Ölçüm Gürültüsünün Karma Geliş Zamanı/geliş Açısı Yöntemine Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Ölçüm Gürültüsünün Karma Geliş Zamanı/geliş Açısı Yöntemine Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Şahin, Yakup
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Gezgin haberleşme sistemleri, herhangi bir yerden herhangi bir zamanda herhangi bir kişiye kolayca ulaşabilme ihtiyacına etkin ve düşük maliyetli çözüm sunabildiği için artık hayatın vazgeçilmezleri arasında yer almıştır. Gezgin iletişim sistemlerinin kullanımının zamanla artmasıyla katma değerli servislerin çeşitliliği de artmaktadır. Gezginin yerinin belirlenmesi servisi de yıllardır kullanılan bir katma değerli servistir. Acil durum aramalarında, filo yönetiminde ve navigasyon sistemlerinde konum belirlenir. Doğru karar vermek ve hızlı hareket edebilmek için kullanıcının konumunun belirlenme hatası az olmak durumundadır. Önemli konum belirleme yöntemleri; Timing Advance (TA – Zaman İlerlemesi), Time of Arrival (TOA – Geliş Zamanı), Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA – Geliş Zamanı Farkı), Angle of Arrival (AOA – Geliş Açısı), Global Positioning System(GPS – Küresel Konum Belirleme Sistemi), Assisted GPS( AGPS – Yardımlı GPS), Received Signal Strength (RSS – Alınan Sinyal Gücü) ve Karma TOA/AOA metotlarıdır. Karma TOA/AOA metodu hem TOA hem de AOA metodunu birleştirerek karma bir çözüm sağlar. Bu çalışmada şimdiye kadar kullanılan konum belirleme yöntemleri incelenmiş, AOA metodu için LS (Least Squares – En Küçük Kareler) ve ML (Maximum Likelihood – En Büyük Olabilirlik) çözümleri çıkarılmıştır. Çözümler baz istasyonu sayısına göre genelleştirilmiş ve baz istasyonu sayısının artışının AOA metodunun hata başarımı üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. TOA metodu için LS ve ML çözümleri yapılmış, baz istasyonu sayısına göre genelleştirilmiş ve kovaryans matris ifadeleri çıkarılmıştır. Bu ifadelere göre teorik hata miktarları çıkarılmış ve benzetimlerdeki hata miktarları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. TOA denklemlerine AOA denklemlerinin eklenmesiyle oluşturulan Karma TOA/AOA metodu için matris ifadeleri çıkarılmış, baz istasyonu sayısına göre genelleştirilmiş, LS ve ML çözümü verilmiştir.
Mobile communication systems have been among the indispensables of human life because of offering effective and low-cost solution to easy access to anyone from anywhere at anytime. Gradually increasing use of mobile communication systems is also raising the diversity of value-added services. The service of location estimation of a mobile is a value-added service which is being used for many years. It takes part in emergency calls, in fleet management and in navigation systems. The errors in estimation of the user s position must be reasonable to give the most accurate decision and act quickly. Important location estimation methods are Timing Advance (TA), Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), Angle of Arrival (AOA), Global Positioning System (GPS), Assisted GPS (AGPS), Received Signal Strength (RSS) and hybrid TOA/AOA. Hybrid TOA/AOA method is joint TOA and AOA. In this study, methods existing in the literature for location estimation are examined. The AOA method was derived for Least Squares (LS) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) solutions. The solutions were generalized according to number of the base stations and the effects of the increase in number of the base stations on the error performance were investigated. LS and ML solutions were derived for the TOA method and generalized according to the number of the base stations and the covariance matrix entries are expressed. The theoretical error values were derived according to these expressions and were compared to the errors, in the simulations. Matrix expressions for the hybrid TOA/AOA method generated by adding AOA equations to the TOA equations, are derived and are generalized according to the number of the base stations. LS and ML solutions are derived.
Mobile communication systems have been among the indispensables of human life because of offering effective and low-cost solution to easy access to anyone from anywhere at anytime. Gradually increasing use of mobile communication systems is also raising the diversity of value-added services. The service of location estimation of a mobile is a value-added service which is being used for many years. It takes part in emergency calls, in fleet management and in navigation systems. The errors in estimation of the user s position must be reasonable to give the most accurate decision and act quickly. Important location estimation methods are Timing Advance (TA), Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), Angle of Arrival (AOA), Global Positioning System (GPS), Assisted GPS (AGPS), Received Signal Strength (RSS) and hybrid TOA/AOA. Hybrid TOA/AOA method is joint TOA and AOA. In this study, methods existing in the literature for location estimation are examined. The AOA method was derived for Least Squares (LS) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) solutions. The solutions were generalized according to number of the base stations and the effects of the increase in number of the base stations on the error performance were investigated. LS and ML solutions were derived for the TOA method and generalized according to the number of the base stations and the covariance matrix entries are expressed. The theoretical error values were derived according to these expressions and were compared to the errors, in the simulations. Matrix expressions for the hybrid TOA/AOA method generated by adding AOA equations to the TOA equations, are derived and are generalized according to the number of the base stations. LS and ML solutions are derived.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Anahtar kelimeler
konum belirleme,
geliş zamanı,
geliş açısı,
location estimation,
time of arrival,
angle of arrival