134Cs ve 241Am biyokinetiğinin üç farklı organizma için incelenmesi ve kesikli zaman modeli ile yeni bir değerlendirme
134Cs ve 241Am biyokinetiğinin üç farklı organizma için incelenmesi ve kesikli zaman modeli ile yeni bir değerlendirme
Güngör, Nurdan
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Enerji Enstitüsü
Energy Institute
Energy Institute
Bu çalışmada, çok bilinen bir midye türü olan Mytilus galloprovincialis, bir gastrapod türü olan Patella caerulea ve makroalg türü Enteromorpha Uma biyoindikatör organizma olarak seçilmiştir. Deniz çevresinde pek çok kirleticinin izlenmesinde M. galloprovincialis biyoindikatör organizma olarak yaygın şekilde kullanılır. Gastropoda sınıfının patellidae familyasındaki P. caerulea ile yapılan radyoizotopik biyokinetik araştırmalar literatürde bulunmamaktadır. P. caerulea kayalarda yaşar. Diğer organizma ise E. linza olup Chlorophyta sınıfının ulvacea familyasındandır. Bu organizma denizlerde iki metre derinliğe kadar kayalarda yaşayabilir. Bu organizmaları seçmemizin nedeni, bunlar besin maddeleri ile bağlantı sağladığından besin zincirinde önemlidir. 134Cs ve 241Am radyoizotoptan Çernobil kazasından sonra radyoaktif kirlilikten dolayı Karadeniz'de bulunan önemli radyoizotoplardır. Bu çalışmada 134Cs ve 241Am radyoizotoptan üç farklı organizmada çift izleyici olarak biyokinetik araştırmalar için tercih edilmiştir. Böylece organizmalar ve çift izleyicilerden dolayı orjinal bir deneysel çalışma amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan 134Cs ve 241Am radyoizotoptan Amersham Radyonüklid Kimyasal Merkezi'nden temin edilmiştir. 134Cs ve 24IAm radyoizotoplarının özgül aktiviteleri sırasıyla 175 MBq.ml"1 ve 34.67 kBq.ml"1 dir. Bütün organizmalar Karadeniz Kıyısında bulunan Şile İlçesinden toplanmıştır. Numuneler 30 /. lik yeni alınmış deniz suyu içeren plastik akvaryumlara transfer edilmiş ve deneyden önce deney şartlarına alışması sağlanmıştır. Deniz suyu, deney şartlarına alıştırma sırasında ve deney sırasında havalandınlmıştır. Bütün deneyler ışık ve sıcaklık kontrollü odalarda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Biyobirikim deneyi için, 10 / kapasiteli plastik akvaryumlar 6 /. deniz suyu ile doldurulmuştur. Her bir akvaryuma konsantrasyonu ayn ayn litresinde 1000 Bq olacak şekilde 134Cs ve 241 Am radyoizotoplan ilave edilmiştir. Organizmalar akvaryuma yerleştirilmeden önce plastik bıçak kullanılarak epifaunasından (üzerinde bulunan organizmalardan) temizlenmiştir. Organizmalar haftada iki kere değiştirilen ve içerisine radyoaktif madde ilave edilen deniz suyunda denge durumuna gelinceye kadar bekletilmiştir. Deney sırasında, yumuşakçalar yaklaşık 30 dakika temiz deniz suyuna transfer edilmiş ve sağlık şartlarını sağlayabilmek için düzenli bir şekilde P. tricornutum ile beslenmiştir. X111 Midye ve patella örnekleri, biyobirikim ve kayıp deneyleri sırasında dokularına ayrılarak yumuşak doku ve kabuklarına ait radyasyon miktarları tayin edilmiştir. Farklı dokularda keza konsantrasyon ve biyolojik yan-ömür değerleri de hesaplanmıştır. 134Cs ve 241Am radyoizotoplarının sudan biyobirikimi araştırılmıştır. 134Cs ve radyoizotopunun konsantrasyon faktörü küçük midye, büyük midye, patella ve makroalg örneklerinde araştırılmış ve sırasıyla 2.80, 2.57, 2.00 ve 2.00 olarak bulunmuştur. Aynı zamanda yumuşak dokuda ise 134Cs radyoizotopunun konsantrasyon faktörü midyeler için 16.11 ve patella için ise 5.46 olarak bulunmuştur. Diğer taraftan, kabuk dokusunun konsantrasyon faktörü midye ve patella türü organizmanın bütün vücuduna nazaran önemli bir farklılık gösterir. Bu grupta en yüksek konsantrasyon faktörü M. galloprovincialis için bulunmuştur. Fakat 134Cs radyoizotopunun midyedeki biyobirikimi organizmaların büyüklüğüne bağlıdır. 241 Am radyoizotopunun konsantrasyon faktörleri farklı büyüklükteki midyelerde ve diğer organizmalarda 200, 150, 260 ve 1380 olarak bulunmuşlarda-. 241 Am radyoizotopuna ait konsantrasyon faktörünün midyelerin yumuşak dokusunda ve kabuk kısmında aynı ve 250 olduğu bulunmuştur. Bununla beraber 241 Am radyoizotopunun patellanın kabuk kısmında, aynı organizmanın yumuşak dokusuna göre 3 kere daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Biyobirikim periyodunun sonunda, organizmalar kontamine olmamış ve akan deniz suyuna transfer edilmiştir. Kontamine olmayan suyun akış hızı, saatte 1 /. olarak düzenlenmiştir. Radyoizotopların organizmalar tarafindan tutulması birkaç hafta devam etmiştir. Radyoizotop kaybı atılım deneylerinin başlangıcında, başlangıç radyoizotop aktivitesinin yüzdesi olarak ifade edilmiştir. Çok bileşenli biyoatılımın yumuşakçalarda (M galloprovincialis ve P. caerulea), her iki radyoizotop için de uygun olduğu söylenebilir. Standart matematiksel verilerin davranışı bileşenleri hesaplamak için kullanılmıştır. Küçük midye, büyük midye ve patellada I34Cs ve 241Am radyoizotoplarının biyoatılım hızlarının lineer olmadığı, iki bileşenli olduğu ve başlangıç bileşeninin ise hızlı olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu organizmalar için 134Cs radyoizotopunun yavaş bileşen için yan-ömür değerleri sırasıyla 46.8 gün, 46.5 gün ve 6.4 gündür. Diğer taraftan makroalg örneklerinde 134Cs radyoizotopunun biyoatüımının tek bileşenli olduğu ve biyolojik yan-ömür değeri ise 15.2 gün olarak bulunmuştur. Midyelerin yumuşak kısmında 134Cs radyoizotopunun biyoatüımının arttığı ve biyolojik yan-ömür değerinin 29.4 gün olduğu bulunmuştur. Farklı olarak, patellanın yumuşak kısmında 134Cs radyoizotopunun biyolojik yan-ömrünün aynı organizmanın bütün vücudu ile benzer olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Büyük midye, küçük midye ve patellada 241 Am radyoizotopunun bütün vücuttan olan atılımının çift bileşenli olduğu ve biyolojik yan-ömür değerinin ise organizmanın yavaş bileşeni için sırasıyla 72.2 gün, 75.3 gün ve 103,2 gün olarak bulunmuşlardır. Diğer taraftan macroalglerdeki biyoatılım hızı tek bileşenli olup ve biyolojik yan-ömür değeri ise 24.8 gündür. Midye ve patellanın yumuşak dokularındaki 241Am radyoizotopunun biyoatılım hızının aynı organizmanın bütün vücuduna nazaran daha hızlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Biyokinetik sonuçlan Karadeniz kıyısal çevresinde 134Cs radyoizotopunun izlenmesinde midye türlerinin ve 241Am radyoizotopunun izlenmesinde de patella türlerinin kullanımının yararlı olacağını göstermiştir. XIV Bu tez çalışmasında, organizmaların kayıp deneylerinin değerlendirilmesi için, yeni bir model uygulaması önerilmiştir. Bu "kesikli zaman modeli"dir. Bu model kullanılarak kayıp deneyleri hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde değerlendirilebilmektedir. Biyolojik arınma sabiti ( k ) ve biyolojik yan-ömür (tbi/2) bu şekilde hesaplanabilir. Biyokinetik deneyler için bu iki önemli parametre, ya klasik model ya da kesikli zaman modeli kullanılarak üç farklı organizmada hesaplanmıştır. Bu kesikli zaman modelini aynı zamanda farklı radyoizotoplar için de kullanabiliriz. Bunların karşılaştırılması, kesikli zaman modeli ve klasik model tarafından hesaplanan iki değer arasındaki hata değerlerinin hayli küçük ve kabul edilebilir olduğunu göstermektedir. Böylece, bu tez çalışmasında biyokinetik deneyler için orjinal olarak önerilen,"kesikli zaman modeli"nin uygulanması sonunda biyokinetik çalışmalar için uygun güvenilirlikte olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Bundan başka, azalma faktörü kesikli zaman modeli için önemli bir faktördür. Azalma faktörü ( r ) l'e doğru gittiğinde organizmadaki kayıp işlemi yavaş olur ve biyolojik yan ömür uzun olur. Diğer taraftan biyolojik arınma sabiti (k) sıfıra gitmektedir. Kesikli zaman modeli ile hesaplanan azalma faktörü ( r ) ile kayıp işleminin kalitesi belirlenebilmektedir. Ayrıca, kayıp deneyi azalma faktörü ( r ) 1 'e doğru gittiği zaman durdurulabilir. Böylece kayıp deneyinin uygun güvenirlilikle ve hızlı bir şekilde değerlendirilebileceği bu tez çalışmasıyla mukayeseli irdelemelerle gösterilmiş olmaktadır.
In this study, the common mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, the gastropod Patella caerulea and the macroalgae Enteromorpha lima have been selected as bioindicator organisms. M galloprovincialis is most widely use as bioindicator organisms for monitoring studies in coastal and estuarine marine environment. In literature, there has been no previous study on biokinetics of radionuclides in P. caerulea which is in the Patellidae family of gastropod class. P. caerulea lives on the rocks. The other organism was E. linza that belongs to Ulvaceae family of Chlorophyta class. It can live up to a water depth of 2 meters on the rocky sea floor. We selected the algae samples because they are links in benthic food webs. 134Cs and 7Al Am radionuclides are important radionuclides which are present in the Black Sea due to radioactive pollution after the Chernobyl accident. In this study 134Cs and 24IAm radionuclides were chosen for biokinetic investigations in three different organisms as double tracers. Solutions of 241Am (TM,2=432.2 y) and 134Cs ( Tbu2=2.062 y) used in this study were purchased from Amersham Radionuclides Chemical Center. The specific activity of the 134Cs and 241 Am in the solutions were 175 MBq.ml"1 and 34.67 kBq.ml"1 of respectively. All the organisms were collected off the Şile village on the Black Sea coast. They were transferred to 30 It. plastic aquarium containing fresh sea water for three weeks for acclimation before the experiment. The sea water was airated during the acclimation and also during experiments. All experiments were performed under light and temperature controlled laboratory conditions. For bioaccumulation experiments, plastic aquariums with 10 /. capacity were filled 6 /. of sea water. Into each aquarium 134Cs and 241Am radioisotopes were added to obtain a concentration of 1000 Bq.l"1. Before organisms placed in the aquarium, they were cleaned of any epifauna by using a plastic knife. Organisms were exposed until they reached steady state in the spiked water medium which was renewed with fresh sea water twice a week. During the experiments, mussels and patella samples were transferred into a clean sea water for approximately 30 minutes and regularly fed with P. tricornutum in an attempt to ensure good health. During accumulation and bioelimination experiments mussels and patellas were dissected and radionuclide content in soft parts and shells were determined. Concentration factors and biological half-life of the radionuclides in different tissues were also determined. XVI The bioaccumulation of 134Cs and 241Am radionuclides were investigated from water pathway. The concentration factors of 134Cs were found to be 2.80, 2.57, 2.00 and 2.00 in small mussel, large mussel, patella and macroalgae samples, respectively. At the same time, concentration factors of 134Cs radionuclide in the soft tissue were found to be 16.11 for mussels and 5.46 for patella. On the other hand, the concentration factor of the shell part was significantly different from whole body of the mussel and patella. In this group, the highest concentration factor was found in M. galloprovincialis. The accumulation of 134Cs in mussels did not depend on the size of animals. The concentration factors of 241Am were found to be 200, 150, 260 and 1380 in small mussel, large mussel, patella and macroalgae samples, respectively. The concentration factors of 241Am radionuclide in soft tissue and shell parts of mussels were found to be similar and equal to 250. However, the concentration factor of 241Am radionuclide in shell part of patella was found to be three times higher than its soft part. At the end of the bioaccumulation periods, the organisms were transferred to uncontaminated running sea water. Flow rate of the uncontaminated water adjusted to 1 liter/hour. Retention of radionuclides by organisms was monitored for several weeks. Radionuclide bioelimination expressed as % of initial radionuclides (134Cs and 241Am) activity at the beginnig of the depuration experiments (Ao). Two component bioelimination was evident for mollusc (M galloprovincialis and P. caerulea) for both the radionuclides. Standart mathematical treatment of data was used to evaluate the different components. The bioelimination rates of 134Cs and 241Am radionuclides of small mussel, large mussel and patella were found to be non-linear consisting of two components with an initial fast component. The biological half-lives of slow component of 134Cs radionuclide were 46.8 days, 46.5 days and 6.4 days for these organisms. On the other hand, the bioelimination of 134Cs radionuclide in macroalgae samples was single component and the biological half-life for this organism was found to be 15.2 days. The bioelimination of 134Cs radionuclide in soft parts of mussels was faster than whole body, with the biological half-life being 29.4 days. In contrast, the biological half life of 134Cs radionuclide in soft parts of limpet was identical with that in the whole body. The whole body bioelimination of 24IAm radionuclide in large mussel, small mussel and patella, were similar to 134Cs radionuclide; it consisted of two components with biological half-lives in slow component of the organisms being 72.2 days, 75.3days and 103.2 days respectively. On the other hand, the bioelimination rate in macroalgae was of single component with biological half-life of 24.8 days. The bioelimination rate of 241Am in soft parts of mussels and patella were faster than that in whole body of these organisms. These biokinetic results showed that the I34Cs in mussel species and the 241Am in patella species are valuable tools for radionuclide monitoring in the Black Sea. In this thesis, a new model, discrete time model, is proposed for the evaluation of radionuclide bioelimination from organisms. Bioelimination experiments can be relatively more quickly and easily using this model. Biological depuration rate (k) and biological half-lives (tbi/2) can be calculated by using this model. These two important parameters for biokinetics were calculated by using both the classical model and discrete time model in three different xvii organisms, and the results were compared. Comparisons of the two models show that the difference between the values calculated by classical model and discrete time model, are small and acceptable So, the proposed discrete time model has an adequate reliability for the biokinetics evaluation. Furthermore, reduction factor calculated from this model is an important parameter. The bioelimination process in the organisms becomes slower and biologic half-lives becomes longer, when the reduction factor ( r ) goes to 1, whereas the biological depuration rate ( k ) goes to nearly zero. The calculated reduction factor ( r ) by discreate time model can, therefore, quantify the bioelimination process. Moreover, the bioelimination experiments can be stopped when the reduction factor goes to 1. So, the bioelimination experiments can be evaluated rapidly and quickly with an adequate reliability by using the discrete time model.
In this study, the common mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, the gastropod Patella caerulea and the macroalgae Enteromorpha lima have been selected as bioindicator organisms. M galloprovincialis is most widely use as bioindicator organisms for monitoring studies in coastal and estuarine marine environment. In literature, there has been no previous study on biokinetics of radionuclides in P. caerulea which is in the Patellidae family of gastropod class. P. caerulea lives on the rocks. The other organism was E. linza that belongs to Ulvaceae family of Chlorophyta class. It can live up to a water depth of 2 meters on the rocky sea floor. We selected the algae samples because they are links in benthic food webs. 134Cs and 7Al Am radionuclides are important radionuclides which are present in the Black Sea due to radioactive pollution after the Chernobyl accident. In this study 134Cs and 24IAm radionuclides were chosen for biokinetic investigations in three different organisms as double tracers. Solutions of 241Am (TM,2=432.2 y) and 134Cs ( Tbu2=2.062 y) used in this study were purchased from Amersham Radionuclides Chemical Center. The specific activity of the 134Cs and 241 Am in the solutions were 175 MBq.ml"1 and 34.67 kBq.ml"1 of respectively. All the organisms were collected off the Şile village on the Black Sea coast. They were transferred to 30 It. plastic aquarium containing fresh sea water for three weeks for acclimation before the experiment. The sea water was airated during the acclimation and also during experiments. All experiments were performed under light and temperature controlled laboratory conditions. For bioaccumulation experiments, plastic aquariums with 10 /. capacity were filled 6 /. of sea water. Into each aquarium 134Cs and 241Am radioisotopes were added to obtain a concentration of 1000 Bq.l"1. Before organisms placed in the aquarium, they were cleaned of any epifauna by using a plastic knife. Organisms were exposed until they reached steady state in the spiked water medium which was renewed with fresh sea water twice a week. During the experiments, mussels and patella samples were transferred into a clean sea water for approximately 30 minutes and regularly fed with P. tricornutum in an attempt to ensure good health. During accumulation and bioelimination experiments mussels and patellas were dissected and radionuclide content in soft parts and shells were determined. Concentration factors and biological half-life of the radionuclides in different tissues were also determined. XVI The bioaccumulation of 134Cs and 241Am radionuclides were investigated from water pathway. The concentration factors of 134Cs were found to be 2.80, 2.57, 2.00 and 2.00 in small mussel, large mussel, patella and macroalgae samples, respectively. At the same time, concentration factors of 134Cs radionuclide in the soft tissue were found to be 16.11 for mussels and 5.46 for patella. On the other hand, the concentration factor of the shell part was significantly different from whole body of the mussel and patella. In this group, the highest concentration factor was found in M. galloprovincialis. The accumulation of 134Cs in mussels did not depend on the size of animals. The concentration factors of 241Am were found to be 200, 150, 260 and 1380 in small mussel, large mussel, patella and macroalgae samples, respectively. The concentration factors of 241Am radionuclide in soft tissue and shell parts of mussels were found to be similar and equal to 250. However, the concentration factor of 241Am radionuclide in shell part of patella was found to be three times higher than its soft part. At the end of the bioaccumulation periods, the organisms were transferred to uncontaminated running sea water. Flow rate of the uncontaminated water adjusted to 1 liter/hour. Retention of radionuclides by organisms was monitored for several weeks. Radionuclide bioelimination expressed as % of initial radionuclides (134Cs and 241Am) activity at the beginnig of the depuration experiments (Ao). Two component bioelimination was evident for mollusc (M galloprovincialis and P. caerulea) for both the radionuclides. Standart mathematical treatment of data was used to evaluate the different components. The bioelimination rates of 134Cs and 241Am radionuclides of small mussel, large mussel and patella were found to be non-linear consisting of two components with an initial fast component. The biological half-lives of slow component of 134Cs radionuclide were 46.8 days, 46.5 days and 6.4 days for these organisms. On the other hand, the bioelimination of 134Cs radionuclide in macroalgae samples was single component and the biological half-life for this organism was found to be 15.2 days. The bioelimination of 134Cs radionuclide in soft parts of mussels was faster than whole body, with the biological half-life being 29.4 days. In contrast, the biological half life of 134Cs radionuclide in soft parts of limpet was identical with that in the whole body. The whole body bioelimination of 24IAm radionuclide in large mussel, small mussel and patella, were similar to 134Cs radionuclide; it consisted of two components with biological half-lives in slow component of the organisms being 72.2 days, 75.3days and 103.2 days respectively. On the other hand, the bioelimination rate in macroalgae was of single component with biological half-life of 24.8 days. The bioelimination rate of 241Am in soft parts of mussels and patella were faster than that in whole body of these organisms. These biokinetic results showed that the I34Cs in mussel species and the 241Am in patella species are valuable tools for radionuclide monitoring in the Black Sea. In this thesis, a new model, discrete time model, is proposed for the evaluation of radionuclide bioelimination from organisms. Bioelimination experiments can be relatively more quickly and easily using this model. Biological depuration rate (k) and biological half-lives (tbi/2) can be calculated by using this model. These two important parameters for biokinetics were calculated by using both the classical model and discrete time model in three different xvii organisms, and the results were compared. Comparisons of the two models show that the difference between the values calculated by classical model and discrete time model, are small and acceptable So, the proposed discrete time model has an adequate reliability for the biokinetics evaluation. Furthermore, reduction factor calculated from this model is an important parameter. The bioelimination process in the organisms becomes slower and biologic half-lives becomes longer, when the reduction factor ( r ) goes to 1, whereas the biological depuration rate ( k ) goes to nearly zero. The calculated reduction factor ( r ) by discreate time model can, therefore, quantify the bioelimination process. Moreover, the bioelimination experiments can be stopped when the reduction factor goes to 1. So, the bioelimination experiments can be evaluated rapidly and quickly with an adequate reliability by using the discrete time model.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1999
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1999
Anahtar kelimeler
Ayrık zamanlı sistemler,
Discrate time systems,