Dc Reaktif Magnetron Sıçratma İle Ito Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu
Dc Reaktif Magnetron Sıçratma İle Ito Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu
Çolak, Seniz
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tez çalışmasında reaktif DC magnetron sıçratma tekniği ile ITO ince filmler ve ITO-Metal-ITO çok tabakalı yapılar üretilmiştir. Çalışmada ITO ve ITO-metal-ITO çok tabakalı yapıların kalınlık - direnç ilişkisi ve görünür dalga boyu aralığında %ışık geçirgenlik (T), %film tarafı(r) ve %cam tarafı(rr) yansımalar ölçülmüştür. Bu ince filmlerin güneş pillerinde kullanılması düşünüldüğü ve bu nedenle ısıl işleme tabi tutulacağı için çeşitli sıcaklıklarda ısıl işlemler uygulanmış ve bu numunelerin ısıl işlem sonrası %ışık geçirgenlik (T), %film tarafı(r) ve %cam tarafı(rr) yansıma ölçümleri tekrarlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu numunelerde ısıl işlemin etkisini gözlemlemek amacı ile XRD çalışması da yapılmıştır. ITO filmlerde kalınlık artışı ile birlikte yüzey dirençlerinde bir azalma olmakta, ancak ITO-metal-ITO çok tabakalı yapılarda böyle bir ilişki elde edilememiştir. ITO filmlerde ve diğer üç tür ITO-metal-ITO çok tabakalı yapılarda kalınlık artışı ile birlikte %ışık geçirgenlik (T), %film tarafı(r) ve %cam tarafı(rr) yansıma eğrilerindeki pikler giderek sağa doğru kaymaktadır. Kalınlık artışı ile beraber ışık geçirgenlikleri azalmakta ve yansımalar ise fazla değişmemektedir. ITO-metal-ITO çok tabakalı yapılarda en az % ışık geçirgenliği kaybı 2126 numaralı ITO-CrNi-ITO numunesinden alınmıştır. Isıl işlem sonrası ince filmlerin %ışık geçirgenlik (T) değerlerinin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Bu durum, ısıl işlem sonucu oksidasyonun artışı nedeniyledir. % film tarafı(r) ve %cam tarafı(rr) yansıma değerlerinin ise önemli oranda değişmediği gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak ısıl işlem sonucu yansımalarda dikkate değer bir değişim olmazken ışık geçirgenliği artmış, absorbsiyon ise azalmıştır. ITO ve ITO-metal-ITO çok tabakalı yapılardan elde edilen X ışınları paternleri 44-1087 ve 06-0416 referans numaralı In2O3 paternleri ile uyum içinde olduğu görülmüştür. X ışınları diyagramında kalay pikine rastlanmaması kalayın, sistemde amorf halde bulunması nedeniyledir. Çok tabakalı yapılarda kullanılan CrNi, Ag ve Cu’ a ait herhangi bir pike rastlanmamasının nedeni sistemdeki bu metallerin ağırlıkça oranının %3’ün çok altında olması nedeniyledir. Üretilen ince filmlerin XRD çalışmasında amorf olarak bulunması nedeniyle pik vermeyen kalay, EDS analizi sonucunda ağırlıkça %10 olarak saptanmıştır. CrNi, Ag ve Cu miktarının sistemde %1’ in çok altında olması nedeniyle EDS analizi sonucunda bu bileşenlerin varlığı saptanmamıştır.
In this thesis work, monolayer ITO and ITO-Metal-ITO multilayers thin films were produced by reactive DC magnetron sputtering and film thickness-sheet resistance relationship, optical transmittance within visible range, film-side and backside reflectances were measured. Since the thin films are aimed to be used in solar cell systems where they will be subjected to high-temperatures, they were heat-treated at various temperatures and optical transmittance, film-side and backside reflectance measurements were repeated. Also, in order to observe the effect of heat-treatment, XRD analysis were performed. There was a decrease in the sheet-resistance of ITO thin films with increasing film thickness whereas no such relationship was observed between the increasing film thickness and the sheet resistance in ITO-Metal-ITO thin films. There was a shift from left to right in the wavelength axis of optical-transmittance, film side, backside reflectance curves of ITO and other three ITO-Metal-ITO multilayer thin films. The optical-transmittance decreased with increasing thickness but no considerable change was observed in the reflectance. Among the ITO-Metal-ITO thin films, the lowest optical transmittance decrease was observed in ITO-CrNi-ITO thin film with sample no: 2126. It was observed that optical transmittance of thin films incerased upon heat-treatment, which is attributed to the increase in oxidation level. However, there was no considerable change in the reflectance of film-side and backside of the thin films after the heat-treatment. In conclusion upon heat-treatment there was an increase in the transmittance accompanied with an increase in the absorption whereas no considerable change in the reflectance was observed. X-Ray diffraction patterns obtained from ITO monolayer and ITO-Metal-ITO multilayers were in conformity with In2O3 X-ray diffraction patern with index no: 44-1087 and 06-0416. The reason no Sn phase was detected is because of the fact that Sn was in amorphous state in the system. The fact that no CrNi, Ag and Cu picks were detected in X-ray analysis can be explained by the presence of these metals being below 3 % in weight in the systems. Sn which showed no pick in XRD analysis of deposited films, as a consequence of being present in amorphous state in the system, was found to be present in the system by 10 % in weight after EDS analysis. Since the CrNi, Ag and Cu were present in the system with only 1 % percent in weigth, their presence in the system couldn’t be evidenced by EDS analysis.
In this thesis work, monolayer ITO and ITO-Metal-ITO multilayers thin films were produced by reactive DC magnetron sputtering and film thickness-sheet resistance relationship, optical transmittance within visible range, film-side and backside reflectances were measured. Since the thin films are aimed to be used in solar cell systems where they will be subjected to high-temperatures, they were heat-treated at various temperatures and optical transmittance, film-side and backside reflectance measurements were repeated. Also, in order to observe the effect of heat-treatment, XRD analysis were performed. There was a decrease in the sheet-resistance of ITO thin films with increasing film thickness whereas no such relationship was observed between the increasing film thickness and the sheet resistance in ITO-Metal-ITO thin films. There was a shift from left to right in the wavelength axis of optical-transmittance, film side, backside reflectance curves of ITO and other three ITO-Metal-ITO multilayer thin films. The optical-transmittance decreased with increasing thickness but no considerable change was observed in the reflectance. Among the ITO-Metal-ITO thin films, the lowest optical transmittance decrease was observed in ITO-CrNi-ITO thin film with sample no: 2126. It was observed that optical transmittance of thin films incerased upon heat-treatment, which is attributed to the increase in oxidation level. However, there was no considerable change in the reflectance of film-side and backside of the thin films after the heat-treatment. In conclusion upon heat-treatment there was an increase in the transmittance accompanied with an increase in the absorption whereas no considerable change in the reflectance was observed. X-Ray diffraction patterns obtained from ITO monolayer and ITO-Metal-ITO multilayers were in conformity with In2O3 X-ray diffraction patern with index no: 44-1087 and 06-0416. The reason no Sn phase was detected is because of the fact that Sn was in amorphous state in the system. The fact that no CrNi, Ag and Cu picks were detected in X-ray analysis can be explained by the presence of these metals being below 3 % in weight in the systems. Sn which showed no pick in XRD analysis of deposited films, as a consequence of being present in amorphous state in the system, was found to be present in the system by 10 % in weight after EDS analysis. Since the CrNi, Ag and Cu were present in the system with only 1 % percent in weigth, their presence in the system couldn’t be evidenced by EDS analysis.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002
Anahtar kelimeler
Güneş Pilleri,
Reaktif Magnetron Sıçratma,
İnce Filmler,
Solar Cells,
Reactive Magnetron Sputtering,
Thin Films