İstanbul evsel atıksuları için kimyasal arıtmanın fizibilitesi

Özcan, Z. Banu
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Uygulamadaki İstanbul Büyük Kanalizasyon Projesi çer­çevesinde halihazırda ön arıtma ve derin deniz deşarjı yapılan Yenikapı ön Arıtma Tesisi için ileride biyolojik arıtmaya geçilmesi planlanmaktadır.Ancak biyolojik arıtma yanında diğer alternatiflerin de fizibilitesinin yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla, bu tez çerçevesinde Yenikapı ön Arıtma Tesisi'ne gelen kentsel atıksuların koagülasyon-flokülasyon esasına dayalı kimyasal arıtılabilirliği incelenmiştir.Birinci bölümde, yapılan çalışmanın amaç ve kapsamı açıklanmış ve önemi vurgulanmıştır.İkinci bölümde, İstanbul'un evsel atıksularının uzaklaş­tırılmasıyla ilgili bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalardan bahsedilmiş, İstanbul kentinden kaynaklanan evsel ve endüstriyel atıksuların miktarları ve kirlilik yükleri verilmiş ve besi maddelerinin İstanbul için önemi belirtilmiştir.üçüncü bölümde, genel olarak evsel atıksuların karak­teri zasyonları ve kirletici parametrelerin partikül boyutlarına göre sınıflandırılmalarından bahsedilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, Yenikapı ön Arıtma Tesisi tanıtılmış ve tesise gelen atıksuların karakterizasyonları verilmiş­tir.Beşinci bölümde, evsel atıksuların kimyasal arıtımının tarihsel gelişimi, kimyasal koagülasyon prosesinin tanım­lanması,kimyasal ilavesi ile fosfor giderimi ve kullanılan kimyasallar incelenmiştir. Altıncı bölümde, yapılan deneysel çalışmalar ve analitik yöntemler tanıtılmıştır. Yedinci bölümde, Yenikapı ön Arıtma Tesisi'nden alınan evsel atıksular üzerine yapılan kimyasal koagülasyon çalışmaları anlatılmıştır. Sekizinci bölümde, genel bir değerlendirme yapılarak sonuçlar açıklanmıştır.
Istanbul is öne of the oldest cltles in the world,housing 12 percent of Turkey's population and a great majorita of its industrial actlvities. The migration from Anatolia to istanbul brought rapid population increase together with unhealtg construction. Excess population, unplanned developments of industries caused infrastructure problem in istanbul Metropol i tan Area. Severai studies have been conducted to solve istanbul sewerage problem f ör ma. n y years. Some of these studies conducted ba Wild. Kehr, DAMOC and CAMP - TEKSER are explained in the second chapter. istanbul Metropol i tan Sewerage Project is also explalned İn the same chapter. in this project, settlement areas are divided into eleven seperate sevage collection zones. A complete netvork of sewer and interceptors endlng at 15 different treatment and discharge points are planned. Eight of these involve full biological treatment plants prior to marine discharges, while the remaining seven include only pretreatment consisting of coarse and fine screens and grit removal, then deep marine outfall into lower stream of Bhosphorus. The areas where wastewater are formed, sevage flows,pollution loads, the flow and load fraction of industrial wastewaters and infiltration rates are calculated för each of the drainage areas in istanbul.Tak ing into account these data, the total flow and pollution loads of wastewater för each area in istanbul are given för the gears of 1990 and 2020. The source and quantitity of nutrient and removal methods for phosphorus and nitrogen are given in the.same chapter. Also, importance of nitrogen and phosphorus control for istanbul is pointed out. Excess pollution in Bhosphorus and Bhosphorus/Marmara mixing zone is caused by nutrient loads discharged from lands. Some Studies ' have shovm that phosphorus and nitrogen loads sourced from istanbul are 1.03 and 1.6 respectively times the load soarced from Blacksea vhile TOC load sourced from Blacksea 16 times than the load souerced from istanbul. So, nutrient removal is mora important than the carbonaceus XV substances removal In Istanbul. Enhanced nutrient removal can be only achived by applying advanced biological treatment systems. However, chemical treatment methods can also provide efficient nutrient removal beside the COD, BOD and SS removal in accordance with the chemical treatment method chosen. In the third chapter, typical data on the individual pollutants found in domestic wastewater are reported and depending on the concentrations of these pollutants, wastewater is classified as strong, medium or weak. The classifications of contaminants In municipal wastewater in terms of the particle size that they appear is also shown according to BaLmat and Munck. In these classifications, the organic contaminants in wastewater are seperated into four size fractions as settleable,supracolloi dal, colloidal and soluble. In the fourth chapter, Yenikapx Pretreatment Plant and the interceptors and the tunnels which transport the sewage to the pretreatment plant are described. The operation of this plant is explained. In the same chapter, characterization of the raw wastewater coming to the pretreatmant plant is made on the 6 samples taken from the effluent of grit chamber. hours compos i t samples collected interval. Also, classifications of particle size distribution is also in this can be seen from the characterization made on these 6 samples that concentrations of the parameters vary in a very wide range. For example, COD value in the sample with the date of 4 th. 1.1991 is 280 mg/lt, whereas this value in the sample with the data of 3th. 11. 1990 is 1430 mg/lt. The reason of this varibllity is that the leather industry wastewaster sometimes contaminates to the plant. The maximum and the minimum concentrations of some parameters from Yeni kapı Pretreatment Plant are shown in Table 1. These samples are 4 with half and hour pollutants in terms of shown for each sample Table 1. Minimum and Maximum Values of Some Parameters of Samples belong to Yeni kapı. Pretreatment Plant xvl In this study, the classification of parameters in terms of the particulate size distribution is different from the classification made by Munck. It is shown in Table 2. Table 2. In the fifth chapter, history of the chemical treatment of sewage in England and United States is illustrated. The chemical coagulation is described. Chemical coagulation and chemical used for phosphorus removal are reported in this chapter. During this study alum, ferric chloride, ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride and lime were used to precipitate phosphate in Yenikapi sewage. In the sixth chapter, experimental approaches of the study are described. The equipment required to define the optimum operating conditions for coagulation and Jar test are explained. In the Jar test experiments, coagulant solutions were added to the six beakers and mixed rapidly at 100 rpm for one minute. Then, it was flocculated at 20-25 rpm for 20 minutes and after f locculation, paddles were removed and it was allowed to settle for 30 mi nutes. Instruments and instrumental techniques which are available for measuring the parameters used in this study are pointed out. In the seventh chapter, experimental results are given and evaluated. In experiments, i n which several coagulants were used both the optimum dosage of chemicals and optimum pH were investigated. Firstly, alum was used for chemical coagulation. To determine the optimum pH for coagulation with alum, 100 mg /l and 200 mg /l alum were added into the different samples taken from Yeni kapı sewage and pH was adjusted to 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 in each sample. When 200 mg/1 alum was added, COD and SS were measured in the supernanant. In addition of these parameters TKN and TP were measured in
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1991
Anahtar kelimeler
Evsel atık su, Kimyasal arıtma, İstanbul, Domestic sewage, Chemical treatment, Istanbul