Sarfiyat salınımlarının biriktirme kapasitesine tesiri ve bunların kirlenme ile ilgisinin araştırılması

Ertaş, Basri
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Meskûn bölgelerde nüfusun hızlı bir şekilde artması sonucunda çevre mühendisliği açısından pek çok problem ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, biriktirme haznelerinde kirlenme ile rezervuar kapasitesi arasındaki bağıntı incelenmiş ve kullanma suyu sarfiyatlarındaki s al mimi ar dikkate alınarak, kompleks bünyeye sahip verilerden biriktirme kapasitesinin teorik olarak nasıl belirleneceğine dair yeni bir metod geliştirilmiş ve bu metod vasıtası ile çeşitli matematik modellere uyduğu kabul edilen giriş şartlarından biriktirme kapa siteleri analitik olarak formüle edilmiştir. Geliştirilen ifadeler Burroughs 3700 tipi bilgisayarından yararlanarak Darlık (istanbul) hidrolojik alanında inşaası düşünülen biriktirme haznesinin çeşitli sürelerdeki kapasite değerlerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Analitik ifadelerin bilgi sayarla yapılan nümerik çözümünden elde edilen değerlerin gözlem sonuçları ile çok iyi bir uyum için de olduğu gösterilmiştir. Tezin ikinci kısmında, biriktirme neticesinde meydana gelen kirlilik probleminin etüdü yapılmış ve biriktirme kapasitesi ile kirlenme yükü arasındaki matematik model kurulmuştur.
Due to constant increase of population in urban areas various problems related to environmental enginee ring-nave emerged in recent years. In thiş_studyi_ _ first of all the relationship between the amount of pollution of impounding reservoirs and the reservoir capacity has been investigated. Subsequently, a new methodology for theoritically determining the reservoir capacity has been developed on the basis of complex natured flow data and fluctuations of water consumptions. Later, the impoun ding reservoir capacity has been analytically derived for a set of mathematical models which are currently employed in practice. As a practical application of the proposed metho dology, reservoir capacities of Darlık (Istanbul) drainage basin have been considered for various durations and to this and necessary computations have been executed on Burroughs 3700 type of digital computer. It has been ob served that the numerical results obtained on computers coincide with the results of theoretical formulations. Hence, the validity of analytical solutions have been va- rified with the numerical solutions. In the second part of the thesis, the problems emerging from the water pollution have been investigated in great detail and then a mathematical model has been built - VI - in order to relate the reservoir capacity to the amount of water pollution. The following conclusions can be reached as a re sult of this stuciy : 1. In determining reservoir capacity ^ various levels of development have been taken into account. Ân important observations on the basis of both analytical expressions and simulation is that, there exists an inverse relationship bet ween the reservoir capacities and levels of developments. 2. The expected reservoir capacity expressions at various levels of development have been analytically deve loped. 3. The periodicity in the mean values have a greater influence than the periodicity in the standard deviations on the reservoirs capacity. For levels of development other than unity, the influence of the mean values on the reser voir capacity increases. 4. The reservoir capacity of stationary mathematical models is, in general, greater than the capacities yielded from the non-stationary mathematical models. 5. The expressions developed in this thesis are gene ral in the sense that they can be applied theoretically to hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annual flow series. On the other hand, for shorter time durations both computer time and memory requirements increase but the results become more accurate. - VII - 6. In general, the analytical expressions are func tions of the means, standard deviations, correlations coef ficients and the levels of development together with the project life. 7. A very good agreement between analytical and si mulation results has been observed where the errors remain within the engineering tolerance limits. These realities confirm the correctness of analytical formula.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1978
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1978
Anahtar kelimeler
Su hazneleri, Su kirliliği, Resevoirs, Water pollution