Dünden Bugüne Rebab Ve Yeniden Ele Alınması
Dünden Bugüne Rebab Ve Yeniden Ele Alınması
Kaya, M. Refik
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
1. GİRİŞ Selçuklu Dönemi Türk müziğinde ve yaklaşık altı yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Türk Müziğinde yer alan rebab adlı çalgının ilk yaylı çalgılardan biri olma özelliği vardır. Türk dünyasında çalgıların birçoğu, değişen zamanın ihtiyaçlarına cevap veremeyecek hale geldiklerinde, geliştirilerek kullanılmaları yerine, terk edildiler. Daha evvel kullanılıp sonradan terk edilen çalgılarımız kültürümüzün kaybolmuş parçalandır. Organoloji sahasında yapılacak çalışmalar bu parçalan bulup bir araya getirmek için atılacak ilk adımdır. Bizde bu yüzden 17. yy. sonlarında yerini Keman'a bırakan rebabı, yeniden Türk Musikisine kazandırabilmek için ele aldık. 2. TÜRKLERİN MUSİKİ ALETLERİ Eski devirlerde Türkler tarafından kullanılmış olan musiki aletleri hakkında kâfi bilgimiz yoktur. İlk olarak dokuzuncu yüzyıldan Türk musiki alimi Fârâbî; "Kitab-ül Musiki-ül Kebir" adlı eserinde, musiki aletleri hakkında önemli bilgiler vermiştir. Daha sonra altıncı Osmanlı padişahı II. Murad (H. 824-855) devrinde yaşamış olan müzikolog tarihçi ve bilgin Ahmedoğlu Şükrullah, Türklerin dokuz adet musiki aletini "Berceme-İktbül Edvar" adlı eserinde tanıtmıştır. Bu eser XHL yy. Türk musiki alimi ve bilgin Safîyûddin'in, "Kitabül Edvar" adlı eserinin Osmanlı Türkçesine çevirişiydi. Bu eserde tarifi verilen dokuz adet musiki aleti şunlardı. 1. Ud., 2. Deliği., 3. Rebab., 4. Mizmar., 5. Pise., 6. Cenk., 7. Nüzhe., 8. Kanun., 9. Mugni. 3. YAYLI ÇALGILAR Yaylı çalgıya dair ilk izler, Vm. ve DC. asırlara ait olup Uygur Türklerinde görülmektedir. Yaylı çalgının tam olarak ne zaman çıktığı kesin olarak bilinmemekle XVI beraber menşeinin Asya kıtası olduğu izlenimleri vardır. Uygur Türkleri vasıtasıyla Orta Asyadan Anadoluya gelen yaylı çalgı buradan da Avrupaya geçmiştir. 4. İLK TÜRK YAYLI ÇALGILARI Yaylı çalgılar Türklerde; destan, ayin ve sihir çalgılarıydı. Kemence Türk Kültür ve Musikisinin en tipik aletidir. Tedavi fal ve sihir dualarının da yapıldığı bu çalgılar iniltili ve genizden gelen mırıltılı bir sese sahip olup insana korku ve sihir dolu duygular veriyordu. Bu yaylı çalgıların her bir bölümü Türklerde kutsal sayılan doğal malzemelerden yapılıyordu. Türklerde yaylı çalgı, asırlarca "Beliğ" sözcüğü ile karşılanırken İran'da yaygın olan "Kemence" deyişi XV. yüzyıldan itibaren Türklere girmeye başlamıştı. Türkler böylece Türkçe "gıçak" ve "ıklıg"ı, kemence sözcüğü ile birlikte kullandılar. Osmanlı Devleti'nde "kemence" adıyla geçen çalgı "Iklığ"dı ve bu çalgı Osmanlı Türklerinin oda musikisinde vazgeçilmez çalgılardan biriydi. Iklığ ile Asyadaki Türk kavimlerinin kullandıkları kemençeler arasında büyük benzerlikler vardır. Bu yüzden araştırmaya İç Asyadan gelerek başlamak daha doğrudur. Türklerin ilk gelişmiş çalgısı "kopuz"du. Orta Asyadan derlenmiş çalgıların çoğu kemence olup bunlar hem yayla hem de parmakla çalınabiliyordu. Eski çağlarda yaylı çalgılar, mızraplı çalgılardan yaylan dolayısıyla ok ve okul tanıtmasıyla ayrılıyorlardı. Anlaşıldığına göre eski ve geniş Türk kitlelerinde yay yerine ok sözü daha çok kullanılıyordu. Kazak ve Kırgızlar, en büyük velilerinden olan korkut Ata'nın "Kopuz" adlı çalgıyı icat ettiğine inanıyorlardı. Bu yüzden çalgının kutsal bir tarafı vardı. Dolayısıyla kemençeler ve yaylan kutlu maddelerden yapılıyor, telleri de bağırsak, ipek, at kılı gibi doğal malzemelerden seçiliyordu. I klik Iklık adı Türk kültür çevrelerince değişen lehçelerle ifade edilmişti. Bu isimler ve kökleri arasında Altaylar'dan Anadolu'ya hatta bazı Kuzey Afrika ülkelerine kadar benzerlikler görülüyordu. İlk Türk yaylı çalgılarından olan Iklığ'ın eski metinlerde geçen tarifleri, günümüzdeki rebab'a çok yakındır. Gıcak ve Çağana Gıcakta Iklık benzeri bir çalgıdır. Çağana ise Iklığ'ın Asyadaki adıydı. XVII 5. DİĞER TÜRK YAYLI ÇALGILARI Bu bölümde geçmişte ve günümüzde kullanılan diğer Türk yaylı çalgıları hakkında kısaca tanımlamalarda bulunulmuştur. Bu sayede "kemence" sözcüğünün çalgılara ait ifade ettiği kavramlar netleştirilmeğe çalışılmıştır. Karadeniz Kemencesi Karadeniz yöresinde kullanılan, sırtı dar, düz ve uzunca yapılı ahşap göğüslü, iki sesli çalman yaylı bir çalgıdır. Fasıl Kemencesi Armudi yapılı, üç telli, tellerin üzerine basılmadan yandan tırnak değdirerek çalınan bir yaylı çalgıdır. Polonya'dan Macar, Rumeli ve Ege topraklarına inen Fasıl Kemencesi XIX. yy.'da daha çok, çalgılı kahve ve meyhanelerde, eğlence musikisinde kullanılan bir kaba saz çalgısıydı. Bu çalgı Kemence üstadı Vasil (1845- 1907) ile ince saz topluluklarında yer almağa başladı. Tek TeüiYavh Çala XVII. yy. Avrupalı gezginlerinden Laborde, bugün kaybolmuş olan tek telli yaylı bir çalgının varlığına izlenimlerinde değinmiştir. I. Sultan Mahmud dönemi musiki alimlerinden Kemanı Hızır Ağa, "Tefhim el-makamat fi tevlid en nagamat" adlı eserinde ise bu çalgıya "Keman-ı Kıpti" demiş ve bir de resmini vermiştir. Geçmişte kullanıldığına dair başka bir delil olmayan bu çalgı armudi yapısı ile fasıl kemençesine benzemektedir. Ayaklı Keman XVII. yy. gezginlerinden Laborde'un verdiği resimde çalgının gövdesi iri bir tencere büyüklüğundedir. Ve sapında perde bağlan vardır. Iklığ'ın Kontrbas iriliğine getirilmiş bir hali olan bu çalgı muhtemelen 17. yy. da bas ses ihtiyacını karşılamak için yapılmış olabilirdi. Ayaklı Keman'ın günümüze bir örneği gelmemiştir. XVin. yy. musiki alimlerinden Hızır Ağa "tefhim el makamat fi tevlid en nagamat" adlı eserinde, "ayaklı keman" adında bir çalgı neşretmiştir. Bu çalgıda yapı itibariyle rebab'a benzemekte ve sapında perde bağlan vardır. Sine Keman Avrupalıların Viole d'amour, Türklerin Sinekeman dedikleri 12 telli bir keman, bilhassa ffl. Selim döneminde çok rağbet görmüştür. Barok çağına ait bu çalgı, kemanın yaygınlaşmasıyla XX. yy*dan itibaren terkedilmiştir. 6. TARİH İÇERİSİNDE REBAB Rebab; Türkiye, İran, Arabistan, Kuzey Afrika, Afganistan, Pakistan, Hindistan ve Cava gibi ülkelerde çeşitli biçimleri olan baza mızraplı ya da yaylı çalgıların ortak adıdır. Tam olarak ortaya çıkış tarihi bilinmemekle beraber Evliya Çelebi rebab'ın eskiliğini Süleyman Peygamber devrine kadar dayandırmaktadır. Rebab X. yy. da Fars ve Horasan halkı tarafindan yaygın olarak çalınmaktaydı. Kebabın Horasan'dan Anadolu'ya, Hz. Mevlâna'nın babası Bahaeddin Veled ve müritlerinin göçüyle beraber geldiği tahmin edilmektedir. Rebab, hicri birinci asrın ortalarında Araplara da geçti. DL Endülüs Emevileri ile İspanya'ya taşınarak Orta Avrupa'ya kadar yayıldı. Bu çalgı bilhassa Ortaçağ Avrupasmda Traubadourlann gözde çalgısı olmuştu. Bahsi geçen çalgının Arap rebabı olduğu muhtemeldir. Rebab kelimesinin aslı Türkçe olmayıp Arapçadan gelmektedir. Araplar yayla çalınan bütün çalgılarına rebab demişlerdir. Türklerse genellikle kendilerine yabancı olan çalgılara bu adı veriyorlardı. Günümüzde rebab olarak tanıdığımız çalgı ise gerek doğu gerek batı kaynaklarında Ddığ yada kemence ismiyle geçiyordu. Arap rebabı Avrupaya geçince "rebek" adında bir çalgıya dönüşmüştü. Daha sonra ise bu çalgı keman'a uzanan bir evrim sürecine girdi. Rebek Armut biçimli çok şişkin olmayan bir gövde, tahtadan bir göğüs ve ucunda burguluğun yer aldığı bir saptan oluşur. Çeneye dayayarak ya da kucağa alınarak çalınan bu çalgı üç telli olup beşli aralıkla akord edilirdi. Ortaçağda sopranodan basa kadar çeşitli boylan yapıldı. Rebek ve Ortaçağ viyeli bir süre birarada kullanıldıktan sonra yerini Rönesans döneminde bir aile oluşturan Viyol'e bıraktı. 7. TÜRK YAYLI ÇALGILARINDA MÜŞTEREK KULLANILAN İSİMLER VE KEBABIN BUNLAR ARASINDAKİ DURUMU Türk musikî tarihinde Rebab, Ddığ, Kemence, Ayaldi keman, Çegane, Çağanak gibi sözcükler çoğunlukla aynı çalgıyı ifade etmek için kullanıldı. Böylece adı geçen çalgıları kavramsal olarak birbirinden ayırd edebilmek güçleşiyordu. Batı kaynaklarında ise kemence sözcüğü ile rebab kastedilmiştir. 8. DEĞİŞİK ÜLKE VE KÜLTÜRLERDE REBAB İSMİ İLE ANILAN ÇALGININ BENZERLİK ve FARKLILIKLARI Türklerde olduğu gibi değişik ülke ve kültürlerde de müzik aletleri ve isimleri arasında büyük benzerlikler vardır. Ancak çalgıların isimlendirilmeleriyle ilgili bu soruna daha çok Asya ve Afrika kıtalarında rastlanılmaktadır. Gelişmiş Batı ülkelerinde böyle bir sorun yoktur. Bu herhalde doğudaki kültür ve sanat zenginliğinin ve iç içeliğinin yaratmış olduğu bir durumdur. 9. TÜRK MUSİKİ ALİMLERİNE GÖRE REBAB Abdülkadir Merâei've göre; XV. yy. Musiki alimlerinden A. Merâgi çalgıları tasnif ederek tariflerini de vermiştir. A Merâgi'nin tarifini verdiği çalgılardan Kemence, hindistan cevizi kabuğundan veya ağaçtan oyularak yapılır. Çalgının göğsüne inek kalbi zan, deri olarak gerilir. At kılı ya da ipek tel takılarak çalınan bu çalgı günümüzdeki rebab adıyla bildiğimiz çalgının tarifidir. Ahmedoglu Sükrullah'a Göre Rebab; Osmanlı Padişahı II. Murat devrinin musiki alimlerinden A. Şükrullah'ın "Berceme- İktbül Edvar" adlı eserinde geçen rebab tarifi, Arap rebabına ah olmalıdır. A. Şükrullahm "Beliğ" adıyla verdiği tarif ise bildiğimiz rebab çalgısına uymaktadır. Hızır Bin Abdullah'a göre Hızır Ağa lâkabh bu musiki alimi XVin. yy.'da yazdığı "Edvar"mda rebab için; bu çalgıya Keman-ı Arabi, kemence veya rebab dendiğini bahsediyor. Hızır Ağa'nın, Fârâbî tarafindan icad edildiğini söylediği bu çalgının tarifi, günümüz rebabına uymaktadır. Rauf Yekta Bev'e edre: Rauf Yekta Bey eski rebab ile bugünkü rebab arasında büyük fark olduğunu söylüyor. Ve bugünkü rebabın daha ziyade geçmişteki Iklığ'a benzediğini ifade ediyor. 10. AVRUPALI GEZGİN VE MUSİKİ ALİMLERİNE GÖRE REBAB G. Farmer, C. Niebuhr, Ç. Ponton, G. Toderini, Pierre Belon Du Mans, Laborde, Blainville, Dr. John Covel, Villoteu, H. Usbeck gibi onaltıyla onsekizinci asır arası musiki alimi ve gezginleri, rebabla ilgili izlenimlerine eserlerinde yer vermişlerdir. Bu alim ve gezginlerin eserlerindeki bilgilerin bazıları, günümüze ışık tutarken bazıları da büyük yanlışlıklarla doludur. 11. XVHL YY. OSMANLI İMPARATORLUĞUNUN ÇALGI TOPLULUKLARINDA REBAB XVin. yy.'a ait gözlemleri değerlendirdiğimizde, bir oda musikisi olan Osmanlı Türk müziğinin en gözde çalgıları, ney, tanbur, miskal, rebab ve dairedir. Osmanlı Türk çalgıları minyatür ve gravürlere hayali ve gerçeğe yakın olmak üzere iki şekilde aksetmiştir. Ancak kemence eşliği hemen hemen bütün Osmanlı musiki topluluklarında görülmektedir. 12. TANZİMAT DÖNEMİ ve SONRASI REBABIN DURUMU Osmanlılarda rebab, Tanzimat hareketleri ve sonrası yerini yavaş yavaş, Batıdan gelen Keman'a bırakmış ve sadece edebiyat metinlerinde anılır olmuştu. 13.1867 DE PARİS'TE SERGİLENEN TÜRK ÇALGILARINDAN "REBAB" Bu sergide Türk musiki çalgıları arasında bulunan bir Mısır rebabı, Türk musikisi çalgısı sanılarak teşhir edilmişti. Hatanın geçen yüzyıla kadar Mısır'ın, Osmanlı topraklarında bulunmasından kaynaklandığı düşünülebilir. 14. NEVREBAB 1925 yılında Kemani Mustafa Sunar rebabta bir takım değişiklikler yaparak bu rebaba "nev rebab" ismini vermişti. Nev rebab, Hindistan cevizi kabuğu gövdeli, deri göğüslü, tasa saplı, mandolin burgulu bir çalgıydı. Yere dayanan ayak yerine dize konulan bir mesnedle kabak kemane gibi kullanılan bu çalgı keman pozisyonları ile çalmıyordu. Çalgıya, geleneksel Türk çalgılarının hiçbirinde bulunmayan madeni rezonans telleri takılıyordu. Nev rebab mucidi M. Sunar ve talebeleri S. Volkan ile E. Servis tarafından icra edildi. Daha sonraları yaygın kabul görmeyerek terk edildi. 15. KEBABIN GÜNÜMÜZDEKİ SES RENGİ Geçmişte rebabın birinci melodi teli Re (Neva) sesine akortlanırken daha sonraları Sol (Rast) sesine düşürülmüştür. Bu değişikliğin ne zaman olduğu kesin olarak bilinmemekle beraber çalgı günümüze bu akordla gelmiştir. Melodi telinin dört ses aşağıya çekilmesiyle rebabın ses karakteri sopranodan altoya dönüşmüştür. 16. GEÇMİŞTEN GÜNÜMÜZE REBABİLER Geçmiş asırlardaki rebabileri tam olarak tespit edebilmemiz mümkün değildir. Bunlardan nam salmış olanları burada naklediyoruz. Tespitlerimize xm. Asırdan başladığımızda bu asnn en meşhur rebabileri; Hz. Mevlâna, Rebabi Osman, Rebabi Ebu Bekir ve Sultan Veled'dir. XVII. asırdan Kemani ve tanburi Hızır Ağa, Kemani ama Corci ve Akif Dede, XVffl. asırdan Hüsameddin Dede, XIX. asırdan Tanburi Cemil Bey, Süreyya Baba, Münir Baba, Faik Mis ve Eyyubi Mustafa Sunardır. XX. asırdan ise Sabahattin Volkan, Edip Seviş, Cahit Gözkan ve İhsan Özgen tespit edebildiğimiz rebab icracılarıdır. 17. TÜRK EDEBİYATINDA REBAB XIII. yüzyılın şair mutasavvıf ve alimlerinden Hz. Mevlâna ve oğlu Sultan Veled rebabla yalandan ilgilenerek eserlerinde bu çalgıdan sıkça söz açmışlardır. Türk edebiyatında rebab sözcüğü önemli bir yer tutar. Xin. yüzyıldan Sultan Veled'in "Rebabname" isimli mesnevisinden XIX. yüzyıldan Tevfik Fikret'in "Rûbab-ı Şikeste" isimli kitabına kadar rebab, birçok edebiyat metninde ve Divan şiirinde konu edilmiştir. Rebab Türk Musikisinin şarkı sözlerinde de yer almıştır. Nitekim Y. Asım Arsoy*un, rebab için yapmış olduğu iki şarkı buna örnektir. 18. REBABLA İLGİLİ GÖRÜŞLER VE RÖPORTAJLAR Bu bölümde, C. Gözkan, S. Volkan, E. Seviş, M. Torun ve İ. Özgen'in rebabla ilgili düşüncelerine yer verilmiştir. Adı geçen hocaların ileri sürdükleri fikirler, klasik rebab ve nev rebab üzerinde olmuştur, bu musiki ustaları her iki rebab için olumlu ya da olumsuz gördükleri yönler üzerinde görüşler ileri sürerek tercihlerini belirtmişlerdir. 19. REBABIN YAPIMI Bu bölümde Klasik rebabın terk edilip nev rebabında yaygınlaşmadığı düşüncesinden yola çıkılmıştır. Böylece alternatif bir rebabın imalatı, teknik ve nazari bakımından sunulmuştur. Yapımı anlatılan bu rebabta otantik yapının korunmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Günümüz icrasına yeterlilik getirecek çözümler bulunarak uygulanmıştır. Önerilen bu rebab, profesyonel bir Türk müziği topluluğunda dört yıl boyunca icra edilerek başarısı kanıtlanmıştır. SONUÇLAR VE ÖNERİLER Bu tezin sonunda rebab; kimlik, terkedilmişlik, rebabın telleri ve yeterlilik olmak üzere dört kısmı altında değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile organolojisi çıkartılan rebabın, terminolojideki yeri belirlenmiştir. Çalgının şekli, yapıldığı malzemeler ve üzerinde kullanılan tellere açıklık getirilmiş ve çağdaş bir uygulama söz konusu olduğunda yapılacak ilave ve değişiklikler önerilmiştir. Bu öneriler çalgının terkediliş sebeplerinden yola çıkarak belirlenmiştir. Böylece rebabm günümüz Türk müziğinde yeniden yer alabilecek yeterliliğe ulaştığı ispat edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
REBAB, ITS HISTORY AND RE VIVAL 1. INTRODUCTION The musical instrument called Rebab, which was utilised both in the Seljuk period and for some six hundred years in the Ottoman Turkish Music, has the characteristic of being öne of the first bowed instruments. Many instruments in the Turkish history, when unable to satisfy the needs of changing times, were just left to die and become extinct, instead being improved to be fiırther used. These instruments utilised in the past and left to disappear later are lost elements of our culture. Studies to be conducted in the area of organology will constitute the initial steps to identify and put together these now forgotten parts. We have therefore chosen to study the rebab, which was replaced by the violin at the end of the 17th century in an effort to bring it back to the Turkish music. 2. TURKİSH MUSİCAL İNSTRUMENTS Information concerning the musical instruments used by Turks at the ancient times is unfortunately scarce. The earliest pieces of information öne can fınd are in the book "Kitab-ül Musiki-ül Kebh- (The Big Book of Music)" by the famous scholar of Turkish music, Fârâbi dating back to the 9th century. Later music theoretician, historian and scholar Ahmedoğlu Şükrullah, who lived during the reign of the sixth Ottoman Sultan Murad the Second (H. 824 - 855), introduced the nine basic Turkish musical instruments in his work "Berceme İktbül Edvar". This book was actually a translation of the 13th century Turkish music theoretician Safiyuddin's book titled "Khabül Edvar" into Ottoman Turkish. The nine musical instruments described in the book are as follows: 1. Ud, 2. Ddığ, 3. Rebab, 4. Mizmar, 5. Pise, 6. Cenk, 7. Nüzhe, 8. Kanun, 9. Mugni. 3. BOWED İNSTRUMENTS The earliest traces of bowed instruments date back to the 8th and 9th centuries and were used by Uygur Turks. Although it is not certain when the first bowed instruments emerged, there is substantial evidence that they were first invented in Asia. Brought into Anatolia from Middle Asia by Uygur Turks, bowed instruments then spread into Europe. 4. THE FIRST TÜRKISH BOWED İNSTRUMENTS Turks used bowed instruments for magic, rites and epic purposes. The kemence is the most typical instrument of the Turkish culture and music. Used also for cures, fortune telling and magic prayers, these instruments had a groaning, nasal, almost crying sound so that they evoked emotions of fear and supernatural powers. Ali parts of these instruments were made up of natura! materials considered to be sacred according to the Turkish culture. While "Ddığ" was used for centuries as a generic name for ali bowed instruments among Turks, the term "Kemence" widely used in Iran began to be used as well since 15th century. So, the Turkish society used the words "gıçak" and "ıklığ" together with "kemence". The Ottoman instrument called "kemence" was in fact "ıklığ" and it was an indispensable instrument of the Ottoman Turkish chamber music. There are great similarities between the ıklığ and the kemences used by the Turkish tribes at Asia. Therefore, it makes sense to start investigating from Inner Asia. The first relatively developed Turkish instrument is considered to be the "kopuz", instruments emerging from Middle Asia are mostiy kemence and they can either be bowed ör fingered. During the early ages, bowed instruments were distinguished from the plucked instruments by the terms "ok" ör "okul" due to their bows. Apparently, at those times Turkish societies widely used the term "ok" for a bow, as opposed to the modern word "yay". Kazak and Kırgız Turks believed that the instrument called "Kopuz" was invented by Korkut Ata, öne of their oldest and most respected ancestors and the instrument had thus a sacred quality. So, the kemences and their bows were made of sacred materials and for the strings, natural materials such as guts, silk and horsetail were preferred. Ikhk The term "Ddık" was expressed in the different dialects of the Turkish culture. Öne can see similarities between these names and their roots from the Altays to Anatolia, and even as far as certain North African countries. The oldest descriptions of ıklığ, öne of the earliest bowed Turkish instruments, are very much reminiscent of today's rebab. Gıcak and Çağana Gıcak is an instrument similar to ıklık. Çağana is the name given to ıklığ at Asia. 5. OTHER TÜRKISH BOWED İNSTRUMENTS in this chapter, short descriptions of the other Turkish bowed instruments used in the past and today are given in an attempt to clarify the concepts referred to by the word "kemence". The Black Sea Kemence it is a bowed instrument, which is played along the Black Sea region. it has a narrow back with a flat and long construction, it has a wooden soundboard and it is played with two sounds. Fasıl Kemence it is a bowed instrument with the profile of a pear, has three strings and is played by touching the strings sideways by the fingernails instead of pressing on them. Travelling to the Aegean soils from Poland via Hungary and Greece, the Fasıl Kemence was a basic instrument during the 19th century, played at music cafe's and taverns, mainly for entertainment music. Thanks to the Kemence virtuoso Vasil (1845-1907) this instrument has managed to make its way into traditional instrumental music groups. Single Stringed Bowed instrument 17th century European traveller Laborde has mentioned in his notes about a single stringed bowed instrument, which no longer exists today. Kemani Hızu- Ağa, music theoretician of the period of Sultan Mahmud the First, has called this instrument "Keman-I Kıpti" in his book "Tefhim el - Makamat fi tevlid en nagamat" and has also inserted a drawing depicting the instrument. Without any other evidence of its existence in the past, this instrument resembles the fasıl kemence with its pear shaped body. Standing Violin in the picture provided by the 17th century traveller Laborde, this instnıment seems to have göt a body as big as a large saucepan. The fingerboard has göt fret strings tied on. This instmment, basically an ıklığ as big as a double bass, was probably developed in the 17th century to satisfy the need for a bass tone. There is no example of this instrument today. 15th century music theoretician Hızır Bin Abdullah has also mentioned about an instrument called "ayaklı keman (standing violin)" in his work "Tefhim el - Makamat fi tevlid en nagamat". This instrument resembles the rebab in terms of construction and has göt fret strings on its fingerboard. Sine Keman The 12 stringed bowed instrument called viole d'amour in Europe and Sine Keman by the Turks was extremely popular especially during the period of Sultan Selim the Third. This instrument, belonging to the Baroque era, has become extinct during the 20th century being replaced by the wide spread violin. 6. REBAB İN HISTORY Rebab is a generic name for various forms of bowed ör plucked instnıments found in Turkey, Iran, Arabic Countries, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Java. Although it is not clearly known when it first emerged, its history is claimed to be as old as the Prophet Süleyman by historian / traveller Evliya Çelebi. The rebab was widely used by the people of Persia and Horasan during the lOth century. it is generally assumed that the rebab was introduced from Horasan into Anatolia by Mevlana's father Bahaeddin Veled and his followers during their migration. The rebab was passed on the Arabs around the middle of the first century after the Hegira and spread as far as Middle Europe being carried över to Spain by the Second Andalusian Ommayads. This instrument has later become the troubadours' most popular instrument during medieval Europe. The said instrument is most probably the Arabic rebab. The word rebab is in fact noj Turkish but has its roots in the Arabic language. Arabs used to call all bowed instruments "rebab". The Turks in turn would call any unusual or foreign instrument a "rebab". The instrument we call "rebab" today, was cited in both western and oriental resources either as "ıklığ" or "kemence". The Arabic rebab evolved into an instrument called "rebek" in Europe. This instrument has eventually turned into the modem violin over a long process of evolution. Rebek This instrument has a slim, pear shaped body, a wooden soundboard and a fingerboard with pegs at the end. It is played either pushing against the chin or resting in one's lap. A three stringed instrument, it was tuned according to five intervals. During the Medieval Age, different sizes of the instrument, from soprano to bass were available. Having been used together for a while, the rebek and the medieval viyella was replaced by the Renaissance family of bowed instruments, namely the violas. 7. COMMON NAMES USED FOR TURKISH BOWED INSTRUMENTS AN REBAB'S POSITION IN THIS RESPECT In the Turkish Music History, terms such as rebab, ıklığ, kemence, ayaklı keman (standing violin), çegane and çağanak were commonly used to refer to the same instrument. This posed a problem, as it was conceptually difficult to discriminate between various instruments. In the Western resources on the other hand, the word kemence refers to rebab. 8. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF INSTRUMENTS CALLED REBAB IN DD7FERENT COUNTRIES AND CULTURES Like among Turks, there are similarities between instruments and their names at different cultures as well. However, this problem concerning the names of instruments is most common at Africa and Asia. There is no such problem in the developed Western countries. This is probably a result of the richness and the intermingled nature of the Oriental culture and arts. XXIX 9. REBAB ACCORDING TO TÜRKISH MUSIC THEORETICIANS According to Abduikadir Meragi 15th century music theoretician Abduikadir Meragi has classified and described musical instruments. Among the instruments described by Meragi, the kemence is made either from coconut shell ör carved wood. The membrane from a cow's heart is stretched as leather över the chest. Stringed either by horsetail ör silk string, this instrument is identical to the öne we cali a rebab. According to Ahmedoğlu Şükrullah A music theoretician who lived during the reign of Sultan Murad the Second, gives a description of a rebab in his book "Berceme - îktbül Edvar", which seems to be the Arabic rebab. On the other hand, A Şükrullah's description of what he calls an "ıklığ" resembles today's rebab more closely. According to Hraır Bin Abdullah Alias known as Hızır Ağa, this 18th century music scholar in his book explains that the rebab is also called Keman-ı Arabi ör Kemence. The description of this instrument claimed by Hızar Ağa to be invented by Farabi, resembles today's rebab. According to Rauf Yekta Bey Rauf Yekta Bey explains that there are majör differences between the old and the new rebab and continues to express that today's rebab is more likely to be an offspring of the old ıklığ. 10. REBAB ACCORDİNG TO EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS AND MUSIC THEORETICIANS European music theoreticians and travellers of 16th-18th century, such as G. Farmer, C. Niebuhr, C. Ponton, G. Toderini, Pierre Belon Du Mans, Laborde, Blainville, Dr. John Covel, Vİlloteau and H. Usbeck have mentioned about the rebab in their works. While some of these resources provide valuable information for us, others are fiili of confiısing mistakes. 11. REBAB EV THE 18th CENTÜRY OTTOMAN İNSTRUMENT GROÜPS When we evaluate the observations conceraing the 18th century, we see that the most important instruments of the Ottoman Turkish music, which is mainly a chamber music, are ney, tanbur, mıskal, rebab and daire. The Ottoman Turkish musical instruments are depicted in miniatures and engravings both imaginary and actual. However, the presence of the kemence is almost ahvays seen in ali Ottoman music groups. 12. TANZİMAT (REFORMS) PERIOD AND REBAB'S STTUATION AFTERWARDS Following the Tanzimat (Reform) period, the Ottoman rebab was eventually replaced by the European violin and became extinct, only being cited in literary texts. 13. "REBAB", ÖNE OF THE TURKİSH İNSTRUMENTS EXHHMTED İN PARİS İN 1867 in this exhibition, an Egyptian rebab, mistaken for a Turkish öne was exhibited together with Turkish musical instruments. The reason for the mistake may be the fact that Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire until the previous century. 14. THE NEW REBAB in 1925, Kemani Mustafâ Sunar, having introduced certain modifications to the instrument, called it the "new rebab". The new rebab had a coconut body, a leather chest, a short fingerboard and mandolin pegs. Instead of standing on the floor, it rested on one's knee to be played similar to the kabak kemane and with violin's positions. The instrument was fitted with metal resonance strings that no other traditional Turkish instrument had. Its inventor M. Sunar and his students S. Volkan and E. Sevi played the new rebabs. However, not being able to attract wider acceptance, it later disappeared. 15. REBAB'S SOUND COLOR TODAY Although rebab's fırst melody string was initially tuned to D (Neva), it was later changed to G (Rast). Although it is not known for certain when this change took place, the instrument has reached our day whh this tüne. Tuning the melody string four fiili intervals below original, the rebab's sound characteristic has changed from soprano to alto. 16. REBAB PLAYERS İN THE PAST AND TODAY it is impossible to identify rebab players of the old centuries. We can only çite some of them who were famous during their times. Going back to the 13th century, the most famous rebab players of the time are Hz. Mevlana, Rebabi Osman, Rebabi Ebu Bekir and Sultan Veled. From the 17th century, Kemani and Tanburi Hızır Ağa, Kemani Ama Corci and Akif Dede, from the 18th century Hüsameddin Dede, from the 19th century Tanburi Cemil Bey, Süreyya Baba, Münir Baba, Faik Mis and Eyyubi Mustafa Sunar are some of the names öne can identify. Some of the prominent 20th century rebab players are Sabahattin Volkan, Edip Seviş, Cahit Gözkan and İhsan Özgen. 17. REBAB m THE TÜRKISH LİTERATÜRE An 13th century Sufi poet and scholar Hz. Mevlana and his son Sultan Veled were deeply interested in the rebab and frecjuently mentioned about it in their poems. The word "rebab" has a significant position in the Turkish literatüre, it has inspired many literary works from Sultan Veled's 13th century poems "Rebabname" to Tevfik Fikret's 19th century book "Rubab-ı Şikeste". Rebab is also a frequent theme in the lyrics of Turkish Music. The two songs written for the rebab by Y. Asım Arsoy demonstrates this fact. 18. OPINIONS AND INTERVIEWS ABOUT THE REBAB in this chapter, opinions of C. Gözkan, S. Volkan, E. Seviş, M. Torun and İ. Özgen can be found. These are mostly ideas about the new and the old rebab. These music masters speculate on the advantages and disadvantages of the old and the new rebab and point out their choice. 19. CONSTRÜCTION OF THE REBAB in this chapter, the starting point is the fact that the classical rebab is extinct and the modem rebab is far from being popular. Therefore an alternative rebab is suggested in terms of construction, both technically and theoretically. Special care has been taken to protect the authentic structure of the instrument. Solutions have been devised to make the instrument suitable for today's playing techniques. The suggested rebab has been used for four years in a Turkish Music group and has proved its appropriateness. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER SUGGESTIONS At the end of this thesis, the rebab is evaluated under four titles: Identity, exclusion, strings and adequacy. Through this work, the organology of the rebab was drawn and its place within the terminology was determined. The form of the instrument, materials used for its construction and the strings used were clarified. Suggested additions and changes in the case of a modern application are also mentioned. These suggestions are based on the reasons why the instrument had ceased to be played. All together, an attempt was made to prove that the rebab has reached a level of adequacy to be used once again in the contemporary Turkish Music.
REBAB, ITS HISTORY AND RE VIVAL 1. INTRODUCTION The musical instrument called Rebab, which was utilised both in the Seljuk period and for some six hundred years in the Ottoman Turkish Music, has the characteristic of being öne of the first bowed instruments. Many instruments in the Turkish history, when unable to satisfy the needs of changing times, were just left to die and become extinct, instead being improved to be fiırther used. These instruments utilised in the past and left to disappear later are lost elements of our culture. Studies to be conducted in the area of organology will constitute the initial steps to identify and put together these now forgotten parts. We have therefore chosen to study the rebab, which was replaced by the violin at the end of the 17th century in an effort to bring it back to the Turkish music. 2. TURKİSH MUSİCAL İNSTRUMENTS Information concerning the musical instruments used by Turks at the ancient times is unfortunately scarce. The earliest pieces of information öne can fınd are in the book "Kitab-ül Musiki-ül Kebh- (The Big Book of Music)" by the famous scholar of Turkish music, Fârâbi dating back to the 9th century. Later music theoretician, historian and scholar Ahmedoğlu Şükrullah, who lived during the reign of the sixth Ottoman Sultan Murad the Second (H. 824 - 855), introduced the nine basic Turkish musical instruments in his work "Berceme İktbül Edvar". This book was actually a translation of the 13th century Turkish music theoretician Safiyuddin's book titled "Khabül Edvar" into Ottoman Turkish. The nine musical instruments described in the book are as follows: 1. Ud, 2. Ddığ, 3. Rebab, 4. Mizmar, 5. Pise, 6. Cenk, 7. Nüzhe, 8. Kanun, 9. Mugni. 3. BOWED İNSTRUMENTS The earliest traces of bowed instruments date back to the 8th and 9th centuries and were used by Uygur Turks. Although it is not certain when the first bowed instruments emerged, there is substantial evidence that they were first invented in Asia. Brought into Anatolia from Middle Asia by Uygur Turks, bowed instruments then spread into Europe. 4. THE FIRST TÜRKISH BOWED İNSTRUMENTS Turks used bowed instruments for magic, rites and epic purposes. The kemence is the most typical instrument of the Turkish culture and music. Used also for cures, fortune telling and magic prayers, these instruments had a groaning, nasal, almost crying sound so that they evoked emotions of fear and supernatural powers. Ali parts of these instruments were made up of natura! materials considered to be sacred according to the Turkish culture. While "Ddığ" was used for centuries as a generic name for ali bowed instruments among Turks, the term "Kemence" widely used in Iran began to be used as well since 15th century. So, the Turkish society used the words "gıçak" and "ıklığ" together with "kemence". The Ottoman instrument called "kemence" was in fact "ıklığ" and it was an indispensable instrument of the Ottoman Turkish chamber music. There are great similarities between the ıklığ and the kemences used by the Turkish tribes at Asia. Therefore, it makes sense to start investigating from Inner Asia. The first relatively developed Turkish instrument is considered to be the "kopuz", instruments emerging from Middle Asia are mostiy kemence and they can either be bowed ör fingered. During the early ages, bowed instruments were distinguished from the plucked instruments by the terms "ok" ör "okul" due to their bows. Apparently, at those times Turkish societies widely used the term "ok" for a bow, as opposed to the modern word "yay". Kazak and Kırgız Turks believed that the instrument called "Kopuz" was invented by Korkut Ata, öne of their oldest and most respected ancestors and the instrument had thus a sacred quality. So, the kemences and their bows were made of sacred materials and for the strings, natural materials such as guts, silk and horsetail were preferred. Ikhk The term "Ddık" was expressed in the different dialects of the Turkish culture. Öne can see similarities between these names and their roots from the Altays to Anatolia, and even as far as certain North African countries. The oldest descriptions of ıklığ, öne of the earliest bowed Turkish instruments, are very much reminiscent of today's rebab. Gıcak and Çağana Gıcak is an instrument similar to ıklık. Çağana is the name given to ıklığ at Asia. 5. OTHER TÜRKISH BOWED İNSTRUMENTS in this chapter, short descriptions of the other Turkish bowed instruments used in the past and today are given in an attempt to clarify the concepts referred to by the word "kemence". The Black Sea Kemence it is a bowed instrument, which is played along the Black Sea region. it has a narrow back with a flat and long construction, it has a wooden soundboard and it is played with two sounds. Fasıl Kemence it is a bowed instrument with the profile of a pear, has three strings and is played by touching the strings sideways by the fingernails instead of pressing on them. Travelling to the Aegean soils from Poland via Hungary and Greece, the Fasıl Kemence was a basic instrument during the 19th century, played at music cafe's and taverns, mainly for entertainment music. Thanks to the Kemence virtuoso Vasil (1845-1907) this instrument has managed to make its way into traditional instrumental music groups. Single Stringed Bowed instrument 17th century European traveller Laborde has mentioned in his notes about a single stringed bowed instrument, which no longer exists today. Kemani Hızu- Ağa, music theoretician of the period of Sultan Mahmud the First, has called this instrument "Keman-I Kıpti" in his book "Tefhim el - Makamat fi tevlid en nagamat" and has also inserted a drawing depicting the instrument. Without any other evidence of its existence in the past, this instrument resembles the fasıl kemence with its pear shaped body. Standing Violin in the picture provided by the 17th century traveller Laborde, this instnıment seems to have göt a body as big as a large saucepan. The fingerboard has göt fret strings tied on. This instmment, basically an ıklığ as big as a double bass, was probably developed in the 17th century to satisfy the need for a bass tone. There is no example of this instrument today. 15th century music theoretician Hızır Bin Abdullah has also mentioned about an instrument called "ayaklı keman (standing violin)" in his work "Tefhim el - Makamat fi tevlid en nagamat". This instrument resembles the rebab in terms of construction and has göt fret strings on its fingerboard. Sine Keman The 12 stringed bowed instrument called viole d'amour in Europe and Sine Keman by the Turks was extremely popular especially during the period of Sultan Selim the Third. This instrument, belonging to the Baroque era, has become extinct during the 20th century being replaced by the wide spread violin. 6. REBAB İN HISTORY Rebab is a generic name for various forms of bowed ör plucked instnıments found in Turkey, Iran, Arabic Countries, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Java. Although it is not clearly known when it first emerged, its history is claimed to be as old as the Prophet Süleyman by historian / traveller Evliya Çelebi. The rebab was widely used by the people of Persia and Horasan during the lOth century. it is generally assumed that the rebab was introduced from Horasan into Anatolia by Mevlana's father Bahaeddin Veled and his followers during their migration. The rebab was passed on the Arabs around the middle of the first century after the Hegira and spread as far as Middle Europe being carried över to Spain by the Second Andalusian Ommayads. This instrument has later become the troubadours' most popular instrument during medieval Europe. The said instrument is most probably the Arabic rebab. The word rebab is in fact noj Turkish but has its roots in the Arabic language. Arabs used to call all bowed instruments "rebab". The Turks in turn would call any unusual or foreign instrument a "rebab". The instrument we call "rebab" today, was cited in both western and oriental resources either as "ıklığ" or "kemence". The Arabic rebab evolved into an instrument called "rebek" in Europe. This instrument has eventually turned into the modem violin over a long process of evolution. Rebek This instrument has a slim, pear shaped body, a wooden soundboard and a fingerboard with pegs at the end. It is played either pushing against the chin or resting in one's lap. A three stringed instrument, it was tuned according to five intervals. During the Medieval Age, different sizes of the instrument, from soprano to bass were available. Having been used together for a while, the rebek and the medieval viyella was replaced by the Renaissance family of bowed instruments, namely the violas. 7. COMMON NAMES USED FOR TURKISH BOWED INSTRUMENTS AN REBAB'S POSITION IN THIS RESPECT In the Turkish Music History, terms such as rebab, ıklığ, kemence, ayaklı keman (standing violin), çegane and çağanak were commonly used to refer to the same instrument. This posed a problem, as it was conceptually difficult to discriminate between various instruments. In the Western resources on the other hand, the word kemence refers to rebab. 8. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF INSTRUMENTS CALLED REBAB IN DD7FERENT COUNTRIES AND CULTURES Like among Turks, there are similarities between instruments and their names at different cultures as well. However, this problem concerning the names of instruments is most common at Africa and Asia. There is no such problem in the developed Western countries. This is probably a result of the richness and the intermingled nature of the Oriental culture and arts. XXIX 9. REBAB ACCORDING TO TÜRKISH MUSIC THEORETICIANS According to Abduikadir Meragi 15th century music theoretician Abduikadir Meragi has classified and described musical instruments. Among the instruments described by Meragi, the kemence is made either from coconut shell ör carved wood. The membrane from a cow's heart is stretched as leather över the chest. Stringed either by horsetail ör silk string, this instrument is identical to the öne we cali a rebab. According to Ahmedoğlu Şükrullah A music theoretician who lived during the reign of Sultan Murad the Second, gives a description of a rebab in his book "Berceme - îktbül Edvar", which seems to be the Arabic rebab. On the other hand, A Şükrullah's description of what he calls an "ıklığ" resembles today's rebab more closely. According to Hraır Bin Abdullah Alias known as Hızır Ağa, this 18th century music scholar in his book explains that the rebab is also called Keman-ı Arabi ör Kemence. The description of this instrument claimed by Hızar Ağa to be invented by Farabi, resembles today's rebab. According to Rauf Yekta Bey Rauf Yekta Bey explains that there are majör differences between the old and the new rebab and continues to express that today's rebab is more likely to be an offspring of the old ıklığ. 10. REBAB ACCORDİNG TO EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS AND MUSIC THEORETICIANS European music theoreticians and travellers of 16th-18th century, such as G. Farmer, C. Niebuhr, C. Ponton, G. Toderini, Pierre Belon Du Mans, Laborde, Blainville, Dr. John Covel, Vİlloteau and H. Usbeck have mentioned about the rebab in their works. While some of these resources provide valuable information for us, others are fiili of confiısing mistakes. 11. REBAB EV THE 18th CENTÜRY OTTOMAN İNSTRUMENT GROÜPS When we evaluate the observations conceraing the 18th century, we see that the most important instruments of the Ottoman Turkish music, which is mainly a chamber music, are ney, tanbur, mıskal, rebab and daire. The Ottoman Turkish musical instruments are depicted in miniatures and engravings both imaginary and actual. However, the presence of the kemence is almost ahvays seen in ali Ottoman music groups. 12. TANZİMAT (REFORMS) PERIOD AND REBAB'S STTUATION AFTERWARDS Following the Tanzimat (Reform) period, the Ottoman rebab was eventually replaced by the European violin and became extinct, only being cited in literary texts. 13. "REBAB", ÖNE OF THE TURKİSH İNSTRUMENTS EXHHMTED İN PARİS İN 1867 in this exhibition, an Egyptian rebab, mistaken for a Turkish öne was exhibited together with Turkish musical instruments. The reason for the mistake may be the fact that Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire until the previous century. 14. THE NEW REBAB in 1925, Kemani Mustafâ Sunar, having introduced certain modifications to the instrument, called it the "new rebab". The new rebab had a coconut body, a leather chest, a short fingerboard and mandolin pegs. Instead of standing on the floor, it rested on one's knee to be played similar to the kabak kemane and with violin's positions. The instrument was fitted with metal resonance strings that no other traditional Turkish instrument had. Its inventor M. Sunar and his students S. Volkan and E. Sevi played the new rebabs. However, not being able to attract wider acceptance, it later disappeared. 15. REBAB'S SOUND COLOR TODAY Although rebab's fırst melody string was initially tuned to D (Neva), it was later changed to G (Rast). Although it is not known for certain when this change took place, the instrument has reached our day whh this tüne. Tuning the melody string four fiili intervals below original, the rebab's sound characteristic has changed from soprano to alto. 16. REBAB PLAYERS İN THE PAST AND TODAY it is impossible to identify rebab players of the old centuries. We can only çite some of them who were famous during their times. Going back to the 13th century, the most famous rebab players of the time are Hz. Mevlana, Rebabi Osman, Rebabi Ebu Bekir and Sultan Veled. From the 17th century, Kemani and Tanburi Hızır Ağa, Kemani Ama Corci and Akif Dede, from the 18th century Hüsameddin Dede, from the 19th century Tanburi Cemil Bey, Süreyya Baba, Münir Baba, Faik Mis and Eyyubi Mustafa Sunar are some of the names öne can identify. Some of the prominent 20th century rebab players are Sabahattin Volkan, Edip Seviş, Cahit Gözkan and İhsan Özgen. 17. REBAB m THE TÜRKISH LİTERATÜRE An 13th century Sufi poet and scholar Hz. Mevlana and his son Sultan Veled were deeply interested in the rebab and frecjuently mentioned about it in their poems. The word "rebab" has a significant position in the Turkish literatüre, it has inspired many literary works from Sultan Veled's 13th century poems "Rebabname" to Tevfik Fikret's 19th century book "Rubab-ı Şikeste". Rebab is also a frequent theme in the lyrics of Turkish Music. The two songs written for the rebab by Y. Asım Arsoy demonstrates this fact. 18. OPINIONS AND INTERVIEWS ABOUT THE REBAB in this chapter, opinions of C. Gözkan, S. Volkan, E. Seviş, M. Torun and İ. Özgen can be found. These are mostly ideas about the new and the old rebab. These music masters speculate on the advantages and disadvantages of the old and the new rebab and point out their choice. 19. CONSTRÜCTION OF THE REBAB in this chapter, the starting point is the fact that the classical rebab is extinct and the modem rebab is far from being popular. Therefore an alternative rebab is suggested in terms of construction, both technically and theoretically. Special care has been taken to protect the authentic structure of the instrument. Solutions have been devised to make the instrument suitable for today's playing techniques. The suggested rebab has been used for four years in a Turkish Music group and has proved its appropriateness. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER SUGGESTIONS At the end of this thesis, the rebab is evaluated under four titles: Identity, exclusion, strings and adequacy. Through this work, the organology of the rebab was drawn and its place within the terminology was determined. The form of the instrument, materials used for its construction and the strings used were clarified. Suggested additions and changes in the case of a modern application are also mentioned. These suggestions are based on the reasons why the instrument had ceased to be played. All together, an attempt was made to prove that the rebab has reached a level of adequacy to be used once again in the contemporary Turkish Music.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1998
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1998
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1998
Anahtar kelimeler
Müzik aletleri,
Yaylı çalgılar,
Musical instruments,
String instruments