Çevre Fonksiyonlu Çok Kollu Yıldız Polimerlerin Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu
Çevre Fonksiyonlu Çok Kollu Yıldız Polimerlerin Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu
Çakır, Neşe
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Organik kimyada moleküler seviyede kontrolü sağlamak için kullanılan yöntemler, son zamanlardaki gelişmeler ile kontrollü kompozisyon ve yapılarda iyi tanımlanmış makromoleküllerin sentezinde de kullanılmaktadır. Makromoleküler düzeyde kimyasal yapı ve fonsiyonların doğru bir şekilde kontrolü önemli olmasına rağmen, organik kimyadaki bu sentetik teknikleri polimer sentezine aktarmanın kolay bir süreç olmadığı unutulmamalıdır. Daha doğrusu, makromoleküllerin karakteristik özellikleri (ör. fonksiyonel grup sayısı, molekül ağırlığı dağılımı, ve saflaştırma teknikleri) küçük moleküllerle kıyaslandığında, yapısal doğruluk ve yüksek derecede fonksiyonel grup uyumluluğunun tespiti polimer sentez yöntemlerinin aydınlatılmasında oldukça önemlidir. Serbest radikalik polimerleşme makromolekül sentezinde oldukça yaygın kullanılmasına rağmen, iyonik polimerleşmede de olduğu gibi polimer yapı ve fonksiyonu üzerinde etkisi yoktur. Son yıllarda kontrollü radikal polimerleşme metodları üzerinde muazzam bir ilerleme olmuştur. Atom transfer radikal polimerleşmesi (ATRP), nitroksit ortamlı radikal polimerleşmesi (NMP), ve tersinir eklenme-ayrılma zincir transfer polimerleşmesi (RAFT) gibi polimerleşme çeşitleri en sık kullanılan kontrollü/“yaşayan” radikal polimerizasyon (C/LRP) methodlarından olup, farklı kompozisyonlarda (blok, aşı, yıldız ve alternatif dönüşümlü kopolimerler), düşük dağılımlı, kontrollü molekül ağırlığına sahip ve çeşitli fonksiyoniteler içeren sentetik polimerlerin hazırlanmasını sağlar. Click kimyası özel olarak ilerleyen, yüksek verimli, enerji olarak tercih edilen kimyasal reaksiyonlardır, bunlar ilk başta sentetik kimyada kullanılmış daha sonra polimer ve malzeme biliminde oldukça popüler olarak kullanılan evrensel araçlar haline gelmiştir. Click reaksiyonları, özellikle Cu (I)-katalizli azit-alkin siklokatılma (CuAAC) reaksiyonu, Diels-Alder reaksiyonu ve tiyol-en reaksiyonu, son zamanlarda gelişmiş makromoleküler tasarım için son derece güçlü araçlar olduğu gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca, pentaflorofenol grupların kararsız para-floro gruplarının birincil amin ve tiyol grupları ile nükleofilik katılma reaksiyonları verdiği organik kimyada oldukça iyi bilinmektedir. Bu reaksiyonların çoğu kullanılan koşullar altında oldukça etkili ve yüksek verimle gerçekleşirler. Özünde nükleofilik katılma reaksiyonu olmasına rağmen, C6F5 halkasının para pozisyonunun amin ve tiyollerle çok yönlü ve verimli olduğu bilim adamları tarafından geliştirilip click kimyası gerekliliğine uyduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Bunların gelişmesinden itibaren, bütün bu stratejiler hızlı bir şekilde sentetik polimer kimyası alanına entegre edilmiştir. Ayrıca, tek tip click reaksiyonu kompleks makromoleküler yapıların eldesinde çok yeterli olmadığından birden fazla click reaksiyonu daha çok tercih edilmiştir. Bu nedenle, farklı click reaksiyonları polimer ana zinciri boyunca farklı yerlerde birden fazla fonksiyonel grup eklemek için ortogonal yolla uygulanmaktadır. Polimer zincirlerindeki fonksiyonel gruplar uç gruplarda veya polimer zincirine asılı olarak değişebilir. Uç grup fonksiyonlu polimerler elde etmek için en sık kullanılan yollar fonksiyonel başlatıcıların kullanımı ve her bir uç grupların polimerleşme sonrası dönüşümüdür. Polimer zincirine asılı fonksiyonlar elde etmek için de fonksiyonel monomerlerin direkt polimerizasyonu kullanılabilir. ATRP fonksiyonel polimerlerin sentezinde yaygın olarak kullanılır. Çeşitli fonksiyonel monomerler kontrollü bir şekilde polimerleşerek asılı fonksiyon içeren iyi tanımlanmış polimerler elde edilir. Oluşan polimer yaşayan polimer olduğundan daha sonra blok kopolimer yapımında da kullanılır. Ayrıca, fonksiyonel başlatıcılar kullanılarak da uç grup fonksiyonlu polimerler kullanılır. Elde edilen polimerin uç grubu nüklefilik katılma reaksiyonu, elekrofilik veya radikal katılma reaksiyonlarıyla farklı fonksiyonel gruplara çevrilerek blok kopolimer yapımında kullanılır. Bu yöntem “core-first”, “arm-first”, ve “coupling-onto” yaklaşımları ile elde edilen yıldız polimerlerin hazırlanmasında da sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bütün yaklaşımlar uç grup fonksiyonlu yıldız polimerlerin hazırlanmasında başarılıdır. “Core-first” ve “coupling-onto” yaklaşımınlarında, polimerleşme çekirdekten başlar ve uç fonksiyonite ya uç fonksiyonel halojenlerin direkt yer değiştirmesiyle yada fonksiyonel alkenlerin radikal katılımıyla elde edilir. “Arm-first” yaklaşımı da uç fonksiyonel yıldız polimerler için uygundur ve fonksiyonel başlatıcı ve daha sonra uç fonksiyonlu kolların iki fonksiyonlu vinil monomerleriyle birleşiminden oluşur. Elde edilen çok kollu yıldız polimerler çevresinde yüksek zincirli uç grup fonksiyonalitesi içerir, bu yüzden de, uç fonksiyonalite daha çok çevre fonksiyonalitesi olarak adlandırılır. Bu tezde, çevre fonksiyonlu çok kollu yıldız polimerler araştırılmıştır. Yeni çevre fonksiyonlu çok kollu yıldız polimerler “arm-first” yaklaşımıyla ATRP ve click kimyası ile birleştirilerek başarılı bir şekilde sentezlenmiştir. İlk çalışmada, çevre fonksiyonlu çok kollu yıldız polimerlerin ve çok kollu yıldız blok kopolimerlerin sentezinde nükleofilik para-floro katılma reaksiyonu click konsepti içinde araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla pentaflorofenil fonksiyonlu PS (-floro-PS) stirenin ATRP ile hazırlanmış ve DVB’nin çapraz bağlanma reaksiyonunda (floro-PS)n–poliDVB çok kollu yıldız polimerler vererek makrobaşlatıcı olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen çevresinde pentaflorofenil grupları olan çok kollu yıldız polimerler daha sonra postfonksiyonlandırma nükleofilik katılma reaksiyonunda kullanılmıştır. (PEG)m-(PS)n-poliDVB çok kollu yıldız blok kopolimer lineer PEG550-OH polimeri ile (floro-PS)n-poliDVB çok kollu yıldız polimerin THF içinde NaH ortamında nükleofilik katılmasıyla elde edilmiştir. (Sistein-PS)n-poliDVB postfonksiyonlu çok kollu yıldız polimer N-asetil-l-sistein metil ester ile (floro-PS)n-poliDVB çok kollu yıldız polimerin DMF içinde trietilamin ortamında nükleofilik katılmasıyla ile elde edilmiştir. Her iki yöntem de başarılı bir şekilde tamamlanmıştır ve kararsız para-floro grupları alkol ve tiyollerle kolayca yer değiştirmiştir. İkinci çalışmada, çevresinde pentaflorofenil ve alkil grubu içeren çok kollu yıldız polimerin sırasıyla, modüler tiyol-para-floro ve fotokimyasal radikal tiyol-en ikili click reaksiyonuyla postfonksiyonlanması gösterilmiştir. -Floro ve -allil fonksiyonlu PS (-floro-PS and -allil-PS) stirenin ATRP reaksiyonu ile tek aşamada hazırlanmıştır ve karışımları DVB’nin çapraz bağlanmasında (floro-PS)m–poliDVB–(allil-PS)m çok kollu yıldız polimerini vermek için makrobaşlatıcı olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen çok kollu yıldız polimer tiyol-para-floro click reaksiyonu sayesinde daha sonra (propil-PS)m–poliDVB–(allil-PS)m çok kollu yıldız polimerini vermek için 1-propantiyol ile reaksiyona girmiştir, bu da daha sonra iyi tanımlanmış heterofonksiyonlu (propil-PS)m–poliDVB–(sistein-PS)m çok kollu yıldız polimerini elde etmek için N-asetil-l-sistein metil ester ile radikal tiyol-en click reaksiyonuyla reaksiyona sokulmuştur. Üçüncü çalışmada, yeni çok kollu yıldız polimerleri polimerik fotobaşlatıcı olarak inceledik. Polimerik fotobaşlatıcı sistemlerini araştırmamızdaki ana motivasyonumuz, “polimer etkisi” ‘nden dolayı düşük moleküllü emsallerine göre genellikle daha yüksek bir verim göstereceğinin düşünülmesidir. Bu içerikte, fotokimyada zaten yatkınlıkları bilinen benzoin ve türevi olan MTB üzerinde odaklandık. İlk önce, benzoin ve MTB fonksiyonlu PS (Benzoin-PS ve MTB-PS) ayrı ayrı ATRP ile hazırlandı ve DVB’nin çapraz bağlanma reaksiyonunda benzoin ve MTB çevre fonksiyonlu çok kollu yıldız homopolimerler vermesi için makrobaşlatıcı olarak kullandık. Elde edilen (Benzoin-PS)m-poliDVB ve (MTB-PS)p-poliDVB yıldız polimerler polimerik fotobaşlatıcı olarak olarak kullanıldı ve sırasıyla 1,6-hekzandiol diakrilat (HDDA) ile fotokinetikleri foto-DSC ile çalışıldı. Bu polimerik fotobaşlatıcılar hava atmosferinde metil metakrilatın (MMA) serbest radikalik fotopolimerleşmesinde kullanıldı. Son çalışmada, çok kollu yıldız polimerlerde supramoleküler kimya ile ilgilendik. Hidrojen bağları, ligand metal koordinasyonu veya “host-guest” iç kompleksleşme gibi supramoleküler etkileşimler polimer bilim ve özellikle karmaşık makromoleküler yapıların oluşumunda önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu ruh içerisinde, dikkatimizi “host-guest” etkileşimlerini kullanarak çok kollu yıldız blok kopolimer çalışmasına verdik. Öncelikle, aktif çevre grupları olarak adamantan (Ada) fonksiyonu içeren çok kollu yıldız polimer, adamantan uç gruplu PS (Ada-PS) polimerinin makrobaşlatıcı olarak kullanıldığı DVB’nin çapraz bağlanma reaksiyonu ile hazırlandı. Ayrıca, elde edilen yıldız polimer, (Ada-PS)n-poliDVB, -siklodekstrin uç fonksiyonlu PEG (-CD-PEG) ile reaksiyona girerek, “host-guest” iç kompleksleşmesiyle çok kollu yıldız blok kopolimerini, (CD-PEG)p-(Ada-PS)n-poliDVB vermiştir.
Several recent advances, which well-known to design of molecular-level control in organic chemistry, allow preparation of well-defined macromolecules with controlled compositions and architectures. Despite the importance of exact control of chemical structures and functionalities at the macromolecular level, it should be noted that synthetic techniques in organic chemistry are not an easy processes to transfer the polymer synthesis. Rather, the characteristic properties of macromolecules (e.g., number of functional groups, molecular weight distribution, and purification techniques) compared to small molecules, structural fidelity and high degree of functional group compatibility is very important in the elucidation of polymer synthesis. Although free radical polymerization has been widely used in macromolecule synthesis, it has no effect on the polymer compositions and functionalities as do ionic polymerizations. In recent years, enormous progress has been developed in various controlled radical polymerization methods. Controlled/living radical polymerization (C/LRP) methods including atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), nitroxide mediated radical polymerization (NMP), and reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) are the most common polymerizations that enable the preparation of synthetic polymers with controlled molecular weight, relatively low dispersities, different composition (block, graft, star and alternating gradient copolymers), and various functionalities. Click chemistry is a chemical reaction that proceeds with complete specificity, high yield, and energetically favored reactions. First, they were used in synthetic organic chemistry, then it has become extremely popular in polymer and materials science as universal tools. Click reactions, especially, Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction, Diels-Alder reaction, and thiol-ene reaction, have recently shown to be quite succesful tools for advanced macromolecular design. Additionally, it is well-known in organic chemistry that the labile para-fluoro groups of pentafluorophenyl (C6F5) ring can undergo nucleophilic addition reactions with primary amino and thiol groups. Most of these reactions are extremely efficient and give high yields under the employed conditions. Although in essence it is a nucleophilic substitution reaction, the versatility and efficiency of the amine or thiol substitution to the para position of C6F5 has been developed by scientists to comply with the click chemistry requirements. Since their development, all of these strategies have been quickly integrated into synthetic polymer chemistry. Also, one type of click reaction is not enough for the preparation of complex macromolecular structures; therefore multiple click reaction has been more preferred. Therefore, different click reactions have been applied in an orthogonal way to introduce multiple functional groups at different sites along a polymer backbone. Functional groups in polymer chains can be introduced by end or pendant functionality. The most common ways to obtain end functionalized polymers, functional initiators and the post-polymerization transformation of end groups can be used. In addition, direct polymerization of functional monomers gives pendant functionalized polymers. ATRP is widely used in the synthesis of functional polymers. Various functional monomers can be polymerized in a controlled fashion, yielding well-defined poymers with pendant functional groups. The produced polymer can further be used to obtain block copolymers because of its “livingness” nature. Additionally, to obtain end functionalized polymers, alkyl halides containing functional groups were used to initiate polymerization. The resulting end functionalized polymer can be converted to other functional groups using either nucleophilic substitution reactions, electrophilic or radical addition reactions for synthesizing block copolymers. This process is also widely used to prepare of star polymers included “core-first”, “arm-first”, and “coupling-onto” approaches. All approaches are also successful for the preparation of end-functional stars. In the “core-first” and “coupling-onto” approaches, polymerization starts from a core and end functionality can be introduced by either directly displacing the end-functional halogens or through radical addition of functional alkenes. The “arm-first” approach is also suited for the end-functional stars and employs functional initiators and the subsequent coupling of end-functional arms with difunctional vinyl monomers. Obtained multiarm star polymers include high-chain end functionality at the periphery, for this reason, end functionality is called as periphery functionality in star polymers. In this thesis, periphery functional multiarm star polymers were investigated. Novel periphery functional multiarm star polymers were successfully synthesized, combining “arm-first” approach with ATRP and click chemistry. In the first study, nucleophilic para-fluoro addition reaction was investigated as a click concept for the synthesis of periphery post-functionalized multiarm star polymers and multiarm star block copolymers. For this purpose, pentafluorophenyl functionalized PS (-fluoro-PS) is prepared by ATRP of Styrene (St) and used as macroinitiator in a crosslinking reaction with divinyl benzene (DVB) yielding (fluoro-PS)n–polyDVB multiarm star polymer. The obtained multiarm star polymer with pentafluorophenyl moiety at the periphery is then used for nucleophilic substitution reactions for postfunctionalization. (PEG)m-(PS)n-polyDVB multiarm star block copolymer was achieved via nucleophilic addition of linear PEG550-OH precursor with (fluoro-PS)n-polyDVB multiarm star polymer in the presence of sodium hydride (NaH) in tetrahydrofuran (THF). (Cysteine-PS)n-polyDVB post-functionalized multiarm star polymer was obtained via nucleophilic addition of N-acetyl-l-cysteine methyl ester with (fluoro-PS)n-polyDVB multiarm star polymer in the presence of triethylamine (Et3N) in dimehthylformamide (DMF). Both procedures were succesfully accomplished and easily reacted with labile para-fluoro groups by alcohols and thiols. In the second study, the successful postfunctionalization of multiarm star polymer with pentafluorophenyl and allyl moieties at the periphery is demonstrated employing modular thiol-para-fluoro and photoinduced radical thiol-ene double click reactions, respectively. -Fluoro and -allyl functionalized PS (-fluoro-PS and -allyl-PS) are in situ prepared by ATRP of St and their mixture is used as macroinitiator in a crosslinking reaction with DVB yielding (fluoro-PS)m–polyDVB–(allyl-PS)m multiarm star polymer. The obtained multiarm star polymer is then reacted with 1-propanethiol through thiol-para-fluoro click reaction to give (propyl-PS)m–polyDVB–(allyl-PS)m multiarm star polymer, which is subsequently reacted with N-acetyl-l-cysteine methyl ester via radical thiol-ene click reaction in order to give well-defined heterofunctionalized (propyl-PS)m–polyDVB–(cysteine-PS)m multiarm star polymer. In the third study, we investigated novel multiarm star polymers as polymeric photoinitiators. The main motivation for investigating polymeric photoinitiating systems is that they are usually expected to display a higher efficiency with respect to the low molecular counterparts, due to a “polymer effect!”. In this context, we focused on benzoin and derivative, MTB, due to their already well-known tendency on photochemistry. Firstly, we prepared benzoin and MTB funtional PS (Benzoin-PS and MTB-PS) were prepared by ATRP of St and used as macroinitiators in a cross-linking reaction with DVB to yield multiarm star homopolymers with benzoin and MTB periphery. Obtained multiarm (Benzoin-PS)m-polyDVB and (MTB-PS)p-polyDVB star polymers were used as polymeric photoinitiators and photokinetics of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) were studied by Photo-DSC, respectively. These polymeric photoinitiators were used in free radical photopolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in air atmosphere. In the last study, we concerned with supramolecular chemistry on multiarm star polymers. Supramolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding, ligand-metal coordination or “host-guest” inclusion complexation has significant impact on polymer science and especially on the formation of complex macromolecular architectures. In this spirit, we turned our attention to study multiarm star block copolymer using “host-guest” interactions. Firstly, multiarm star polymer with adamantane (Ada) functionality as reactive periphery groups was prepared by a cross-linking reaction of DVB using adamantane end functionalized PS (Ada-PS) as a macroinitiator. Further, obtained multiarm star polymer, (Ada-PS)n-polyDVB, was reacted with -cyclodextrin (-CD) end functionalized PEG (-CD-PEG) resulting in the multiarm star block copolymer, (CD-PEG)p-(Ada-PS)n-polyDVB, via “host-guest” inclusion complexation.
Several recent advances, which well-known to design of molecular-level control in organic chemistry, allow preparation of well-defined macromolecules with controlled compositions and architectures. Despite the importance of exact control of chemical structures and functionalities at the macromolecular level, it should be noted that synthetic techniques in organic chemistry are not an easy processes to transfer the polymer synthesis. Rather, the characteristic properties of macromolecules (e.g., number of functional groups, molecular weight distribution, and purification techniques) compared to small molecules, structural fidelity and high degree of functional group compatibility is very important in the elucidation of polymer synthesis. Although free radical polymerization has been widely used in macromolecule synthesis, it has no effect on the polymer compositions and functionalities as do ionic polymerizations. In recent years, enormous progress has been developed in various controlled radical polymerization methods. Controlled/living radical polymerization (C/LRP) methods including atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), nitroxide mediated radical polymerization (NMP), and reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) are the most common polymerizations that enable the preparation of synthetic polymers with controlled molecular weight, relatively low dispersities, different composition (block, graft, star and alternating gradient copolymers), and various functionalities. Click chemistry is a chemical reaction that proceeds with complete specificity, high yield, and energetically favored reactions. First, they were used in synthetic organic chemistry, then it has become extremely popular in polymer and materials science as universal tools. Click reactions, especially, Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction, Diels-Alder reaction, and thiol-ene reaction, have recently shown to be quite succesful tools for advanced macromolecular design. Additionally, it is well-known in organic chemistry that the labile para-fluoro groups of pentafluorophenyl (C6F5) ring can undergo nucleophilic addition reactions with primary amino and thiol groups. Most of these reactions are extremely efficient and give high yields under the employed conditions. Although in essence it is a nucleophilic substitution reaction, the versatility and efficiency of the amine or thiol substitution to the para position of C6F5 has been developed by scientists to comply with the click chemistry requirements. Since their development, all of these strategies have been quickly integrated into synthetic polymer chemistry. Also, one type of click reaction is not enough for the preparation of complex macromolecular structures; therefore multiple click reaction has been more preferred. Therefore, different click reactions have been applied in an orthogonal way to introduce multiple functional groups at different sites along a polymer backbone. Functional groups in polymer chains can be introduced by end or pendant functionality. The most common ways to obtain end functionalized polymers, functional initiators and the post-polymerization transformation of end groups can be used. In addition, direct polymerization of functional monomers gives pendant functionalized polymers. ATRP is widely used in the synthesis of functional polymers. Various functional monomers can be polymerized in a controlled fashion, yielding well-defined poymers with pendant functional groups. The produced polymer can further be used to obtain block copolymers because of its “livingness” nature. Additionally, to obtain end functionalized polymers, alkyl halides containing functional groups were used to initiate polymerization. The resulting end functionalized polymer can be converted to other functional groups using either nucleophilic substitution reactions, electrophilic or radical addition reactions for synthesizing block copolymers. This process is also widely used to prepare of star polymers included “core-first”, “arm-first”, and “coupling-onto” approaches. All approaches are also successful for the preparation of end-functional stars. In the “core-first” and “coupling-onto” approaches, polymerization starts from a core and end functionality can be introduced by either directly displacing the end-functional halogens or through radical addition of functional alkenes. The “arm-first” approach is also suited for the end-functional stars and employs functional initiators and the subsequent coupling of end-functional arms with difunctional vinyl monomers. Obtained multiarm star polymers include high-chain end functionality at the periphery, for this reason, end functionality is called as periphery functionality in star polymers. In this thesis, periphery functional multiarm star polymers were investigated. Novel periphery functional multiarm star polymers were successfully synthesized, combining “arm-first” approach with ATRP and click chemistry. In the first study, nucleophilic para-fluoro addition reaction was investigated as a click concept for the synthesis of periphery post-functionalized multiarm star polymers and multiarm star block copolymers. For this purpose, pentafluorophenyl functionalized PS (-fluoro-PS) is prepared by ATRP of Styrene (St) and used as macroinitiator in a crosslinking reaction with divinyl benzene (DVB) yielding (fluoro-PS)n–polyDVB multiarm star polymer. The obtained multiarm star polymer with pentafluorophenyl moiety at the periphery is then used for nucleophilic substitution reactions for postfunctionalization. (PEG)m-(PS)n-polyDVB multiarm star block copolymer was achieved via nucleophilic addition of linear PEG550-OH precursor with (fluoro-PS)n-polyDVB multiarm star polymer in the presence of sodium hydride (NaH) in tetrahydrofuran (THF). (Cysteine-PS)n-polyDVB post-functionalized multiarm star polymer was obtained via nucleophilic addition of N-acetyl-l-cysteine methyl ester with (fluoro-PS)n-polyDVB multiarm star polymer in the presence of triethylamine (Et3N) in dimehthylformamide (DMF). Both procedures were succesfully accomplished and easily reacted with labile para-fluoro groups by alcohols and thiols. In the second study, the successful postfunctionalization of multiarm star polymer with pentafluorophenyl and allyl moieties at the periphery is demonstrated employing modular thiol-para-fluoro and photoinduced radical thiol-ene double click reactions, respectively. -Fluoro and -allyl functionalized PS (-fluoro-PS and -allyl-PS) are in situ prepared by ATRP of St and their mixture is used as macroinitiator in a crosslinking reaction with DVB yielding (fluoro-PS)m–polyDVB–(allyl-PS)m multiarm star polymer. The obtained multiarm star polymer is then reacted with 1-propanethiol through thiol-para-fluoro click reaction to give (propyl-PS)m–polyDVB–(allyl-PS)m multiarm star polymer, which is subsequently reacted with N-acetyl-l-cysteine methyl ester via radical thiol-ene click reaction in order to give well-defined heterofunctionalized (propyl-PS)m–polyDVB–(cysteine-PS)m multiarm star polymer. In the third study, we investigated novel multiarm star polymers as polymeric photoinitiators. The main motivation for investigating polymeric photoinitiating systems is that they are usually expected to display a higher efficiency with respect to the low molecular counterparts, due to a “polymer effect!”. In this context, we focused on benzoin and derivative, MTB, due to their already well-known tendency on photochemistry. Firstly, we prepared benzoin and MTB funtional PS (Benzoin-PS and MTB-PS) were prepared by ATRP of St and used as macroinitiators in a cross-linking reaction with DVB to yield multiarm star homopolymers with benzoin and MTB periphery. Obtained multiarm (Benzoin-PS)m-polyDVB and (MTB-PS)p-polyDVB star polymers were used as polymeric photoinitiators and photokinetics of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) were studied by Photo-DSC, respectively. These polymeric photoinitiators were used in free radical photopolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in air atmosphere. In the last study, we concerned with supramolecular chemistry on multiarm star polymers. Supramolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding, ligand-metal coordination or “host-guest” inclusion complexation has significant impact on polymer science and especially on the formation of complex macromolecular architectures. In this spirit, we turned our attention to study multiarm star block copolymer using “host-guest” interactions. Firstly, multiarm star polymer with adamantane (Ada) functionality as reactive periphery groups was prepared by a cross-linking reaction of DVB using adamantane end functionalized PS (Ada-PS) as a macroinitiator. Further, obtained multiarm star polymer, (Ada-PS)n-polyDVB, was reacted with -cyclodextrin (-CD) end functionalized PEG (-CD-PEG) resulting in the multiarm star block copolymer, (CD-PEG)p-(Ada-PS)n-polyDVB, via “host-guest” inclusion complexation.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2017
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2017
Anahtar kelimeler
Polimer Sentezi,
Yıldız Polimerler,
Çevre Fonksiyonlu,
Radikal Polimerleşme,
Polymer Synthesis,
Star Polymers,
Periphery Functional,
Radical Polymerization