Preparation Of Crosslinked Quarternary Amide-sulfonamide Resin And Using For Removal Of Mercury Ions From Aqueous Solutions
Preparation Of Crosslinked Quarternary Amide-sulfonamide Resin And Using For Removal Of Mercury Ions From Aqueous Solutions
Alkazan, Sena
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, çapraz bağlı klorosülfonlanmış polistiren reçineden başlanarak, çapraz bağlı sülfonamid reçine hazırlanmış ve civa seçiciliği araştırılmıştır. Reçine 1, klorosülfonlanmış polistiren (CSPS) ve N,N-dimetiletilendiamin’in fazlasının reaksiyona sokulmasıyla hazırlanmıştır. Reçine 2 ise, Reçine 1’in dimetil formamid çözücüsünde 2-klor asetamid ile kuarternizasyonu yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Reçine 1 ve Reçine 2’nin karakterizasyonları, analitik metotlar ve FT-IR kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Civa adsorpsiyon deneylerinde HgCl2 kullanılmıştır. Hazırlanan reçinelerin civa tutma kapasiteleri, Hg(II)’nin çeşitli konsantrasyonlarda hazırlanan sulu çözeltilerinin, belirli bir miktar reçine ile etkileştirilmesi sonucu belirlenmiştir. Deneyler Cd(II), Mg (II), Zn(II) ve Fe(III) ağır metalleri ile de tekrarlanarak reçinelerin bu metal iyonlarını tutma kapasiteleri incelenmiştir. Reçine 1, hem Civa (II) iyonlarını hem de diğer metal iyonlarını adsorplamıştır. Normal şartlarda amid ve sülfonamid grupları, amid grubundaki azotun elektron verme eğiliminin düşük olması dolayısıyla, geçiş metallerinin iyonlarıyla koordinatif bağ yapamaz. Bu nedenle Reçine 2’nin Civa (II) tutmasının oldukça seçici olması beklenmektedir. Reçine 2’nin Civa (II)’yi tutma kapasitesi yaklaşık 3 mmol/g, diğer metal iyonlarını tutma kapasiteleri ise 0.20-0.30 mmol/g reçine olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar da reçinenin Hg(II)’ye karşı oldukça seçici olduğunu göstermektedir. Kinetik deneyleri, HgCl2’nin sulu çözeltisi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Adsorpsiyon hız sabitleri, yalancı birinci mertebe kinetiği için Lagergren modeli ile, yalancı ikinci mertebe kinetiği için ise Ho ve McKay’ın modeli ile çalışılmıştır. Yalancı birinci mertebe kinetik modeli düşük korelasyon katsayısı (R2) değerleri nedeniyle, verilerimizle uygunluk göstermemektedir. Buna karşılık, yalancı ikinci mertebe kinetik modeli uygunlandığında, elde edilen yüksek korelasyon katsayıları göstermiştir ki, verilerimiz yalancı ikinci mertebe kinetik modeliyle oldukça uyumludur.
In this thesis, crosslinked sulfonamide based resins were prepared starting from crosslinked chlorosulfonated polystyrene resin (CSPS). The Resin 1 was prepared reaction with CSPS and excess of N,N-dimethylethylenediamine. The Resin 2 was obtained from quaternization of the Resin 1 with 2-chloroacetamide in dimethyl formamide solution. Resin 1 and Resin 2 were characterized by using analytical methods and FT-IR. HgCl2 was used in mercury adsorption experiments. The mercury sorption capacities of the sorbent were determined by mixing weighed amount of polymer sample (0.1 g) with 20 mL aqueous Hg(II) solutions. The mercury loading capacities were calculated from the initial and final Hg(II) contents of the solutions. Sorption experiments were repeated with other heavy metal ions. Resin 1 was used to remove other metal ions as well as Hg(II). Since, in ordinary conditions the amide and sulfonamide groups are not capable of forming coordinative bonds with other transition metal ions, as a result of the reduced electron-donating character of the amide nitrogen; the separation of Hg(II) is expected to be highly selective. Therefore, overall the results clearly indicate that Hg(II) sorption capacities of the Resin 2 extremely selective. Batch kinetic sorption experiment was performed by using HgCl2 solution. The rate constant of adsorption was studied with the help of the pseudo-first-order rate expression of Lagergren model and the pseudo-second-order kinetic rate expression of Ho and McKay. The high values of correlation coefficients showed that the data fitted well to the pseudo-second-order rate kinetic model.
In this thesis, crosslinked sulfonamide based resins were prepared starting from crosslinked chlorosulfonated polystyrene resin (CSPS). The Resin 1 was prepared reaction with CSPS and excess of N,N-dimethylethylenediamine. The Resin 2 was obtained from quaternization of the Resin 1 with 2-chloroacetamide in dimethyl formamide solution. Resin 1 and Resin 2 were characterized by using analytical methods and FT-IR. HgCl2 was used in mercury adsorption experiments. The mercury sorption capacities of the sorbent were determined by mixing weighed amount of polymer sample (0.1 g) with 20 mL aqueous Hg(II) solutions. The mercury loading capacities were calculated from the initial and final Hg(II) contents of the solutions. Sorption experiments were repeated with other heavy metal ions. Resin 1 was used to remove other metal ions as well as Hg(II). Since, in ordinary conditions the amide and sulfonamide groups are not capable of forming coordinative bonds with other transition metal ions, as a result of the reduced electron-donating character of the amide nitrogen; the separation of Hg(II) is expected to be highly selective. Therefore, overall the results clearly indicate that Hg(II) sorption capacities of the Resin 2 extremely selective. Batch kinetic sorption experiment was performed by using HgCl2 solution. The rate constant of adsorption was studied with the help of the pseudo-first-order rate expression of Lagergren model and the pseudo-second-order kinetic rate expression of Ho and McKay. The high values of correlation coefficients showed that the data fitted well to the pseudo-second-order rate kinetic model.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
civa adsorpsiyonu,
mercury removal,