Akımsız Ni-p, Ni-b Ve Ni-w-b Kaplamaların Yüksek Sıcaklık Oksidasyon Ve Camla Etkileşim Davranışlarının İncelenmesi
Akımsız Ni-p, Ni-b Ve Ni-w-b Kaplamaların Yüksek Sıcaklık Oksidasyon Ve Camla Etkileşim Davranışlarının İncelenmesi
Avcıoğlu, Sinem Eraslan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
Metal kalıplar, cam ambalaj üretim proseslerinde elde edilecek ürünlerin kalitesini doğrudan etkileyen en önemli sistem parçalarından biridir. Yüksek sıcaklıkta ve camla sürekli temas halinde çalışan bu kalıplarda malzeme seçimi noktasında istenilen gereksinimlere yanıt veren ve maliyet açısından avantaj sağlayan dökme demirler oldukça yaygın kullanıma sahiptir. Bahsi geçen dökme demir kalıplar, üretim prosesleri esnasında mekanik ve ısıl gerilmelere maruz kalırlar ve buna bağlı olarak zaman içerisinde son ürünlerde hata oluşumlarına neden olabilirler. Hataların giderilmesi için harcanan ilave zaman ve işçilik işletme için ekstra maliyet anlamı taşımaktadır. Nitekim, belirli kullanım ömürlerine sahip bu kalıplar bu süre sonunda ıskartaya ayrılarak kullanılamaz duruma gelirler. Kalıp kullanım ömürlerinin arttırılması ve üretim sırasında ortaya çıkan kalıp kaynaklı sorunların oranının azaltılması için kalıp malzemelerinin iyileştirilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar cam ambalaj üretim tesislerinde her zaman güncelliğini koruyan bir konudur. Farklı malzeme alternatiflerinin araştırılmasının yanı sıra mevcut malzemelerin camla temas halindeki yüzey kısımlarının özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi öncelikli araştırma konuları arasında yer almaktadır. Bu araştırmalar kapsamında sementasyon, karbonitrürleme, nitrürleme ve borlama gibi çeşitli tekniklerle kalıp malzemelerin yüzeylerinin geliştirilmesinin ve kullanım ömürlerinin arttırılmasının mümkün olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Özellikle borlama teknikleri, cam ambalaj üretim proseslerinde son yıllarda önemli kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Ancak borlama uygulamasının ardından ihtiyaç duyulan parlatma gibi çeşitli mekanik işlemlerin, normal kalıplara nazaran yüzeylerinde daha fazla ayrıntı içeren gravürlü kalıplarda yüzey bozunmasına neden olmasından dolayı borlama tekniği gravürlü kalıplar için kullanılabilir bir uygulama olma niteliği taşımamaktadır. Bahsi geçen gravürlü kalıplarda üretim esnasında ortaya çıkan ve hatalara neden olan durumların minimuma indirgenmesi için kalıp yüzeylerine uygulanacak bir kaplamanın avantaj sağlayabileceği öngörülmüştür. Bu kaplamanın homojen kalınlıkta olması, aşınma ve korozyon direncinin yüksek olması öncelikli gereksinimlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu gereksinimleri karşılamak adına akla gelen ilk uygulama, akımsız kaplama sistemlerdir. Akımsız nikel kaplamalar Ni-P ve Ni-B olmak üzere iki ana kategori altında ele alınabilir. Akımsız kaplamlara W, Co, Mo, Mn, Re gibi üçüncü bir elementin katılabileceğinin gösterilmesi, akımsız nikel alaşım kaplamalar başlığıyla yeni bir sayfa açılmasına neden olmuştur. 2010 yılında gerçekleştirilen yüksek lisans çalışması kapsamında akımsız Ni-B banyosuna uygun bileşimde sodyum tungstat ilavesi ile akımsız Ni-W-B kaplamalar elde edilmiş ve bu kaplamaların genel özelliklerinin yanı sıra aşınma davranışları incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler neticesinde, elde edilen Ni-W-B kaplamaların ticari Ni-B kaplamaya kıyasla daha iyi aşınma ve korozyon özelliklerine sahip olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra gerçekleştirilen ilk denemeler sonucunda akımsız Ni-W-B kaplamalı dökme demir kalıpların cam ambalaj üretiminde kullanılma potansiyelinin oldukça yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Akımsız kaplamaların cam ambalaj üretiminde amaca uygun kullanım potansiyelini ortaya koymak adına öncelikle bu kaplamaların üretim koşullarında bulundukları ortam göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Yüksek sıcaklıklarda gerçekleşen cam ambalaj üretim proseslerinde kalıp malzemesi olarak kullanımı amaçlanan bu kaplamaların oksidasyon davranışları, üretim koşulları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda önem kazanan ilk parametre olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Cam ile kalıp yüzeyinin temasına dayalı süregelen proseslerde, üretim esnasında cam ve kalıp yüzeyi arasında meydana gelen etkileşimler ise incelenmesi gereken diğer önemli noktalardır. Bu noktadan yola çıkılarak planlanan bu tez çalışması kapsamında, öncelikli olarak akımsız Ni-P, Ni-B ve Ni-W-B kaplamalar dökme demir ve orta karbonlu çelik numuneler üzerinde elde edilerek, kaplamaların temel özellikleri XRD, SEM, EDS, GDO-ES ve mikro-sertlik cihazları yardımıyla ayrıntılı şekilde karakterize edilmiştir. İstenilen niteliklerdeki akımsız kaplamaların elde edilmesinin ardından çalışmanın ilk aşaması olan yüksek sıcaklık oksidasyon deneyleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu deneyler kapsamında Ni-P, Ni-B ve Ni-W-B kaplamalı çelik numuneler öncelikli olarak 400-1200°C aralığında 2 saat süre ile oksidasyon işlemine tabi tutulmuş ve elde edilen numunelerin oksit kalınlıkları GDOES ve SEM analizleri yardımı ile kaydedilmiştir. Bunun yanında yüzeyde oluşan oksitlerin yapısının incelenmesi adına SEM, EDS ve RAMAN analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. 1 saat süre ile gerçekleştirilen deneyler neticesinde söz konusu kaplamaların oksidasyon davranışlarının detaylı olarak incelenmesi için uygun sıcaklık aralığının 500-800°C olduğuna karar verilmiş ve bu aralıkta süreye bağımlı oksidasyon çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında cam ambalaj üretiminde kullanılması hedeflenen bu kaplamaların üretim koşullarına benzer şartlar altında sıcak cam ile olan etkileşimlerinin incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda CETR UMT sistemi kullanılarak yeni ve basit bir deney düzeneği tasarlanmıştır. Düzenekte kaplamalı çelik numuneler ve soda kireç camından üretilen toplar kullanılmıştır. Kaplamalı numuneler ve tutucuya yerleştirilen soda camı düzenekte yer alan fırın içerisine yerleştirilerek sıcaklık 600°C’ye ayarlanmıştır. Cam ambalaj üretim koşulları baz alınarak seçilen bu sıcaklık değerine ulaşılmasının ve tutucuda yer alan cam topun belirli bir yumuşama göstermesinin ardından, cam top ile numune birbirleri ile temas haline getirilmiş ve ardından belirli bir kuvvet uygulanmıştır. Cam ve kaplama malzemesi, kuvvet sabit kalacak şekilde belirli bir süre temas halinde bekletilmiş ve akabinde daha düşük bir çekme kuvveti uygulanarak cam ile kaplama arasındaki temas kesilmiştir. Bu yöntemle, yazılım tarafından kontrol edilen Fz değerleri baz alınarak farklı kaplama türleri ile cam arasında gerçekleşen yapışmanın ve ayrılmanın karakteri hakkında fikir sahibi olma ve kıyaslama yapabilme olanağı sağlanmıştır. Düzenekte gerçekleştirilen deneylerin ardından elde edilen kaplamalı numuneler ve cam topların yüzeyleri optik profilometre, SEM ve EDS analizleri yardımıyla incelenerek etkileşim esnasında meydana gelen reaksiyonlar irdelenmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen oksidasyon deneyleri sonucunda, akımsız Ni-P, Ni-B ve Ni-W-B kaplamaların oksidasyon davranışının yalnızca kaplamanın kendi özelliklerine değil, aynı zamanda taban malzeme ile kaplama arasında gerçekleşen difüzyon proseslerine de bağlı olduğu açık şekilde görülmüştür. Ni-P kaplamalar ile gerçekleştirilen incelemeler sonucunda literatürde yer alan verilere benzer sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Kaplamaların oksitlenme hızının önemli seviyelere gelmesinde taban malzemede yer alan demirin yüzeye doğru difüzyonu önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Süre ve sıcaklığa bağımlı olarak kaplama ile taban malzeme arasında bir ara difüzyon katmanının oluşumu söz konusudur. Yapılan analizler neticesinde kaplama yapısında bulunan fosforun bu ara difüzyon katmanında yer almadığı görülmüştür. Ni-B kaplamalarda karşımıza çıkan en önemli sonuç oksidasyonun devam etmesi ile birlikte yapıda bulunan borun, oksitler oluşturarak yapıdan uzaklaşmasıdır. 700 ve 800°C’de gerçekleştirilen deneyler sonucunda kaplama yüzeylerinde nikel borat yapılarının oluşumu gözlenmiştir. Ni-P kaplamalara benzer şekilde ni-B kaplamalarda da süre e sıcaklıkla kalınlığı artan ara difüzyon katmanlarının oluşumu kaydedilmiştir. Ancak Ni-P kaplamalar ile kıyaslandığında katman kalınlıklarını daha ince olduğu görülmüştür. Yine Ni-P kaplamalara benzer şekilde demirin yüzeye doğru difüzyonu söz konusudur ancak oksit oluşum hızı Ni-B kaplamalarda daha yavaştır. Ni-W-B kaplamalar genel olarak Ni-B kaplamalara benzer bir oksidasyon davranışı sergilemiştir. W katkısının en önemli getirisi ara difüzyon katmanının oluşumunda karşımıza çıkmıştır. Ni-W-B kaplamalarda oluşan ara difüzyon katmanlarının kalınlıkları Ni-B kaplamalara göre daha küçüktür. W’in demirin yüzeye doğru difüzyonunu önemli ölçüde yavaşlattığı da analizler sonucunda karşımıza çıkan bir diğer durumdur. Cam – kaplama etkileşimlerinin ele alındığı deneyler neticesinde bor bazlı nikel kaplamaların, fosfor bazlı nikel kaplamaya kıyasla, camla yapışma açısından daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği ifade edilebilir. Belirlenen parametrelerde gerçekleştirilen deneyler neticesinde uygulanan çekme yükü sonrasında Ni-P kaplamalar ile cam arasında ayrılmanın gerçekleşmediği görülmüştür. Ni-W-B kaplamalarda elde edilen ayrılma yükü ise Ni-B kaplamalara göre daha küçüktür. Bu durumun Ni-P kaplama ile camın yüksek sıcaklıkta etkileşimi esnasında oluşan fosfor oksitlerin iki yüzey arasındaki adezyonu arttırması sonucunda ortaya çıkmış olması muhtemeledir. Ni-B ve Ni-W-B kaplamalarda gerçekleştirilen incelemeler sonucunda ise kaplama – cam ara yüzeyinde bor oksit içerikli bir camsı fazın oluşumu söz konusudur. Ni-B ve Ni-W-B kaplamalarda bulunan borun artan sıcaklık ve süreye bağlı olarak kaplama yapısından uzaklaşması bu deneyler sırasında da gözlenmiştir. Bor bazlı kaplamalarda artan süre ile birlikte ayrılma yükünün azalması yapıda bulunan borun buharlaşması sonucunda meydana gelmiştir. Bu durumda kaplama yapısında bulunan borun yüksek sıcaklıklarda camla temas esnasında sergilediği bu davranış, uygulama açısından avantajlı bir durum olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar kapsamında elde edilen tüm bu bulgular, kaplamaların cam ambalaj üretiminde kullanımı sırasında meydana gelebilecek etkileşimlerin öngörülmesi ve buna bağlı önlemler alınması açısından son derece faydalı olmuştur. Üç farklı akımsız kaplamanın oksidasyon ve camla temas halindeki davranışlarının detaylı olarak incelendiği bu çalışma neticesinde, cam ambalaj üretiminde kullanım potansiyeli açısından gelecek vadeden en avantajlı kaplama türünün Ni-W-B kaplamalar olduğunu söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır.
Mold materials, which are used in glass container production industry, are continuously in contact with molten glass during production processes. Because this contact takes place in air atmosphere at elevated temperatures, the mold surfaces are subjected to oxidation, mechanical stresses, thermal cycling and chemical or physical interactions with the glass. Potential failures of the mold surfaces lead to several problems related to production process and product quality. In other words, molds can be defined as one of the most important components of a glass container production process and directly affect the whole process. Cast iron is the most commonly used mold material, which meets the requirements of a glass container production process with a low cost. However, the usage of cast iron molds creates problems especially for gravured bottles, that show itself as cracking of the bottles in the close vicinity of gravures. Studies about enhancing the properties of mold materials, which mainly aims increasing the service life of the molds and decreasing the number of mold related problems are always in the center of interest for glass production plants. The main topics are generally based on finding an alternative mold material and/or improving the surface characteristics of the current materials. In the scope of these investigations, favorable results were obtained for enhancing the surface properties of mold materials by using several techniques such as carburising, nitriding, nitrocarburising and boronizing. Especially boronizing has found a wide application for molds in glass production industry in recent years. However, the surfaces of pack borided molds should be subjected to mechanical grinding and polishing processes for removing the remnants of boriding process and also the surface roughness created by the process. When working with gravure molds, which contain more detailed surfaces, these post treatments causes the deterioration of the gravure details on mold surfaces. Thus, classical boronizing applications are not appropriate for these kind of molds used in the production. Therefore, another coating or surface treatment process, that does not need post mechanical treatments and able to give appropriate surface finish and even thickness distribution is required for such applications. All of these requirements can be satisfied with electroless plating. Electroless nickel coatings can be classified in two main categories, Ni-P and Ni-B. The co-deposition of a third element within the growing film has led to a new generation of electroless alloy coatings. The co-deposited metal is mainly chosen from transition metals such as W, Co, Mo, Re, etc. because of their superior specific properties. These coatings can also be customized for desired properties by selecting the composition of the coating to obtain specific requirements. In the MSc thesis study which was conducted in 2010, electroless Ni-W-B coatings were obtained by the addition of sodium tungstate into plating solution and wear behavior of these coatings were investigated beside their general characteristics. As a result of this study, it was seen that obtained Ni-W-B coatings showed better behavior than the commercial Ni-B coatings in terms of wear and corrosion. Based on these previous results, three different electroless coatings (Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-W-B) were used in this study. Cast iron and mild steel were used as the substrate material for deposition of the coatings. Commercial hypophospide and DMAB based plating solutions were used for the Ni-P and Ni-B deposits, respectively. Besides, Ni-W-B bath used was obtained by adding 5 g/L Na2WO4.2H2O into the DMAB based solution. Before pre-treatment, the specimens were mechanically ground with SiC paper up to 1200 grit and polished with 1 μm Al2O3 paste. Samples were degreased in hot alkaline solution for 5 min and deoxidized in dilute inhibited hydrochloric acid solution for 2 min. After each step, deionized water was used for rinsing and then the specimens were immediately immersed in the plating solutions for deposition. The duration of the coating processes were tuned to give an equivalent thickness of 11±1 µm. For determining the behavior of electroless coatings in the glass container production industry, two main issues must be taken into consideration. First one is the oxidation of the coatings in air atmosphere at elevated temperatures and the second one is the interaction of the coating surface with molten glass. For this purpose, the study was conducted in two main parts. In the first part, the prepared Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-W-B coated steel specimens were oxidized in a temperature controlled tube furnace in a wide temperature range for different oxidation times. Oxide thicknesses and the composition of diffusion layer between the coating and the substrate were determined from GDOES depth profile measurements (Horiba JY, GD Profiler HR). Thicknesses of the sputtered layer were determined from the sputter crater by 3D optical profilometer (Veeco Wyko NT1100) and sputter depth vs. thickness values were calculated by assuming a homogenous sputter rate during GDOES measurements. Surface morphologies and compositions of the oxidized samples were observed using scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (Jeol 5410/Noran). The phase structures of the oxide scales formed on the samples were identified with X-ray diffraction (Philips PW3710 attached with Xpert Pro) using Cu-K radiation generated at 40 kV and 40 mA, using glancing angle configuration. Angle of incidence was adjusted to 2° in order to get information from the near surface. Micro Raman spectroscopy measurements were also conducted on oxidized Ni-B and Ni-W-B samples for further verifying of the structure of compounds that are formed on the surface. For this purpose, micro-Raman spectrometer (Horiba JY HR 800) was used with 632 nm wavelength HeNe laser and 10 mW power. In the second part, for investigating and comparing the interaction between coating surface and molten glass, a new and simple methodology was developed. In this method, coated steel samples and soda lime glass balls were used in CETR UMT system. The coated sample was fixed in the furnace and the soda lime glass ball was put in the furnace again by the help of a ball holder. For these set of experiments, the test temperature was adjusted to 600°C, representing the real production conditions. After stabilization of the temperature of the samples, the glass ball was brought into contact with the surface of coating by applying a pre determined normal load (Fz) of 20N. After different exposure times, the holder was pulled back with a lower Fz force (10N) and the change in the Fz values was monitored during the detachment. By this way, the adhesion between the coating material and glass ball could be evaluated. The coating and ball surfaces after the experiments were also investigated by SEM, EDS and 3D optical profilometer. Results of these investigations clearly showed that oxidation properties of Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-Wi-B deposited on steel are controlled not only by the oxidation properties of the coating itself but also by the diffusion and interdiffusion processes that take place between the substrate and the coating. Thus, it can be stated that high temperature oxidation behavior of these coatings is a system property that shows strong dependence with the interaction of the coating with the substrate and structural changes that may take place within the coating. The results obtained from oxidation tests conducted on Ni-P gave similar results to the previous studies. Drastic degradation of the coatings became evident after diffusion of iron to the coating surface and its subsequent oxidation after treatment at 700°C for 10 hours. An interdiffusion layer that grew up to 8 micron with substantial formation of Kirkendall voids was observed after the same treatment. P present in the coating did not take part in the interdiffusion layer. For Ni-B coatings, the most important result was the depletion of the B content of the coatings. After 10 hour treatment at 700°C, almost no B was left in the coating. For samples treated at 700 and 800°C, nickel borates were formed on the surfaces as indicated both by GDOES and XRD measurements. For samples treated at 600°C, crack formation was observed at the coating-substrate interface. This cracking was not present for samples treated at 700 and 800°C, only Kirkendall voids were observable. Interdiffusion layers also formed in these coatings. However, their thicknesses were lower than the ones observed for Ni-P coatings (6 microns after treatment at 700°C for 10 hours). Diffusion of iron to the surface also took place at 700°C for these coatings. However, oxidation of the coating was not as drastic as Ni-P deposited steel at this temperature. Dramatic degradation of the coating commenced at 800°C with extensive cracking and thick oxide layer formation. Ni-W-B coatings exhibited similar oxidation behavior when compared to Ni-B coatings. Most important contribution of the presence of W was on the thickness of the interdiffusion layer. Only 2.7 microns thick interdiffusion layer formed after treatment of 10 hours at 700°C. Presence of the W drastically decreased the diffusion of iron within the coating and delayed the iron oxide formation on the surface. This led to a better oxidation behavior of these coatings at 700°C. However, although the oxidation rate was lower, degradation of the coatings started at 800°C similar to Ni-B coatings. Results of the experiments, concerning the coating – glass interaction showed us that the Ni-B and Ni-W-B coatings performed better adhesion behavior than Ni-P coating. During the detachment, Fz values were lower for Ni-W-B coating than Ni-B, whereas for Ni-P no separation was observed under applied force conditions. This result for Ni-P can be related to the formation of phosphorus oxides at the coating – glass interface. Highly probably, by the effect of phosphorus, the wettability of the glass is increased and a strong adhesion was observed between glass and coating in all the surface area. Thus, the applied force was not enough for the separation of these two surfaces. In boron-based coatings, a glassy phase was observed at the interface, which shows us the formation of boron oxides at the interface. Material transfer both on the coating itself and glass ball was clearly seen after electron microscopy investigations. Formation of tungsten oxides, as a difference in Ni-W-B coatings, may be the reason of lower detachment forces compared to Ni-B. The most interesting result of the experiments was the change in the detachment forces by increasing time in Ni-B and Ni-W-B coatings. The boron, after forming boron oxides, evaporates from the coating structure with increasing oxidation time. This finding was also shown and explained in detail in high temperature oxidation experiments. During the coating – glass interaction experiments, it was seen that the detachment force was decreased by the increase in the evaporation of boron from the structure. Therefore, it can be said that the evaporating boron in the Ni-B and Ni-W-B gives us more advantage during applications. The results of the study clearly showed the high potential of Ni-W-B electroless coatings for increasing the useful life of gravured glass molds. By the comparative studies conducted on high temperature oxidation and glass-coating interaction behavior of three different types of electroless nickel coatings, it became possible to explain the role of alloying elements (P, B and W) on high temperature oxidation and also coating-glass adhesion behavior.
Mold materials, which are used in glass container production industry, are continuously in contact with molten glass during production processes. Because this contact takes place in air atmosphere at elevated temperatures, the mold surfaces are subjected to oxidation, mechanical stresses, thermal cycling and chemical or physical interactions with the glass. Potential failures of the mold surfaces lead to several problems related to production process and product quality. In other words, molds can be defined as one of the most important components of a glass container production process and directly affect the whole process. Cast iron is the most commonly used mold material, which meets the requirements of a glass container production process with a low cost. However, the usage of cast iron molds creates problems especially for gravured bottles, that show itself as cracking of the bottles in the close vicinity of gravures. Studies about enhancing the properties of mold materials, which mainly aims increasing the service life of the molds and decreasing the number of mold related problems are always in the center of interest for glass production plants. The main topics are generally based on finding an alternative mold material and/or improving the surface characteristics of the current materials. In the scope of these investigations, favorable results were obtained for enhancing the surface properties of mold materials by using several techniques such as carburising, nitriding, nitrocarburising and boronizing. Especially boronizing has found a wide application for molds in glass production industry in recent years. However, the surfaces of pack borided molds should be subjected to mechanical grinding and polishing processes for removing the remnants of boriding process and also the surface roughness created by the process. When working with gravure molds, which contain more detailed surfaces, these post treatments causes the deterioration of the gravure details on mold surfaces. Thus, classical boronizing applications are not appropriate for these kind of molds used in the production. Therefore, another coating or surface treatment process, that does not need post mechanical treatments and able to give appropriate surface finish and even thickness distribution is required for such applications. All of these requirements can be satisfied with electroless plating. Electroless nickel coatings can be classified in two main categories, Ni-P and Ni-B. The co-deposition of a third element within the growing film has led to a new generation of electroless alloy coatings. The co-deposited metal is mainly chosen from transition metals such as W, Co, Mo, Re, etc. because of their superior specific properties. These coatings can also be customized for desired properties by selecting the composition of the coating to obtain specific requirements. In the MSc thesis study which was conducted in 2010, electroless Ni-W-B coatings were obtained by the addition of sodium tungstate into plating solution and wear behavior of these coatings were investigated beside their general characteristics. As a result of this study, it was seen that obtained Ni-W-B coatings showed better behavior than the commercial Ni-B coatings in terms of wear and corrosion. Based on these previous results, three different electroless coatings (Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-W-B) were used in this study. Cast iron and mild steel were used as the substrate material for deposition of the coatings. Commercial hypophospide and DMAB based plating solutions were used for the Ni-P and Ni-B deposits, respectively. Besides, Ni-W-B bath used was obtained by adding 5 g/L Na2WO4.2H2O into the DMAB based solution. Before pre-treatment, the specimens were mechanically ground with SiC paper up to 1200 grit and polished with 1 μm Al2O3 paste. Samples were degreased in hot alkaline solution for 5 min and deoxidized in dilute inhibited hydrochloric acid solution for 2 min. After each step, deionized water was used for rinsing and then the specimens were immediately immersed in the plating solutions for deposition. The duration of the coating processes were tuned to give an equivalent thickness of 11±1 µm. For determining the behavior of electroless coatings in the glass container production industry, two main issues must be taken into consideration. First one is the oxidation of the coatings in air atmosphere at elevated temperatures and the second one is the interaction of the coating surface with molten glass. For this purpose, the study was conducted in two main parts. In the first part, the prepared Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-W-B coated steel specimens were oxidized in a temperature controlled tube furnace in a wide temperature range for different oxidation times. Oxide thicknesses and the composition of diffusion layer between the coating and the substrate were determined from GDOES depth profile measurements (Horiba JY, GD Profiler HR). Thicknesses of the sputtered layer were determined from the sputter crater by 3D optical profilometer (Veeco Wyko NT1100) and sputter depth vs. thickness values were calculated by assuming a homogenous sputter rate during GDOES measurements. Surface morphologies and compositions of the oxidized samples were observed using scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (Jeol 5410/Noran). The phase structures of the oxide scales formed on the samples were identified with X-ray diffraction (Philips PW3710 attached with Xpert Pro) using Cu-K radiation generated at 40 kV and 40 mA, using glancing angle configuration. Angle of incidence was adjusted to 2° in order to get information from the near surface. Micro Raman spectroscopy measurements were also conducted on oxidized Ni-B and Ni-W-B samples for further verifying of the structure of compounds that are formed on the surface. For this purpose, micro-Raman spectrometer (Horiba JY HR 800) was used with 632 nm wavelength HeNe laser and 10 mW power. In the second part, for investigating and comparing the interaction between coating surface and molten glass, a new and simple methodology was developed. In this method, coated steel samples and soda lime glass balls were used in CETR UMT system. The coated sample was fixed in the furnace and the soda lime glass ball was put in the furnace again by the help of a ball holder. For these set of experiments, the test temperature was adjusted to 600°C, representing the real production conditions. After stabilization of the temperature of the samples, the glass ball was brought into contact with the surface of coating by applying a pre determined normal load (Fz) of 20N. After different exposure times, the holder was pulled back with a lower Fz force (10N) and the change in the Fz values was monitored during the detachment. By this way, the adhesion between the coating material and glass ball could be evaluated. The coating and ball surfaces after the experiments were also investigated by SEM, EDS and 3D optical profilometer. Results of these investigations clearly showed that oxidation properties of Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-Wi-B deposited on steel are controlled not only by the oxidation properties of the coating itself but also by the diffusion and interdiffusion processes that take place between the substrate and the coating. Thus, it can be stated that high temperature oxidation behavior of these coatings is a system property that shows strong dependence with the interaction of the coating with the substrate and structural changes that may take place within the coating. The results obtained from oxidation tests conducted on Ni-P gave similar results to the previous studies. Drastic degradation of the coatings became evident after diffusion of iron to the coating surface and its subsequent oxidation after treatment at 700°C for 10 hours. An interdiffusion layer that grew up to 8 micron with substantial formation of Kirkendall voids was observed after the same treatment. P present in the coating did not take part in the interdiffusion layer. For Ni-B coatings, the most important result was the depletion of the B content of the coatings. After 10 hour treatment at 700°C, almost no B was left in the coating. For samples treated at 700 and 800°C, nickel borates were formed on the surfaces as indicated both by GDOES and XRD measurements. For samples treated at 600°C, crack formation was observed at the coating-substrate interface. This cracking was not present for samples treated at 700 and 800°C, only Kirkendall voids were observable. Interdiffusion layers also formed in these coatings. However, their thicknesses were lower than the ones observed for Ni-P coatings (6 microns after treatment at 700°C for 10 hours). Diffusion of iron to the surface also took place at 700°C for these coatings. However, oxidation of the coating was not as drastic as Ni-P deposited steel at this temperature. Dramatic degradation of the coating commenced at 800°C with extensive cracking and thick oxide layer formation. Ni-W-B coatings exhibited similar oxidation behavior when compared to Ni-B coatings. Most important contribution of the presence of W was on the thickness of the interdiffusion layer. Only 2.7 microns thick interdiffusion layer formed after treatment of 10 hours at 700°C. Presence of the W drastically decreased the diffusion of iron within the coating and delayed the iron oxide formation on the surface. This led to a better oxidation behavior of these coatings at 700°C. However, although the oxidation rate was lower, degradation of the coatings started at 800°C similar to Ni-B coatings. Results of the experiments, concerning the coating – glass interaction showed us that the Ni-B and Ni-W-B coatings performed better adhesion behavior than Ni-P coating. During the detachment, Fz values were lower for Ni-W-B coating than Ni-B, whereas for Ni-P no separation was observed under applied force conditions. This result for Ni-P can be related to the formation of phosphorus oxides at the coating – glass interface. Highly probably, by the effect of phosphorus, the wettability of the glass is increased and a strong adhesion was observed between glass and coating in all the surface area. Thus, the applied force was not enough for the separation of these two surfaces. In boron-based coatings, a glassy phase was observed at the interface, which shows us the formation of boron oxides at the interface. Material transfer both on the coating itself and glass ball was clearly seen after electron microscopy investigations. Formation of tungsten oxides, as a difference in Ni-W-B coatings, may be the reason of lower detachment forces compared to Ni-B. The most interesting result of the experiments was the change in the detachment forces by increasing time in Ni-B and Ni-W-B coatings. The boron, after forming boron oxides, evaporates from the coating structure with increasing oxidation time. This finding was also shown and explained in detail in high temperature oxidation experiments. During the coating – glass interaction experiments, it was seen that the detachment force was decreased by the increase in the evaporation of boron from the structure. Therefore, it can be said that the evaporating boron in the Ni-B and Ni-W-B gives us more advantage during applications. The results of the study clearly showed the high potential of Ni-W-B electroless coatings for increasing the useful life of gravured glass molds. By the comparative studies conducted on high temperature oxidation and glass-coating interaction behavior of three different types of electroless nickel coatings, it became possible to explain the role of alloying elements (P, B and W) on high temperature oxidation and also coating-glass adhesion behavior.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
akımsız kaplama,
yüksek sıcaklık oksidasyon,
electroless coating,
high temperature oxidation,