Çayıralan İlçe Merkezi Kadın Ağzı Havaları
Çayıralan İlçe Merkezi Kadın Ağzı Havaları
Terzi, Fazıla
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Yozgat, Kayseri, Sivas üçgeni arasında yer alan Çayıralan ilçesinde yaşayan kadın kitlesi, ürettiği müzik kültürü bakımından bu üç ilin karma özelliklerini bünye sinde toplamıştır. Repertuar genelinde bu özellikler net bir şekilde görülmektedir. Çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı erkek kitlesi dışında, genellikle def eşliğinde icra edilen "Çayıralan Kadın Ağzı Havaları" kadının çalıştığı, eğlendiği, ağladığı her yer de icra edilirler. Genellikle icra edilen ezgilerin söz yapısını maniler, usûl yapısını dört zamanlı ana usûller oluşturmaktadır. Dizi bakımından ise Yahyalı Kerem 'in egemenliği göze çarpmaktadır. Derlenip notalandırılan 38 ezginin, defle icra edilenlerinin ritm cümleleri, melodik cümlelerinin hemen al tına yazılmıştır. Dört açıdan incelenip, sonuçları tespit edilen veriler tasnif edilip kodlandırıldıktan sonra (Ezgi künyesi usulü dizisi ve ses aralığı modal kodlama, şiirsel kodlama, edebî ve melodik tür) ilk bakışta bilgilendirmek amacıyla genel bir tabloda verilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda mukayese ve genel fikir edinme, ilkesiyle hareket edilerek, derlenen ezgilerin söz, ritm ve dizi yapıları istatistik ve grafikel yöntemlerle sunulmuştur.
Musical culture produced by the women population living in the town of Çayıralan taking place within the triangle of three cities Yozgat, Kayseri and Sivas carries the combined characteristics of these cities. Within the context of the musical repertoire, these characteristics are seen clearly. "Çayıralan women folk songs" are performed usually * with def everywhere the women work, cry with sorrow and enjoy the life far away from the men population due to various reasons. In general, the verbal structure of the ** folk songs consists of mani and time structure consists of basic systems with four-beat. As far as the tuning is concerned, dominance of "Yahyalı Kerem" style is observed. Ritmic sentences of the folk songs performed only by def out of 38 songs put into musical notes were * Folkloric music rthym instrument. ** Special poetic structure in folk songs. VIII indicated right below of their melodic sentences. Data like origin and identity, tuning, time structure, model coding, poetic coding, literal and melodic type of the folk songs were stated in a table after they had been studied in four different points of view, classified and coded in order to provide a general view. In conclusion verbal, ritmic and tuning structure of the folk songs were stated in statistical and graphical forms with the aim of providing a general view and comparsion.
Musical culture produced by the women population living in the town of Çayıralan taking place within the triangle of three cities Yozgat, Kayseri and Sivas carries the combined characteristics of these cities. Within the context of the musical repertoire, these characteristics are seen clearly. "Çayıralan women folk songs" are performed usually * with def everywhere the women work, cry with sorrow and enjoy the life far away from the men population due to various reasons. In general, the verbal structure of the ** folk songs consists of mani and time structure consists of basic systems with four-beat. As far as the tuning is concerned, dominance of "Yahyalı Kerem" style is observed. Ritmic sentences of the folk songs performed only by def out of 38 songs put into musical notes were * Folkloric music rthym instrument. ** Special poetic structure in folk songs. VIII indicated right below of their melodic sentences. Data like origin and identity, tuning, time structure, model coding, poetic coding, literal and melodic type of the folk songs were stated in a table after they had been studied in four different points of view, classified and coded in order to provide a general view. In conclusion verbal, ritmic and tuning structure of the folk songs were stated in statistical and graphical forms with the aim of providing a general view and comparsion.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1992
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1992
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor),
Kadın ağzı havaları,
Woman-talk" folk songs",