Üsküdar Doğancılar'da bir paşa konağı restorasyon projesi

dc.contributor.advisor Akın, Nur
dc.contributor.author Aras, Lerzan
dc.contributor.authorID 14399
dc.contributor.department Restorasyon
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-24T10:58:15Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-24T10:58:15Z
dc.date.issued 1991
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991 tr_TR
dc.description.abstract İstanbul'un fethi ile imar edilen, gerek anıtsal gerekse sivil mimari eserlerle süslenen Üsküdar, yüzyıllar boyunca kentin ve sarayın önemli mesire ve ticaret yerlerinden biri olma özelliğini korumuştur. Tezin konusu olan Üsküdar-Doğancılar'daki Paşa Konağı'nm kesin yapım tarihi bilinmemektedir. Ancak taşıdığı mimari özelliklerinden ötürü XIX. yüzyıla tarihlendirilmektedir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Osmanlı imparatorluğunun XVIII. ve XIX. yüzyıllarda içinde bulunduğu sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik durum ile bu durumun sivil mimariye yansıması, İstanbul sivil mimarisinde oluşan plan tipleri ve konak yaşamı incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde, konağın içinde bulunduğu Üsküdar bölgesinin tarihçesine yer verilmiş, konağın ayrıntılı tanımı yapılmıştır. Yapının strüktürel özellikleri üçüncü bölümde anlatılmıştır. Yapıda çeşitli nedenlerden ötürü meydana gelmiş bozuklukların detaylandırılması ise dördüncü bölümün konusunu oluşturmuştur. Beşinci bölümde yapının restitüsyonu için kaynak olabilecek aynı dönem yapılarının tipolojik karşılaştırması, altıncı bölümde ise o dönemin mimari ve kültürel etkilenimlerinin yapı üzerinde bıraktığı izlere göre değerlendirildiği restitüsyon çalışmaları anlatılmıştır. Yedinci ve son bölüm, belirli bir dönem ve yaşantıyı belgelemesi açısından korunmaya alınması gereken bu konağın tekrar kullanılabilmesi için gerekli restorasyon çalışmalarını içermektedir. Önerilen yeni işlev, gerek yapının bünyesine uygun olması ve az müdahaleyle aynen korunabilirliğin sağlanması, gerekse yöreye ve belediyeye uygun olması nedeniyle, halk eğitim ve kültür merkezidir. Getirilen öneri doğrultusunda gerekli restorasyon müdahaleleri de bu bölümde yer almaktadır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract After Istanbul had been conquered in 1^53, some areas like Üsküdar became more important. Üsküdar, one of the most prefered ports of Istanbul became a promenade and commercial center of the city and several mosques, kiosks and mansions were built. These developments lasted till the XVIII. th century. In this century, Ottomans started to have a new point of view for preference and admiration for Europe, but the aim was not to connect the national art with the European Art. The Ottoman were under the oppression of other cultures, which were not the permanence of their own. So, as a result of establishing diplomatic relations with the European countries, a new architectural arran gement idea started to appear first in Turkish gardens then in building construction. In this period, the necessity of modification of single buildings to the exterior spaces was taken into consideration. This change in Architecture could be visible in the mansions built in Anatolian and Istanbul. In the big cities, there were many houses large enough to be classed as konaks - mansions, and some as palaces. The _ most important- konaks - mansions were undoubtedly in İstanbul and Edirne. These houses were centres of culture, like their European counterparts, but perhaps more so. These large houses with large gardens were contained by high walls, looking over the slopes of Istanbul towards the Marmara, the Golden Horn or the Bosphorus and Üsküdar. The Istanbul situation was some what different. The grand house was burdened with an important social role.. So, the grand mansions were really a cluster of different.XI- units, often with morethan one ball type in one complex, So, the first part of the thesis is dealed with the cultural development of the Ottoman Empire in the XVIII th and XIX th century, consequently the appearence of a new architectural arrangement, the final development in Istanbul and the life in konaks - mansions. The final phase in the development of the Turkish House occured during the Empire period, which lasted until the end of the XIX th century. The late house type was very plain; the plans of former periods were largely replaced by simple facades, which have lost their former animation. Consequently, the plan types began to change too. The house plan type with a central sofa became the general preference for every house, where the common area was placed in the exact centre providing communication between the rooms. The konaks - mansions played an important role in this period. The life in these mansions reflected the grow ing tolerance of the Empire. Especially the life in Harem, was made known by two English visitors Lady Montague and Julia Pardoe, to the western world, and evoked a great interest. The second part is dealed first with Üsküdar, and how this promenade and commercial center took its part in this historical context. This part also includes a detailed description of the mansion and its supplements at the courtyard. The plans and elevations are described in this part. This mansion is one of those allocated by the Palace to top-rank generals, is being used as a warehouse by the Üsküdar Municipality since 1980. It has been re gistered as a 2nd class historical building by the Mo numents Supreme Commission in 1982. The main building consists of three storeys and an attic. The mansion covers an area of 1500 m2 with its single storey courtyard. In the third part of the thesis, the structural cha racteristics of the buildings were described in detail. These characteristics are : XII- . Base. Wall. Pavement. Covering The fourth chapter is dealed with the destroyments of the buildings and its supplements. These destroyments can be various. Three of them are explained in this part. These main topics are :. Demolition of use,. Structural demolition, '.'? Materials demolition. In the fifth part of the thesis, a typological approach to mansion - types was made. The aspects, choosen for the comparision are ; plan types, building elements, space arrangements and facades. The examples, which were compared with the mansion are :. Istanbul, Yerebatan Baltacı Mansion, XVIII th Century,. Istanbul, Agah Efendi Mansion, XIX th Century,. Serencebey, Kahvecibaşı Mansion, XIX th Century,. Kandilli, Kont Ostrorog Yalısı, XIX th Century,. A Mansion in Bayazid, XIX th Century,. A House in Istanbul Selimiye, XIX th Century. The sixth chapter is dealed with the restitution draw ings and comments about the main building and its supplements. As it was not possible to determine the exact building year andthe history of the building, it was quite difficult to achieve a complete restitution work. Therefore the attempts for a restitution should be inductive. The restoration drawings and comments are the subjects of the last chapter. Üsküdar was one of the favourite parts of Istanbul. Several buildings were built during -Xlll- the XVIII th and XIX th centuries, and this mansion is one of them. Today, this building is used by the local Municipality of Üsküdar as a storage, and its supple - ments have been rent to a theatr group. It was deter - mined, that the changes on the buildings were done un consciously by the users. So, it is necessary to use some restoration techniques in order to preserve and maintain the buildings. These techniques are ; Liberation, Consolidation, Reconstruction, New Additions. First, the buildings should be liberated from the additions at the courtyard, which were built by the local Municipality of Üsküdar. After this step consolidation, and reconstuction works should be done according to the restitution work. According to the decision made by the Üsküda Borough in collaboration with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipa - lity, this mansion will be turned to a centre that would render cultural services to people, and its restoration will begin as soon as possible. Therefore, the related restoration project should be completed as soon as possible. The new function, choosen for the mansion, is a cultur and education center. For this purpose, the main building will be separeted into two parts. In Harem, some course classes for handcrafts will be established where the spaces of Selamlık will b*e used as exhibi tion halls, assembly rooms and a private library. The courtyard will be turned into open and closed spaces. a cafe-house with After liberating the annexes, some new be made at the courtyard, house. These additions will additions will especially for the cafe- be as light as possible. ?xiv This mansion, documenting a social life in a certain period, should be taken into consideration and restor ed in such a way, that its historical values can be inherited to the next generations. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/21939
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Konaklar tr_TR
dc.subject Restitüsyon tr_TR
dc.subject Restorasyon tr_TR
dc.subject İstanbul-Üsküdar-Doğancılar tr_TR
dc.subject Mansions en_US
dc.subject Restitution en_US
dc.subject Restoration en_US
dc.subject İstanbul-Üsküdar-Doğancılar en_US
dc.title Üsküdar Doğancılar'da bir paşa konağı restorasyon projesi tr_TR
dc.title.alternative The Restoration project for a Pasha's Mansion in Doğancılar en_US
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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