Energy absorption and deformation mechanisms of triply periodic minimal cellular hybrid structures

Deniz, Alper
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Graduate School
One of the fields in which TMPS are aimed to be employed is energy absorption owing to their cellular topologies. As a result, studies show that some types are superior in acoustic and some other types have superior heat resistance. Some of the recent studies aim to create hybrid formulations in some ways like changing density gradient or function modifications etc. For instance, recent studies in tissue engineering aim to find hybrid designs which meet the requirements to use them as bones in medical applications. This study proposes by showing the energy absorptions with deformation mechanics of hybrid structures that obtained from common TMPS in order to guide the researches to choose which model in certain applications.This study aims to show a systematic design -including FE model- of hybrid structures and their energy absorption abilities with deformation mechanics comparison in purpose of finding the possibility to use hybrid models instead of basic functions in some areas including public and private safety issues.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Graduate School, 2022
Anahtar kelimeler
energy damping, enerji sönümleme, tire pressure, lastik basıncı, deformation, deformasyon, Finite element method, Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi