Tıtanyuma Özgün Polipeptitlerin Faj Gösterim Tekniğiyle Seçimi
Tıtanyuma Özgün Polipeptitlerin Faj Gösterim Tekniğiyle Seçimi
Karabulut, Kamil Semih
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Organik-inorganik hibrid sistemleri hemen hemen tüm organizmalar kullanılırlar. Bu sistemler yapısal ve/veya koruyucu amaçlı olmakla beraber aynı zamanda hücreler arası etkileşimde de görev alırlar. Bu tip organik-inorganik hibritlerin oluşmasında başlıca rolü proteinler oynamaktadır. Bu mükemmel işlevsellikleri nedeniyle inorganik malzemelere özgün olan polipeptidler biyoteknolojide ve nanobiyoteknolojide kullanılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Faj gösterim tekniği çeşitli inorganik malzeme yüzeylerine özgün olarak bağlanan polipeptitlerin seçiliminde kullanılan kombinatoryal biyoloji tabanlı bir yöntemdir. İnorganiklere özgün olan polipeptitler moleküler bağlayıcı veya inorganik sentezi gibi nano ve bionanoteknolojik alanlarda kullanılabilir. Bu çalışmada toz titanyuma özgün polipeptitler faj gösterim yöntemiyle seçilmiştir. Titanyumun inorganik malzeme olarak seçilmesinin sebebi biyouyumluluğu yüksek bir malzeme olması ve tıp alanında özellikle diş implantlarında sıklıkla kullanılmasıdır. Titanyuma özgün polipeptitlerin seçimi C7C faj gösterim kütüphanesinden yapılmıştır. Faj gösterim protokolü uygulanmadan önce malzeme karakterizasyonu deneyleri yapılmıştır. Deney seti süresince 3 döngü yapılmıştır. Bu döngüler sonucunda rastgele 51 dizi seçilip titanyuma bağlanma eğilimi ve özgünlüğü incelenmiştir. Deney setinin sonunda, tanımlanan polipeptit dizilerinin amino asit oranları hesaplanarak faj kütüphanesindeki amino asit oranlarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Daha sonra orantısal analizleri yapılan polipeptit dizilerinin titanyuma bağlanma eğilimlerini araştırmak için floresan mikroskobu çalışması yapılmıştır. Seçilen polipeptitlerin titanyumun yüzeyine bağlanma eğilimleri incelenip, güçlü, orta ve zayıf bağlanan olarak 3 kategoriye ayrılmıştır. Güçlü bağlanan polipeptitler titanyuma olan özgünlüğünü anlamak için platin, gümüş ve silika ile florasan mikroskobu çalışmaları yapılmıştır.
Nearly all the organisms utilize organic-inorganic hybrid systems. Either these systems play structural and/or defensive roles, or function in intercellular interactions between cells. Proteins are the major molecules in formation of this type of hybrid systems. Polypeptides are used in biotechnologic and nano-biotechnologic areas due to their excellent functionality in complexes with inorganic materials. Phage display technique is one of the combinatorial biology based selection techniques used in biomimetics to select inorganic binding polypeptides. Inorganic specific polypeptides can be used in nanotechnological and bionanotechnological applications as molecular linkers and take role in inorganic biomineraliazation. In the current work, titanium specific polypeptides were selected via using phage display technique. The rationale for selecting titanium as an inorganic subtrate may be explained by its biocompatibility and popularity in medical implants, especially the dental implants. C7C phage library was used to select titanium specific polypeptides. Before screening, material characterization studies were carried out. After 3 rounds of screening 51 sequences were randomly selected to study the binding affinities and specificities. At the end of the screening, procedure amino acid distribution of selected sequences and observed amino acid frequencies in library were compared, after amino acids frequency analyses, fluorescence microscopy experiments were carried out in order to understand the binding affinity of selected polypeptides to titanium powder. After fluorescence microscopy studies, polypeptides were grouped as strong, moderate and weak binding polypeptides. Selection of strong polypeptides was not considered sufficient to assure which polypeptide was “specific” to titanium therefore cross specificity experiments were performed with platinum, silver and silica by examination on fluorescence microscopy.
Nearly all the organisms utilize organic-inorganic hybrid systems. Either these systems play structural and/or defensive roles, or function in intercellular interactions between cells. Proteins are the major molecules in formation of this type of hybrid systems. Polypeptides are used in biotechnologic and nano-biotechnologic areas due to their excellent functionality in complexes with inorganic materials. Phage display technique is one of the combinatorial biology based selection techniques used in biomimetics to select inorganic binding polypeptides. Inorganic specific polypeptides can be used in nanotechnological and bionanotechnological applications as molecular linkers and take role in inorganic biomineraliazation. In the current work, titanium specific polypeptides were selected via using phage display technique. The rationale for selecting titanium as an inorganic subtrate may be explained by its biocompatibility and popularity in medical implants, especially the dental implants. C7C phage library was used to select titanium specific polypeptides. Before screening, material characterization studies were carried out. After 3 rounds of screening 51 sequences were randomly selected to study the binding affinities and specificities. At the end of the screening, procedure amino acid distribution of selected sequences and observed amino acid frequencies in library were compared, after amino acids frequency analyses, fluorescence microscopy experiments were carried out in order to understand the binding affinity of selected polypeptides to titanium powder. After fluorescence microscopy studies, polypeptides were grouped as strong, moderate and weak binding polypeptides. Selection of strong polypeptides was not considered sufficient to assure which polypeptide was “specific” to titanium therefore cross specificity experiments were performed with platinum, silver and silica by examination on fluorescence microscopy.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
Titanyuma özgün polipeptitler,
biyomedikal uygulamalar,
faj gösterim tekniği,
Titanium binding polypeptides,
biomedical applications,
phage display