System-level requirements of DC-DC converters for dynamic power supplies of power amplifiers
System-level requirements of DC-DC converters for dynamic power supplies of power amplifiers
Koç, Mehmet Gökhan
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Institute of Science and Technology
Mobil haberleşme cihazları gibi taşınabilir, pil ile çalışan sistemler için mikrodalga güç kuvvetlendiricilerinin verimli ve doğrusal çalışmasının önemi büyüktür. Bu tez, Doğru Akım-Doğru Akım çeviricilerinin, erişilebilir pil gerilimini çıkış yüksek frenas güçlendiricisi için optimal bir gerilime dönüştürmek için bir DA-DA çeviricinin kullanılması durumunda, sistem verimindeki gelişmeleri ortaya koymaktadır. Taşınabilir cihazlardaki uygulamaların daha da artması ile çok düşük enerji çekip, pil ömrünü uzatacak yapılara olan ihtiyaç her geçen gün daha da artarken yüksek verimli düşük gerilim DA-DA çevirim artık düşük güç kullanımında anahtar haline gelmiştir. Bu tez çevirici çeşitlerini tanıtmakta ve DA-DA çeviricilerin sistem dizaynı seviyesinde duyulacak ihtiyaçları ve devreler üzerindeki katkılarını daha gözlemlenebilir olarak ortaya koymaktadır. DA-DA çeviricilerin kullanımı ile güç kuvvetlendiricilerinin verimi belirgin bir şekilde geliştirilebilmekte olup, prensipte güç kuvvetlendiricisinin çektiği gerilimin giriş işaretinin zarfı ile uyumlu olarak değişimine dayanmaktadır. Bu teknik ("zarf takibi" ya da "dinamik beslenen güç kuvvetlendiricisi" olarak bilinen ) çıkış gücü, doyuma ulaştığı değerin altına indiğinde dahi, ki bu mobil uygulamalarda sıklıkla rastlanabilmektedir, kuvvetlendirici verimini arttırmaya devam etmektedir. Pil endüstrisindeki gelişmeler, düşük güç ve gerilim çekilmesine yönelik konfigurasyonlar anahtarlamalı DA-DA çeviricilerin önemi ile özetlenmiştir. DA - DA çeviricilerin temel tip ve çalışma mekanizmaları ele alınmıştır. xı 100 MHz frekansında çalışan, GaAS heteroj unction bipolar transistor kullanan bir yukarı çevirici, bir mikrodalga güç kuvverlendiricisinin verimlilik ve doğrusallığı için bir yukarı evirim ve güç kuvvetlendiricisinin diğer bloklarında sistem seviyesinde duyulabilecek ihtiyaçlar ile gösterilmiş, ilgili devre yapısı HP ADS 2001 programında simule edilmiş, sonuçlan sunulmuştur. Bir aşağı evirici ve güç kuvvetlendiricisinde ve diğer devre bloklarında dinamik güç kullanımı için gereken sistem seviyesinde duyulan ihtiyaçlar ele alınmıştır.
Efficiency and linearity of the microwave power amplifier are critical elements for battery operated portable systems like mobile communication systems. This thesis discusses improvements in system efficiency that are obtainable when a dc-dc converter is used to convert available battery voltage to an optimal supply voltage for the output RF amplifier. Motivated by emerging portable applications that demand ultra-low-power hardware to maximize battery run-time, high-efficiency low-voltage DC-DC conversion is presented as a key low-power enabler. This thesis introduces and demonstrates the types of converters and system level requirements of DC-DC converter design techniques, which make these assumptions more viable. Efficiency of power amplifiers can be significantly improved by employing a DC-DC converter, which varies the power supply voltage in accordance with the envelope of the input signal. This technique (known as "envelope tracking" or "dynamic supply voltage" amplifier) improves the amplifier efficiency when the output power is below its saturated value, which can be a large fraction of the time in cellular phone applications. Improvements in the battery industry, configurations suited for low power and low voltage operations are summarized with the importance of Switched Mode DC/DC converters. Basics, types and mechanisms of DC-DC Converters are discussed. Comparison of different types of converters is given. A boost dc-dc converter with an operating frequency of 100 MHz is demonstrated using GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors for efficiency and linearity of the microwave IX power amplifier is demonstrated with the system level requirements for the boost converter and other blocks in a dynamic power supply scheme for PA. Advantages of 100-MHz switching frequency and associated loss mechanisms are also described. Simulation results on HP -ADS 2001 for dynamic power amplifying are presented. Gains in power efficiency and battery lifetime are calculated. An envelope detector circuit with a fast feedback loop regulator is discussed. Using a boost dc-dc converter creates dynamic supply voltage for high efficiency power amplifying. It's demonstrated that by dynamically changing the supply voltage from the fixed battery supply using a DC-DC converter, the PA can be operated with high efficiency during power back off. System level requirements for a buck d-dc converter and other blocks in a dynamic power supply scheme for PA are concluded. Simulation results for the effects of ripple in the power supply of the PA and delay mismatch using behavioral models of constituent blocks and circuit-level PA have been presented.
Efficiency and linearity of the microwave power amplifier are critical elements for battery operated portable systems like mobile communication systems. This thesis discusses improvements in system efficiency that are obtainable when a dc-dc converter is used to convert available battery voltage to an optimal supply voltage for the output RF amplifier. Motivated by emerging portable applications that demand ultra-low-power hardware to maximize battery run-time, high-efficiency low-voltage DC-DC conversion is presented as a key low-power enabler. This thesis introduces and demonstrates the types of converters and system level requirements of DC-DC converter design techniques, which make these assumptions more viable. Efficiency of power amplifiers can be significantly improved by employing a DC-DC converter, which varies the power supply voltage in accordance with the envelope of the input signal. This technique (known as "envelope tracking" or "dynamic supply voltage" amplifier) improves the amplifier efficiency when the output power is below its saturated value, which can be a large fraction of the time in cellular phone applications. Improvements in the battery industry, configurations suited for low power and low voltage operations are summarized with the importance of Switched Mode DC/DC converters. Basics, types and mechanisms of DC-DC Converters are discussed. Comparison of different types of converters is given. A boost dc-dc converter with an operating frequency of 100 MHz is demonstrated using GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors for efficiency and linearity of the microwave IX power amplifier is demonstrated with the system level requirements for the boost converter and other blocks in a dynamic power supply scheme for PA. Advantages of 100-MHz switching frequency and associated loss mechanisms are also described. Simulation results on HP -ADS 2001 for dynamic power amplifying are presented. Gains in power efficiency and battery lifetime are calculated. An envelope detector circuit with a fast feedback loop regulator is discussed. Using a boost dc-dc converter creates dynamic supply voltage for high efficiency power amplifying. It's demonstrated that by dynamically changing the supply voltage from the fixed battery supply using a DC-DC converter, the PA can be operated with high efficiency during power back off. System level requirements for a buck d-dc converter and other blocks in a dynamic power supply scheme for PA are concluded. Simulation results for the effects of ripple in the power supply of the PA and delay mismatch using behavioral models of constituent blocks and circuit-level PA have been presented.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Anahtar kelimeler
Elektrik akım çeviricileri,
Elektrik akımları,
Electric current converters,
Electric currents,