İkitelli Organize Küçük Sanayi Bölgesi Ulaşım Etüdü
İkitelli Organize Küçük Sanayi Bölgesi Ulaşım Etüdü
İnan, Ozan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tez çalışmasında İkitelli Organize Küçük Sanayi Bölgesi’nin ulaşım açısından incelemesi ve değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Bölgenin kent içindeki konumu, arazi kullanımı, kooperatif sayıları ve istihdam bilgileri verilmiştir. Daha sonra arazi çalışmalarıyla mevcut ulaştırma altyapısı ele alınmış, bölge içi ana arterler ve diğer yollar, bölge girişlerindeki ve içindeki kavşaklar incelenmiştir. Bölgeye yönelik toplu taşıma olanakları araştırılmış ve kullanmakta oldukları güzergahlar çıkartılmıştır. Bölge için planlanan karayolu ve demiryolu projeleri ele alınan diğer konulardır. Ayrıca İkitelli Organize Küçük Sanayi Bölgesi giriş ve çıkışlarındaki Mahmutbey Batı ve Halkalı kavşaklarında pik saatlerde yapılan trafik sayımlarının sonuçları verilmiştir. “İşyeri Anket” çalışmasının sonuçlarına göre bölgeye yapılan yolculuklar ve yolculuk süreleri ile yolculukların türel dağılımları ortaya konmuştur. Son bölümde tez çalışmasında varılan sonuçlar ve bunlarla ilgili değerlendirmeler sıralanmıştır.
In this thesis study, the examination and evaluation of İkitelli Organized Small Industrial Zone is performed in terms of transportation. The position of İkitelli Organized Small Industrial Zone in the city, the land usage, cooperative numbers and the employment information are taken up. After that the land studies and the present transportation infrastructure are taken up, and the main arteries and the other roads in the region and the junctions in the entries and inside the region are properly examined. The opportunities of mass transportation as directed at the region are researched and the routes which they use are outlined. The highway and railroad projects which are planned for the region are other subjects which are taken up. In addition to this, the results of the traffic counts which are performed at the peak hours in the Mahmutbey West and Halkalı Junctions in the entries and exits of İkitelli Organized Small Industrial Zone are given. The trips which are made to the region according to the results of the “Workplace Survey” and the trip periods and the typical distribution of the trips are put forward as well. In the last chapter, the results which are obtained in the thesis study and the related evaluations are listed.
In this thesis study, the examination and evaluation of İkitelli Organized Small Industrial Zone is performed in terms of transportation. The position of İkitelli Organized Small Industrial Zone in the city, the land usage, cooperative numbers and the employment information are taken up. After that the land studies and the present transportation infrastructure are taken up, and the main arteries and the other roads in the region and the junctions in the entries and inside the region are properly examined. The opportunities of mass transportation as directed at the region are researched and the routes which they use are outlined. The highway and railroad projects which are planned for the region are other subjects which are taken up. In addition to this, the results of the traffic counts which are performed at the peak hours in the Mahmutbey West and Halkalı Junctions in the entries and exits of İkitelli Organized Small Industrial Zone are given. The trips which are made to the region according to the results of the “Workplace Survey” and the trip periods and the typical distribution of the trips are put forward as well. In the last chapter, the results which are obtained in the thesis study and the related evaluations are listed.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
ulaşım etüdü,
transportation survey