Silikon Polimerlerin Şampuanlardaki Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi
Silikon Polimerlerin Şampuanlardaki Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Dünya üzerindeki ekonomik krizlerden en az etkilenen sektörlerden biri olan kozmetik sektörü, yenilikçi ürünleri ve sürekli dinamik kalan tüketici tarzı ile bilinmektedir. Tüm kozmetik ürünlerin içerisinde, şampuanlar, tüm tüketiciler tarafından en çok kullanılan ürünler arasında yer alır zira şampuanlar herkesin “kullanması şart” olan ürünlerdendir. Silikonlar, başta şampuan ve saç kremleri olmak üzere cilt kremleri ve anti-perspiranlar gibi pek çok farklı kozmetik üründe kullanılır. Silikonlar, kozmetik ürünlerde giderek daha fazla oranda kullanılmaktadır ve yenilikçi, multi-fonksiyonel ürünlerin bir kısmında silikonların kullanımı şarttır çünkü formülün temel özelliğini kullanılan özel silikonlar sağlar. Şeffaf şampuanlar, çoğu tüketici tarafından cilde ve saça daha az zararlı ürünler olarak algılanır çünkü çoğu şeffaf şampuan saçı ağırlaştırmaz, aksine hacim sağlar, opak şampuanlara kıyasla daha az bileşen içerir. Bu çalışmanın amaçlarından birisi de şeffaf, sade içerikli ve saçı nemlendirme özelliğine sahip bir şampuan formüle ekmektir. Bununla beraber, şampuan formülleri giderek daha sadeleşmekte ve az bileşenle optimum etki alınması hedeflenmektedir. Fonksiyonel silikonlar bu anlamda çok etkili olmaktadır çünkü tek bir fonksiyonel silikon kullanarak ıslak-kuru taranabilirliği kolaylaştırmak, saça hacim ve parlaklık vermek ve köpüğü zenginleştirmek mümkündür. Bu tez çalışmasında, farklı tipte silikon polimerler şampuan bazında denenmiştir ve silikonların etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kullanılan silikonlar graft silikon polimerleri, trisiloksan polieterler ve son olarak polieteramin tipi silikonlardır. Çalışmanın amacı, hangi silikonlu sistemin tuz ile kalınlaştırılabildiğini tayin etmek, bu silikonların saç üzerinde verdiği etkiyi görmek, silikonların şampuan bazının şeffaflığı ve homojenliği üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Toplam altı deney gerçekleştirilmiştir. En olumlu sonuçlar beş ve altı numaralı çalışmaların sonucunda elde edilmiştir. Beş ve altı numaralı çalışmalardaki formüllerin bir kısmı hem saç hem de cilt üzerinde belirgin bir nemlendirme ve yumuşatma etkisi sağlamıştır. Çalışmalardaki formüllerde, sürfaktanlar olarak Sodium Laureth Sulfate ve Cocamidopropyl Betaine seçilmiştir. Methyl Gluceth-20 ve C12-15 Alkyl Lactate bazı formülasyonlarda kalınlaştırıcı olarak kullanılmıştır. Şampuanlar, şeffaflık, viskozite, tuz (NaCl) içeriği, ıslak ve kuru taranabilirlik, parlaklık ve nemlendirme açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Emulsiyon silikonların saçta nemlendirme ve yumuşaklık sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Emulsiyon silikonlar kullanılarak yapılmış şampuan bazı formülleri aynı zamanda duş jelleri, yüz yıkama ürünleri, el yıkama sabunları gibi formüllerinde de kullanılabilir. Bu formüller aynı zamanda glikol distearat ya da akrilat kopolimer gibi opaklaştırıcı ajanlar kullanılarak opaklaştırılabilir.
Being one of the industries which is least effected by various economic crisis in the world, personal care industry is known with its wide range of products and dynamic consumers. Among all personal care products, shampoos are known to be of interest by all consumers of all age groups since shampoos are perceived by the consumer as the “must-have” items. Silicones are used in a number of personal care products, providing their unique sensory benefits from shampoos and skin creams to cosmetics and antiperspirants. Silicones are fast becoming an essential ingredient in the cosmetics and personal care market as producers continue to provide more customized and specialized silicone ingredients to meet consumer demand for innovative, multifunctional and sensory-appealing products. Clear shampoos are perceived as being pure and less harmful to both hair and skin by consumers, as they do not weigh down hair, provide volumizing and contain less amount of ingredients. Thus, main aim of this study was to formulate a clear and conditioning shampoo while investigating the behaviors of silicones in shampoo base. Moreover, the shampoo industry is moving towards using less amount of ingredients and obtaining optimum results. Functional silicones play a critical role on the overall effect of such shampoos because functional silicones can provide ease of combing, shine, volume and enhanced foam. In this study, different types of silicones were investigated in shampoo systems. These silicones are graft silicone copolymers, trisiloxane polyethers and finally polyetheramine silicone copolymers. The aim of the study was to see which silicone system can be thickened by salt, what kind of effect the stable formulations provide on hair, the solubility profile of the silicones in shampoo system, to see clarity and uniformity of the finished products. The most successful formulations were obtained in Experiment 5 and 6. The results of experiment 6 were by far the optimum results in terms of conditioning both for hair and skin. Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Cocamidopropyl Betaine are selected as the surfactants. Methyl Gluceth-20 and C12-15 Alkyl Lactate are used as thickeners in selected formulations. Shampoos were evaluated for clarity, viscosity, salt (NaCl) content/efficacy and via combing force, conditioning effect, shine and conditioning properties of the applied hair. Emulsion silicones were found to provide conditioning, ease of combing and softness to both wet and dry hair and as well as skin. The final formulations with the emulsion silicones can also be used in facial washes, body washes, shower gels and hand washes by doing slight changes in formulations. These formulations can also be opacified by using glycol distearate and/or acrylates copolymer based opacifiers/thickeners.
Being one of the industries which is least effected by various economic crisis in the world, personal care industry is known with its wide range of products and dynamic consumers. Among all personal care products, shampoos are known to be of interest by all consumers of all age groups since shampoos are perceived by the consumer as the “must-have” items. Silicones are used in a number of personal care products, providing their unique sensory benefits from shampoos and skin creams to cosmetics and antiperspirants. Silicones are fast becoming an essential ingredient in the cosmetics and personal care market as producers continue to provide more customized and specialized silicone ingredients to meet consumer demand for innovative, multifunctional and sensory-appealing products. Clear shampoos are perceived as being pure and less harmful to both hair and skin by consumers, as they do not weigh down hair, provide volumizing and contain less amount of ingredients. Thus, main aim of this study was to formulate a clear and conditioning shampoo while investigating the behaviors of silicones in shampoo base. Moreover, the shampoo industry is moving towards using less amount of ingredients and obtaining optimum results. Functional silicones play a critical role on the overall effect of such shampoos because functional silicones can provide ease of combing, shine, volume and enhanced foam. In this study, different types of silicones were investigated in shampoo systems. These silicones are graft silicone copolymers, trisiloxane polyethers and finally polyetheramine silicone copolymers. The aim of the study was to see which silicone system can be thickened by salt, what kind of effect the stable formulations provide on hair, the solubility profile of the silicones in shampoo system, to see clarity and uniformity of the finished products. The most successful formulations were obtained in Experiment 5 and 6. The results of experiment 6 were by far the optimum results in terms of conditioning both for hair and skin. Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Cocamidopropyl Betaine are selected as the surfactants. Methyl Gluceth-20 and C12-15 Alkyl Lactate are used as thickeners in selected formulations. Shampoos were evaluated for clarity, viscosity, salt (NaCl) content/efficacy and via combing force, conditioning effect, shine and conditioning properties of the applied hair. Emulsion silicones were found to provide conditioning, ease of combing and softness to both wet and dry hair and as well as skin. The final formulations with the emulsion silicones can also be used in facial washes, body washes, shower gels and hand washes by doing slight changes in formulations. These formulations can also be opacified by using glycol distearate and/or acrylates copolymer based opacifiers/thickeners.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016
Anahtar kelimeler
Tarama Kolaylığı,
Saç Nemlendirme,
Opak Şampuan,
Şeffaf Şampuan,
Ease Of Combing,
Combing Force,
Hair Conditioning,
Clear Shampoo,
Opaque Shampoo,
Hair Structure,