İstanbul Sıraevleri Ve Bir Sosyal Konut Modeli Olarak Surp Agop Sıraevleri
İstanbul Sıraevleri Ve Bir Sosyal Konut Modeli Olarak Surp Agop Sıraevleri
Çakmak, Tuğba
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
Bu çalışmada sıraev kavramı tanımlanarak dünyada ve İngiltere’deki örneklerine değinilmiştir. Batılılaşma dönemi İstanbul’unda kent dokusuna tipolojik bir kategori olarak katılan ‘İstanbul sıraevinin’ ortaya çıktığı dönem koşulları incelenmiştir. Kent içindeki bölgesel etnik farklılıklar ve dönemin yapılaşmasını etkileyen kanun ve yönetmelikler araştırılmıştır. İstanbul’da yeni bir konut modeli olan sıraev; kentsel konumuna, plan ve cephe tipolojilerine ve yapım amacı ve kullanım modellerine göre tanımlanmıştır. İstanbul sıraevinin tipik örneklerinden Ortaköy Onsekiz Akaretler Sıraevi, Fener-Balat sıraevleri ve Beşiktaş Akaretler Sıraev grubunun yapılış amaçları, kullanım modelleri ve mimari özellikleri incelenmiştir. Sosyal nitelikli azınlık vakfına ait olan Sup Agop Sıraevleri ele alınarak konumu, tarihçesi, yapım ve kullanım süreçleri araştırılmış, analitik incelemesi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca ondokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’unda cemaat olarak Ermeni topluluğuna kısaca değinilmiştir. Surp Agop Sıraevleri dönem sıraevleriyle karşılaştırılmış, son olarak da güncel durum tespiti yapılarak koruma önerisi sunulmuştur.
This research describes the meaning of rowhouse with the examples in the world and in England which were introduced to Istanbul’s urban fabric during the Westernization period. Also the period of the introducing time of rowhouse, the demographic structure and the regional ethnic variations and the laws effects the constructions are searched. Surp Agop Rowhouse, that is chosen because of its social quality, examined from the historical side and analytic side. The new house model of rowhouse and the rowhouse typology is explained as well as the position of rowhouses in urban, plan and facade typologies and the aim and the reason of constructing these rowhoueses and the usage types of the houses. The Surp Agop Rowhouses, which makes up the main subject of this thesis is studied analytically. Then the history, the location and the position, the layout, the facade orientation and the ornaments of the rowhouses of this group are examined. The comparison of the rowhouses which were built in the same period with the Surp Agop Rowhouse is done. After examining of users and the history of rowhouses, we contributed a preservation and adaptive reuse suggestion in the area selected.
This research describes the meaning of rowhouse with the examples in the world and in England which were introduced to Istanbul’s urban fabric during the Westernization period. Also the period of the introducing time of rowhouse, the demographic structure and the regional ethnic variations and the laws effects the constructions are searched. Surp Agop Rowhouse, that is chosen because of its social quality, examined from the historical side and analytic side. The new house model of rowhouse and the rowhouse typology is explained as well as the position of rowhouses in urban, plan and facade typologies and the aim and the reason of constructing these rowhoueses and the usage types of the houses. The Surp Agop Rowhouses, which makes up the main subject of this thesis is studied analytically. Then the history, the location and the position, the layout, the facade orientation and the ornaments of the rowhouses of this group are examined. The comparison of the rowhouses which were built in the same period with the Surp Agop Rowhouse is done. After examining of users and the history of rowhouses, we contributed a preservation and adaptive reuse suggestion in the area selected.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Anahtar kelimeler
sosyal konut,
Surp Agop,
social house,
Surp Agop