LTE Teknolojisindeki Parametrelerin Analizi
LTE Teknolojisindeki Parametrelerin Analizi
Çınar, Volkan
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, 4. nesil iletişimde kullanılmaya aday LTE teknolojisi incelenmiştir. LTE 2. nesil ve 3.nesil iletişimi de geliştiren 3GPP tarafından standartları belirlenen 4.nesil iletişimde kullanılmaya aday bir teknolojidir. 4. nesil iletişimin teknik spesifikasyonları ITU tarafından IMT-Advanced sistemleri olarak belirlenmiştir. LTE’nin tam olarak IMT-Advanced sistemlerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılaması için LTE Advanced olarak 3GPP tarafından tekrar düzenlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada LTE teknolojisinin şu anda telekomünikasyon servis sağlayıcılarının da kullandığı TS36.942 de yer alan parametreler kullanılarak Matlab programında benzetimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. LTE ve LTE Advanced temel olarak aynı yapıyı içerdiğinden. LTE sisteminin analizinin LTE Advanced hakkında da fikir sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür. Benzetimde bandgenişliği, anten sayısı ve kanal yapısı gibi değişkenler kullanılıp bit hata oranı ve veri hızı grafikleri çıkartılmıştır. Sonuç olarak kanal yapısının AWGN ve band genişliğinin 20 MHz seçildiği durumlarda en yüksek veri hızı değerlerine(yaklaşık olarak 60 Mbps) kabul edilebilir bit hata oranlarında (%10) ulaşılmıştır. Ulaşılan veri hızı değerleri Shannon’un sistem kapasite formülü ile hesaplanıp(yaklaşık olarak 70 Mbps) karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Böylece benzetimde bulunan throughput değerlerinin teorik olarak ta yeterli yakınsaklığı sağladığı gözlenmiştir. Diğer kanal yapılarında kullanıcıların hareketli olduğu (Pedestrain) veya kanalın Rayleigh sönümlenmesine uğradığı durumlarda AWGN kanal yapısı kadar yüksek throughput değerleri elde edilememiştir. Bunun nedeni bu kanal tiplerinde çoklu kullanıcı yer alması ve kanal karakteristiklerinin veri hızını azaltması olarak düşünülmüştür. Servis sağlayıcılarının hali hazırda kullandığı LTE teknolojisi 20 MHz band genişliği ve aynı çoklu anten yapısında elde ettiği throughput değerleri 20 ile 80 Mbps olduğu düşünüldüğünde LTE Advanced teknolojisinin tam olarak IMT-Advanced sistemlerinin ihtiyacı olan 100 Mbps throughput değerlerini karşılayabileceği düşünülmektedir.. Araştırma sonucunda LTE teknolojisinin diğer rakip WiMAX teknolojisine göre 4. nesil iletişim için daha avantajlı olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır. 2010 Kasım ayında ITU (Uluslararası Telekomünikasyon Birliği) de LTE Advanced teknolojisini 4. nesil olarak onaylamıştır. Şu anda dokuz tane Telekom servis sağlayıcısı LTE teknolojisini kullanmaktadır. WiMAX, CDMA ve GSM operatörlerinin de içinde bulunduğu 250 den fazla servis sağlayıcısı da resmi olarak LTE teknolojisiyle gelecek nesil teknolojilerde kullanmak üzere ilgilendiğini açıklamıştır. Sonuç olarak LTE önümüzdeki 10 senede LTE Advanced olarak 4. nesil iletişim için en öne çıkan seçenek olarak durmaktadır.
In this study, LTE which are candidates to provide technical requirements of 4G (Fourth Generation) networks are analyzed. The technical specifications for 4G are included in IMT Advanced which is announced by ITU (International Telecommunication Union). It is explained that LTE could not comply full requirement for 4G and it is expected LTE advanced will provide full requirements. In this study, technical specifications which are used by telecommunication provider in TS36.942 were used then LTE network is simulated in Matlab program according to these parameters. In simulation, the bandwidth, antenna techniques and channel types were set as variables and the system was simulated according to different bandwidth, channel types and multiple antennas. Then BLER and throughput were analyzed for different situation. The maximum throughput (approximately 60 Mbps) could be obtained in AWGN channel when the bandwidth is 20MHz and BLER is smaller than 10% which was acceptable. The results were also calculated according to Shannon capacity formula (approximately 70 Mbps) and it was seen that expected throughput for AWGN was obtained in simulator. In contrast to AWGN channel high throughput could not be obtained in other channel types which are Pedestrain and Rayleigh fading channell. It is thought that the following parameters decrease the throughput in these two channel types. Multiple Users (2) were tested in other two channel types that decreases throughput. Mobility and the characteristic of channel types also decreased throughput. In simulation, LTE recommended high data rate which is near to the target of 4G defined by ITU and also currently used LTE networks offer speeds in mobile broadband services between 20-80 Mbit/s with a maximum speed of 100 Mbit/s for 20 MHz bandwidth in 2.5GHz frequency so it could be expected that LTE Advanced will comply full requirements of IMT-Advanced systems. In conclusion, it is thought that LTE has become technology platform for 4G when it is compared to other competing technology, WiMAX. ITU (International Telecommunication Union) also confirmed LTE-Advanced as 4G in November 2010. Currently, nine telecommunication providers have already launched LTE in 2010 and an additional 11 expected before the end of the year. More than 250 companies have publicly expressed interest in deploying LTE networks, including CDMA, WiMAX and GSM operators. So that LTE is expected to be the leading choice for next-generation OFDMA networks over the next decade for all wireless carriers.
In this study, LTE which are candidates to provide technical requirements of 4G (Fourth Generation) networks are analyzed. The technical specifications for 4G are included in IMT Advanced which is announced by ITU (International Telecommunication Union). It is explained that LTE could not comply full requirement for 4G and it is expected LTE advanced will provide full requirements. In this study, technical specifications which are used by telecommunication provider in TS36.942 were used then LTE network is simulated in Matlab program according to these parameters. In simulation, the bandwidth, antenna techniques and channel types were set as variables and the system was simulated according to different bandwidth, channel types and multiple antennas. Then BLER and throughput were analyzed for different situation. The maximum throughput (approximately 60 Mbps) could be obtained in AWGN channel when the bandwidth is 20MHz and BLER is smaller than 10% which was acceptable. The results were also calculated according to Shannon capacity formula (approximately 70 Mbps) and it was seen that expected throughput for AWGN was obtained in simulator. In contrast to AWGN channel high throughput could not be obtained in other channel types which are Pedestrain and Rayleigh fading channell. It is thought that the following parameters decrease the throughput in these two channel types. Multiple Users (2) were tested in other two channel types that decreases throughput. Mobility and the characteristic of channel types also decreased throughput. In simulation, LTE recommended high data rate which is near to the target of 4G defined by ITU and also currently used LTE networks offer speeds in mobile broadband services between 20-80 Mbit/s with a maximum speed of 100 Mbit/s for 20 MHz bandwidth in 2.5GHz frequency so it could be expected that LTE Advanced will comply full requirements of IMT-Advanced systems. In conclusion, it is thought that LTE has become technology platform for 4G when it is compared to other competing technology, WiMAX. ITU (International Telecommunication Union) also confirmed LTE-Advanced as 4G in November 2010. Currently, nine telecommunication providers have already launched LTE in 2010 and an additional 11 expected before the end of the year. More than 250 companies have publicly expressed interest in deploying LTE networks, including CDMA, WiMAX and GSM operators. So that LTE is expected to be the leading choice for next-generation OFDMA networks over the next decade for all wireless carriers.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
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