Kompleks Matriksli Örneklerde Ic İle Anyon Tayini(süt, İçme Suyu, Deniz Suyu)
Kompleks Matriksli Örneklerde Ic İle Anyon Tayini(süt, İçme Suyu, Deniz Suyu)
Destanoğlu, Orhan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Biyokimyasal döngünün işleyişinde önemli bir yeri olan deniz suyu ve günlük olarak tüketilen içme suyu ve süt gibi kompleks matriksli örneklerde anyonların kantitatif analizi son derece önemlidir. Deniz suyu oldukça yüksek tuz ve matriks iyonları içerdiğinden düşük seviyelerdeki siyanürün iyon kromatografi ile analizi doğrudan yapılamaz. İçme suyu, canlıların yaşamını sürdürebilmeleri için mutlaka gereklidir. Bu sularda da bazı anorganik anyonların kantitatif olarak konsantrasyonlarının tayini çok önemlidir. Süt besin elementlerinden hemen hepsinden önemli miktarda içeren besi değeri yüksek, hafif sarımsı beyaz, koyu bir sıvıdır. Tiroid bezinin kandan iyodür alan proteini olan NIS, interferans anyonların kanda bulunması durumunda iyodür yerine bu iyonlara ilgi gösterir. Özellikle çocuklarda ve ceninlerde bu durumda bir takım büyüme ve gelişim sorunları ortaya çıkar. Bu yüzden süt örneklerinde anorganik anyon analizleri önemli bir konudur. Kompleks matriksli sıvılarda eser miktarda anyonların IC ile analizi, matriks etkisinin yüksek olmasından dolayı halâ en zor çalışmalardan birisidir. Bu yüzden iyon kromatografik analizlerden önce bu örneklerin bir takım ön işlemlerden geçirilmesi gerekmektedir. Anyonların analizi için matriks etkisi elimine edilmesi amacıyla analiz öncesinde ön işlemler ve IC sisteminde bazı optimizasyonlar yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu anyonların çok düşük konsantrasyonlarında (µg/L seviyelerinden mg/L seviyelerine) analizler yapılmıştır.
Quantitative analysis of complex-matrix-Iiquids such as sea water having an important place in treatment of biochemical cycle, daily consumed drinking water and milk is very important. Sea water is often categorized as a complex matrix owing to its extremely high salinity and very low levels of cyanide and matrix ions that make it impossible to analyze directly by ion chromatography. Drinking water absolutely necessary for living things so that they sustain life. Quantitative determination of some inorganic anions in drinking water also is very important issue. Milk containing significant amount of almost all of the nutrient components is a nutritive value high, light yellowish white, and dense liquid. NIS which is a protein that mediates iodide transport from the blood into the thyroid links to interferance anions if they presence in blood. In this case, some developing and growing problems especially appear in children and fetals. Determination of inorganic anions in milk, therefore, is a vital issue. Simultaneous determination of trace anions contained in seawater still remains of the most difficult tasks in ion chromatography due to the effect of matrix ions. Therefore, such samples must be subjected to some pretreatments before the ion chromatographic analysis. To eliminate of matrix effect for analysis of that anions, some pretreatments were carried out before the analysis and some optimizations in the IC system have been conducted. In conclusion, analysis of that anions in these samples have been carried out at very low concentration levels (from ug/L to mg/L concentration levels).
Quantitative analysis of complex-matrix-Iiquids such as sea water having an important place in treatment of biochemical cycle, daily consumed drinking water and milk is very important. Sea water is often categorized as a complex matrix owing to its extremely high salinity and very low levels of cyanide and matrix ions that make it impossible to analyze directly by ion chromatography. Drinking water absolutely necessary for living things so that they sustain life. Quantitative determination of some inorganic anions in drinking water also is very important issue. Milk containing significant amount of almost all of the nutrient components is a nutritive value high, light yellowish white, and dense liquid. NIS which is a protein that mediates iodide transport from the blood into the thyroid links to interferance anions if they presence in blood. In this case, some developing and growing problems especially appear in children and fetals. Determination of inorganic anions in milk, therefore, is a vital issue. Simultaneous determination of trace anions contained in seawater still remains of the most difficult tasks in ion chromatography due to the effect of matrix ions. Therefore, such samples must be subjected to some pretreatments before the ion chromatographic analysis. To eliminate of matrix effect for analysis of that anions, some pretreatments were carried out before the analysis and some optimizations in the IC system have been conducted. In conclusion, analysis of that anions in these samples have been carried out at very low concentration levels (from ug/L to mg/L concentration levels).
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009
Anahtar kelimeler
İyon Kromatografi,
Deniz Suyu,
İçme Suyu,
Ion Chromatography,
Sea Water,
Drinking Water,