Analysis of HLA-B51 alleles methylation profiles in Behçet syndrome twins

Özkılınç, Merve
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Institute of Science and Technology
Behçet Syndrome, a chronic reumatologic disease, has effect on multiple tissues and organs with an onset generally at 20- 30 ages. Its most definite symptoms are lesions in mouth and genital organs, big and common acnes with inflammation under the skin. Addition to them, inflammation on vision layer, panicula and aches on joints of knee and ankles are the other important diagnosis. In our country, frequency of disease is changing between 20 and 420 of 100.000. Familial aggregation, increase of frequency of disease at Middle East and Mediterrian populations, and the strong linkage of HLA- B gene with disease points out the importance of the genetic factors in the etiology of disease.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Genetik, Genetics, Romatoloji, Rheumatology