Proteaz Enziminin Glutaraldehit Kullanarak Kovalent Bağlanma İle İmmobilizasyonunda Optimum Şartların Belirlenmesi
Proteaz Enziminin Glutaraldehit Kullanarak Kovalent Bağlanma İle İmmobilizasyonunda Optimum Şartların Belirlenmesi
Özçömlekçi, Esra
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada proteaz enziminin çitin ve çitosan üzerine kovalent bağ ile immobilize edilmesi incelenmiştir. Denenen taşıyıcılar içinde en yüksek immobilize enzim aktivitesi elde edilmesi nedeniyle, Proteaz-PFS’nin glutaraldehitle çapraz bağlanma metoduyla aktive edilenleri seçilmiştir. En yüksek aktivite geri kazanımı (AGK) ve etkinlik oranını (EO) elde edecek şekilde immobilizasyon koşullarının optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çapraz bağlanma için kullanılan glutaraldehit konsantrasyonun optimum değeri %1 (h/h) olarak belirlenmiştir. Kullanılan tampon çözeltinin pH ve konsantrasyon değerleri, immobilizasyon üzerinde iyonik şiddetin önemi sebebiyle araştırılmış ve en yüksek değerler pH 12, 0.5 M tampon (Tris-HCl) kullanıldığı durumlarda elde edildiği gözlenmiştir. Optimum taşıyıcı(mg) / enzim oranı(ml) çitin için 1.4 mg/ml, çitosan için ise 1 mg/ml olarak belirlenmiştir. Her iki taşıyıcı için de en iyi kontağın sağlandığı enzim(ml) / tampon(ml) oranı 0.25 ml/ml’dir. İmmobilize edilen proteazın sıcaklık kararlılığı her iki taşıyıcı için de 50oC’den 70oC’ye kaymıştır. Serbest enzimin %7 aktivite gösterdiği pH 12’de immobilize enzim çitin üzerine %54 çitosan üzerinde ise %34 aktivite göstermiştir. Tekrar kullanımlarına bakıldığında çitin üzerine immobilize edilmiş proteazın 6 tekrar kullanım sonunda başlangıç aktivitesinin %68’ini çitosan üzerine immobilize edilmiş proteazın ise başlangıç aktivitesinin %62’sini koruduğu tespit edilmiştir. Deterjan uyumluluğunda ise immobilize enzimin sıcaklık etkisiyle gösterdiği aktivite düşüşüne ek olarak çitin üzerindeki immobilize enzimde yaklaşık %24 çitosan üzerindeki immobilize enzimde ise yaklaşık %20’lik bir aktivite kaybı daha gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Saklama kararlılığa bakıldığında ise 65 gün sonunda immobilize enzimin koruğu aktivite çitin için, %83, çitosan için ise % 87 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Immobilization of protease, by covalent binding on chitin and chitosan was investigated in this study. Protease-PFS was activated by cross linking with glutaraldehyde, was selected among the tested carriers, because of the highest immobilized enzyme activity. The optimization of immobilization conditions was performed to obtain the highest activity recovery (AR) and effluent ratio (ER). The optimum concentration of glutaraldehyde was selected as 1% (v/v). Buffer pH and concentrations were investigated because of their influence of ionic strength on immobilization. Highest values were obtained when pH 12, 0.5M buffer (Tris-HCl) was used. The optimum carrier/enzyme ratio was 1.4 for chitin and 1 for chitosan. Enzyme/buffer ratio was 0.25 as a result of good contact between the carriers and enzyme molecules. Temperature stability of protease enzymes was shifted from 50oC to 70oC when immobilized on both carriers. While free enzyme could save only 7% of its original activity at pH 12, immobilized enzymes on chitin and chitosan could preserve 54% and 34% of their original activities respectively. To evaluate the reusability of proteases immobilized on chitin and chitosan, they were assayed 6 times consecutively, after 6 cycles, immobilized proteases on chitin and chitosan saved 68% and 62% of their activities. In the presence of detergent enzymes immobilized on chitin and chitosan lost 24% and 20% of their activities respectively. In the case of storage stability, after 65 days, proteases immobilized on boths carriers saved 83% and 87% of their original activities.
Immobilization of protease, by covalent binding on chitin and chitosan was investigated in this study. Protease-PFS was activated by cross linking with glutaraldehyde, was selected among the tested carriers, because of the highest immobilized enzyme activity. The optimization of immobilization conditions was performed to obtain the highest activity recovery (AR) and effluent ratio (ER). The optimum concentration of glutaraldehyde was selected as 1% (v/v). Buffer pH and concentrations were investigated because of their influence of ionic strength on immobilization. Highest values were obtained when pH 12, 0.5M buffer (Tris-HCl) was used. The optimum carrier/enzyme ratio was 1.4 for chitin and 1 for chitosan. Enzyme/buffer ratio was 0.25 as a result of good contact between the carriers and enzyme molecules. Temperature stability of protease enzymes was shifted from 50oC to 70oC when immobilized on both carriers. While free enzyme could save only 7% of its original activity at pH 12, immobilized enzymes on chitin and chitosan could preserve 54% and 34% of their original activities respectively. To evaluate the reusability of proteases immobilized on chitin and chitosan, they were assayed 6 times consecutively, after 6 cycles, immobilized proteases on chitin and chitosan saved 68% and 62% of their activities. In the presence of detergent enzymes immobilized on chitin and chitosan lost 24% and 20% of their activities respectively. In the case of storage stability, after 65 days, proteases immobilized on boths carriers saved 83% and 87% of their original activities.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
Kovalent Bağlanma,
Covalent Binding,