Değişken Kapasiteli Bir Kompresörde Minimum 1200 Rpm’de Sorunsuz Çalışabilen Kompresör Krank Mili Tasarımının Gerçekleştirilmesi
Değişken Kapasiteli Bir Kompresörde Minimum 1200 Rpm’de Sorunsuz Çalışabilen Kompresör Krank Mili Tasarımının Gerçekleştirilmesi
Yağcı, Alper
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Son yıllardaki teknolojik gelişmelere bakıldığında enerji verimliliği konusunda gösterilen hassasiyet artarak devam etmektedir. Bu kapsamda gerçekleştirilen çalışmalarda performanstan ödün vermeden, enerji tüketimi düşme sağlayan, çevreye duyarlı soğutma sistemlerinin tasarımı ve üretimi hız kazanmıştır. Hermetik pistonlu kompresör, soğutma sisteminin önemli parametrelerinden biridir. Hermetik kompresörün performansının artması sonucunda soğutma sisteminin verimliliği etkilemektedir. Kompresörün çalışma verimini etkileyen en önemli parametre ise yağlama sistemidir. Hermetik kompresörde etkili yağlama sağlanamaması; mekanik kayıpların artmasına ve kompresör bileşenlerinin soğutulamamasına sebep olmaktadır. Mevcut yağlama sisteminde, yağ ilk olarak krank mili alt deliğinden girer. Krank mili iç yüzeyinden ilerleyen yağ, krank mili dış yüzeyinde bulunan helisel kanala ulaşır. Helisel kanaldan ilerleyen yağ son olarak krank mili üzerinde bulunan ve kompresör içerisine açılan kanaldan dışarıya çıkar. Bu tez çalışması kapsamında, hermetik kompresördeki yağlama sistemi ile ilgli patentler ve literatürler araştırması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hermetik kompresörlerde yağlama seviyesini inceleyebilmek için deney düzeneği kurulmuştur. Bu deney düzeneğinde mevcut kompresör ve farklı yağlama sistemi tasarımına sahip kompresörlerin yağlamaları gözlemlenmiştir. Mevcut kompresör olarak Arçelik marka MTS 120 MT model kompresör kullanılmıştır. Deneysel, patent ve literatür çalışmalarının yanısıra hermetik kompresörün yağlama sistemi için HAD analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tez kapsamında kullanılan mevcut hermetik kompresördeki krank milinin dönme devri hızlı kamera ile ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler HAD analizde dönme hareketi gerçekleştiren yüzeylerde sınır şartı olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen HAD analizi sonuçları ile hızlı kameradan elde edilen deneysel sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Tez çalışmaları kapsamında, incelenen mevcut kompresörde gerçekleştirilen hızlı kamera deneysel çalışmaları ve HAD çalışmaları ile ilgili ‘Numerical Investigation of Oil Flow in a Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor’ isimli makale yayınlanmıştır. Ayrıca mevcut kompresörün yağlama sisteminde gerçekleştirilen tasarımsal değişiklikler ile ilgili 3 ayrı patent başvurusu gerçekleştirilmiştir.
In recent years, the sensitivity about energy efficiency issue has increased and still continues as increasingly manner. In this context, without compromising performance, low energy consumption, environmentally sensitive designs and refrigeration systems manufacturing has been accelerated. Hermetic reciprocating compressor is one of the important components in a household refrigeration system. Increase in performance of the hermetic compressor affects the overall efficiency of the refrigeration unit. Lubrication system in a hermetic reciprocating compressor is a crucial parameter influencing the efficiency of the compression work. Oil management in hermetic compressors decreases the friction losses, prevents abrasion of compressor components and cools down the compressor components during operating conditions. In present oil management system, the oil flows initially on the internal surface of the shaft before it is directed to the external surface where it flows along a helical channel carved on the shaft wall. In this thesis, patents and literatures about oil management system in hermetic compressors are searched and selected patents and literatures are investigated. An experimental setup was established in order to determine efficient lubrication value of a hermetic compressors which have different lubrication systems. Based on the experimental, patent and literature studies for hermetic compressors, Numerical investigation was realized for lubricant oil pumping system of a hermetic reciprocating compressor by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (HAD). Change of angular speed associated with time is measured with high speed camera and this data is used for the transient calculations. Acquired results are compared to the experimental studies. Related with this thesis, named as ‘Numerical Investigation of Oil Flow in a Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor’ which is about experimental studies on compressor with high- speed camera and CFD, was published. That article was presented at ‘20th International Compressor Engineering Conference’, Purdue University, 12-15 July 2010. In addition, three different patent applications have been made about design variations on the lubrication system of compressor.
In recent years, the sensitivity about energy efficiency issue has increased and still continues as increasingly manner. In this context, without compromising performance, low energy consumption, environmentally sensitive designs and refrigeration systems manufacturing has been accelerated. Hermetic reciprocating compressor is one of the important components in a household refrigeration system. Increase in performance of the hermetic compressor affects the overall efficiency of the refrigeration unit. Lubrication system in a hermetic reciprocating compressor is a crucial parameter influencing the efficiency of the compression work. Oil management in hermetic compressors decreases the friction losses, prevents abrasion of compressor components and cools down the compressor components during operating conditions. In present oil management system, the oil flows initially on the internal surface of the shaft before it is directed to the external surface where it flows along a helical channel carved on the shaft wall. In this thesis, patents and literatures about oil management system in hermetic compressors are searched and selected patents and literatures are investigated. An experimental setup was established in order to determine efficient lubrication value of a hermetic compressors which have different lubrication systems. Based on the experimental, patent and literature studies for hermetic compressors, Numerical investigation was realized for lubricant oil pumping system of a hermetic reciprocating compressor by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (HAD). Change of angular speed associated with time is measured with high speed camera and this data is used for the transient calculations. Acquired results are compared to the experimental studies. Related with this thesis, named as ‘Numerical Investigation of Oil Flow in a Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor’ which is about experimental studies on compressor with high- speed camera and CFD, was published. That article was presented at ‘20th International Compressor Engineering Conference’, Purdue University, 12-15 July 2010. In addition, three different patent applications have been made about design variations on the lubrication system of compressor.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
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