Cami'ye Ait Risale-i Musiki'nin Rauf Yekta Bey Tarafından Çevirisi

Verdemir, Kenan
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Tezimizin konusunu, Câmî’ye ait “Risâle-i Mûsikî” nin Rauf Yekta Bey tarafından çeviri çalışmaları oluşturmaktadır. Konumuzu hazırlayıp sunmamızdaki amaç, geçmişten geleceğe ışık tutabilecek müzik kavramları ile, müziğe hizmet sağlayabilecek yapıda bir eser olan “Risâle-i Mûsikî”yi günümüze ulaştırmaktır. Esere ana hatları ile açıklık getirerek bunu gerçekleştirmeye çalıştık. Risâle; mektup, kısa yazılmış küçük kitap, mecmua manalarında kullanılabilmektedir. “Risâle-i Mûsikî” ise müzik üzerine yazılmış küçük kitap anlamında kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada konunun gerçek sahipleri olan Câmî ve Rauf Yekta’nın hayatı, eserleri hakkında bilgi vermeyi, onları tanımak ve tanıtmak için gerekli gördük. Rauf Yekta Bey; çeviri çalışmasını, 1912’de kendi matbaasında Beylerbeyi’nde 200 adet çoğaltmıştır. Ancak bu eser sahifeleri eksik olarak günümüze ulaşabilmiştir. Rauf Yekta Bey; iç kapakta, eserin oluşumu hakkında bilgi vermektedir “İslâm âlimleri tarafından Arapça ve Farsça dillerde yazılmış Batı Mûsikîsi’nin kaynak aldığı kaideler ve nazariyat bilgilerine dayanan muteber kitaplardan faydalanılarak Türkçe tercümesi yapılmış ve gerekli olan yerde müellifin açıklamaları konmuştur.” Eserin iç-arka kapağında ise merhum hocası; Kale Kapısı Mevlevîhanesi Şeyhi Ataullah Efendi’ye eserlerini ithaf ettiğine dair sözleri yer almaktadır. Rauf Yekta Bey’in çevirisinden yola çıkarak, Câmî’nin eserlerinde; perde, ses, aralıklar, koma ve ara sesleri izah eden, adına “vitr” denilen “17’li ses sisteminden bahseden bir cetvelden ve perde isimlerinden yola çıkarak melodi ve makamlardan bahsettiği görülüyor. Risâle iki bölümde; 1. makamât ilmi, 2. ritmlerin ilmi olarak ele alınıyor. Ancak “ritmlerin ilmi”ne ait bölümlerin çevirisi günümüze ulaşmamıştır. Çalışmamızın mevcut şartlara göre hazırlandığını belirtir, faydalı olabileceğini ümid ederiz.
This study, has been prepared as master degree thesis to the traditional Turkish art music in basic sciences, social sciences Institute of the İstanbul Technical University The topic of thesis is constituted by translation study of “Music Book” related to Molla Câmî carried out by Mr. Rauf Yekta. The meaning of “Music Book” is a small booklet written on music. Great Islamic mysticism (sufis) poet and scholar of İran, Câmî (1414-1492) who had lived during XV th centruy, had mentioned about topics such as sound of music, motive, sound intervals, sound system, effects of music on people, tonality and rhytms in his book titled by him as “Music Book” which is a large book in which he had collected his pamphlets vvritten in various topics. Câmî had written ali his works in Persian language “Music Book” is one of his works. Mr. Rauf Yekta (1871-1935) had simplified Persian language as well as had translated simplified Persian section into the Ottoman Turkish language. İn spite of the fact, he had printed his work in 200 pieces unfortunately, pages of book had reached to our present time with some missing pages. However together with conveyance of information containing the Turkish Music scholars, it is a very important source by mentioning sound system which is named as “System with seventeen” and explanations of from it. İt will be easier to mention about contribution and purposes brought forth into this topic by our thesis following these explanations. For the purpose to enlighten future from past and to have knowledge about scientific concepts of music through conducting a research on “Music Book” being one of works which hove been gradually forgotten, we have prepared this present thesis in order to render basic knowledge on topic in respect with on which subject it has brought forth clarification by writing translation work of Rauf Yekta in Latin alphabet being used in our present time by support of transcription alphabet. We wish to point out that we have deemed it necessary to include lives of Câmî and Rauf Yekta and their respective works in our thesis from viewpoint of knowing them and to introduce them. Mr. Rauf Yekta had realized his work in 1328 (1912). He is known as the first Turkish musicologist. He had conducted translation of far many works written regarding music as well as he had studied, examined music with scientific nd technical aspects, made compositions and vvritten many articles on music topic in various nevvspapers and written “Theory of the Turkish music” as being a musicologist. Now, let us mention about cover, inner cover and sections in which translation had been made into the Ottoman Turkish language in general of work which had been translated by Mr. Rauf Yekta and which had been printed in his own printing house. -Outer cover of works is not with hardbound, it is paper print and with back and front. -Phrase “Music works series library of the Author" is induded on outer cover centering the page and on back side of cover wording” “Private Print House RY”, only 200 pieces have printed” is contained. -Again “phrase” Music works series library of the Author” is contained in upper section of inner cover and follovving explanations are given below this phrase” Tranlation into Turkish language has been carried out by using and benefiting from valuable books based on rules and theory knowledge in which westem music is included, written in Arabic and Persian languages by Islamic scholars and explanations of author exist on necessary places. Following explanation, in sequence order one under other the folowing it is a selective work of Esteemed Kuddise Sirruhu-s Sâmî (Abdurrahman Câmî) “Translator" is Rauf Yekta” “Beylerbeyi”. İt has been printed in private print house of the translation 1328 on back side of inner cover, sayings that Rauf Yekta has attributed his work to his sheik, Ataullah Efendi, are included. “To beloved soul of late sheik esteemed Ataullah Efendi" İt is student gift of translator having inadequate power presenting his gratitude in memory of first sdentific music lessons taken from mentioned person İn translation section of work related sections have been expressed as “Musical pieces anrangemenf “patial before scientific work, composition” The following aspects are mentioned in the work. - “Effect of music on people” - “How beatiful voice effects people” “Definition of motive and sound” - “Motives being identifıed with psychological situatlons of people” - “Effects of bad and good motives on people.” - “Definition of concept of melodic creation in music” - “Voice system and relations betvveen voice physic” - “Voice system with 17 and Unique (Vitr) Charf Names with Arabic alphabet have been given to words used in the Turkish music. He divides the book into two sections from viewpoint of topics. 1. “Science of Tones" 2. “Science of Rythms” İn our summary about our topic, we wish to express the folowings as conclusion. Ali kinds of ideas and thoughts written, has been put forth as a result of long period researhes on music subject, will put forth once more that music being scientific for the reason of written narration. We hope that this present study of ours has been in this direction.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1996
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1996
Anahtar kelimeler
Müzik, Camiler, Nureddin Abdurrahman, Rauf Yekta Bey, Risale-i Musiki, Türk Sanat Müziği, Music, Mosques, Nureddin Abdurrahman, Rauf Yekta Bey, Risale-i Musiki, Turkish art music