Dioksinonların Nükleofillerle Reaksiyonları
Dioksinonların Nükleofillerle Reaksiyonları
Küreli, Eser
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Keten yapısındaki aynı karbon üzerinde, hem alken hem de karbonil gruplarının bulunuşu ve birbirlerine dönüşümleri yapının çok reaktif bir ara yapı olarak organik kimyada birçok alanda kullanılmasını sağlamıştır. Ortamdaki nükleofil karakter taşıyan hidroksil ve amin grubu içeren bileşiklerle kolaylıkla reaksiyona girip, ester ya da amid yapılarının sentezinde kullanıldığı anlaşılmıştır. Literatürde, doğrudan doğruya hidroksi aromatik asitlerden yola çıkarak tek adımda o-hidroksi keton sentezi için uygun bir yöntem belirlenememiştir. Bu çalışmada ise karbon nükleofillerin atağıyla α-hidroksi aromatik asitlerden başlayarak tek adımda o-hidroksi keton sentezlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca doymamış alkollerin ısısal ve fotokimyasal olarak verdikleri ürünlerin karşılaştırılması yapılacaktır. Bu çalışmada deneyler sırasında kullanılan karbon ve oksijen nükleofilleri aşağıda gösterilmektedir. Isısal reaksiyonlarda başlangıç bileşikleri olarak 2,2-dimetil-4H-nafto[2,3-d][1,3]dioksin-4-on ve 7-Hidroksi-2,2-difenil-6,7-dihidro-4h-benzo[d][1,3]dioksin-4-on ve fotolitik reaksiyonlarda 2,2-difenil-4H-nafto[2,3-d][1,3]dioksin-4-on sentezlenerek kullanılmıştır. İlk olarak, benzo ve naftodioksinon türevlerinin ısısal reaksiyonları sonucunda oluşan keten arayapılarının karbon nükleofilleri ile verdikleri reaksiyonlar incelenmiştir. Karbon nükleofilleri olarak sentez edilen Grignard bileşikleri ve hazır organolityum bileşikleri seçilmiştir. Karbon nükleofilleri olan Grignard reaktiflerinin atağıyla keton ve ester yapıları içeren ürünler elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen ürünlerin yapıları spektroskopik yöntemlerle doğrulanmıştır. Daha sonra, Grignard bileşiği hazırlanma reaksiyonunun verimli olmamasından dolayı deneylere hazır organometalik bileşikler ile devam edilmiştir. Hazır organolityum bileşikleri olarak seçilen n-bütillityum ve sec-bütillityum nükleofillerinin ısısal olarak oluşan keten arayapısına atağıyla keton ve ester yapılarına sahip ürünler sentezlenmiştir. Yapılar spektroskopik yöntemlerle ispatlanmıştır. Tezin ikinci bölümünde oksijen nükleofilleriyle ısısal ve fotokimyasal reaksiyonlar denenmiştir. Oksijen nükleofilleri olarak kullanılan cis-2-büten-1,4-diol ve 2-bütin-1,4-diol ısısal reaksiyonlar hem katalizörsüz hem de bor triflorür dietil eterat katalizörü ile incelenmiştir. Naftodioksinon bileşiği, cis-2-büten-1,4-diol oksijen nükleofilinin ile katalizörsüz ısısal reaksiyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra, 7-Hidroksi-2,2-difenil-4H-benzo[d][1,3]dioksin-4-on’un ısısal reaksiyon sonucu oluşturduğu keten arayapısına; cis-2-büten-1,4-diol ve 2-bütin-1,4-diol oksijen nükleofillerinin bor triflorür dietil eterat katalizörü varlığında saldırmasıyla elde edilen ürünlerin reaksiyonu incelenmiştir. Yapılar spektroskopik yöntemler ile tayin edilmiştir. Tezin üçüncü bölümünde dioksinon bileşiklerinin fotolitik reaksiyonları incelenmiştir. Oksijen nükleofilleri ile yürütülen fotolitik reaksiyonlar sonucunda mono ve di- ürünler oluşmuştur. Fotokimyasal reaksiyonlar katalizörsüz olarak cis-2-büten-1,4-diol ve 2-bütin-1,4-diol ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; bu çalışmada; naftodioksinonların ve benzodioksinonların ısısal veya ışınlama ile α-oksoketen arayapısı oluşturulmasından yararlanılmıştır. Isısal reaksiyonlarda ise beklendiği gibi siklokatılma reaksiyonları gerçekleşmiş ancak birden fazla cis-diol katılması söz konusu olmuştur. Karbon nükleofillerinin kullanılması ile istenen ürüne yüksek verimle ulaşılamamıştır. Ancak alınan sonuçlar ümit vericidir. Daha saf ve inert koşullarda çalışıldığı takdirde istenilen ürünler elde edilebilir. Oksijen nükleofilleri olarak kullanılan doymamış alkoller, ısısal ve fotokimyasal olarak farklı ürünler vermişlerdir. Isısal olarak doymamış yapılar kullanılarak [4+2] katılma reaksiyonları gerçekleştilirken, fotokimyasal olarak oksijen üzerinden ester ve türevleri elde edilmiştir.
Ketene structures are highly reactive and useful intermediates for organic chemistry and practical in the industrial area comprising alkene and carbonyl groups at the same carbon atom which are formed by photolysis or thermal conditions, Ketenes can undergo reactions with nucleophilic groups, such as hydroxyl and amine groups to form ester and amide structures. A convenient method is not represented to achieve the direct synthesis of o-hydroxy ketones generated from hydroxy aromatic acids. The intention of this work is to produce one step synthesis of o-hydroxy ketones starting from α-hydroxy aromatic acid derivatives by using carbon nucleophiles. Additionaly, the products obtained under photolysis and thermal reactions of unsaturated alcohol compounds were compared. In the presented work, the carbon and oxygen nucleophiles used during the experiment section are given below. The inital dioxinone reactants utilised under thermal reactions conditions are 2,2-dimethyl-4H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,3]dioxin-4-one and 7-Hydroxy-2,2-diphenyl-6,7-dihydro-4h-benzo[d][1,3]dioxin-4-one. The starting reagent for photolysis reactions is 2,2-diphenyl-4H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,3]dioxin-4-one. Photochemically reactions using oxygen nucleophiles gived aromatic ester derivatives. Initial efforts was to report the reactions of the carbon nucleophilic attack to ketene derived from the thermolysis of benzo and naphtodioxinone structures. Grignard reagents and organolithium compounds were chosen for carbon nucleophiles. Products containing ester and ketone functional groups were formed by the Grignard reagent attacking of to the ketene intermediate. The structures of the thermally formed esters/ketones were confirmed by spectroscopic methods. After that, the procedures are followed by using other organo metalic compound in order that the yield of the preparation of Grignard reagents were not efficient for the realisation of a high yield product. n-Buthyl lithium and sec-buthyl lithium were selected as organo metalic compounds. The products possesing ketone/ester groups were synthesized by the nucleophilic attack of organo metalic compounds via ketene intermediates derived from thermolysis. The structures of the thermally formed esters/ketones were confirmed by spectroscopic methods (5). Secondly, the reactions of the oxygen nucleophiles attack to ketene derived from the thermolysis of benzo and naphtodioxinone structures had been examined. cis-2-Butene-1,4-diol and 2-butyn-1,4-diol were selected oxygen nucleophiles fort he thermolysis reactions. At first sight, reactions are studied without catalyzer; then in the presence of bor triflorure diethyl eterat complex as a catalyst. In the first part,the reaction of naphtodioxinone conducted with cis-2-butene-1,4-diol lacking of a catalyst. The second part followed by the first section under the same conditions with the same reagents and reactants, with the attendance of a catalyst which acts as a Lewis acid were used. The product structures were verified by spectroscopic methods were synthesized by the attack of cis-2-butene-1,4-diol and 2-butyn-1,4-diol to the ketene intermediate originated from the thermolysis of 7-Hydroxy-2,2-diphenyl-4H-benzo[d][1,3]dioxin-4-one. Third part comprise the photolitic reactions of naphtodioxinones. Photolytic reactions were processed without a catalyser by using cis-2-butene-1,4-diol as a oxygen nucleophile. Consequently, the structure of mono- and di- products were prooved by spectroscopic methods. The formation of α-oxoketen intermediate is derived from the photolysis and thermolysis of naphtodioxinone and benzodioxinone derivatives. Under thermolysis conditions, expected cycloadditions reactions are occured; however the addition of many diol reagents to the dioxinone derivatives took place. The achivement of high yield product mediated from carbon nucleophilic attack to dioxinone derivatives was not succesfull. Yet the obtained results were encouraging for the next research steps by applying much more pure and inert conditions. Oxygen nucleophiles used for the photolysis of unsaturated structures did not undergo addition reactions with double bonds of reactants.
Ketene structures are highly reactive and useful intermediates for organic chemistry and practical in the industrial area comprising alkene and carbonyl groups at the same carbon atom which are formed by photolysis or thermal conditions, Ketenes can undergo reactions with nucleophilic groups, such as hydroxyl and amine groups to form ester and amide structures. A convenient method is not represented to achieve the direct synthesis of o-hydroxy ketones generated from hydroxy aromatic acids. The intention of this work is to produce one step synthesis of o-hydroxy ketones starting from α-hydroxy aromatic acid derivatives by using carbon nucleophiles. Additionaly, the products obtained under photolysis and thermal reactions of unsaturated alcohol compounds were compared. In the presented work, the carbon and oxygen nucleophiles used during the experiment section are given below. The inital dioxinone reactants utilised under thermal reactions conditions are 2,2-dimethyl-4H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,3]dioxin-4-one and 7-Hydroxy-2,2-diphenyl-6,7-dihydro-4h-benzo[d][1,3]dioxin-4-one. The starting reagent for photolysis reactions is 2,2-diphenyl-4H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,3]dioxin-4-one. Photochemically reactions using oxygen nucleophiles gived aromatic ester derivatives. Initial efforts was to report the reactions of the carbon nucleophilic attack to ketene derived from the thermolysis of benzo and naphtodioxinone structures. Grignard reagents and organolithium compounds were chosen for carbon nucleophiles. Products containing ester and ketone functional groups were formed by the Grignard reagent attacking of to the ketene intermediate. The structures of the thermally formed esters/ketones were confirmed by spectroscopic methods. After that, the procedures are followed by using other organo metalic compound in order that the yield of the preparation of Grignard reagents were not efficient for the realisation of a high yield product. n-Buthyl lithium and sec-buthyl lithium were selected as organo metalic compounds. The products possesing ketone/ester groups were synthesized by the nucleophilic attack of organo metalic compounds via ketene intermediates derived from thermolysis. The structures of the thermally formed esters/ketones were confirmed by spectroscopic methods (5). Secondly, the reactions of the oxygen nucleophiles attack to ketene derived from the thermolysis of benzo and naphtodioxinone structures had been examined. cis-2-Butene-1,4-diol and 2-butyn-1,4-diol were selected oxygen nucleophiles fort he thermolysis reactions. At first sight, reactions are studied without catalyzer; then in the presence of bor triflorure diethyl eterat complex as a catalyst. In the first part,the reaction of naphtodioxinone conducted with cis-2-butene-1,4-diol lacking of a catalyst. The second part followed by the first section under the same conditions with the same reagents and reactants, with the attendance of a catalyst which acts as a Lewis acid were used. The product structures were verified by spectroscopic methods were synthesized by the attack of cis-2-butene-1,4-diol and 2-butyn-1,4-diol to the ketene intermediate originated from the thermolysis of 7-Hydroxy-2,2-diphenyl-4H-benzo[d][1,3]dioxin-4-one. Third part comprise the photolitic reactions of naphtodioxinones. Photolytic reactions were processed without a catalyser by using cis-2-butene-1,4-diol as a oxygen nucleophile. Consequently, the structure of mono- and di- products were prooved by spectroscopic methods. The formation of α-oxoketen intermediate is derived from the photolysis and thermolysis of naphtodioxinone and benzodioxinone derivatives. Under thermolysis conditions, expected cycloadditions reactions are occured; however the addition of many diol reagents to the dioxinone derivatives took place. The achivement of high yield product mediated from carbon nucleophilic attack to dioxinone derivatives was not succesfull. Yet the obtained results were encouraging for the next research steps by applying much more pure and inert conditions. Oxygen nucleophiles used for the photolysis of unsaturated structures did not undergo addition reactions with double bonds of reactants.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
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