E.L.İ. Eynez bölgesi kayaçlarının fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin mekanize kazı bakımından incelenmesi

Çopur, Hanifi
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada, Eynez Bölgesi yeraltı ocağındaki ana hazırlık galerilerinde kazılan M2 marnlarının fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Dcakta schmidt çekici deneyleri yapılmış ve numuneler alınmıştır. Alınan numunelerin bazı fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerini balirlsmek amacıyla labcratuvar deneyleri yapılmıştır, ubhö sonra, galeri açma makinesi seçimi yapılmış ve kazı performansı tahmin edilmiştir. Ayrıca deney sonuçları arasında ilişkiler aranmıştır. Laboratuvar ve in-situ deney sonuçlarına göre Eynez Bölgesi M2 marnlarının sertlik bakımından orta sert ve sert, dayanım bakımından orta dayanımlı ve yüksek daya- nımlı kayaçlar sınıfına girdiği, ayrıca kırılgan ve çok az aşındırıcı olduğu görülmüştür. Deney sonuçları arasın da en iyi korelasyon katsayıları nokta yükleme ile darbe dayanım, nokta yükleme ile cerchar sertlik ve nokta yük leme ile koni delici deney sonuçları arasında bulunmuştur. Eynez Bölgesi M2 marnlarının mekanize kazısı için, daha önceki uygulama sonuçlarından yararlanarak ağırlığı SO'tan'dan fazla olan tambur tipi kesici kafalı kollu galeri açma makineleri önerilmiştir. Bu makinelerin Ey nez Bölgesi marnlarındaki net kazı hızlarının ortalama 13m3/h olabileceği bulunmuştur. Makineden faydalanma ora nının % 5D alması kabulüyle, 8 saatlik bir vardiyada yak laşık 52m3 kazı yapılabileceği hesaplanmıştır. Bu değer, Eynez Bölgesi'nde kredili hazırlık galerilerinde delme ve patlatma yöntemi ile ulaşılan 9.23 mVvardiya ' lık kazı randımanının yaklaşık 5 katıdır. Ancak böyle bir avantaj mekanize kazıya geçmek için yeterli değildir, ekonomik açıdan da bir kıyaslama gereklidir.
Mechanised excavation of galleries is made by roadheading machines. These machines excavate the rocks with their cutters. In mechanised excavation, some work groups such as excavation, haulage and supporting are made together at the same time. Nowadays, the requirement of underground excavation has increased. So, either in the mining industry or in the cDnstraction industry the mechanised excavation has the tendency of increasing in spite of drilling and blasting method. Especially after 1950's, mechanised rock excavation has been developed more rapidly. For instance, in west German's coal mining 1D roadheaders have been used in 1965, but in 1985 this figure has increased to 115. In British coal industry 50 road- headers have been used in 1968, but in 1989 this figure has increased to 740. Roadheading machines can be classified as various criteria. In this working, a classification system made according to the excavation face is used. According to this classification system roadheading machines are divided into two groups. The first group is the "Full face Tunnelling Machines"or "full face Heading Machines" They are also called "Tunnel Boring Machines". The second group is the "Sectional Cutting Machines "or "Partial Section Cutting Machines". Partial section cutting machines axe lighter and cheaper and have the higher ability of manoeuvre compared with the full face heading machines. So, in mining industry especially the partial section cutting machines are prefered to the full face machines. XI Partial section cutting machines can be divided into two groups as "Roadheaders" and "continuous Miners". In this working, especially the roadheaders are mentioned. The roadheaders are also called "Boom Type Machines, Selective Cutting Machines or Cutter Head Machines". Because of the narrow crossections of underground opennings, the roadheaders are manufactured into the parts in order to be able to transport them easily. A roadheader consists of five main parts: boom unit, movement unit, loading unit, transfering unit (chain and bridge conveyor), hydraulic and electrical units. Besides of these, some another parts such as the units providing the stability of machines and the units helping the supporting operation can be used selectively. It should be said that the roadheaders can cut every kind of shapes. Roadheaders can be classified according to their weight and the type of cutter heads. According to the weight, they can be groupped in three classes, light, medium and heavy. The heavier machines can cut the harder rocks and also have more powerfull cutter heads. According to the type of cutter heads, the roadheaders can be classified as in-line type cutter heads (spiral) and transverse type cutter heads (durm). Drum type cutter heads can cut the rocks which have the compres sive strenghth upto 130 MPa, spiral type cutter heads can easily cut the rocks which have the compressive strength upto GDMPa. The cutters used on the cutter heads of roadheaders are called "pick". The picks contact with rocks cut directly. So, they are very important from the mechanised excavation point of view. The picks can be classified in three groups: radial, forward attack, point attack picks. Radial picks are used for cutting coals and softrocks, forward attack picks for coals and medium hard rocks, point attack picks for abrasive and medium hard rocks especially on heavy duty roadheaders. The cutters wear because of various reasons. As a result of wearing, the great increases become on the cutting forces. Wearing causes the pick consumption, occuring dust and spark, and time consumption for changing them. So, wearing decreases the machine per formance and increases the unit cost of excavation. xii There is a feu types Df wearing mechanism: abrasive wearing, impact wearing, thermal wearing and vibration wearing. Mostly the abrasive wearing occur. There are mainly five factors affecting the pick wearing: Metallurgical composition of tungten carbur, pick geometry, properties Df rock cut, operational fac tors and other factors. Main rock properties affecting wearing are: the content of quartz and other hard minerals, average size of the quartz grains, the grain shapes of hard minerals, the connection types between grains and matrix, the strength of rock. The previous investigations carried out show that wearing increases when the quartz content is over 6G %. For the economical mechanised excavation machine to be used must be suitable for the rocks to be excavated. For this reason, the factors affecting the performance of mechanised excavation have to be known. These factors can be divided in three groups: geotechnical factors (about rock to be cut), mechanical factors (about machine to be used) and operational factors. Some terms are used for explaining the performance of mechanised excavation» for instance, machine utilisa tion time, machine downtime, net cutting rate, average progress rate and average pick consumption. In practice, for determination of the performance of any mechanised excavation some records are necessary during teh excava tion. Using these records the performance can be esti mated. Some research and development activities are con tinuing in order to increase the performance- Especially some investigations about high pressure water jet assis ted rock cutting have big importance. The previous investigations show that the forces affecting the picks decreases about 50 % when the high pressure water jet assisted rock cutting technique is used. As a result, the roadheaders can cut the rocks having the compressive strength upto 175MPa when using this cutting technique. But this technique is not common today. Machine choice and the prediction of performance and unit cost of excavation the cuttability of rocks to be cut has to be known. For this purpose some physical and mechanical properties of rocks to be cut have to be determined in laboratory and in-situ. Today there isn't Xlll any standart for determination of cuttability but there is an attempt in International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). A commission on rock boreability, cuttability and drillaöility is working in relation to the standardization, The commission suggests 7 parameters to be determined. These parameters are: the hardness of rock, the strength of rock, the texture of rock, the drillability of rock, the abrasiveness of rock, the geological struc ture of rock mass, the sysmic properties of rock and rock mass. The commission also suggests same tests for determi nation of these parameters. The subject of this thesis is about the physical and mechanical properties of M2 marl in E.L.İ. Eynez Region. For determination of some physical and mechanical properties of M2 marl some laboratory and in-situ test were done. As in-site, the schmidt rebound hammer tests were done. The tests done in laboratory are: the uniaxial compressive strength and elasticity modulus tests, the indirect tensile strength tests, the observations under microscope, the measurements of natural unit volume weight, the point loading tests, the cone intienter tests, the impact strength tests, the, cerchar hardness tests and the cerchar abrasiveness tests. As a result of these tests, M2 marl was classified from the hardness and strength point of view. According to the results of tests, M2 marl is in the medium hard and hard classes, and also in the medium strength and high strength classes. In addition to these, M2 marl is brittle and very less abrasive. xiv Far the mechanised excavation Qf M2 marl, the roadheaders having the weightness more then 5Ü tuns with the transverse type cutter heads are suggested. It is predicted that these machines can reach the excavation performance nearly 5 times higher then the drilling and blasting method being applied in Eynez Region. As it is seen, the mechanised excavation performance is higher, but it is not enough to choice the mechanised excavation Fdt any choice, some economical analysis have to be done,
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991
Anahtar kelimeler
Maden Mühendisliği, Fiziksel özellikler, Kayaçlar, Manisa-Soma-Eynez, Mekanik özellikler, Mining Engineering, Physical properties, Rocks, Manisa-Soma-Eynez, Mechanical properties