Çok katlı betonarme bir yapının projelendirilmesi

Kara, Mehmet
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada çok katlı bir betonarme yapının statik ve betonarme hesapları yatay ve düşey yükler altında yapılmıştır. Yapının statik hesapları SAP90 ( Yapı Analiz Programı ) bilgi sayar programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. SAP90 bilgisayar programının eğitim versiyonu kullanılmıştır. Bu versiyonun sınırlandırılmış olmasından dolayı yapının tümü tanımlanıp bir seferde çözümlenememiş bunun yerine kısımlara ayrılıp bazı kabuller yapılarak ancak çözülebilmiştir. Yapı 8 normal kat ve bir bodrum katından oluşmuş bir sis temdir. Yapının bodrum katının çevresi perde duvarları ile çevrilmiştir. Döşeme tipi kat yüksekliğinin sınırlı olmasından dolayı kirişsiz döşeme olarak seçilmiştir. Döşeme kalınlığı 18 cm seçilmiştir. Zımbalamaya karşı S3 kolonlarında başlık yapılmıştır kat yüksekliği 2.72 m dir. Düşey yükler ve yatay yükler altında TS 500 de belirtilen yük kombinezonları yapılmış ve en elverişsiz durumlar dikkate alınmıştır. Yatay yüklerin yön değiştireceği göz önüne alınarak mesnetlere gerekli ek donatı konulmuştur. Yatay yük hesabında simetri dikkate alınarak yapının dörtte biri için hesap yapılmıştır. Yapının temel kısmına tek tip temel uygulanmıştır. Radye temel uygun görülmüştür. Radyenin statik hesabı döşemeye benzetilerek SAP90 bilgi sayar programı ile yapılmıştır.
The static and reinforced concrete calculation of a multi storey building under vertical and horizontal loads are made as a master thesis. Software SAP90 (Structural Analysis Program) are used for the static calculations. The reinforced concrete design is made by using tables prepared to design all kinds of reinforced concrete structures. The building has a reinforced concrete skeleton, eight normal storeys and one basement storey. Basement is surrounded by shear wall. Building support system is composed of columns, shear walls, a core in which elevator hall is located and slabs without beams. Because height of storeys are limited,slab without beams is chosen,slab thickness is chosen 18 cm. Height of normal storeys are 272 cm. To check the computer solutions, one axe is calculated by using equivalent frame method. The solution of slab is calculated by using SAP90's (Structural Analysis Program) shell data. Slab is divided in small pieces and crossing points of slab elements are called crucial nodes and numbered. Because program is limited, normal storey's slab are divided into big pieces by using symmetry. The following assumption are made while determining the border conditions of the slab. 1. The crucial points on the column and shear wall are restricted to displacements 2. The other crucial points are not allowed to displace in x and y directions. 3. A long the axis dividing the slab's grid members do not rotate around it's axis. 4. Side of beams do not displace. XIV Another calculation for the system under vertical and horizontal loads are made and cross section effect which are accrued on columns and shear walls are determined. The structure is defined totally as a three dimensional frame which is composed of equivalent beams which connects columns and shear walls. Calculations results is superposed by the result under horizontal loads. Calculating of lateral loads; The building which is in the 4th degree earthquake area and the purpose of usage is as a residence and ytong is used in the building wall. The first step is to calculate the weight of the building Ni =Gi +nxQi n is taken 0.3 because the purpose of usage is as a residence. W=SWi (The weight of building) The second step is to calculate the coefficient of earthquake Co:The coefficient of earthquake zone K:The coefficient of frame elements type I :The coefficient of building importance h:Height of building C:Building wide in the earthquake forces direction N:Number of floors T< ( 0.09 H )/ VD T< ( 0.07 -0.1 ) N the coefficient of N is depend on rigidity of building S= 1/ | 0.80 +T +To | S<1 To: Takes from the table [3] The third step is to calculate total lateral force. F=C.W The last step is to calculate forces which influence to floors XV Ft=0.004 F(H/D)2 Ft < 0.15 F ;H/D<3 -> Ft=0 Ft is just for the last floor Fi= (F-Ft)( Wi.hi/ ZWi.hi) These coefficients are used for semi-dynamic earthquake design forces. Fi forces determined are divided into two axes of the structure and calculations carried out for earthquake forces action in two direction perpendicular to each other of the building. Reinforced concrete design of the building is made by using the most unfavourable cross section effect resulted from loads due to earthquake and vertical loads. Reinforced concrete design of the beams in the building is done by the use of cross section effects of the beams at opening and support points and reasonable amount of bar determine from calculation is exceeded the minimum bar required which is minAs= (12/fyd) bw d. If the magnitude of the shear stresses of beams at the point which have a distance from the support surface is greater from the magnitude of Vcr=0,65 fctd.bw.d Reinforced concrete design of beams are made by taking shear forces into consideration. The minimum dimension of the rectangular cross section of columns of the building design is 30 cm. The thickness of concrete cover exposed to outside effects is chosen to be 2 cm. Wrapping horizontal bar around vertical bar, sprain of vertical bar of columns is restricted and vertical strength of columns is increased. Diameter of shear bar used the condition below. 0t>0 /3,8<120,20 cm 0t:The diameter of shear bar 0:The diameter of vertical bar S : Length between two shear bar. Reinforced concrete design of the columns carried out by using tables reinforced concrete design of shear walls in the XVI building is made like design of columns and appropriate, amount of bar is placed in shear walls. For the foundation a mat slab is designed like slab without beams, it is calculated by using SAP90 computer software.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Betonarme yapılar, Projelendirme, Yüksek yapılar, Reinforced concrete structures, Projecting, High structures