Çevresel etki değerlendirme bilgi sistemi tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesi pilot projesi (Çedbis)

Arslan, Ozan
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Günümüzde, çevresel değişimler ve etkilerinin model ler yardımıyla değerlendirilmesi ve analizi çalışmalarında coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinden yararlanılmaktadır. Çevre ile ilgili bilgileri veritabam sistemlerine bağlı olarak top layıp işleyen, analizini yapan; harita ve rapor halinde su nan çevre bilgi sistemleri oluşturulmaktadır. Su kaynakları planlamalarında, suyun ekonomik gelişme için kısıtlayıcı olmaması amaçlandığından, su kalitesi bu planın vazgeçilmez bir unsurunu oluşturur. Bu çalışmada, çevre bilgi sistemlerinin su kalitesi modelleme çalışmala nnda uygunabilirliğini araştırmak amacıyla; Sakarya Havza sının en önemli alt havzalarından biri olan Porsuk Havza sında belirlenen yararlı kullanımların gerçekleşmesi için su kalitesi yönetim esasları Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Bilgi Sistemi ve Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi Pilot Pro jesi (ÇEDBiS) kapsamı içinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla havzanın çevresel Özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, yararlı kul lanımların ve bunlar için gerekli su kalite ölçütlerinin saptanması, atıksuların karakterizasyonu ile havzadaki atık yükü ve potansiyelinin belirlenmesi, halihazır su kalitesi nin yararlı kullanımlara göre değerlendirilmesi aşamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca gelecekteki yararlı kullanım hedeflerinin sağlanabilmesi için yapılacak çalışmalara alt lık oluşturması amacıyla, su kalitesinin yıllara göre deği şimi incelenmiştir. Böylelikle, bir çevre bilgi sistemi ta sarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesinde izlenecek yöntemler belir lenmiş olmaktadır.
With the approach of the twenty - first century, a number of countries are researching and examining what the next hundred years will bring and are even creating various scenarios and conducting studies based on them. Through the use of scientific data and the power of the imagination, mankind wants to get a preview of what lies in store in the new century such investigations are being carried out by large teams of researchers with vast resour ces at their disposal among them broad-ranging enviromen- tal studies occupy a prominent place. Factors such as haphazard urbanization, the popula tion explosion and technologies which impact on the physi cal and socio-cultural environment of human beings play an important role in the intensification of environmental problems. Although environmental problems emerged previously in the developed countries, thanks to the prosperity brought about by their economic growth, they have gone an important part of the way towords solution of these problems. The biological carrying capacity of the earth is the potential to absorb waste. When waste is excessive, environ mental pollution is created by coal, petroleum, industrial waste, agricultural pesticides, chemical compounds, heavy metals and synthetic and radioactive wastes. This is defi nitely not just an aesthetic problem but a matter of life or death, which constitutes the gravest possible threat to the biological systems that are the basis of our economic activities to the atmosphere, water, forests, agricultural areas and our human resources. The countries with unplanned urbanization with a population growing as rapidly as today and a country of industrialization at any cost, the pressu re of pollutants such as the dust, gas, smoke, odors and steam in the atmosphere is going to start putting a strain on the carrying capacity of human beings and other living resources, not only in today's settled and industrialized areas but in other areas as well. As long as the industrialization is based on a selfish and static concept, the number and amount of the harmful and destructive substances filling our waters are going to grow and tomorrow the capacity for renewal of all systems is going to be threatened. Pollution of water which is the most well-known form of environmental pollution, is in one sense the destruction of waters and of the organisms living in them. It is obvius that such destruction will eventually upset natural balan ces. It is also clear that human beings bear a heavy respon sibility fcr upsetting the balances of nature, Human beings are gradually destroying water, which is one of the basic requirements of life itself. As a result of rapid urbanization and industrializa tion, the demand for water increases and the need for water quality management becomes nore crucial. Water pollution in Turkey is even more widespread. The wastes of the industries and residental areas around rivers are continuously emptied into their waters, with the result that pollution has reached considerable dimensions. Owing to inadequate sewage systems, a certain amount of sewage contaminates drinking water in many residental areas, creating a problem. Presently, geographic information systems have been carried out on monitoring and modelling possible environ ments in the field of the computer science during the last few decades contributed to the realization of the concept "Geographic Information Systems (GIS)". The use of geogra phic information systems has grown dramatically in the 1980 s from obscurity to become commonplace in businesses, uni versities and governments where they are now used for many diverse applications. The definition of GIS below is compre hensive and quite widely accepted : An organized collection of computer hardware, soft ware, geographic data and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze and display all forms of geographically referenced information. A GIS is not simply a computer system for making maps, although it can create maps at different scales, in different projections and with different colors. A GIS is an analysis tool. The major advantage of a GIS is that it allows you to identify the spatial relationships between map features. A GIS does not store a map in any conventional sen se: nor does it store a particular image or view of a geog raphic area. Instead, a GIS stores the data from which you can create the desired view, drawn to suit a particular purpose. A GIS links spatial data with geographic informa tion about a particular feature on a map. The information is stored as attributes or characteristics of the graphi cally represented feature. A GIS can also use the stored attributes to compute new information about map features. The database concept is central to a GIS and is the main difference between a GIS and a simple drafting or com puter mapping system which can only produce good graphic Vlll output. All contemporary GIS's incorporate a database mana gement system. Database systems provide the means of storing a wide range of spatial information and updating it without the need to rewrite programs as new data is entered. Geographic information systems are a valuable tool for many types of environmental analysis. Environmental information systems have been built in supporting manage ment in automated processing of environmental and geogra phical data. Heavy emphasis has been placed on monitoring and modeling possible environmental changes. A GIS based Decision Support System (DSS), made by bringing together geoprocessing software and environmental transmission mo dels. DSS always offers the following (standard) possibi lities : - Data input environmental emission/environmental zones
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
Bilgi sistemleri, Tasarım, Çevresel etkileşim, Information systems, Design, Environmental interaction