Sanal Mimarlığın Gerçeği

Yardımcı, Mustafa Cem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Tez çalışmasının başlığı 'Sanal Mimarlığın Gerçeği', araştırma olarak kendi içine açılan bir döngüyü ortaya koymaktadır. Cevap verilemeyecek 'mimarlık nedir' sorusu altında kavramları, olayları, mimarlık, mimarlık tarihi, mimarlığın geleceği ve bununla şu anda yüzleşen ortam hakkında araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. 'Sanal Mimarlığın Gerçeği' başlığında 'sanal ve 'gerçek' kavranılan mimarlığın içinde olmasına rağmen pekiştirmek ve yeniden sorgulamak amaçlı kullanılmıştır. Belirsiz bir döngüyü oluşturan beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde sanallık ve gerçeklik kavramları irdelenmiştir. Sanallık - gerçeklik ikileminde gerçeğin açılımları, algı, imge, bütün parça ilişkisi, vücut kavramı ve insanın içinde bulunduğu ortamlar incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde sanal ve gerçek kavramlarının aynı anda bulunmasına ihtiyaç duymamıza neden olarak görecelik kavramı oluşmuştur. İletişim ve ulaşım birlikte ele alınmış, zaman kavramı içerisinde sebep oldukları kavramlar, olaylar araştırılmıştır. Üçüncü bölüm tezin strüktürünü oluşturan bölümdür. 'Sanal Mimarlığın Gerçeği - Labirent' bölümünde sonsuz döngüyü oluşturan kavramlara değinilmiştir; zaman, an, düzlem, iletişim, yer, boşluk, yer değiştirme, tanımlama, fark, farklılaşmak, tekrar, saf..., çokluk, yersiz, içerik, geçirgenlik... Dördüncü bölümde mimarlık üzerine sunulan düşüncelerin kurgu etrafinda bütünleşmesi irdelendi. Bu bölüm 'Sanal Mimarlığın Gerçeği' bölümü ile 'Sanal Mimarlık, Mimarlık Gerçeği bölümü arsında bir geçiş oluşturmaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde ele alman kavramların yansıması beşinci bölümde incelenmiştir. Mimarlığın dili, yansıması araştırılmıştır.
As research work the topic of this thesis 'The Reality Of The Virtual Architecture' presents a cycle that opens into itself. The aim of this thesis is to search the question 'what is architecture?' that has no answer or has infinite answers, with respect to the related theories (concepts), happenings, architecture, architecture history, the future of architecture and the media facing these at the moment. In the heading 'Reality Of The Virtual Architecture',, the 'virtuality' and the 'reality' words are used with a purpose to stregthen and requestion the concept architecture, although they exist in architecture. The thesis consist of five sections forming the vague cycle; 'virtuality and reality', 'relativity', 'reality of virtual architecture - labyrinth', 'comments on architecture' and 'virtual architecture - architectural reality'. This cycle takes place in the architectural fiction. In the first section where the virtuality and reality concepts are criticezed, in the virtuality - reality dialectic perception, image, whole and piece relation, body concept and the spaces that body exists are investigated. In the second section, with the reason of need of seeing the virtuality and reality concepts at the same time, the relativity appears. Communication and transportation are analized together in the time concept, the concepts and events they caused are analized. The third section is the section that forms the skeleton of the thesis. In 'the reality of the virtual architecture - labyrinth' the concepts forming the everlasting cycle are analized; time, moment, plane, communication, place, space, exchanging places, explanation, difference, differentiation, repetition, pure...., plentiness, placelessness, content, permeability... In the fourth section the gathering of the questions, thoughts around fiction on the architecture by architects are critisized. This section forms a transition between the 'reality of the virtual architecture - labyrinth' section and the 'virtual architecture - architectural reality' section. In the fifth section, the reflection of the concepts presented in the third section is analized. The language of architecture, its reflections are searched. Virtuality - Reality, Relativity, Reality of Virtual Architecture - Labirynth, Comments on Architecture, Virtual Architecture - Architectural Reality The reality of existance is limited with the present moment. The substrative reality is the existance of the object itself. The noumenal reality is the reality assumed in the mind as an event by itself. It is innate and which is not the VU practical reason of it is not realized. The essential reality is the self esteem of every other thing, object. The existance reality gathers all of the other realities in itself.[1] Reality is the life of the continuity. In the tremendous number of possibilities, the loss of the world automatically is the important fact of virtuality. In fact, we can reach to our brain with the use of technology. Our body is a technology that is a new technology could replace it, and forms a similar contact with our brain. This is only one of the virtual reality. Reality is the whole subrealities. One can overpowers this entity with his senses. What are some of the things existing in front of the non existing reflection, explanation and in fact the transport of these, the bodies are built through these transported things and their architecture. The realization of the virtuality. Reality can be seen as unchangeding. Reality is momentus. Standing from reality, reaching to reality is a simulation. Moment does not hold a dimension, may be it holds a single dimention. Reality is nothingness. The realization of illusion is the explanation of the starting point of 'strenght'. Science in the physical world, mind in the virtual world are realized. Mind is aware of missenses. Virtuality tries hand on the limits of physics and metaphysics. The making fun of doubling of modern world, rather being the object, is the function of the object. Mirror between the existance and transperancy, shadow, between the transperancy and existance, binding forms a tie inbetween. The realization of our dreaming ability is the attempt of concellation doubtful ideas. All virtual realities are products. Reality with benefit, is nothing than the realization of the event. Impossible reality is the explanation of the perceiving limit. Explanation is a verification of benefited reality. Non explanation is what we can reach... without verification. Shadow and light... Light is opposin, that is it forms the wholeness of the dwelling. And with this the reality puts itself as a moving thing. Most of the copies and between the intensity of the original projection, the virtual projections present to us realities of half projection and half existance. In the cyberspace we can not think of our center as a point and we can not everything to this point like a Kartezyan Geometry. We should start from the other end. What is the opposite of a point? It is the universe at the infinitive distance. We should locate the point by its communication with the othe points. The map is formed of the addresses. Cyberception can mean out of the body, in the mind or realization. Virtuality can give perception to realtivity. Virtuality - Reality, Relativity, Reality of Virtual Architecture - Labirynth, Comments on Architecture, Virtual Architecture - Architectural Reality Metaphysics deals with the unknowns. The exploring the unknowns reasons the idea of the relativity. The consecutive steps, circles are present; metaphisical architecture, the architectural objects, architecture history, development, hyperarchitecture. Existance controls the objects; reflection, repetition. Existance is the illusion of the reality. Relativity as a potential reality is illusion. vm Illusion is not the opposite of reality. Mirror... The existance of relativity is repetition. The exact explanation is impossible. Due to our ability to use the language we can change the lacks of language to art, to secret objects. Existance is the metamophoses between the illusion and the reality. For the existing objects the 'other one' is absolute. It is the mind forms the structure. The social entity as the origin of communication. The increase in the communication origins, when looked from outside to the origin, it lokks as if in the plentiness, the individuals become entities by themselves, separating from eachother; shrinking into their shells. Opposite is true when it is analysed when the individuals realizes his communication skills, it is seen that this chaos is actuary is the excess communication: the extreme density of the communication means. Metaphore is catogorized in three groups. Intengible; departure for the creation is the concept. Tengible; visual or material character. Combined; overlap conceptual and visual. Inside the house a perfect city is built. The creator of the object is the one looking at it. The needs and desires decides the relativity of judgement. 'Everything' and 'nothing' - 'not everything' even if they are at two extreme ends, due to their closure abilities, the oppositeness inbetween are filled. Communication place, filters. The communication places are inbetween places. Emptiness is a pragmatic consept. It is completely open and may be vague clearness. The spaces which concentrate. It is not the space concentrating to the function, but it is the space concentrating people reasoning to the function. Time is happening when it is transported. Transportation is realized when time passes. In reality, when one realized, we perceive the other. The nomad architecture is not related to buildings. The cuts of the skipping, reference origins show it. The explanation of life by the architect, the life in motion, as an object, a thing. The explanation of life by the nomad, life as motion, as a verb, an action. Concienciosness and existance are intermingled. The image of the illusion is the case. Virtuality - Reality, Relativity, Reality of Virtual Architecture - Labirynth, Comments on Architecture, Virtual Architecture - Architectural Reality The longlasting can be handled as conciosness. Complete independence can only be existed in questions. Everything is dependent on performence. The advances in architecture is observed with movement. Wall can lead to momentus explanations. IX Distance can be explained as the presentation between the image of the object and the object. Point and infinite universe. Interior and exterior. More to the side of oppositeness rather than togetherness, unavoidable togetherness. Presentation can be the reflection to the exterior of the hidden idea. And at the same time it is the time of the idea becoming known. Places are described always for that moment. Content can not be explained with only one dimension; it is the rest of the world. Nothing can exist without a boundary. Dividing boundary; we can pass over. Moving boundary; we are trying to reach. Limit boundary; metaphisical boundary, unknown but we realize. Boundary is not the only last point of the visible. It is the frame of the arrangement of diciplines. Boundaries stay as the end points of its plane. Differences, more than similarities are more confusing than of rebellious. Library is also a museum. Art always tried to escape from art. One came to the front of art. Arts were made that is not categorized into museums. According to Le Corbusier, art as its work in daily object, the difference between the architecture and engineering, painting and poster is the longlastingness. Architecture is not a simple platform of the subject seen. It is the scenery mechanism that proliferates the topic. It frames its contents. It is the communication built on mobility. Difference formed a new way of looking to reality and mind. Identification of place-space, is the identification of difference. Repetition is for the single, for the the image with no equivalance. Repetition, in our mind leads to destruction to paradoks. Space is nothing for the human in the dynamic world. The program takes place in the brain and in the body. The behaviours are presentation of the invisible whole. It is looked always through the motion on the wall to repetition. A mobile emptiness- space a presentation should be done in itself. Difference and repetition, is covered in the existance of repetition and tought of difference together. Identity survives through differences. It is continuously awake. Thought create differences. Difference is realized generally with the character of alteration and differentiation. When does the difference detected? During differentiation. Virtual object belong to past. Perception is presenting differentiation. Pure potentiality, differentiation is pure strength. Differentiation communication is the element of potentiality. Potentiality in one place is explanation. Virtuality is a part of real object. Every object is a double containing the virtual signal and real signal. Differences (seperations) are the effects of convertables. Repetition is the strength of the language. We add the existing things strength with metaphores. We can explane the architecture by exchanging between items, putting one to other places. Individual, house, city, world are center ideas. City is a thinking writing, text continues. Atopia and exchange place. Atopia is the isolation of the individual from the ground. Atopia is the remainder left when one removes the area from the identified place. Metropolis rather than an advaced definition is the experience of the mind. It is the existance. Our gain is independence. Utopia. The duration is actual, imaginary. The sayings are real. The free spaces from the arguments. The presentation of dialogs can not be accomplished at once. They are accomplished at the end of fiction. Places, buildings are build on dialogues. The placement in cybermedia. Cyberception and cybermedia. The possible futures of the histories. Liquid architecture. At the site of the movement idea, the idea of existance of time İs a must. On the street. The figurative explanation in the painting, the language being technical and technology in architecture. Addition of art to these is interaction, the communication in the intellectual level. The language of architecture; interaction. Museum cities. House like spaces, the places. Virtuality - Reality, Relativity, Reality of Virtual Architecture - Labirynth, Comments on Architecture, Virtual Architecture - Architectural Reality The philosophy of an architect is to become a fact. Architecture is in the motion, in the places of audience motion. Like İn old times, in the future, at the moment, at the fiction. Spoilage is trnsferred into an experience and again, it is going to dress its own existance. At this section, the architectural explanation about architecture are taken into considerations. In order to realize the fiction the main danger is what continues to exist why it continues to exist, these two questions should be considered together. The danger lies when we can nor analyze the answers. In the question and the solution, personal place, public space. Virtuality - Reality, Relativity, Reality of Virtual Architecture - Labirynth, Comments on Architecture, Virtual Architecture - Architectural Reality Criticism is the interaction, opposition of reality. Architecture media, subject to the experience in the world. Added to the end, existance, to realize. XI Places with their actions, performances gain character and revaluated. Action gain character with places. Technology is the time venture of production. Architecture lies in the fiction, that is no same architectural realization exists. As we talked about material transparency we can talk about usage, explanation transparency. After presenting the architectural product, we said that a second architecture was produced (hyperarchitectur). Hyperarchitecture comes out in two steps. First, the product should start as an object, a discussion, communication media. Secondly the product effecting other media; its discussion. Dialog is between the individual and its fantasies, its knowledge, mind and potential. The explanation of the sign is in its responsibility. What is seen is a ready-made added on the object. When a building is destroyed and tared down, the other building is freed showing itself with a new explanation. He had no courage to built the copy of the mirror. We can load to the mirror of all our reflections. Mirror is a plane between the object of reflections between the virtual lives. But mirror can not produce from nothing. Humanbeings can find, create and give birth to his referances. Misconcepts taking place of physical materials. We can think of theater as an interactive movie. The city's memory, our memory builds up a culture. This culture is accomplished by communication. The products and our interactions, firstly, directly against the object, then leaning on the object, accomplish this. The culture formed is not only the physical life of the object. Museum hold the map of the city with its streets, communication, transportation, places. Between these pedestrian pathways takes the place of interaction in all of these structures. For this reason pedesterian pathways are the most striking reflections of the culture; the mirror of the culture. Virtual museum. In the virtual city the traveling man is important. The exhibition can be inside or outside. They are like shop windows outside. The window does not have dimensions by itself. It can be said as particules flying in the air. The window's place, explanation can ce done by the person who interacts with the window. the city desing is not a static but dynamic timing, and it is concentrated to the infrastructural production (open places, circulation, transportation, communication network...) districts can be neglected by barrier buildings. City should be architecturalized. Architecture should be city oriented. city is the communication, interaction place. City presented a special public mind that can not answer the city's communication needs. This is not the uncertainity reality. city' strength is not in the old cover of the buildings but it is in the technology advancement. Xll Technology is not followed by the problem but it produces the problem and advances with it. The reflection of nomad as the plan is the continuous place map. This continuous place map is the nomad crown. Plan is not anymore tied to the place. This time in reality is the only door, that we enter into interaction and communication. Nomad is the skipping points of the references. We find hyperarchitecture with the reflections of the mirror. Hyperarchitecture is the interactive architecture. In the hypermedia voice, scenery, the written and non-written communication together is taken into consideration. Hypernow and hyperbody is the artificial object or the structure of the artificial explanation of the object. An architecture without a door or without a corridor, the side room always being in the night place and in the night structure. Music is an object in the time, as a street, an environment, an atmosphere... Dance is about the existance of the world. Disembodied dance is about being formed in the world. Architecture can be liquidified, music can be traveling case, movies can be habit making, dance becomes disembodied. The center is now universal. It is no more a place but a condition. In conclusion the thesis is realised by developing in itself. Fiction, in a continuous way is determined by 'this moment'. 'This moment' presents a plane cut of fiction. The cycle formed is vague but has itself determinable ways, concepts. In the labyrinth of experience there are outlets, but the directions are not determined- known. It constructs its own new labyrinths according to the condition of the moment whether it opens inside outside the cycle. The labyrinth has many outlets. A thing with the end point is anyways and anymore is not a labyrinth.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1998
Anahtar kelimeler
Sanal mimari, Virtual architecture