The role of representations in dynamic environments
The role of representations in dynamic environments
Orbayı, Merve
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Bilişim Enstitüsü
Institute of Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Gösterilimlerin evrimsel algoritmalar üzerindeki etkisi durağan ortamlar için bugüne kadar birçok çalışmada incelenmiş, bununla beraber dinamik ortamlardaki etkisi ihmal edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, farklı gösterilimlerin dinamik ortamlardaki etkisini deneysel olarak inceledik. Probleme ara dönüşüm olmaksızın çözüm olabilen gösterilimlere, dogrudan gösterilimler denir. Dolaylı gösterilimlerde ise, arama farklı bir uzayda yapıldığından dolayı, çözümün doğrudan gösterilim haline ulaşmak için bir dönüşüm gerekir. Genelde, doğrudan gösterilimler tüm uzayda arama yaptıklarından dolayı geçersiz çözümlerle de evrim sırasında baş etmelidir. Dolaylı gösterilimler genetik arama uzayında arama yaptığı ve aday çözümler genelde geçerli çözüm uzayına izdüştüğü için, geçersiz çözüm problemi yoktur. Testlerde çoğunluk tarafından bilinen çok boyutlu sırt çantası (multi- dimensional knapsack problem) ve gezgin satıcı (traveling salesman) optimizasyon problemleri için doğrudan ve dolaylı yöntemleri inceledik, ve karşılaştırdık. Çok boyutlu sırt çantası problemi için seçtiğimiz dolaylı ağırlık kodlama (weight coding) yöntemi ile travelling salesman problemi için kullandığımız dolaylı ötelenmis koordinatlar (perturbed coordinates) yöntemi, çözümü bulmak için temelde aynı mantığı paylaşıyor. Her iki yöntemde de aday çözümler, orjinal problemin bazı değerlerini değiştirerek biraz farklı bir problem elde ediyor. Daha sonra elde edilen yeni probleme hızlı bir sezgisel yöntemle çözüm buluyor. Bulunan bu çözümü de orjinal problemin çözümüymüş gibi kullanıyor.Dolaylı gösterilimlerde, her değişim anında, toplumu oluşturan çözümlerin genetik arama uzayındaki bileşenleri, çözüm uzayına izdüşürülerek, toplumun yeni probleme adapte olması sağlanıyor. Sonuçlar dolaylı gösterilimlerin değişim anlarında, sahip oldukları sezgisel adaptasyon mekanizmasıyla var olan çözümleri yeni probleme adapte etmelerinden dolayı dinamik problemler için daha uygun olduğunu gösterdi. Ek olarak, gösterilimlerin dinamik ortamlardaki etkisinin, statik ortamlardakinden daha büyük olduğunu gördük. Bu nedenle dinamik ortamlarda gösterilimler seçilirken seçici olunmalı, adaptif yöntemler tercih edilmelidir.
The effect of different representations has been thoroughly analyzed for evolutionary algorithms in stationary environments. However, the role of representations in dynamic environments has been largely neglected so far. In this study, we empirically analyze the effects of different representations in dynamic environments. A representation is called direct, if it can be interpreted directly as a solution to the problem. In indirect representations, search is done in a different space, so mapping is required to get the direct representation of the solution. Direct representations do search in the entire search space, so generally method should deal with the infeasible solutions through evolution. In indirect representations, search is done in genetic search space and generally they all map to feasible solutions of the search space. Thus indirect representation do not have a problem of infeasible solutions. In tests, we analyzed and compared, direct and indirect representations for both generally known optimization problems, multi-dimensional knapsack problem and traveling salesman problem. Two indirect representations selected, weight coding for multi-dimensional knapsack problem and perturbed coordinates for traveling salesman problem, keep the same track while finding the solution. In both approaches, candidate solutions first creates a slightly changed problem, by changing some values of the original problem. Then they find a solution to the changed problem using a fast heuristic. In indirect representations, at each change point, existing population is adapted to the new problem by mapping solutions' components of genetic search space to solution space. Our results indicate that indirect representations are particularly suitable for dynamic problems, because they implicitly provide a heuristic adaptation mechanism that improves the current solutions after a change. In addition, we saw that the choice of representation in dynamic environments is even more important than in static environments. For this reason, you should be selective while deciding representation to be used in a dynamic environment and you should prefer adaptive representations.
The effect of different representations has been thoroughly analyzed for evolutionary algorithms in stationary environments. However, the role of representations in dynamic environments has been largely neglected so far. In this study, we empirically analyze the effects of different representations in dynamic environments. A representation is called direct, if it can be interpreted directly as a solution to the problem. In indirect representations, search is done in a different space, so mapping is required to get the direct representation of the solution. Direct representations do search in the entire search space, so generally method should deal with the infeasible solutions through evolution. In indirect representations, search is done in genetic search space and generally they all map to feasible solutions of the search space. Thus indirect representation do not have a problem of infeasible solutions. In tests, we analyzed and compared, direct and indirect representations for both generally known optimization problems, multi-dimensional knapsack problem and traveling salesman problem. Two indirect representations selected, weight coding for multi-dimensional knapsack problem and perturbed coordinates for traveling salesman problem, keep the same track while finding the solution. In both approaches, candidate solutions first creates a slightly changed problem, by changing some values of the original problem. Then they find a solution to the changed problem using a fast heuristic. In indirect representations, at each change point, existing population is adapted to the new problem by mapping solutions' components of genetic search space to solution space. Our results indicate that indirect representations are particularly suitable for dynamic problems, because they implicitly provide a heuristic adaptation mechanism that improves the current solutions after a change. In addition, we saw that the choice of representation in dynamic environments is even more important than in static environments. For this reason, you should be selective while deciding representation to be used in a dynamic environment and you should prefer adaptive representations.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Bilişim Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Informatics, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Informatics, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
Evrimsel programlama (Bilgisayar bilimi),
Genetik algoritmalar,
Evolutionary programming (Computer science),
Genetic algorithms