayriye İdaresi tarafından yaptırılmıştır ancak mimarı konusunda kaynaklara dayalı kesin bir bilgi yoktur. Yapı, iskele işlevinin yanı sıra, ticaret ve eğlence birimleri içeren mekanlarla donatılmış, ve 1988’de, Boğaz’ın bu kesiminde kazıklı yolun inşası sonucunda hizmet dışı kalmıştır. Değişik kurumlara kiralanan yapı 2001 yılına kadar farklı işlevler üstlenerek gelmiş, bu tarihten sonra da boşaltılarak hızlı bir bozulma sürecine girmiştir. Büyükdere Vapur İskelesi, İstanbul’un erken tarihli betonarme yapılarından biridir. Tuğla dolgulu betonarme karkas bir iskelet ile yer yer ahşap bölümlerin bir arada bulunduğu karma bir sisteme sahiptir. İşlev ve yapım sistemindeki değişiklikler hakkındaki bilgilerin yetersiz oluşu, yapının restitüsyon sorunlarını çözmede güçlükler yaratmıştır. Yapıda var olan izler ve yapılmış olan araştırmalar ışığında uygun bir restitüsyon önerisi getirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın son aşamasında, Büyükdere Vapur İskelesi’nin özgün elemanları ve mekansal bütünlüğüyle korunması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılabilmesi için, bir yeni kullanım önerisi geliştirilmiş ve ‘Yolculuk Tasarım Merkezi’ işleviyle donatılmıştır.
The aim of this thesis is the documentation of the Büyükdere Peer, which was constructed in 1913. This thesis is supported by 99 drawings. The restitution project based on the investigation of its past by historical research was followed by suggestions for possible re-use of the building respecting the original features. History of sea transportation and peer building activities in Bosphorus are also investigated. The stylistic and constructional features of the First National Architecture Period in Turkey were researched in order to point out the similarities between Büyükdere Peer and the other buildings of the same period. In 1972 the building was registered as a cultural property of grade II . Although the name of the architect is not known precisely, it is evident that the building was constructed by ‘Şirket-i Hayriye Company’ and included commercial units and entertainment sections besides the peer proper. Since the time of construction up to 2001 this building served to various purposes. After 1988, when the road was constructed in front of it by dumping the sea, the building has completely lost its primary function. However it was rented to ‘Ankara Newspapermen Association’, later to ‘CCS Sport and Tourism A.Ş.’, and finally to ‘Türkmenler İnşaat Co.’ It is deserted since 2001. Büyükdere Peer is an early example of reinforced concrete buildings of Istanbul, the skeleton being filled with brick. The restitution of the building is somewhat problematic because of insufficient information about changes of constructional system applied by tenants and also changes originated by purpose of utility demands. Therefore restitution work had to be based on clues that are present in the building and on investigations. The last chapter of the thesis includes suggestions for preservation and for its re-use as a Travel Design Center that would respect the memories and the “genius loci” of this beautiful monument.
The aim of this thesis is the documentation of the Büyükdere Peer, which was constructed in 1913. This thesis is supported by 99 drawings. The restitution project based on the investigation of its past by historical research was followed by suggestions for possible re-use of the building respecting the original features. History of sea transportation and peer building activities in Bosphorus are also investigated. The stylistic and constructional features of the First National Architecture Period in Turkey were researched in order to point out the similarities between Büyükdere Peer and the other buildings of the same period. In 1972 the building was registered as a cultural property of grade II . Although the name of the architect is not known precisely, it is evident that the building was constructed by ‘Şirket-i Hayriye Company’ and included commercial units and entertainment sections besides the peer proper. Since the time of construction up to 2001 this building served to various purposes. After 1988, when the road was constructed in front of it by dumping the sea, the building has completely lost its primary function. However it was rented to ‘Ankara Newspapermen Association’, later to ‘CCS Sport and Tourism A.Ş.’, and finally to ‘Türkmenler İnşaat Co.’ It is deserted since 2001. Büyükdere Peer is an early example of reinforced concrete buildings of Istanbul, the skeleton being filled with brick. The restitution of the building is somewhat problematic because of insufficient information about changes of constructional system applied by tenants and also changes originated by purpose of utility demands. Therefore restitution work had to be based on clues that are present in the building and on investigations. The last chapter of the thesis includes suggestions for preservation and for its re-use as a Travel Design Center that would respect the memories and the “genius loci” of this beautiful monument.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007
Anahtar kelimeler
birinci ulusal mimarlık dönemi,
birden çok fonksiyonlu iskele yapıları,
first national architectural period,
multifunctional peer buildings