İslam Dünyasında Bahçe Ve Evren Anlatımı
İslam Dünyasında Bahçe Ve Evren Anlatımı
Bornovalı, Sedat
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
İslam kültürü mimarisini geliştirirken kendine has bir de bahçe düzeni oluşturmuştur. İslam öncesi dönemde İran ve Arabistan’da bulunan yerel şemaları da çok iyi değerlendiren İslam uygarlığı, bahçede sadece bu dünyaya ilişkin bir ortam yaratmamış aynı zamanda Cennet’i de taklit etmiştir. İslam ülkelerinde hükümdarlar bu bahçelerde hem kendilerini güvenlik altına almışlar hem de halka karşı güç gösterisinde bulunmuşlardır. Bunların yanında her bahçe küçük bir evren şemasını içinde barındırmıştır. Su, ağaçlar, kanallar, küçük bitkiler, çiçekler hep bu şemaya katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu şemada karşılaşılan en önemli form mandalar ya da haçvari plandır. Budist kültürden beri kendini gösteren bu plan Türkler tarafından da İslam öncesi dönemde benimsenmiştir. Ortak noktalar çok sayıda olmasına rağmen her ülkede detaylar açısından farklı bir İslam bahçesi yaratılmıştır.
While forming its architecture, Islam formed also a garden culture of its own. It evaluated very well the locac preislamic schemes that existed in Iran and Arabia and not only created an atmosphere that belonged to this world but also imitated the Pardise. The rulers of the Islamic states felt safe beyond the high walls of these gardens. These gardens were also a show of power of the sovereign. Besides all these features every single garden included a cosmological scheme. Water and channels, trees, smaller plants and flowers, all participated to the cosmology described by the garden. The most important cosmological scheme among these is the cruciform mandala plan. This plan had been used since the beginning of the Buddhist culture and it was adopted by the Turks before the Islamic religion. There are many common points among the gardens of the Islamic world but every country has also created and own style.
While forming its architecture, Islam formed also a garden culture of its own. It evaluated very well the locac preislamic schemes that existed in Iran and Arabia and not only created an atmosphere that belonged to this world but also imitated the Pardise. The rulers of the Islamic states felt safe beyond the high walls of these gardens. These gardens were also a show of power of the sovereign. Besides all these features every single garden included a cosmological scheme. Water and channels, trees, smaller plants and flowers, all participated to the cosmology described by the garden. The most important cosmological scheme among these is the cruciform mandala plan. This plan had been used since the beginning of the Buddhist culture and it was adopted by the Turks before the Islamic religion. There are many common points among the gardens of the Islamic world but every country has also created and own style.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1999
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1999
Anahtar kelimeler
Evren şeması,
Chahr Bagh,