Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Yazar "Baltacı, Hakkı" ile Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü'a göz atma
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ÖgeAtmospheric Circulation Types İn Marmara Region (nw Turkey) And Their İnfluence On Precipitation(Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, 2015-12-04) Baltacı, Hakkı ; Kındap, Tayfun ; 601102003 ; Climate and Marine Sciences ; İklim ve Deniz BilimleriThe Marmara Region comprises the northwestern end of Anatolia and the southeastern end of the Balkans: two peninsulas separated by Dardaneles and Bosphorus straits, and the Sea of Marmara. Located on two continents, Asia and Europe, this unique area is the most industrialized, agriculturally developed and populated geographical division in Turkey with a population density of up to 2500 people per km2 in Istanbul, averaging 300 people per km2 regionally. Parallel to its economic development, the region continues to draw migration from other regions in Turkey. This leads to an ever increasing demand for water, while threatening the existing water resources in the form of new and uncontrolled building activity over water reservoirs. Thus, amount and variability of precipitation play a key role in the management of limited water supply. Large-scale circulation patterns and synoptic patterns play significant role in determining the precipitation climate of the region. For the first time, in order to reveal the synoptic properties of the Marmara, circulation types, their long-term mean occurrence frequencies and relationships with precipitation are investigated. Automated Lamb Weather Types classification method is applied on NCEP/NCAR daily mean sea level pressure data to determine circulation types. Northeasterly (NE) and easterly (E) types are found to be the most frequent both on the annual basis and during winter (DJF, the wettest season in the region). Circulation types with the highest rainfall potential, namely the cyclonic (C) and northerly (N), are among the least frequent; therefore they are not the dominant "rainfall modes". Instead, NE and E have the greatest contribution to the regionally averaged rainfall amount, although they do not have the highest potential to create precipitation. This shows that Marmara Region receives a substantial amount of precipitation from northerly and easterly maritime trajectories, implying a profound influence of the Black Sea on the rainfall regime in this area. However, rainfall at the stations that are far away or less affected by the Black Sea (especially at the ones in the west) occurs during types with a southerly component (S, SW and SE). In addition to the relationship between CTs and precipitation in Marmara, the significant roles of the teleconnection patterns (TPs) on CTs and precipitation mechanism were also investigated. For this purpose, five main TPs, namely North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), East Atlantic (EA), East Atlantic-West Russia (EAWR) and Scandinavian (SCA) patterns index values were used. EA/WR is the most influential pattern in the occurrence of CTs during winter, exhibiting positive significant (at 99% level) correlations with NE and NW; and negative ones with SW and C. the strongest association of EA/WR is with NE and NW; and negative ones with SW and C. The second most influential teleconnection pattern on the CTs of Marmara Region during DJF is the AO, whose relationship with the occurrence of NE, SW and C is in the same fashion with EA/WR. Surprisingly, the NAO, whose wintertime impact on Turkey is the most studied and documented among all teleconnection patterns; has generally weak and insignificant influence on the occurrence of CTs in Marmara Region in DJF. In water management strategies, the amount of precipitation in particular basin has a great importance. Therefore, which CTs quantitatively cause precipitation occurrence and intensity in the sub-basins of the Marmara were investigated. By applying Ward's hierarchical cluster analysis, Marmara were divided into five coherent zones, namely Black Sea-Marmara, Black Sea, Marmara, Thrace and Aegean sub-regions. Precipitation occurrence suggested that wet CTs (i.e. N, NE, NW, and C) offer a high chance of precipitation in all sub-regions. For the eastern (western) part of the region, the high probability of rainfall occurrence is shown under the influence of E (SE, S, SW) atmospheric CTs. In terms of precipitation intensity, N and C CTs had the highest positive gradients in all sub-basins of the Marmara. In addition, although Marmara and Black Sea sub-regions have the highest daily rainfall potential during NE types, high daily rainfall totals are recorded in all sub-regions except Black Sea during NW types.
ÖgeDoğu Karadeniz Bölgesi (Rize, Trabzon, Giresun) Heyelan-yağış İlişkisinin İncelenmesi Ve Minimum Eşik Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi(Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü, ) Baltacı, Hakkı ; Karaca, Mehmet ; 266232 ; İklim ve Deniz Bilimleri ; Climate and Marine SciencesDoğal afetler genel olarak ekonomik ve sosyal yaşamı kısa sürede alt üst ederek gerek maddi ve gerekse can kayıplarına yol açan ve insan faaliyetlerini durduran olaylar olarak adlandırılırlar. Ülkemiz sahip olduğu jeolojik, topoğrafik ve meteorolojik koşullar nedeniyle doğal afetlerle sıklıkla karşılaşmaktadır. Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından 1951-2008 yılları arasında yapılan çalışmada ülkemizin afet gören yerleşim birimi sayısı olarak en fazla heyelandan etkilendiği görülmüştür. Heyelanın ülkemizde bir çok bölgede meydana gelmesinin başlıca nedeni olarak yağış, toprağın yapısı ve eğim gelmektedir. Özellikle Doğu Karadeniz de heyelanların çok sık meydana gelmesi bölgedeki aşırı yağışların sonucudur. Çalışmamızda temel amaç, doğal bir afet olan heyelanın sıklıkla görüldüğü illerimiz olan Rize, Trabzon, Giresun ve çevresindeki ilçelerde aşırı yağışlar nedeniyle meydana gelen heyelan ile yağış arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek ve minimum eşik değerlere sahip istatistiksel model oluşturmaktır. Çalışmada kullanılmak üzere Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde yağış sonucunda meydana gelen heyelanın yer ve zaman bilgileri literatür taramasından çıkarılmıştır. Heyelanın olduğu zaman kadarki yağış miktar ve süreleri en yakın meteoroloji istasyonu kayıtlarından çıkarılmıştır. Meteorolojik veriler Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü'nden temin edilmiştir. Meteoroloji istasyon verileri olarak Rize, Pazar, Trabzon, Akçaabat, Vakfıkebir, araklı, Maçka, Düzköy, Arsin, Çaykara, Giresun, Bulancak, Çamoluk, Doğankent, Tirebolu ve Kesap yağış ve klima istasyonlarından yağış, hadise başlangıç-bitiş saatleri alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ile Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde geçmiş yıllarda meydana gelen heyelan ile yağış arasında ilşki raştırılmış Rize, Trabzon ve Giresun illeri için minimum şiddet-süre, normalize şiddet-süre, kümülatif yağış-süre eşik değer denklemleri çıkarılmıştır.