Redox Behaviour Of Plasma Sprayed Metal Supported Sofc
Redox Behaviour Of Plasma Sprayed Metal Supported Sofc
Kunt, Esra
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Enerji Enstitüsü
Energy Institute
Energy Institute
Bu çalışmada, nano boyutlu Ni+YSZ malzemesinden oluşan anot bileşeni termal plazma sprey metodu ile üretilmiştir. Termal plazma sprey teknolojisi pek çok üstünlüklere sahiptir. Bu üstünlüklere örnek olarak; kısa üretim zamanı, kolay otomasyon ve kaliteli hücre bileşeni üretimi sayılabilir. Termal plazma sprey metodu, özellikle nano boyuttaki parçacıkların farklı değişkenler ile yakıt hücresi bileşenlerinin üretilmesinde kullanılır. Bu sayede yüksek verimlilik, daha sıkı anot ve elektrolit yapısı beklenir. Yapılan tez çalışmasında redoks döngüsü esnasında bu tip hücrelerde çok az çatlama ya da hiç çatlama olmaması beklenmiştir. Bu amaçla, hücreler fırın içerisinde beş defa farklı sayılarda redoks döngüsüne maruz bırakılmış ve her çalışmada farklı hücreler kullanılmıştır. İlk çalışmada sadece indirgenme, ikincisinde bir indirgenme ve bir redoks, üçüncüsünde bir indirgenme ve beş redoks, dördüncüsünde bir indirgenme ve on redoks, beşincisinde bir indirgenme ve onbeş redoks uygulanmıştır. Redoks çalışmalarında kullanılan hücrelerin sızıntı ve geçirgenlikleri ölçülerek elektrokimyasal analizlerden çıkan sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, taramalı elektron mikroskop (SEM) ile mikro yapılarındaki değişimler incelenmiştir. Mikroyapısal ve elektrokimyasal testlerinin sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında termal plazma sprey ile üretilmiş olan nanoyapılı Nİ+YSZ anot bileşeninin yüksek verimlilik, etkin reaksiyon yüzeyi, daha sıkı anot ve elektrolit yapısına sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma hücrede redoks işlemi boyunca az çatlama olduğunu yada hiç çatlama olmadığını göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Katı Oksit Yakıt Hücresi, Anot, Redoks, Çatlama, Termal Plazma Sprey
In this study, nanostructured Ni+YSZ anode layers are fabricated by air plasma spray. Air plasma spray is the one of the cell production technique which has discrete advantages such as, short fabrication time, simple automation and quality of cell layers. Especially, nano particle size can be produced with different parameters (pressure, NiO/YSZ weight ratio, etc) by thermal plasma spray. By this way, higher cell performance and much closer structure with anode and electrolyte are predictable. According to that, the approach of this thesis is less or no cracking with this type of cell during the redox cycle. To demonstrate this approach, there are applied five runs of redox cycles in the furnace; first run was only reduction, second run was one reduction and 1 redox, third run was one reduction and 5 redox, forth run was one reduction and 10 redox, fifth run was one reduction and 15 redox. Redox cycled cells were compared with electrochemical analyse by using leak rate and permeability measurements. In addition, microstructures changes are studied by SEM analyse. The microstructural and the elecrochemical test results were proved that the nanostructured Ni+YSZ anode layers fabrication with the thermal plasma spray had high cell performance, efficient cell reactions surface and much closer structure with anode and electrolyte. In conclusion, this study determined that nanostructured anode provided less or no cracking and delamination on the cell during the redox cycles. Keywords: SOFC, Anode, Redox Cycle, Cracking, Thermal Plasma Spray
In this study, nanostructured Ni+YSZ anode layers are fabricated by air plasma spray. Air plasma spray is the one of the cell production technique which has discrete advantages such as, short fabrication time, simple automation and quality of cell layers. Especially, nano particle size can be produced with different parameters (pressure, NiO/YSZ weight ratio, etc) by thermal plasma spray. By this way, higher cell performance and much closer structure with anode and electrolyte are predictable. According to that, the approach of this thesis is less or no cracking with this type of cell during the redox cycle. To demonstrate this approach, there are applied five runs of redox cycles in the furnace; first run was only reduction, second run was one reduction and 1 redox, third run was one reduction and 5 redox, forth run was one reduction and 10 redox, fifth run was one reduction and 15 redox. Redox cycled cells were compared with electrochemical analyse by using leak rate and permeability measurements. In addition, microstructures changes are studied by SEM analyse. The microstructural and the elecrochemical test results were proved that the nanostructured Ni+YSZ anode layers fabrication with the thermal plasma spray had high cell performance, efficient cell reactions surface and much closer structure with anode and electrolyte. In conclusion, this study determined that nanostructured anode provided less or no cracking and delamination on the cell during the redox cycles. Keywords: SOFC, Anode, Redox Cycle, Cracking, Thermal Plasma Spray
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2008
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2008
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2008
Anahtar kelimeler
Yakıt pilleri,
Fuel cells,